Animal Advocates

Half of Police Shots Fired Are Aimed At Dogs, Study Says

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What can dog owners do?

Having just discussed several examples where dogs were inappropriately gunned down, sometimes through no fault of the dog’s owner, it’s impossible to provide a list of ways to avoid an incident with 100% certainty. Police are not actively looking to gun down our beloved dogs and a vast majority will never face an officer head on. But, there are some measures dog owners can take to best protect their dogs.

Crown Point, Indiana police shot and killed two 3-year old Huskies that had escaped their backyard. Police said they thought the dogs were coyotes when they fired 3 shots into each dog, killing them both.
Crown Point, Indiana police shot and killed two 3-year old Huskies that had escaped their backyard. Police said they thought the dogs were coyotes when they fired 3 shots into each dog, killing them both.

Use caution when leaving dogs unattended outside, even in fenced backyards. Post “Beware of Dogs” signs outside of your fence and keep gates locked. A majority of police on dog shootings occur when the dog owner is not present.

Don’t walk dogs off-leash. Even the most well-behaved dog can take chase after a squirrel or other prey. Maintain complete control over your dogs during walks.

Train dogs to appropriately greet strangers. While you can’t guarantee how your dog will always react to a perceived threat, socializing early and often, training your dog to be respectful of people and other dogs, and how to appropriately and calmly greet visitors will lessen the likelihood of a negative encounter.

Training your dog to greet strangers appropriately is an important step in ensuring their safety.
Training your dog to greet strangers appropriately is an important step in ensuring their safety.

When unknown guests, including police officers, visit your home, put dogs safely in another room or in a crate. Unless police are entering your home unannounced or serving a search warrant, they will almost always allow – and appreciate – you to take measures to keep your dog, and the officers, safe.

Take steps to ensure your dog cannot escape your home or yard while you’re away. Many police on dog shootings occur when an unidentified dog is running loose.

Lastly, use the democratic process to advocate for dogs. Elect officials that support mandatory educational programs for their police force. Write letters to your state, county, and city officials. And, keep sharing stories of police on dog shootings when they happen. In recent shooting incidences, it has been social backlash aimed at police and police departments that ultimately resulted in policy changes.

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  1. M

    May 2, 2019 at 2:20 pm

    I think these People are in saine & they should be be hind bars. For my mom & older Sister they are insaine.

  2. M

    May 2, 2019 at 2:17 pm

    Any 1 who shoots there or other dogs for no reson . they should shoot thrmselfs .

  3. Gray Liddell

    Jan 7, 2018 at 3:28 pm

    It is my opinion that cops are attacked unfairly in the press, blamed for keeping order in a society that encourages disorder by the movies it watches and the shoot’m’up video games it plays. So the cops feel picked on and i don’t blame them.
    They wonder why if all they are trying to do is maintain order in a disorderly society, they are the Velcro for Blame.
    So they are itching to shoot something and if they can get away with shooting your dog WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES they will.
    The cops are attacked on all sides, by lawyers, by the press, by minority organizations and dogs eat the cops frustrations.

    I would also add that by and large, immigrants are not dog-friendly. Islam considers dogs dirty. In fifty years, with continued immigration(1.5 million a year legal and another million illegal), dog’s lives will be considerably constricted, if they exist outside of your personal property at all.
    Good luck Bowser.

  4. Glenn J. Gooding

    Jul 19, 2017 at 5:45 pm

    From some of the accounts given here, it appears that the cops are trigger happy and feel they have the law on their side and must kill something. The killing of a 7 pound dog on the porch illustrates the point. I too am leery of any encounter with the police. They have the Wyatt Earp syndrome that gives them the impression of being the almighty and powerful and can throw their weight around as they please and it will be to your detriment to challenge them in any form or fashion, especially verbally or any form of non compliance to their orders. So, watch your animals and watch yourself.

