Food Guidelines

Purina’s Beneful Ignores Consumer Complaints

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Dog owners nationwide are calling for a recall of Nestlé Purina’s Beneful line of dog foods, claiming the food has directly resulted in the illness and/or death of hundreds of beloved pets.

Aside from being nutritionally unsound, packed with corn-based fillers and by-products proven to be unhealthy and unnecessary in a dog’s diet, consumers are reporting a wide range of illnesses ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to bacterial infections, liver and kidney failure, and even death after eating the popular kibble.

Instead of addressing the concerns and questions from hundreds of confused, concerned, and often angry consumers through their Beneful Facebook page, the dog food giant has instead beefed up their social media moderation, deleting comments, banning consumers that post complaints or photos of their beloved pets, and posting canned responses claiming the quality and integrity of their products and urging pet parents to feed their pets Beneful with complete confidence.

Nestlé Purina spokesperson Keith Schopp told MSN News that the online postings “contain false and misleading allegations and cause undue concern and confusion among consumers.” He continued, “There are no known product issues with Beneful dog food. Consumers can continue to feed Beneful to their pets with total confidence.”

In response to Facebook comments and posts, moderators are replying with canned responses echoing those of Schopp above.

One devastated pet owner named Jodi wrote to Beneful, “My dog has ate beneful for his whole life of four years and recently diagnosed with chronic kidney failer and I have researched and discovered beneful uses substances found in anti freeze that slowly causes kidney and liver failer due to the toxins I would like to thank you for killing my lil puppy that I loved at the young age of four :(“

Beneful responded, “We’re sorry to learn of your loss, Jodi. We’d like to know more about your situation. Please give our team a call Monday at 800-877-7551. We look forward to speaking with you. Thank you.”

Since Jodi’s post, hundreds more have made similar claims to Beneful, demanding answers, looking for the manufacturer to take some responsibility and investigate the claims made against them. For every one of hundreds of similar consumer comments, Beneful’s response has been the same. A simple copied & pasted canned response that only seems to fuel the fire.

Sound familiar?

For the past 5 years, Nestle Purina was under the same consumer scrutiny for their Canyon Creek Ranch and Waggin’ Train chicken jerky treats imported from China. Until the recall of these products in January, Purina’s customer service team provided consumers with nearly identical responses to those they’re giving Beneful customers now.

Despite continued consumer complaints and Purina’s insisting that their chicken jerky products were safe, the treats were found to contain traces of illegal antibiotic drug residue and were eventually pulled from store shelves.

Will Purina’s Beneful line of products face the same fate?

The Dogington Post reached out the the Food & Drug Administration, with concerns about what appears to be a lack of action or interest in the complaints against Beneful. The FDA admitted that they have received “some” complaints about Beneful and are “looking into the situation.” The FDA is also urging consumers to report any problems associated with the popular dog food by visiting the FDA’s online Safety Reporting Portal. To submit a complaint, click here.

Additionally, If you believe that your dog has been affected by Purina’s Beneful brand dog food – in either a negative or positive way, please join the Facebook group, “Is Beneful Killing or Sickening Dogs” by clicking here

. Since the group was created a few months ago, over 1,000 members are already sharing stories, collecting data and veterinary reports, and drawing media attention to their cause. As Beneful continues to ignore consumer questions and concerns, the group continues to grow.

A member of the group told us, “We are mostly refugees from the Purina Beneful Facebook site, banned because we started asking questions. Is it a problem with Aflatoxins from moldy corn? Is it a problem with Organosphosphates? Could this be linked to Monsanto’s GMO grain which is sprayed with Round-up, an Organophosphate? Is it a problem with Pentobarbitol poisoning? Pentobarbitol is found when euthanized animals are used in rendering… a huge problem in Spanish pet food right now. Is it due to the low nutritional quality? The use of synthetic and controversial Vitamin K as menadione? Or maybe there is more than one factor at work here?”

It’s clear that we can’t always rely on the integrity of manufacturers, or on the timeliness of an FDA investigation to keep our furry family out of harm’s way. Find a dog food manufacturer that puts the health and safety of your pets at the forefront of their company mission, provides complete transparency in regards to sourcing, handling, and processing of their foods, and uses species-appropriate ingredients, not cheap fillers, by-products, and chemicals.



  1. Nina

    Nov 20, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    and the “premium” foods are held to no higher standards than the rest. They just hire people who know how to use all the right words “locally sourced”(how does a northern country “locally source fruits and vegetables?), “locally raised meat”(yeah, locally raised, but processed in the next country), “passed USDA certification before it enters our kitchen”(but, how long before-could be before slaughter!) and are well-trained in avoiding giving answers to questions.
    Not saying Beneful is good or bad…but there is no perfect food, and the others are not as supreme as they say.

  2. CC

    Oct 18, 2013 at 4:19 am

    “Nina” writes:

    Do you really believe a company as large as Purina/Nestlé is either not going to have the resources and desire to test everything possible….”

    They are in the WASTE business — maximising profits on what would otherwise be over-flowing in the landfills not vast enough to hold it. Merely glancing at the ingredient panels will PROVE this.
    Everybody laughs all the way to the bank — expect for sucker pet owners who believe all the deceitful advertising and gimmicks.

    Oh yeah, they (and Hill’s) literally OWN the Veterinary “community” (as they are so fondly referred as) as well. Google “Pets Ring Dings” and the first hits will be for a Harvard Law Paper, explaining it all in detail. Not to mention, all the advertising $$$$$ pumped into the mainstream mediot rackets by Nestle (and the other junk conglomerates).

  3. cenajone

    Oct 5, 2013 at 10:14 pm

    my co-worker’s step-mother makes $80 every hour on the computer. She has been fired for 5 months but last month her payment was $14571 just working on the computer for a few hours. browse around this website…

  4. Janet

    Oct 5, 2013 at 10:32 am

    Our dogs started getting sick and after some Google searches where I discovered other dogs were also getting sick I threw that food away and switched them to Diamond Naturals. They love it and it’s got a 4-star rating at I can’t afford the 5-star foods but this seems a good alternative.

