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It was a horrifying scene in New York’s East Village last Monday, as a homeless man, drunk and suffering from a possible seizure, was laying in the street while his pit bull Star loyally tried to protect him.

The man, Lech Stankiewicz, known by the name “Polak” adopted Star last year for protection on the streets. Star was doing just that when well-meaning NYPD cops tried to approach the homeless man. Star tried to prevent police from approaching his owner. She bolted toward one of the officers, who quickly reacted by shooting her point-blank in the head, and then pepper spraying her.
The event was captured on film but we found the video too disturbing to publish.
Star miraculously survived the point-blank shot, and has been at Animal Care & Control since. Since her arrival on August 13, she has received veterinary care and treatment for her injuries totaling nearly $10,000. Her bills are being paid through donations to Animal Care & Control’s Special Treatment and Recovery (S.T.A.R.) Fund. After she is finished recovering, she’s be transfered to foster care until a suitable home is found for her.
Her owner, Stankiewicz, was given a deadline to claim ownership of Star, but he has not been reported to be seen since the shooting and did not claim his dog.

May 26, 2013 at 1:15 am
they should let the dog shoot him back.
Apr 28, 2013 at 12:56 am
Now, shoot the damned thing again!
Jan 23, 2013 at 10:23 am
Any info on the outcome of this dog named Star?
Dec 14, 2012 at 2:25 pm
Love your response to matamoros…aka ‘matadumbass.’ People make pit bulls mean… That dog was trying to protect the owner. The police officer could have used the mace first, shot second. “It’s the deed, not the breed.”
rita lamey
Oct 27, 2012 at 5:45 am
I’m looking at the time Matamoros left their ridiculous comment…the middle of the night. The only possible excuse for such idiocy, is that they were drunk! You stupid stupid person. Did God create all living things? You, Me, the Pit Bull? What gives you more right to be here on this Earth than them? Absolutely nothing, not one single solitary thing. Dogs naturally have love in their genetic make-up and their hearts, which is obviously a lot more than you do you ignoramus.
Oct 8, 2012 at 2:28 am
The only good pit bull is a dead pit bull.
What kind of city would this be if all of the homeless wandered about with vicious pit bulls?
The world has gone mad.
Jan 4, 2013 at 6:34 am
There are a lot of violent people that are allowed to walk around society! How do you explain that? This dog was being protective. My friend’s own cat came at me because he thought my quick motion was going to hurt my friend. My friend is totally blind and has had a stroke. The cat is very protective of her. I did not blame the cat. This cat also scared away a person who kicked in my friend’s door. The cat came at the intruders who then ran away. Any dog or child is only as good as its owner or parent. This protective pit bull was not violent and was most likely spooked at the police pointing guns. Why didn’t these police call animal control? Why don’t they have stun guns for animals? Oh, did you know Cocker Spaniels are the no. 1 dog to bite according to a study I read?
Jul 26, 2013 at 10:14 am
@Matamoros you make yourself sound stupid insulting a dog that is only as bad as its owner. I have a pitbull that has never been fought, abused or neglected and both of my kids can crawl on her grab her food as she is eating and not one time has she shown agression. Pitbulls have bad raps by people like you. Small dogs are more agressive than most big dogs. That cop should be paying the bill for being a coward and fired for being an idiot
Sep 12, 2012 at 2:53 am
While the cop was doing what he thought was right at the time, it shows several failings on the side of law enforcement officers. 1. The cop put the public more in danger by firing his weapon in a crowded area. The shoot first reaction is more dangerous than the dogs. What if the cop missed? 2. The police attitude afterwards. Rather than even helping the animal the cops ignore it, and turn their bad attitude to the crowd. Listen for the cop threatening to throw people in jail. 3. Cops are public servants, and here rather than appease the public, they throw attitude everywhere. What people in the crowd should have done was to grab names, badge numbers, supervisor names and demand to speak to the supervisor immediately. Cops work for us, here we seem them working against us, as is usually the case. Cops have a bad rap? In this case, they’ve proven they deserve it. There are better ways to handle that situation, and the cops here show their single narrow minded unwise way of thinking.
Aug 30, 2012 at 1:48 am
So the cop was “cowardly” Louise? Maybe if you were there you could’ve demonstrated your bravery and intervened, maybe thrown it a treat or a bright-colored ball as it charged you? Assuming we saw the same video, I consider your comment as ASININE as it gets. I love dogs, and I still would’ve shot that one if I was in the cop’s place. You know, after it had just attacked one citizen that was walking AWAY from its owner, and was then charging at the NYPD and all.
Good to see the cop got to go home in one piece, without getting any flesh torn off by that dangerous animal.
Dec 13, 2012 at 12:32 pm
The only other person she attacked was that goof who wouldn’t leave Star’s owner alone. She cracked the guy on the leg with her cane – my dog would have protected me too and went after that whore. And the cop who shot the dog was a coward. He had a taser. And how do you shoot a dog point blank in the head THEN mase him? This dog should have ripped that filthy cops head off. And why the fuck was he kicking a homeless man? I don’t care if you think he’s sleeping, you don’t kick someone lying on the ground. She was doing what any good loyal protective dog would do. The man was having a seizure and Star began to bark, the cops knew this but they decided to go kick him after he became unconscious. Like I said tiny dick little coward.
Jan 4, 2013 at 6:26 am
Why don’t police have a type of stun gun for animals rather than shoot? This dog was a pit bull and the breed gets a bad rap. Cocker Spaniels are not number 1 biting dog according to a study I read. As a child, I was bitten by a Peakinese. The dog was protecting his owner. In my city, a cattle truck overturned and the cattle were all over the highway. The police had no idea how to get the cattle rounded up and it looked like they were going to shoot them. I know nothing about cattle, but I was on my way to try to help. Finally, a man and woman who had horses and were ranchers came to help round up the cattle.
Jan 11, 2013 at 1:56 pm
Do you know how hard it is to hit a person effectively with a taser, let alone a 60 lb dog that is going twice as fast as a bigger human target?
Aug 28, 2012 at 11:42 am
I do not believe that the dog survived – the dog in the picture has no visible signs of injury and unless he is superdog and impervious to bullets, his injuries would NOT have healed this quickly. Check Lifewithdogs.com and E-Examiner for other updates re: this poor pit bull shot by cowardly cop and you will discover that there are some serious questions being raised, as well there should be. I hope and pray that he is well, but truth is, I doubt it.
Dec 13, 2012 at 12:28 pm
You’re a fucking retard.
Jan 11, 2013 at 1:55 pm
Even though the dog was protecting his owner the LEO had no choice but to shoot it. If it had bitten anyone other than the cops people would have been bitching too so get off your high horse. Its an unfortunate situation but sometimes necessary to kill an animal.
Lois Shaw
Aug 27, 2012 at 8:20 pm
Find the man and give his dog back to him. They obviously love each other. Why try to find him a new owner?
catharon norman
Aug 27, 2012 at 3:01 pm
what will happen to this dog? is someone going to care for it? I would be interested if that is possible. Please respond .. Thank You ..862-258-0289
Aug 27, 2012 at 10:16 pm
that is so sweet.