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Police Find Newborn Puppy Buried Alive

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Police made a startling discovery last week after they were court ordered to destroy evidence in a wooded area of town – a still breathing 7-day old newborn puppy buried alive in a shallow grave in the woods.

The wooded area where police found a 7-day old puppy buried head first in 6-inches of dirt. Photo courtesy Williston Police Department.

“They heard a whimpering sound, like a crying animal behind them,” Williston Police Chief, Dennis Strow told “They went to explore it and figured out it was coming from below.” Police speculate that the puppy, a male who is so young that his eyes are still not opened, had been buried less than an hour before the discovery.

Luckily, whomever buried the puppy head-first about 6-inches below the surface, didn’t pack down the soil and he was still able to breathe due to a pocket of air around his tiny head.

The newborn was quickly rushed to Levy Animal Clinic, where he was given the name Tucker and has been receiving care ever since.

7-Day old “Tucker” is doing extremely well and is being adopted by one of his caregivers at Levy Animal Clinic. Photo courtesy of Williston Police Department.

Caretakers at Levy Animal Clinic are bottle-feeding the newborn pup and tell reporters he is doing extremely well. He’s even found a loving new home with one of the veterinary technicians!

Meanwhile, police are still trying to locate the person responsible for the newborn puppy’s brush with death.



  1. Mlisa

    Feb 23, 2013 at 2:22 pm

    After u find the people shoot them and bury them alive

  2. Connie Godwin

    Feb 16, 2013 at 9:45 am

    so so so sad. glad the puppy survived. we need some very tough laws on animal abuse so we can stop it. wth is wrong with ppl???

  3. pedro straightarrow

    Nov 29, 2012 at 12:31 pm

    I´am sure that guy was a german.

  4. Sherri

    Oct 2, 2012 at 6:41 pm

    People that would do that to a puppy don’t deserve to EVER have an animal or for that matter to live!! Evil bastards!! :~((

  5. ruth hock

    Oct 2, 2012 at 6:15 pm

    when you find them,wht don’t you burn them alive bastards!!!!!!

  6. Annee

    Oct 2, 2012 at 4:53 pm

    Whoever did this deserves to be beaten and then buried alive! Anyone who could do this needs to be away from society! They are Evil!

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