Dogs & Laws

Police Respond to Man’s Facebook Threats to Kill Dog

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This screenshot of Mark Joiner II’s Facebook post prompted an entire nation of dog lovers to contact the Ceres Police, prompting an investigation.

Mark Joiner II explained to police that he was “just venting” when he posted an ominous Facebook status claiming that if no one took his dog, Stella, by the end of the day, she would be shot and put in a hole.

The post, which included a photo of the adorable dog, read, “This stupid little dog s— on my bed last night. Anybody want her? She’s cute but she’ll eat your shoes and everything else she can get a hold of. She’s FREE. Pick her up today or she’s will be shot and stuck in a hole buy (sic) 9pm. Actually I’ll give anybody who takes her 20 bucks.”

After several concerned dog lovers captured screen shots of the post and sent them to the Ceres Police Department, an investigation was launched. Police say screen captures came from all over the country, many several states away. With news of a recent arrest when one woman bragged about killing her dog on Facebook, officers took the threats seriously.

When police arrived at Joiner’s house, they were assured that the dog was safe, doing well, and was in no harm.

“He was venting about his dog and he made those comments …. that’s all it was — a vent,” said Deputy Chief Mike Borges. “The dog is not in danger.”

Threatening to kill a dog is no laughing matter. To joke about it, with animal cruelty and abuse cases rampant, is distasteful. Dogs are meant to be cherished and loved, even when they make mistakes (usually due to lack of proper training!).

Perhaps Joiner should spend a little less time trying to shock friends on Facebook and a little more time loving the dog in his care.



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  2. Carola

    Aug 3, 2013 at 4:08 pm

    By reading this man comments and subsequent responses to his “friends” it is more than obvious that the dog IS IN DANGER. Police should remove the dog from this nasty little prick immediately. Jesus!!!

  3. Linle White

    Aug 3, 2013 at 12:24 pm

    I agree with all of the comments above, this dog is on “Death Row”. This dog is shitting in his bed because he is being abused, more than likely yelled at all day and pushed around, basically scared to death! I have 2 other dogs and will take this dog too. Please PM me and let’s save this poor animal. In the meantime, this man needs to be fined for posting a death threat on a public venue.

    • Jan Tadeo

      Aug 3, 2013 at 12:52 pm

      This man needs to get into a training class — pronto! He obviously knows nothing on how to use positive reinforcement to train his dog.

  4. Beverly Miller

    Aug 2, 2013 at 9:23 pm

    I don’t believe him for a minute. Go get that dog NOW! Police should be smarter than that! That man needs help, but not as much as the dog!

  5. Kathy Smith

    Aug 2, 2013 at 7:46 pm

    Actually I would give him 20 dollars and take the dog. He doesn’t deserve it. Look at the way it is laying. He could very well hurt the dog in a rage and be sorry later. He needs to have this dog given to a home that has the time to teach it things, and that will love this furbaby all the time.

  6. marcia

    Aug 2, 2013 at 7:09 pm

    YES OH YES..
    Get to dog outa there asap..
    Who cares what he says..I doesn’t get to own the dog..

  7. paula

    Aug 2, 2013 at 6:37 pm

    this dog should be given to someone who will love him. you know that this moron is going to abuse this animal if he already made such a threat. If this was a human the police would have taken action…

  8. Mylinda Coon

    Aug 2, 2013 at 5:04 pm

    Yes I agree that the dog needs to be removed from that home before it is too late. The police need to go back to that home and remove the dog. There are many out there who would love to take him and give him the kind of home he deserves. This is one sick loon and he needs to be required to get help!

  9. Sharon Shelton Forehand

    Aug 2, 2013 at 3:47 pm

    I think that this dog should be taken away from this man. HE IS AN ANIMAL ABUSER. I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT THE POLICEMAN DID NOT TAKE THIS MAN SERIOUSLY. This dog needs to be with someone who cares about the dog. The dog doesn’t behave himself because he is stressed out because of this man. If the dog stays with this man the dog will be killed.

  10. Birgit Worman

    Aug 2, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    Praying that police did not leave this poor baby to murdered later on without giving any notice this time. I think that this guy need psychiatric help. No normal person vents this way.


    Aug 2, 2013 at 3:10 pm

    The stupid guy should be checked out by a Mental Hospital… nobody in their right mind VENTS like that.. People think its funny to be this way to animals and they are soooooo wrong.. Prayers sent that the Police made the right choice in this matter!

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