  5. Nina

    Oct 3, 2013 at 12:38 pm

    I do not work for any company, organization, etc. I am unemployed. I do not currently own a dog, even though I have previously been blessed with many in my life.
    You must either be one of the fake profiles that posts on the FB page, or you are being fed a lot of bunk by those that do. Why do people think that just because they complain about something, it is going to disappear? Whether the food is crap or not, there is no proof it has caused harm. With no identified culprit, there would be no withdrawal or recall.There will always be better food and worse food, even within the same brand. Someone will find something wrong with any diet. Beneful has said they have tested. FDA says they have tested…no one believes them, yet independent testing is either not being done or, when it is done by consumers, and the results are negative, they are not made public.
    Beneful does not delete simply negative comments. If you have been to the page, there are plenty of even libelous comments. Neither are they “…banning consumers that post complaints or photos of their beloved pets”. They ban people who continually post against their guidelines. They have chosen non-Beneful dogs as their “featured” dogs. There are also plenty of people there right now….who pose questions…get an answer…then laugh and mock it. They badger the company for answers that are proprietary, then claim they are hiding something, because they won’t answer. They also badger ANYONE who shows ANY favor to the brand.
    The responses seem “canned”, because they are asked the same things over and over again, and they are Facebook monitors, for Heaven’s sake…I doubt they are qualified to answer every question! “For every one of hundreds of similar consumer comments, Beneful’s response has been the same.”…is simply not true. They answer what they can, and always include the poster’s name, for one thing.
    Why would the consumer not call the company? That has always been standard operating procedure. Why are the people NOT submitting reports to their State Depts. of Agriculture, USDA/APHIS, FTC, even the FDA? The majority of complaints are at the Consumer Affairs internet gripe site, that profits from negative reviews, and is a window shop for class-action attorneys.
    The jerky treats are continually brought up, also. The treats were pulled immediately, once an adulteration was found, which backs up my theory that nothing will happen with the food, without a culprit.

    I am not even going to get into your “group”, none of whom was banned for “asking questions”. “Over 1,000 members”…and no one can offer proof? 90% of the dogs claimed to be victims were obviously near the end of their lifespan.

    Do you really believe a company as large as Purina/Nestlé is either not going to have the resources and desire to test everything possible….OR that they would let the brand die, simply for lack of action? Do not get me wrong! Even ONE death, proven to be cause by something fed to a pet is TOO MANY, there just doesn’t seem to be proof here, nor with all of the other foods that have identical complaints, and identical “answers” on their FB pages. I would be one of the first in line, to insist in eliminating the product, if that documented evidence ever shows up.

    Articles like these are what is fueling the fire…but that is the business YOU are in, right? As well as the others like Consumer Affairs and Dog Food Advisor…the more controversial the better for business.

    • Doing it Right!

      Oct 16, 2013 at 10:47 pm

      Nina, go back to the Beneful page where you belong. Stop harassing people who know the truth.

      • Nina

        Nov 20, 2013 at 8:27 pm

        Afraid to see the facts???

    • Frank

      Feb 25, 2015 at 3:38 pm

      Are you unemployed because of the positions you take? It would seem to me that if you know so much, your services should be in demand. Why don’t you eat a bag of Beneful?

      • Nina

        Apr 8, 2015 at 9:54 am

        Wow…what a thoughtful, mature response. Everything I posted then still rings true. If you want to dispute my comments, dispute the facts. Why resort to petty personal attacks? That is what trolls do, when they have nothing else to give.