  5. Rosanne Leccese

    Jul 10, 2017 at 10:25 pm

    Absolutely appalling & utterly inexcusable. Police seem altogether cowardly in their dealings with canines! How terrifying can a lapdog get?! The footage of some of these incidents is utterly heartlessly brutal & criminally irresponsible. Not only should these abusive cowards be automatically fired but they should be brought to justice and appropriately penalized. Penalty being where I suspect it would really hurt…$$

  6. Jacqueline

    May 26, 2017 at 6:09 am

    What's the point of all these situations explaining all the details? These police officers don't give a damn. Such ignorants twads for all I know. Shoot an animal or person which one is easier? In pursuit of and an attack by a human criminal are totally different approach. I hope Americans animal lovers will fight for a right for those voiceless and defenseless.

  7. Kimberly

    Jan 9, 2017 at 4:30 pm

    There has to be a better way of dealing with this issue. We have our dogs to let us know if there is a stranger around. If we did that to their police dogs we would go to jail.
    Their are animal right activists out there that can fight this. We can go to the capitol to find out how we can get this on a bill and vote this so called permission out. They use bean bags on people if a dog attacks use that or a tranquilizer to calm it. Shooting first is insane. First comes dogs it would suck if we were next with police.

  8. Vigalante

    Jan 7, 2017 at 9:22 am

    Shoot my dog, I would kill at least 2 cops.

  9. Susan Murray

    Jan 6, 2017 at 11:49 pm

    I have felt so bad for police dogs who are killed in the apprehension of a criminal that I have given to organizations who supply protective vests for the dogs. But now to read this I don’t know if I still will. I have two very small dogs, one who is old and I’ll, and one who is 4 and barks at anyone who comes to the door before hopping up on his two back legs to greet you. The thought that someone would shoot them for this natural response is appalling and would literally destroy me!

  10. Gary marek

    Jan 6, 2017 at 4:10 pm

    Most cops couldn’t fight there way out of a wet paper bag if it wasn’t for them hiding behind their badge and having the privilege of shooting at whatever they care to

  11. Mary

    Jan 4, 2017 at 9:04 am

    This is outrageous. Of course a dog is going to move or bark. Haven’t they heard the expression a barking dog doesn’t bite. They need to be trained to read dog body language and behavior. Don’t come into my home and shoot my dog because he moves or barks. Friendly dogs move and bark too. This is disgusting. We are turning into a police state where anything they do is okay.

  12. Laurie Mann

    Jan 4, 2017 at 8:39 am

    You didn’t mention any of the numerous dogs shot in and around Buffalo,NY. Seems to be an epidemic (of mainly one shooter)going on.

  13. april

    Jan 3, 2017 at 11:43 pm

    Many police officers have a low IQ and no interpersonal skills. It can be very dangerous to all to call the police. I have grown wary of them, and I am just a little white girl. I feel sorry for the black man they are at risk. And to kill a dog too? Really I think their guns should be taken away and they only get a bottle of mace. Many are irresponsible and have no empathy.

  14. Dan Stewart

    Jan 3, 2017 at 8:57 pm

    If someone shoots my dog for barking, the dude best be looking over his shoulder the rest of my life.

    • Deby

      Jan 5, 2017 at 4:50 am

      I totally agree! They better learn to sleep with one eye open!!

  15. Caitlin Waverly

    Jan 3, 2017 at 7:16 pm

    The difference between the police & the prison population is a uniform, a badge, a state-issued weapon & the right to shoot to kill anything that moves……..with impunity.
    Neither the government, the courts, legislators not cops are for the people.

  16. Marie Elesarke

    Jan 3, 2017 at 7:03 pm


  17. Jim Conroy

    Jan 3, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    As a police officer I find this ruling despicable and disgusting. This ruling is absurd. Dogs are shot for no reason by police – often. It is disgraceful that no one holds them accountable and now these clowns on this court in Michigan are going to allow it to happen even more. Wake up you clueless bozos.

  18. Ronnie Dispain

    Jan 3, 2017 at 2:47 pm

    Police are to trigger happy.

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