Dogs & Laws

Princeton Dog Trainer Charged with Animal Cruelty, Banned From Dog Ownership

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While he awaits trial, Rosenberg is released on his own recognizance (ROR) because he has repeatedly appeared in court and is not expected to flee. However, the state did impose a condition that Mr. Rosenberg have no interaction in any way with any dogs, including his own.

Deputy First Assistant Prosecutor Doris Galuchie said, “the dogs are currently with someone in Massachusetts, and I also want to make clear that Mr. Rosenberg cannot visit the dogs. I’ve also heard, and I have no proof of this, that the dogs may be brought here on occasion for him to visit with, but given the fact that the dogs are the victims, so to speak, in the indictment, he should not have any contact with them.”

The first indictment charges Rosenberg with a third-degree crime and the second indictment charges him with two counts of fourth-degree animal cruelty. A fourth-degree crime which carries a maximum penalty of 18 months in prison and a $10,000 fine. While he was initially expected to plead not guilty, the state has offered Rosenberg a plea deal, a five-year sentence for the animal cruelty charges.

If found guilty of the animal cruelty charges, Rosenberg will first have to serve a 4-year sentence that he received in 2011 on child endangerment charges for engaging in sexual activity with a juvenile, Galuchie told This would run consecutive to the five-year sentence the prosecution is suggesting for the current charges, bring the total number of years he could serve in prison to nine. He would, however, be eligible for early release.

We want to know… why wasn’t Rosenberg already in jail, serving his 4-year sentence in the child endangerment case? Clearly the justice system failed in this case, and a defenseless dog is dead as a result.

Rest in peace, Shyanne.

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  1. MOOO

    Aug 1, 2013 at 12:35 pm





  2. Val Frost and Bubbles

    Jul 18, 2013 at 6:41 pm

    Let’s just put the dog trainer down!
    It’s expedient, thorough, cost-effective, and will make it a safer world for dogs.

  3. Laurie Johnson

    Jul 18, 2013 at 2:17 am

    I’m so horrified that I can’t even finish the article (p 2) But unless it reports the Life Sentence or lynching of that Monster……

  4. Wilbert

    Jul 17, 2013 at 10:07 pm

    I’m not sure where you’re getting your info, but good topic.

    I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding
    more. Thanks for great info I was looking for this info
    for my mission.

  5. Gary Embert

    Jul 16, 2013 at 10:10 pm

    Somebody has seriously screwed up by not having this idiot in jail. What if it was another child, then what? Maybe the criminals are not the stupid ones!

    • Alana

      Aug 6, 2013 at 10:28 pm

      Perhaps the “somebody” you claim to have “seriously screwed up” was the 14 year old girl and her family who chose not to put the girl through the emotional turmoil of going through a trial. They chose to offer the plea bargain of a suspended sentence. I think it’s unfair of you to put the blame of the dog’s death on the girl for not wanting to go to trial.

  6. Diane Livick

    Jul 16, 2013 at 3:13 pm

    I NEVER would leave my dogs with anyone without thoroughly vetting their background, references. I only use one boarding facility that my vet recommends. I stopped using a groomer when one of my dogs came back with eye irritation. I pay MORE than the going rate for my one dog to be clipped (vet’s does it) and I also use a pet sitter that is a licensed vet tech and works at my vet’s office. My dogs are my family and I treat anyone who interacts with them as I would anyone interacting with my children when they were younger. So sad, a senseless thing to have happen to result in the death of a pet. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DOG WITH ANYONE for training. I don’t think any reputable trainer would do anything but work with the client and the dog together.

  7. Diana Kennedy

    Jul 16, 2013 at 12:31 pm

    Always said it anyone that can abuse an animal is unfit and not normal and will lead to other abuses as in this guy,sexual involved with a child too???sick doesn’t not describe him,he should of been put away from the beginning, but our laws still don’t punish these kind of monsters and if they had this poor dog would still be alive and who in their right mind would ever allow visitation rights to an abused animal ,this system stinks,BIG TIME!!!!!