  6. Doing it Right!

    Oct 3, 2013 at 12:00 pm

    Interesting information. Please take your bag of dog food, look at the ingredients and compare. You will become very interest in what is going into your dog’s body::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    GROUND YELLOW CORN, 2 Star – Indicates feed-grade source of protein/filler, not “whole” GROUND. Can have higher levels of Aflatoxins than allowed for corn for human consumption. GMO
    CHICKEN BY-PRODUCT MEAL, 1 Star – ground up carcasses, internal organs, beaks, feet, intestines. Concentrated. Will have high levels of Arsenic
    CORN GLUTEN MEAL, 1 Star – Waste product, cheap, non-nutritive filler but used as protein source — can cause allergies and sugar imbalance, GMO
    WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR, 3 Star – Whole ground wheat grain, more nutritious but flour is too processed. Wheat is often implicated in allergies in dogs
    ANIMAL FAT preserved with mixed tocopherols, 1 Star Non-descriptive fat from rendering can be anything rancid or 4-D (dead, dying, disabled, diseased). Can include Roadkill, Euthanised pets, Zoo animals, regardless of natural preservatives such as Vitamin E
    RICE FLOUR, 1 Star – Cheap filler, causes bowel distress and can lead to diabetes in dogs. US produced rice has extremely high levels of cancer-causing Arsenic unless it is Californian
    BEEF, 4% (yes you saw that right.. FOUR PERCENT REAL MEAT!), 4 Star – Whole muscle meat but is 70% water!
    SOY FLOUR 1 Star – Cheap source of grain protein, filler, can cause bloat/death in dogs. GMO
    WATER, 1 Star- Used as a non-nutritive filler in food
    MEAT AND BONE MEAL, 1 Star – Meat and Bonemeal is (species) non-descriptive. This can indicate 4-D Animals.. Dead, Dying, Disease, Dying and Disabled. It can legally include tumorous or diseased tissues plus bone meal can not be digested and assimilated for calcium! It is banned for use in animal feedstuffs in most European countries due to its link with Spongiform Encephalopathies (think BSE or “MadCow Disease”). It IS banned in the US as a ruminant feeed (your cows etc) Meat and bone meal is now utilized in Europe as a fossil-fuel replacement, and is commonly used as a fuel in cement kilns, landfilling and in incinerators. It was previously used as a fertiliser until the BSE outbreak when it was banned. In the US it is principally used as a low-cost protein source in dog food and cat food. There is NO testing on Meat and Bonemeal.. it is not required. The POISONOUS euthanising drug Pentobarbitol has been found in Meat and Bonemeal. It will also contain insecticides used as parasite control on animals as well as the drugs used to treat sickness that are present in a dead animal. From the EPA themselves: “Meat rendering plants process animal by-product materials for the production of tallow, grease, and high-protein meat and bone meal. Plants that operate in conjunction with animal slaughterhouses or poultry processing plants are called integrated rendering plants. Plants that collect their raw materials from a variety of offsite sources are called independent rendering plants. Independent plants obtain animal by-product materials, including rancid cooking grease, blood, feathers, offal, and entire animal carcasses, from the following sources: butcher shops, supermarkets, restaurants, zoos, fast-food chains, poultry processors, slaughterhouses, farms, ranches, feedlots, and animal shelters.”,
    PROPYLENE GLYCOL, 1 Star – contains 1% by raw ingredient weight. Adds sweetness to food, used in antifreeze! Has one third of the toxicity as regular antifreeze, Ethylene Glycol. Some preservative action, possible carcinogen
    SUGAR, 1 Star – leads to hyperactivity, addiction to food (sugar rush), weight gain
    TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE, 3 Star – Anti-caking agent, emulsifier and dietary supplement of Phosphorous needed for body’s alkaline/acid balance
    PHOSPHORIC ACID, 1 Star – A sequestering agent for rendered animal fats, implies poor quality fats are used. Used in fertilizers, detergents, food flavoring, and pharmaceuticals
    SALT, 1 Star – Used to cover up rancid meat and fat, can cause kidney and heart disease, hypertension
    ANIMAL DIGEST, 1 star – Rendered, by chemical and/or enzymatic process, non-descriptive animal tissues including 4-D (Dead, Dying, Diseased and Disabled) animals, zoo animals, euthanised pets, shelter animals, roadkill.. used for flavors
    POTASSIUM CHLORIDE, 3 Star – Standard source of Potassium, balances acid/alkaline levels
    SORBIC ACID (a preservative) 1 star – A mold and yeast inhibitor
    DRIED PEAS, 5 Star – Source of protein/carbohydrates/fiber. Present in insignificant quantities
    DRIED CARROTS 5 Star – Good source of nutrients and fiber. Present in insignificant quantities
    CALCIUM PROPIONATE, 1 Star – Chemical preservative. Antifungal. Potentially carcinogenic
    CHOLINE CHLORIDE, 3 Star – Standard source of choline, a B Vitamin, emulsifies fats
    L-LYSINE, 2 Star – Source of Lysine (essential amino acid found in meat), needed to use for food enrichment for grain-based foods
    VITAMIN E, 3 Star – Antioxidant used as food preservative,
    ZINC SULFATE, 2 Star – Standard source of zinc, protects against free radicals, essential to insulin formation and immune function. Poor absorption/bioavailabiliity
    RED 40, 1 Star – Artificial color, carcinogenic
    FERROUS SULFATE, 2 Star – Standard source of iron, promotes oxygen-rich blood, immune support. Cheap to buy but poorly absorbed
    MANGANESE SULFATE, 3 Star – Manganese is necessary to development of strong bones and enzyme activators, enhances immune system
    NIACIN, 3 Star – Standard source, promotes proper digestion, healthy skin and nerves
    YELLOW 6, 1 star – Sunset Yellow, Artificial color, potentially carcinogenic. In studies Yellow 6 has been linked to kidney and adrenal gland tumors,
    YELLOW 5, 1 Star – yellow 5 “Tartrazine” is derived from coal tar and is the number one allergy-causing dye. Allergies to yellow 5 can range from mild indigestion to asthma to severe depression. It is estimated that 360,000 Americans have bad reactions to ingesting yellow 5. yellow 5 is a common dye and is in candy, cereal, and many other processed foods. It has been banned in several European countries. A variety of immunologic responses have been attributed to tartrazine ingestion by humans, including anxiety, migraine, clinical depression, blurred vision, itching, general weakness, heatwaves, feeling of suffocation, purple skin patches, and sleep disturbance,
    VITAMIN A, 3 Star – Standard supplement needed for a strong immune system
    BLUE 2 , 1 Star – Carcinogenic, artificial color
    CALCIUM CARBONATE 3 Star – Standard source of calcium, promotes strong bones, teeth, cardiovascular health and skeletal strength, used as a buffer to acidic foods
    COPPER SULFATE, 2 Star – Standard source, aids in bone formation, iron absorption and protein metabolism. Poorly absorbed and utilised form of copper
    VITAMIN B-12, 3 Star – Standard source, involved in immune function, nerve and red blood cell production
    BREWERS DRIED YEAST, 1 Star – Waste product (used for flavoring, protein, B-vitamins) which can become very toxic to the liver causes allergies and arthritis,
    CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE, 3 Star – Standard source of a B-complex vitamin B5, supports adrenal activity
    THIAMINE MONONITRATE, 3 Star – Standard source of B-1,affects nervous system and mental attitude
    GARLIC OIL, 5 Star – Antioxidant, antibiotic,
    PYRIDOXINE HYDROCHLORIDE (source of vitamin B6), 3 Star – Standard source, immune stimulant, major factor in protein metabolism and red blood cell production
    RIBOFLAVIN SUPPLEMENT, 3 Star – Vitamin B-2 needed for rich red blood cell production,
    VITAMIN D3, 3 Star – Standard source, aids calcium and phosphorous in building bones and teeth
    menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of vitamin K activity),
    CALCIUM IODATE, 3 Star – Source of iodine, promotes strong bones, teeth, cardiovascular health and skeletal strength
    FOLIC ACID, 3 Star – Standard source, needed for blood building and DNA synthesis
    BIOTIN, 3 Star – Standard source to promote healthy skin and coat,
    SODIUM SELENITE, 3 Star – Standard source of selenium, powerful anti-oxidant protects the body from free radicals and heavy metals, supports immune response

    If you are SO poverty stricken that you can only afford to pay $1.30 for your dry dog food then consider two alternatives. First, if you have a Costco nearby, then buy their own brand Kirkland Signature Nature’s Domain Grain Free Turkey Meal and Sweet Potato Dry Dog Food at $36 for 30 lbs. If you have a Tractor Supply nearby get them 4Health Grain Free Dog Food. 30lbs for $36.99. Both are free of the real nasties: CORN, BY-PRODUCTS, WHEAT, SOY, MEAT AND BONEMEAL, ANIMAL FAT, ANIMAL DIGEST, PROPYLENE GLYCOL, BHT/BHA, SUGAR, ARTIFICIAL COLORS The cat food although not 100% grain free, contains none of the bad stuff!

  7. Pawsville

    Oct 3, 2013 at 11:38 am

    OK I may regret this but have the people who are so angry about this taken their dog to the vet at least once a year? I as an adult have had dogs for 13 years and I have to say I knew Beneful was not a good choice for my dogs from when it came out. Again though I have given them it on occasion when they needed junk food. You can’t blame the food. Even the foods most people would consider top of the line have problems and recalls. Remember to be educated.

  8. Adey

    Oct 3, 2013 at 11:17 am

    Too sad watching all these dogs do downhill after eating Purina round up ready Monsanto GMO corn which is the number 1 ingredient in Beneful.
    I lost my own dog which showed all the same symptoms as people relate time and time again on forum after forum. Vomiting and mention by the vets of anti freeze…for some reason Purina will not accept responsibility but then again Monsanto never admitted liability for their other product, agent orange, which caused so many birth defects across the world.

    Purina supply food for laboratory animals…you would think they would have a fair idea by now what is causing dogs to die!

  9. Marcia

    Oct 3, 2013 at 11:00 am

    Beneful has also been quietly paying off people whose dogs have died — as long as they sign a binding nondisclosure agreement, a no-sue clause, etc. Standard stuff.

    bottom line, this dog food is made of garbage. It made my little Fred very sick. And we have never gotten any answers from Beneful, but that’s all right for now: We don’t plan to stop until every Beneful Angel has been honored and there’s a recall on this horrible dog food. Purina has no interest in standing behind its products, and there’s a reason for that, too.

