Animal Advocates

Proposed Law Will Allow California Residents to Smash Car Windows to Save Dogs

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California lawmakers are proposing new legislation that would grant residents permission to use necessary means, including smashing windows, to rescue dogs trapped and dying inside hot cars.

Assembly Bill 797, known as “The Right to Rescue Act,” was drafted by Assemblymembers Marc Steinorth of Rancho Cucamonga, Ling Ling Chang of Diamond Bar, and Kristin Olsen of Riverbank.

The trio of lawmakers videoed themselves sitting in a hot car for 21 minutes to demonstrate the dangers of leaving dogs in such a situation.

While the proposed bill is met with a lot of support from dog lovers, many fear that people will take advantage of such a law, resorting to drastic measures, like smashing windows and breaking into cars, to rescue dogs that aren’t in distress at all.

Legislators are introducing the bill at a Humane Society rally in Sacramento today.

Would you support the bill? Why or why not? Please, weigh in with a comment below.



  1. Tom

    Jun 24, 2016 at 8:07 pm

    Be sure you have an umbrella insurance policy if you do vandalize someone’s car. I can promise you I will sue you if my dog is fine and the temperature isn’t what would be exceeded, measured on his coat and/or the interior of the vehicle that he wouldn’t be exposed to if not in a vehicle on a warm day. My dog, an Australian Cattle Dog, was bred to work in the sun all day long in the Australian outback, and I assure you that air temperature inside of a car of 100 degrees, if he is not in direct sunlight, will now be uncomfortable to him at all. Be sure you know how you can prove otherwise. Oh! And if I see you breaking my window, there will be more than a window that gets broken. I’m positive I am not in the minority feeling this way.

  2. Linda Higgins

    Jun 19, 2016 at 4:53 pm

    No body should ever leave a animal or a child in a hot car or or any car for that matter,It Leaves them Vulnerable from heat or people with bad motives. Love your kids and animals enough to take them with you and protect them. Or get a baby sitter for them. No body should be arrested for saving the life of a child or an animal.

  3. Becky

    May 27, 2016 at 4:16 pm

    I would support this – especially if it meant that someone smashed my car windows to save my dog.

    • Cindy

      Jun 16, 2016 at 9:24 pm

      I agree…if you love your pet he or she should not be left in a hot car.

  4. K.C.

    May 27, 2016 at 1:13 pm

    Lets say :I have this friend: who already smashed and grabbed and turned the dog into the local NO – KILL animal shelter… leaving a note for their MORONIC ‘owner’ who should SURRENDER the dog and to have to be FORCED to do community service at a local animal shelter. MINIMUM 40 HOURS. And not be allowed to own a pet of any kind for a minimum of 3 years.

    I DON’T CARE –

    I don’t need a LAW to tell me right from wrong.

    and of COURSE – it’s nice to not to have to get charges brought up against you, if you do happen to come upon a dog/child in a hot car, you call the cops to inform them of the disaster that WILL happen – and it’s a long response time. You better damn well believe I will use my window popping tool, bust the window out to save them… if you don’t do anything about it – you’re JUST as bad as they are.

    As for Justin Ross Harris. That piece of 5hi7. he knew EXACTLY what he was doing. So did the wife. And that’s NOT just the court of public opinion. These are FACTUAL.

    Chris.. I’ll check out your page for sure. And good looking out by the wa, Coopers death was premeditated. PERIOD.

    But, lets not go there here.

  5. Jack Spreck

    May 25, 2016 at 9:47 pm

    When I talk with people about this I tell them if they want to understand why just a few minutes while they run into the store is too long I tell them to put on a coat, hat and gloves. Since they won’t benefit from sweating it should give them an idea what it feels like to their dog.

  6. chris wilkinson

    May 25, 2016 at 12:08 am

    As a former friend of Justin Ross Harris, Ive made it my mission to end #HotCarDeaths of kids and dogs with Support and Help Pass Baby Cooper’s Law … I’m Chris Wilkinson, the founder of Baby Cooper’s Law.. and I ask you to join our page FACEBOOK.COM/COOPERSLAW and support our mission #Together4Cooper to end hot car deaths with uniform penalties, protection from civil and criminal prosecution for civilian rescuers, and finally federally mandated car seat alarms by 2021…37 KIDS DIE PER YEAR ALONG WITH UNTOLD DOGS… help honor Cooper on the 2nd ANNIVERSARY of his death the week of JUNE 12-18TH using the hash tag #2Hot2LeaveUs … .. I know Baby Cooper’s Law would have saved babies and dogs already lost this year with Mandatory car seat/co2 alarm… PLEASE HELP US END THIS MADNESS .. WE ARE UPTO #HOTCARDEATH8 OF 5/24/2016… ..HELP ME END THIS MADNESS!!!.

  7. Michelle

    May 24, 2016 at 10:38 pm

    This is the best news and long overdue.

    Animals are so loyal and if people do this to their dogs they need to be locked in a car in the hottest weather and let them see what it’s like.

  8. Mary Lou Wagner

    May 24, 2016 at 12:10 pm

    This is long overdue. I support this proposed legislation 100%. With all the publicity telling people NOT to leave their dog in a car on a warm day,I still encounter several every summer who don’t get it.

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