  8. Shirley mcknight

    Jul 16, 2013 at 12:20 pm

    This man, if you want to call him that is a sick, meanperson who deserves to be injail for a lifetime, in a small cell with nothing but a bed!!! God will tend to him one day for sure!!!!!! How a person can do this thing to animals is just a mystery to me!!! I do know he will go to hell one day for being the way he is!! So much saddness this story brings to me, just tears me up, & for people to be so cruel!!! How much longer can this world go on i don’t know!!!

  9. Deanna Corey

    Jul 16, 2013 at 11:48 am

    Someone, somehow needs to leak all of this info to the other inmates in whatever facility he spends his time in!!!! Even inmates would see him as a P.O.S.! I think they would take care of him just fine…that would solve his opportunity to reoffend!!!

    • Laurie Johnson

      Jul 18, 2013 at 2:22 am

      Great idea!! Sure hope someone makes that happen!!!

  10. Lisa Weaver

    Jul 16, 2013 at 10:35 am

    Boy,a real winner!!Abuses dogs and sexual activity with a juvenile!!Friggin loser!!He needs the crap beaten out of him~!!!If that was my dog he had killed,I would probably be in jail!

  11. Pw

    Jul 16, 2013 at 9:42 am

    I wonder if he is a veteran. He needs mental health care. Prison will only ensure that he gets worse. Poor dogs

  12. Tracy Stanton

    Jul 16, 2013 at 8:06 am

    This is a really great article that is factually accurate. And all comments are correct- if not stopped, this person will DO THIS AGAIN. He is a very sick person who has hurt so many souls in his reign of terror and manipulation. He is a sociopath and if not taken care of now, will more than likely, go on to do much worse. The prosecutors in these cases seem to recognize that this person is a serious threat and will be treated accordingly. Putting one’s faith in the justice system is scary but I am confident in these cases, justice will prevail and at a minimum, no other souls will have to go through what my poor baby did or any of the other many animals that he abused. Thank you all for your support!

  13. Tracy

    Jul 15, 2013 at 10:01 pm

    How could he have passed all the tests he was supposed to take, then all he gets is a five year sentence for the Death of an innocent animal???? He needs to get a lot more than that for also the Child Endangerment. We need stiffer justice for these “people”.

  14. Cathy

    Jul 15, 2013 at 9:01 pm

    Jan Bayern- you got it right…it starts very, very early. People don’t want to face that their child may or does need help, so they ignore it. This ‘thing’ is the result of that ignorance. Everyone suffers. Prayers to all of those affected by monsters like this. Children and animals need our help.

  15. Tina

    Jul 15, 2013 at 8:48 pm

    I am seriously in tears. Who the hell does this POS think he is?? My theory on child molesters and animal abusers is this: They have very small penises. Only to a child will it look big, and they can’t really stand up to a man and fight so they have to hurt innocent animals to feel like a man! Well while in prison I sure hope Bubba finds him real Purdy and shows him what a real man is!! I hope he rots in hell!

  16. Jenny

    Jul 15, 2013 at 8:07 pm

    This is just another Cesar Millan idiot! I am so sick of hearing all of this “train by force” bull! As long as people believe in Millan and his thinking, this will continue to happen. He encouraged this type of training for a very long time, and people blindly believed it. I recommend that you do your research before hiring a dog trainer, and if they train by force, keep looking! Dogs should never be used as punching bags. This is just sad.

    • Rebecca

      Jul 15, 2013 at 10:52 pm

      Are you serious? Millan does not advocate any such thing. He has never advocated “train by force”. Did you ever actually watch his shows or read his books? Nimrod.