    • Nina

      Oct 3, 2013 at 1:27 pm

      Anyone should know that if you accept money as compensation from a company….you can’t turn around and sue them for more…as for the “nondisclosure”…that is if the consumer becomes privy to protected information, they can’t repeat it…like trade secrets or formulas. For instance….if a consumer said there was too much of something in the food, and the company disclosed the actual amount…that would be confidential.
      It is possible it would involve the actual settlement amount.
      Have you seen any of the actual papers??

  10. Debra Evans

    Oct 3, 2013 at 8:47 am

    My sweet Chihuahua,Chiquita, was fed Beneful, dummy me thinking it was good stuff. She died of kidney disease. I know now it was from this horrible dog food. NOW I am so neurotic about what I give my dogs, they only get good dehydrated raw foods like Stella and Chewy, or Grandma Lucy or Ziwipeak. All are very expensive but I would not want to lose anyone of my 5 dogs or one foster ever again to kidney disease!

  11. peggy

    Oct 3, 2013 at 5:24 am

    Our dog Chloe was fed this food by her previous owner when I got her.
    She was infections from nose to nubby inside and out.
    I quickly changed her food and countless visits too our vet, countless sleepless nights.
    She had to had to be spayed or she would died!
    Now she is happy on a pretty much grain free foods and probotics and supplements almost 2 years later.
    She is damaged but now I know what to stay away from…
    So thankful she is here, sorry too all those who have lost there beloved furbabies to the greed of these companies.

  12. Blake Andrews

    Oct 3, 2013 at 3:02 am

    So, why no outrage over Blue Buffalo and all of their comments on Consumer Affairs? Why not torches and pitchforks to get their product pulled off the market. The simple truth that none of you want to admit is that the exact same symptoms that people are attributing to Beneful are being reported on with dog foods across the board. Where is your Facebook group “Nutro is killings dogs” or “Boycott Science Diet”.

    • Adey

      Oct 3, 2013 at 11:19 am

      Why dont you stand up to them Blake Andrews ?

    • One product/company at a time.. starting with the lowest of the low.. check out “Ol’ Roy Killed My Dog”.. I expect Hills, including all that expensive junk prescription diet stuff.. will be next up, along with Pedigree..



      DEBONED SALMON, 3 Star – Deboned salmon is 80% water making it more suitable for canned foods rather than dry food. It is a good source of protein and fatty acids but can add mercury to the diet

      MENHADEN FISH meal, 5 Star – Excellent source of fish, highly concentrated source of protein and good source of fatty acids

      CHICKEN MEAL 5 Star – Concentrated chicken meat, more protein since water weight has been removed. Excellent source of protein for dogs

      POTATO STARCH, 2 Star – Cheap filler, can cause digestive upset and weight gain

      PEAS, 5 Star – Excellent source of protein/carbohydrates/minerals/fiber

      CHICKEN FAT (preserved with mixed tocopherols and citric acid), 4 Star – Good source of energy and flavors, preserved with Vitamin E. Chicken fat is also high in essential fatty acids

      POTATO, 3 Star – A carbohydrate source, can use as cheap filler, can cause weight gain and digestive upset

      TOMATO POMACE, 2 Star – Mostly used as gimmick, not enough nutrition is available to make a difference, can be too acidic on digestive tract causing upset

      NATURAL CHICKEN FLAVORS, 3 Star – Gimmicky. Designated as natural, seems better than plain chicken flavor but it’s the same. Unless noted as artificial it’s all “natural” regardless of quality

      FLAX SEED (source of Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids), 5 Star – Whole seeds provide best omega-3 fatty acids and nutritive fiber

      ALFALFA MEAL 4 Star – Excellent source of chlorophyll

      CARROTS, 5 Star – natural source of beta carotene (precursor to Vitamin A needed for immune function), excellent fiber

      SWEET POTATOES, 4 Star – Good alternative to regular potatoes provides carbohydrates for energy, good nutrients. Low glycemic rating.. way less likely to cause blood sugar problems than regular potatoes

      BLUEBERRIES, 3 Star – Gimmicky, not enough used for benefit to eyes

      CRANBERRIES, 3 Star – Gimmicky, not enough used in food to help the urinary tract.

      BARLEY GRASS 3 Star – Gimmicky additive for dietary “greens,” not enough used for nutritional benefits unless listed high on the label

      PARSLEY, 3 Star – Gimmicky, a natural deodorizer

      DRIED KELP (source of iodine), 3 Star – Industry standard source of iodine

      TAURINE, 3 Star – Standard source, necessary for cats who do not manufacture taurine on their own, helps regulate nervous system, promotes thyroid and cardiovascular health. Some benefit to dogs
      YUCCA SCHIDIGERA EXTRACT, 4 Star – Used to reduce stool odor, concentrated

      L-CARNITINE, 3 Star – An amino acid that is naturally found in meat, important in regulating fat metabolism

      L-LYSINE, 3 Star – Source of Lysine (essential amino acid found in meat), needed to use for food enrichment for grain-based foods

      TURMERIC, 4 Star – A spice that enhances immune function and reduces inflammation

      ROSEMARY OIL, 5 Star – natural presrvative, very concentrated

      BETA CAROTENE, 4 Star – Source of Vitamin A precursor, aids immune response, allergy control, slows aging

      Vitamin A, Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Niacin (Vitamin B3), d-Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Biotin (Vitamin B7), Folic Acid (Vitamin B9), Vitamin B12 Supplement, Calcium Ascorbate (source of Vitamin C), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin E Supplement,

      MINERALS: STANDARD SOURCE – mostly high quality Amino Acid Chelates rather than cheap poorly absorbed and metabolised, Sulfates and Oxides
      Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Choline Chloride, Sodium Selenite, Calcium Iodate, Salt, Caramel, Potassium Chloride,
      PROBIOTICS: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecium fermentation product.


      GROUND YELLOW CORN, 1 Star – Indicates feed-grade source of protein/filler, not “whole” GROUND. Can have higher levels of Aflatoxins than allowed for corn for human consumption. GMO

      CHICKEN BY-PRODUCT MEAL, 1 Star – ground-up carcasses, internal organs, beaks, feet. Concentrated. Will have high levels of Arsenic

      CORN GLUTEN MEAL, 1 Star – Waste product, cheap, non-nutritive filler but used as protein source — can cause allergies and sugar imbalance. GMO

      SOYBEAN HULLS, 1 Star – Cheap filler, harsh on intestines, used to make your dog feel “fuller” so he eats less but highly non-nutritive! GMO

      WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR, 3 Star – Whole ground wheat grain, more nutritious but flour is too processed. Wheat is often implicated in allergies in dogs

      RICE FLOUR, 1 Star – Cheap filler, causes bowel distress and can lead to diabetes in dogs. US produced rice has extremely high levels of cancer-causing Arsenic unless it is Californian

      CHICKEN, 4% – 3 Star – Contains 84% water in the muscles, adds weight to dry food, less protein nutrition! Best used in can food.

