Dogs & Laws

Police Search for Burglars Accused of Animal Cruelty During Break-In

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Police in Freemont, California are searching for two men accused of committing an intentional act of animal cruelty during a home invasion.

The pair were captured on home surveillance video smashing a sliding glass door and throwing dog food and treats into the broken glass.

Marlie, the homeowner’s black Lab, apparently ate the food and treats, along with broken glass, and suffered injuries to his mouth. His veterinarian believes he may have also passed a few of the shards.

Police report an increase in these types of burglaries, as many home security systems are only activated if a door or window is opened, not if it is broken and climbed through.

If found the pair face animal cruelty charges in addition to burglary.

Anyone with information is urged to contact the Freemont Police.



  1. Frances

    Sep 4, 2015 at 7:00 pm

    Hurt my dog like that, you better hope the police find you first.

  2. Jo

    Sep 4, 2015 at 6:03 pm

    Get the bastards and make them pay! People’s items can be replaced but harm to an animal needs to be treated as a BIG deal crime now. PLEASE find them!

  3. Dave

    Sep 4, 2015 at 4:43 pm

    What a couple of spineless pieces of shit! First off, go get a job and make your own money. Secondly, why the need to hurt the dog that was already scared of you? She stayed outside and wagged her tail. You are the worst kind of humans! If this was my house and my dog, I’d find you myself. You’d be wishing you never broke in to my home! A-holes!

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