    • Kathy Bontempo

      Jul 16, 2013 at 11:05 am

      Jenny, Where did you get the idea that Cesar is a BULLY trainer? Are you kidding me. His technique is sound. Its communicating with Dogs in Dog language. Ever heard of Monty Roberts? Watch a video and you may have your eyes opened. This piece of crap is just that…A piece of Crap probably a product of two abusive pieces of crap that never got help and could only take his anger out on something that was easier for him to dominate than a man his size. Hope his Cellmate puts a collar on him

    • Marty

      Jul 31, 2013 at 12:47 am

      I understand, Jenny. Sadly. most people are completely unaware of the actual world of dogs and dog training. They use don’t have the time to educate themselves beyond the TV. Hearing Millan described as the bully he is just has to sound impossible, wrong, shocking to them. For every single dog that maybe he saves or rehabilitates, there are thousands upon thousands suffering from what his philosophies have done to the relationship of us and dogs. Worse: the license his show gives to uncounted numbers of psychopaths and sadists out there. The problem is education, how else can people see through what seems so wonderful on television. What can be done when, as difficult as it is to get people to realize who Millan actually is, you cannot begin to get them to read a little about dogs, training, where Millan’s ideas really come from. The immediate shock, anger, passionate defense of Millan is so out of scale with any research, reading, study of the subject. The art of the con has always been like this.

      • Marty

        Jul 31, 2013 at 11:22 pm

        just testing???

  17. linda

    Jul 15, 2013 at 7:38 pm

    considering his history, he will kill again!

  18. Sue D'Andrea

    Jul 15, 2013 at 7:33 pm

    What a pathetic loser! The poor girl for the sexual abuse case! Poor Shyane, RIP sweet girl! For his own dogs, they don’t know what love is, yet they gave him unconditional love! If ever a pathetic excuse for a man much less a human being didn’t deserve love it’s him! Why was he not serving his prison time? WHY? Innocent dogs wouldn’t have died and been tortured! Hey Guido, here is a case for you! Kick some sorry ass! The loser is nice looking so I’m sure the prisoner’s will LOVE HIM! Show him the torture and pain of his ways, ie: a bat up his, etc. What goes around comes around and I hope you get 1 million times more than you gave you pathetic piece of garbage! Can I have 5 minutes with him, to teach him left hook, right jab, kicking in the middle where it counts most, etc. Burn in hell one day you sorry bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Jan M. Bayern

    Jul 15, 2013 at 7:23 pm

    It’s been proven that those who begin a lifetime of perpetuating abuse on animals usually move on to abusing children. Those parents who are dismissing their children’s earlier aberrant behavior as childish pranks, or something that will be grown out of- need to be aware that much worse awaits them. For other parents, let it serve as a warning, so they can protect their own children from these influences. Abuse doesn’t suddenly pop up it’s head in the form of an ugly, dirty, old bogeyman. It begins as a child who tortures animals, or teases small children and worsens, gaining in it’s seriousness and danger. The very minute the behavior is noted, it should be reported, and continued to be monitored and reported until intervention and treatment has resolved the situation. Care too, must be given that the aberrant behavior is not simply pushed behind a closed door.

    • Deb

      Jul 15, 2013 at 8:45 pm

      You are so right! Proven fact, most serial killers spent their early years torturing and killing animals. Watch for signs in yours and your childrens friends!

  20. Betsy

    Jul 15, 2013 at 6:39 pm

    All I keep asking these days, is Who is raising dirt bags like this?” May Karma meet up with him soon—–you get what you give! Good luck the creep! My heart goes out to Tracey and Shyann—-may she rest well in the arms of the doggy angels and may she never know another moment of suffering—xo

  21. Dee

    Jul 15, 2013 at 6:14 pm

    What a piece of GARBAGE!! Someone should do that do him!

  22. wendy

    Jul 15, 2013 at 6:13 pm

    we should do that to him the bastard ! rip shyanne !

  23. Patricia

    Jul 15, 2013 at 6:12 pm

    I am wondering first of all how the heck he avoided jail time with the child sexual charge? Second of all I believe that the penalties are NOT severe enough for animal abuse. What he did was shameful and disgusting. He beat his own dogs and murdered another. How many more do you think he has beaten or had a hand in injuring so severely they died?