      SOY FLOUR 1 Star – Cheap source of protein, filler, can cause bloat/death in dogs. GMO

      ANIMAL FAT preserved with mixed tocopherols, 1 Star Non-descriptive fat from rendering can be anything rancid or 4-D (dead, dying, disabled, diseased). Can include Roadkill, Euthanised pets, Zoo animals, regardless of natural preservatives such as Vitamin E. Also, old restaurant grease is a common ingredient here

      SUGAR, 1 Star – leads to diabetes, hyperactivity, addiction to food (sugar rush), obesity

      PROPYLENE GLYCOL, 1 Star – contains 1% by raw ingredient weight. Adds sweetness to food, used in antifreeze! Has one third of the toxicity as regular antifreeze, Ethylene Glycol. Some preservative action, possible carcinogen. Chinese manufactured product can be contaminated with Diethylene Glycol, rather than food grade which has caused organ failure and death in humans and animals.

      MEAT AND BONE MEAL, 1 Star – Meat and Bonemeal is (species) non-descriptive. This can indicate 4-D Animals.. Dead, Dying, Disease, Dying and Disabled. It can legally include tumorous or diseased tissues plus bone meal can not be digested and assimilated for calcium! It is banned for use in animal feedstuffs in most European countries due to its link with Spongiform Encephalopathies (think BSE or “MadCow Disease”). It IS banned in the US as a ruminant feeed (your cows etc) Meat and bone meal is now utilized in Europe as a fossil-fuel replacement, and is commonly used as a fuel in cement kilns, landfilling and in incinerators. It was previously used as a fertiliser until the BSE outbreak when it was banned. In the US it is principally used as a low-cost protein source in dog food and cat food. There is NO testing on Meat and Bonemeal.. it is not required. The euthanising drug Pentobarbitol has been found in Meat and Bonemeal. It will also contain insecticides used as parasite control on animals as well as the drugs used to treat sickness that are present in a dead animal. From the EPA themselves: “Meat rendering plants process animal by-product materials for the production of tallow, grease, and high-protein meat and bone meal. Plants that operate in conjunction with animal slaughterhouses or poultry processing plants are called integrated rendering plants. Plants that collect their raw materials from a variety of offsite sources are called independent rendering plants. Independent plants obtain animal by-product materials, including rancid cooking grease, blood, feathers, offal, and entire animal carcasses, from the following sources: butcher shops, supermarkets, restaurants, zoos, fast-food chains, poultry processors, slaughterhouses, farms, ranches, feedlots, and animal shelters.”

      WATER, 1 Star- Used as a non-nutritive filler in food, often in combination with Propylene Glycol, Glycerin or Sorbitol, to give dry food a moist texture.

      ANIMAL DIGEST, 1 Star – Used as flavor enhancer. Animal digest is a cooked-down broth used for flavour, rendered by chemical and/or enzymatic processes. It is only found in the very lowest quality pet food. Its presence indicates a very poor quality product. Run away from ALL pet foods containing this ingredient! Animal Digest is made from unspecified parts of unspecified animals. The origin of the animals is definitely suspect, as it never named. If the manufacturers wanted you to know what the source was, they’d name it. So what DOES it consist of? I hope you’ve got a stromg stomach for thiss.. here we go! Ingredients that end up in the rendering vats include ground up carcasses often come from “4-D animals” (Dead, Diseased, Disabled, or Dying prior to slaughter), all internal parts void of healthy meat. ANY kind of animal can be used including zoo animals, cats, dogs, goats, pigs, skunks, horses, rats, snakes, raccoons, possums, deer, foxes, miscellaneous road kill, animals euthanized at shelters and veterinarian clinics, restaurant and supermarket refuse.. including the plastic trays and packaging.. and so on. LINK TO FULL DETAILS:

      TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE, 3 Star – Anti-caking agent, emulsifier and dietary supplement of Phosphorous needed for body’s alkaline/acid balance

      SALT, 1 Star – Used to cover up rancid meat and fat, can cause kidney and heart disease, hypertension

      PHOSPHORIC ACID, 1 Star – A sequestering agent for rendered animal fats, implies poor quality fats are used. Used in fertilizers, detergents, food flavoring, and pharmaceuticals

      POTASSIUM CHLORIDE, 3 Star – Standard source of Potassium, balances acid/alkaline levels

      SORBIC ACID (a preservative) 1 star – A mold and yeast inhibitor

      DRIED CARROTS 5 Star – Good source of nutrients and fiber but present in insignificant amounts

      DRIED GREEN BEANS, 2 Star – Gimmicky, poor animal feed quality

      CALCIUM PROPIONATE, 1 Star – Chemical preservative. Antifungal. Potentially carcinogenic

      L-LYSINE MONOHYDROCHLORIDE, 1 Star – Poor source of Lysine (essential amino acid found in meat), cheaper to use for food enrichment for grain-based foods

      CHOLINE CHLORIDE, 3 Star – Standard source of choline, a B Vitamin, emulsifies fats

      DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE, 1 Star – Can become toxic to body — texturizer in can food

      YELLOW 5, 1 Star – yellow 5 “Tartrazine” is derived from coal tar and is the number one allergy-causing dye. Allergies to yellow 5 can range from mild indigestion to asthma to severe depression. It is estimated that 360,000 Americans have bad reactions to ingesting yellow 5. yellow 5 is a common dye and is in candy, cereal, and many other processed foods. It has been banned in several European countries. A variety of immunologic responses have been attributed to tartrazine ingestion by humans, including anxiety, migraine, clinical depression, blurred vision, itching, general weakness, heatwaves, feeling of suffocation, purple skin patches, and sleep disturbance

      RED 40, 1 Star – Artificial color, carcinogenic.

      YELLOW 6, 1 star – Sunset Yellow, Artificial color, potentially carcinogenic. In studies Yellow 6 has been linked to kidney and adrenal gland tumors

      BLUE 2 , 1 Star – Carcinogenic, artificial color

      DL-METHIONINE , 3 star – Standard source of methionine, supports healthy skin and nails, liver activity and immune health

      VITAMIN E, 3 Star – Antioxidant also used as food preservative
      ZINC SULFATE, 2 Star – Standard source of zinc, protects against free radicals, essential to insulin formation and immune function. Poor absorption/bioavailabiliity

      FERROUS SULFATE, 3 Star – Standard source of iron, promotes oxygen-rich blood, immune support. Cheap to buy but poorly absorbed form

      MANGANESE SULFATE, 4 Star – Manganese is necessary to development of strong bones and enzyme activators, enhances immune system

      NIACIN, 3 Star – Standard source of Vitamin B3, promotes proper digestion, healthy skin and nerves

      VITAMIN A, 3 Star – Standard supplement needed for a strong immune system, eyes, bone, skin

      CALCIUM CARBONATE 3 Star – Standard source of calcium, promotes strong bones, teeth, cardiovascular health and skeletal strength, used as a buffer to acidic foods

      COPPER SULFATE, 2 Star – Standard source, aids in bone formation, iron absorption and protein metabolism. Cheap for manufacturers but poorly metabolised form of copper

      VITAMIN B12 SUPPLEMENT, 3 Star – Standard source, involved in immune response, red blood cell production

      CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE, 3 Star – Standard source of a B-complex vitamin B5, supports adrenal activity

      THIAMINE MONONITRATE, 3 Star – Standard source of B-1, essential for the nervous system and energy production

      GARLIC OIL, 5 Star – Antioxidant, antibiotic.

      PYRIDOXINE HYDROCHLORIDE (source of vitamin B6), 3 Star – Standard source, immune stimulant, major factor in protein metabolism and red blood cell production

      RIBOFLAVIN SUPPLEMENT, 3 Star – Standard source, necessary to energy production, fat and carbohydrate metabolism,

      VITAMIN D3, 3 Star – Standard source, aids calcium and phosphorous in building bones and teeth.

      MENADIONE SODIUM BISUFITE COMPLEX, 3 Star – Standard source of Vitamin K activity, necessary for blood clotting, aids as anti-parasitic for intestinal worms

      CALCIUM IODATE, 3 Star – Source of iodine, promotes strong bones, teeth, cardiovascular health and skeletal strength

      FOLIC ACID, 3 Star – Standard source, needed for blood building and DNA synthesis

      BIOTIN, 3 Star – Standard source to promote healthy skin and coat

      SODIUM SELENITE, 3 Star – Standard source of selenium, powerful anti-oxidant protects the body from free radicals and heavy metals, supports immune response

      JOIN US: Is BENEFUL by Purina KILLING or SICKENING Dogs? Post YOUR Story!

    • Nina

      Oct 3, 2013 at 1:34 pm

      Exactly, Blake.
      Why aren’t the vets more pro active in finding definite diagnoses? Why are there no groups researching the gene poll saturation created by inbreeding and linebreeding, resulting in increases of autoimmune diseases? What about the push to adopt from shelters…not knowing where that dog came from??
      I just read about a reputable breeder that did not know that breeding a Mother to a Son was inbreeding!

      • Doing it Right!

        Oct 16, 2013 at 10:46 pm

        Nina works for Beneful. Check out her handywork on the Beneful FB page.

        • Nina

          Nov 20, 2013 at 8:26 pm

          I do NOT work for Beneful, Purina, Nestlé, or anyone. You can lie with a big fake name, coward! That’s right, my handiwork at providing TRUE, correct information against the disinformation that is driving poor grieving, frustrated pet owners. I say shame on the vets, also that are letting owners believe “it must be the food”.
          People are not going to Blue Buffalo, or any of the others, because it is called herd/mob mentality. Beneful is the topic du jour.

  13. Eva Hatch

    Oct 2, 2013 at 10:51 pm

    Our dog eats a vegan dog food. He is a hound found left for dead in the woods by hunters. He had every kind of worm known to man or beast including heartworms. He loves his food. When we first had him his coat was like a brillo pad. Now it’s soft as a puppy’s Our vet said hounds have a bad time with allergies and since most hunters only use their dogs as “tools” they don’t eat very well. Sad that dogs who need the most get the least.

  14. Eva Hatch

    Oct 2, 2013 at 10:45 pm

    I am not surprised at anything shoddy that comes from Nestles. Those are the people who gave free formula to new mothers in Africa (who should have been breat feeding) and then when the mothers milk had dried up, offered to sell it to them at prices they could not afford. The formula was then diluted by the mothers with contaminated water, killing many babies. Scumbags. The owner of Nestles has also said “Access to water is not a human right and should be owned and bargained for by corporations.” These people are pinworms….lower than pinworms. Pinworms live on feces, Nestles sells it.

  15. Pam Taylor

    Oct 2, 2013 at 9:51 pm

    its not just the dog food that they make, i started feeding my cats purina cat food and they started throwing up right after they ate it, it hit my female the hardest,she still is not the same as she was before she started eating it


    Oct 2, 2013 at 5:26 pm

    Hoping no dogs are harmed by this food
    i have three dogs and rely on the makers of food to be at the highest quailty, like my food
    thank you

  17. Christine Livingston

    Oct 2, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    When Beneful first came out I sent for a sample to see if my dog would like it. He did, very much, so I bought it. a FEW WEEKS LATER HE STARTED DRINKING WAY MORE WATER THAN USUAL AND URINATING MORE TOO. I took him to the vet and after testing he put him on insulin. Then in a couple of months he started getting cataracts. Eventually he was blind. `After a year or so and many trips to the vet he died. He was a Miniature Schnauzer. Later on the internet I read many peoples description of the problems their dogs had with Beneful. Many had diabetes and blindness from cataracts. I will never buy Purina products again.

  18. Christine Livingston

    Oct 2, 2013 at 4:28 pm

    When Beneful first came out I sent for a sample to see if my dog would like it. He did, very much, so I bought it. a FEW WEEKS LATER HE STARTED DRINKING WAY MORE WATER THAN USUAL AND URINATING MORE TOO. I took him to the vet and after testing he put him on insulin. Then in a couple of months he started getting cataracts. Eventually he was blind. `

  19. Shirley

    Oct 2, 2013 at 4:12 pm

    I have switched my little dogs over to no grain dog foods. Most of them are 5 star and more expensive but it is worth. Go to the pet store and read the labels. Look at the top ingredients and avoid things like ‘byproducts’ and wheat gluten. Also you are more likely to get good information at a locally owned pet store where the owners actually work at the store. BTW I have also dumped Purina for my horse feed. #1 ingredient ‘wheat middlings’? In other words what is left over from processing flour. I don’t think so guys. And you are trying to convince me that this filler is superior nutrition? For dry food both the dogs and cats get one of Solid Gold’s formulation w/o grain. For wet food my dogs get Smartpak’s excellent Hand Carved Chicken and Pumpkin Stew. Actual chunks of chicken. FYI Smartpak is primarily known as an equine vendor so it won’t come up on a lot of searchs for canine products but they do have them.

    • Nina

      Oct 3, 2013 at 1:44 pm

      You do realize…horse feed is from Land O’ Lakes, right…
      not Nestlé Purina Pet Care??

      • Doing it Right!

        Oct 16, 2013 at 10:44 pm

        Shut up Nina and go back to the Beneful page where you work.

        • Nina

          Nov 20, 2013 at 8:21 pm

          Well, that’s how contradicting, correct information is received. Some people just don’t want to learn.