  24. ruth j kymer

    Jul 15, 2013 at 5:56 pm

    Perchance a day of alligator wrestling in the Glades would be a task for such a big strong man 😉

  25. linda

    Jul 15, 2013 at 5:47 pm

    someone should pick him up and throw him on the ground, need a 400 pound man to do it, scumbag, you are the lowest form of pond scum,

  26. ANITA

    Jul 15, 2013 at 5:18 pm

    if only i could hav 5 minutes alone with this worthless ba–less sob. he’d never hurt another dog. never ever.

  27. Julie Fracaro

    Jul 15, 2013 at 5:18 pm

    dear lord, the justice system failed terribly for the child and then the dogs. i’m beyond words how a man can brutally kill a dog, without any remorse, and is free. then beats the shit out of his dogs and is still free?!?! wtf?? clearly, he’s filled with rage…children and dogs are his targets and the judge says he’s not a threat? if anyone thinks he’ll abide by the court restrictions, they’re as dumb as the judge. shame on all who allowed this man to hurt a child, kill a dog and beat his own dogs. 3 serious charges and not in jail for people’s safety…great job judge in protecting your community from harm! try again.

    • ellen newell

      Jul 15, 2013 at 10:43 pm

      This is horrible to read. The child and now the dogs. This man needs to be locked up and throw away the key. He is sick and disturbed. If he is not punished it will happen over and over again. The laws can not let this happen.

    • Jacque Gilmore

      Jul 16, 2013 at 9:45 am

      This man is a threat to all living creatures human and animals & should be put away for life. He has already killed an animal & hurt a child, what is the justice system waiting for ???????

    • Kathy Bontempo

      Jul 16, 2013 at 10:53 am


      Just had to say….Well said AMEN

  28. Rhonda Mazur

    Jul 15, 2013 at 5:05 pm

    You want to know what I think??? I think this piece of trash, needs to rot in hell!!! How could they not slam this pot in jail and leave him there to let others show him how wrong it is. I hope karma pays this scum bag a nice big visit, and he’s never allowed near another pet as long as he lives, and I hope that’s not long.

  29. robyn burdick

    Jul 15, 2013 at 5:01 pm

    His a sick person that should be locked away for a long time…I hope the judge says he can no longer own any animals ……

    • Anna

      Jul 16, 2013 at 10:28 am

      Locked away??? Why in the hell should taxpayers pay for one meal, one night of his stay ANYWHERE?? B.S. Torture him and get him off the planet!

      • Carola

        Jul 19, 2013 at 5:05 am

        I agree with you and many others, Anna; we only need a concrete cage to lock this beast up for as long as needed so he can die in the very same agony he caused. We doglovers seem to forget that he also had his way with a child (probably more, as most of them don’t get official). He had a choice, I would be forgiving to f. ex. child-soldiers, but not to him.

  30. Marty Z.

    Jul 15, 2013 at 5:01 pm

    Seriously??? What a low-life creep! Use him for attack dog training…without protective padding.

  31. Romeo

    Jul 15, 2013 at 4:51 pm

    His punishment should be to have his face slammed into concrete walls repeatedly while in prison and see how he likes it. And let Bubba have his way with him, too, while in prison. What a sick piece of garbage. Once again, the NJ criminal justice system failed!

  32. Kay Davies

    Jul 15, 2013 at 4:49 pm

    This man should have the same done back to him . How evil can some people be . Treating defenceless animals like this . He’s one evil cruel horrible b…..d . People like him make me sick . I hope he never goes near another dog again . He should be shot for what he did . Evil scum .animals don’t ask to be here . And they are not here to be treated like this .

  33. cindy king

    Jul 15, 2013 at 4:39 pm

    I hope you die a slow extremely painful death!!


      Jul 16, 2013 at 3:07 am

      Just do him same way he did the dogs.

  34. Reb

    Jul 15, 2013 at 4:38 pm

    What a total sicko. Prison is too good for him.

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