  20. Kay Garriott

    Oct 2, 2013 at 4:02 pm

    The FDA and the USDA are on Government Shutdown until further notice. So I guess nothing can be done until they go back to work.
    I have filed a claim with both. I was feeding Beneful Healthy Weight to my retired racing greyhound Wilber when he got sick and died. The USDA is having a sample of the dog food tested at Auburn University School of Veterinary Medicine. They will be sending the results to the FDA. The FDA got a copies of all of Wilber’s vet records just a few days after I files the complaint with them.

    • Nina

      Apr 8, 2015 at 10:00 am

      How odd, that you never posted the results of the testing, like you said you were going to do.

  21. Elton

    Jun 23, 2013 at 12:08 am

    My dog went into a full blown cezure yesturday,did blood test everything was fine untill i realized i have feed my dog pedigree for the first 4 years of her life never had a problem! i changed over to beneful for the last 3 months now i have to worry about the dog food crises! how many years have this product been on the market for them not to realise that its killing dogs! i want answers!?

    • chuck

      Oct 24, 2013 at 11:19 pm

      There is absolutely no reason why dog food & treats have to be made in foreign countries. I view foreign made dog foods as pure Gawd Almighty GREED. Selling foreign garbage in the name of profits should be banned in the US.

      If they are so proud of their products, why do we have to investigate their products like a bunch of inexperienced Private Eyes. We see “Processed in the United States” on some dog stuffs. That is outright deceiving and the most alarming red flag we are forced to deal with. If you fear the dog foods on the market, maybe feed your dogs boiled chicken and brown rice until we get to the bottom if this fiasco. You can prepare it in large batches and refrigerate it. It is really not as expensive as you think. Call your vet office and ok it with the vet first. Of course, this is a temporary and precautionary measure to take until you find a dog food that is made and produced in the USA and proudly stated on the label.

    • connie

      Feb 18, 2014 at 12:14 am

      I no I have used kibbles and bites for 30 years and like a dumby switch to beniful and 1 week late lost my shepard [email protected]

  22. Bertie

    May 29, 2013 at 9:31 pm

    I was wondering if you ever thought of changing the page
    layout of your site? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say.
    But maybe you could a little more in the way of
    content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of
    text for only having 1 or two pictures. Maybe you could space
    it out better?

  23. M. M. Hatman

    Apr 29, 2013 at 12:04 pm

    My dog became very ill on Beneful and we are still waiting on lab results to see if he has any permanent hepatic or renal damage. He was lethargic, not playful, just not himself on Beneful. feeding him plain people food also probably saved his life. But we are worrying and waiting to see if he has permanent organ damage. I have hired an attorney. Enough is enough!

    thank you for addressing this problem. I appreciate it.

  24. M. Avery

    Apr 29, 2013 at 9:37 am

    There are now over 60 faces on what has become known as the “Angels page”. Hardly a day goes by that a new face isn’t added.

    • M. M. Hatman

      Apr 29, 2013 at 12:06 pm

      every single day the Angels page breaks more hearts and requires more Kleenex, but it is certainly a worthy cause. How can Purina look at those faces of our best friends and continue to deny everything?? M. Avery, we appreciate the work you do.

  25. ginnielee

    Apr 22, 2013 at 8:43 pm


    My 12 1/2 year young Akita passed on January 16 within 3 weeks after eating beneful for a week and half while I was in Georgia visiting my family over Christmas holidays 2012. He was pretty healthy for a 12 year Akita. He had just had a check up and blood work right before his 12th birthday August 6,2012 nd everything came back great!!!! He had gotten pneumonia in October but I put him on antibiotics for a month and he had fully recovered so, I went on to Georgia for the holidays which, I wish I never did now. I live in Boca Raton, Florida. I got home and he had thrown up at my sister and was spread eagle on the floor and I panicked and called my vet thinking it had something to do with pneumonia and I rushed out to get his Hills WD and ID food but he wouldn’t eat it I guess after having the tasteful crap of Purina he did not want his bland food that was good for him so not thinking the Purina was bad and it was just needed to mix it with his Hills food knowing changing his food without mixing it can upset a dogs tummy which happens to all dogs if you change their food and not ween him from his regular food I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong so, my vet called in an antibiotic for me just in case he was getting sick again and I headed home with both foods still mixing it because he seemed to love the beneful crap but, once I got back to Florida he had started acting lathergic and laying around on floor and unable to get up and farting a horrible smell so, I threw bag of food out and kept him on antibiotics but, then he took a turn for the worse and didn’t get up all day to poo or pee and then I forced him to get up and go out and pee pee and poop and he barely could and he pooed like it hurt a lot to poo then took a long pee pee then collapsed and died. I had no idea of anything bad of beneful and figured it was from pneumonia and it was his time to go seeing he was 12 1/2 but, I went online over the weekend because, I was and am still very upset of his passing. He was my everything literally!!! I was going on a forum to chat with people that were still mourning their dogs death and somehow came across the beneful site and I have been upset since Saturday over the weekend. I contacted the VP of Purina this morning Mr. McGinnis and spoke to a lady that said she was in their consumer affairs department and I demanded to leave a message for this man seeing he is suppose to be the BIG WIG running the operation. I left a message that I just know this food took my dog,s life. I know he had a weak immune system after having pneumonia and being on antibiotics so, I know this crap took his life!!!!! I plan on sending him of picture of my dog he murdered. I saw a picture of him and his two dogs online and I want him to see mine that he took from me for neglegence and carelessness with not running a tight ship and he is such a coward he want take any calls or even admit he made a big mistake and rectify the problem. Them saying they have tested the food is so foolish!!!!! How could they test the food that was bought by consumers that their dogs consumed? They haven’t ,,,, THEY ARE TESING FOOD THEY HAVE NOW NOT THE FOOD THAT WAS SOLD TO CONSUMERS OF DEAD PETS!!!! HOW COULD THEY? WHAT A STUPID STUPID COMMENT!!!!! THIS COMPANY OR MAN HAS NOT HEARD THE LAST OF ME!!!! TRUST ME!!!! I WILL NOT STOP TIL SOMETHING POSITIVE HAPPENS!!! HE IS NOT EVEN WILLING TO MAKE A PUBLIC APOLOGY!!!! WHAT A COWARD AND RUTHLESS MAN!!! But the good LORD takes care of people like this in time!!!! I owe something though to my poor baby that,s life was taken from me and him so quickly and so horrible of a way to go. I am sick to my stomach over this just sick to my stomach. I was just now handling this a little but, still having some real bad crying day,s but, now I am pretty upset with this company specially seeing they are denying any allegations and at least admitting there is a problem. There are 530 consumer affair reports and they are saying most of them are ficticious!!!! That is just horrible!!!! I doubt any of those consumer affair comments are false!!!!!! What a bunch of money hungry careless people!!!!!!! I am hurting so bad and feel so guilty that I gave my baby this crap food!!!!

    • connie

      Feb 18, 2014 at 12:13 am

      I would like to talk more I just lost my dog the same way and almost my other one [email protected] thank-you

  26. Ben

    Apr 17, 2013 at 11:02 pm

    My dog is currently hairless (all fell out in last week-9 days), had 2 visits to the vet & is now in his 3rd visit being held overnight due to such severe symptoms. I tried the Blue Buffalo & other ~$55/bag foods, but he literally made poops like a rabbit because it was too hard of stool for him – and he looked like he was in pain. After switching many brands, Beneful seemed the best stool concistancy, his gas after wasn’t wallpaper peeling (BB was un-Godly!) – so he was great the last ~6 yrs on it. He’s 10 this month, I had him since a pup, and all medical conditions are from this single bag I bought ~3 weeks back in WA state @ a Petco, “healthy radience” flavor, lot number (blue box bottom of bag) is: 30151083 0957L04 / best before Jan 2014 :

    Addionally, my vet when I was in today had a vet circular that sepecifically had a cover page column on Beneful being under extreme suspicion. He & I talked the last visit & he was pro-Nutrina vs. many others, so we weren’t worried – now he said to keep this bag, as it may be evidence should my hairless 1/2Rottie, 1/2Bull Terrier (so should have 3-5 more yrs min since yearly & mostly 6 month visits). Check your bags’ lot number people. I think it’s this lot, as he was FINE prior to this bag.

  27. Jeff

    Apr 1, 2013 at 11:30 pm

    My 3 years old male mastiff just died today, we gave him Beneful for the first time last night, we were too busy to go buy the usual food we ended up with beneful, after a bowl, Rex started doing seizures, he did seizures after seizure one after another until his heart stopped! I am mad as hell! They killed me my dog!!!!

    • connie

      Feb 18, 2014 at 12:11 am

      yes mine to and then she died and my other one almost died. i would like to hear more from you if you dont mind writing to my email [email protected] vet said that in the last 3-4 weeks they have had several dead dogs come in that were healthy and then just passed away and they could not explain why

  28. Melissa Bessette

    Mar 20, 2013 at 8:19 am

    We re-homed a greyhound who had been with his first family for six months. He came to us with red, raw, denuded paws. We were told by the vet that it was probably a food allergy. The original adopters fed him Beneful. We started feeding him a premium dog food and treated him with antibiotics and steroids. I can happily report that all the hair has grown back on his paws and he no longer needs treatment. He is a happy boy!

  29. CC

    Mar 3, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    This is just the tip on the iceberg – here’s a Harvard Law Paper which explains in thorough detail how & why pet owners have been conned into feeding their carnivores glutens and other junk-waste which would otherwise end up in landfills:

  30. CC

    Mar 3, 2013 at 5:08 pm

    It’s not just Beneful, either — check these out, still pouring in

    Look into how much $$$$ Purina shells into the mainstream Veterinary Association and Universities, as well as, advertising. They are literally a “Protected class”!! Nobody’s going to mess with them.

  31. caixa activa

    Feb 27, 2013 at 11:04 am

    Your style is really unique compared to
    other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this page.

  32. Saginaw

    Feb 19, 2013 at 3:14 pm

    OK, Purina/Beneful is no good. Any recommendations for a good and safe food for my Labbie? Right now I’m feeding him “Science Diet for Sensitive Stomach”. I was feeding him Puppy chow but he was heaving and throwing up occasionally, so I switched. The Science Diet ingredients don’t seem to be much different from Purina. Thanks for the feedback in advance.

    • connie

      Feb 18, 2014 at 12:06 am

      Ive uses kibbkes and bites for 30 years with out a problem. made a mistake and switched to beniful and my dog died 5 days later and the other was was very close to death going back to original kibbles and bites. no many people that swear by that kind

  33. Katie Buning

    Feb 15, 2013 at 3:31 pm

    They have deleted my post also last night because we were informing people to Contact their State Dept. of Agriculture and providing information and phone numbers! Our dog is currently fighting for her life after an emergency surgery on Monday. She has eaten Beneful all of her life and when I saw the controversy associated with this product I noticed that she had similar symptoms and took her to the vet to make sure that she was okay. What resulted was surgery for bladder stones that would hav ecaoused kidney failure, This was 5 days ago. Now there are complicationds with her surgery and she is still in the hospital. We, as the people need to do something about this. Not only are they killing our pets they are not allowing people to share information to protect their paets as well! I hate you Beneful.

    • ginnielee

      Apr 22, 2013 at 8:56 pm

      How were they able to delete your post and where did you post the information?

  34. edith orlando

    Feb 13, 2013 at 10:14 am

    I have given my dog Benefuld food for 11 years with no problem.. what do you suggest instead…????

    • margaret

      Feb 13, 2013 at 5:30 pm

      I have fed my dog beneful ever since we got him 11 years ago no problem here either.I don’t know what to think either!

    • M. Avery

      Feb 18, 2013 at 11:39 am

      Edith, look to this site when choosing a new feed. Choose at least a 4 star food for your paw child.

    • connie

      Feb 18, 2014 at 12:03 am

      I dont no that dog food killed my dog after only 5 days

  35. Mary DiBlasi

    Feb 12, 2013 at 1:09 pm

    The bottom line is you really do get what you pay for. With Purina, Pedigree, Alpo you’re paying for corn and chicken parts you wouldn’t want to eat and other unmentionable glop. You have to read, read, read the ingredients and familiarize yourself with what the big words really mean. There are plenty of internet articles, or dog magazine articles that try to demystify the dog food language and decode it for dog owners and help us understand what we are buying. Sure the good stuff costs more, but you save money in the long run in vet visits and peace of mind in knowing you are doing the best you can for your pet and seeing them look healthy and happy. Who doesn’t love a bright-eyed shiny-coated dog with lots of energy?

    • Julie Jaster

      Feb 12, 2013 at 2:19 pm

      While I agree that Purina is an awful food for our dogs, lets not bash people for using it. Many of the Purina items are Ok’d by vets and consumers unknowingly put faith in what they are told by the vets. Until someone is educated in animal nutrition or experience a problem, they put their trust in what used to be many, many, many years ago a reputable product.

  36. Anthony

    Feb 12, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    I used to feed my dogs walmarts comparable version. Forget what it’s called. After minimal research into the ingredients I decided my pets were worth more. I buy Taste of the Wild now, grain free and ingredients start out like this: duck, duck meal, chicken meal, egg product, sweet potatoes, peas, chicken fat, potatoes, roast quail, roast duck, smoked turkey, etc… Even has lactobacillus and acidophilus, beneficial bacteria used in the intestines to break down food and absorb nutrients. May be $50/big bag, but how long will that last your dog? My puppies are worth it.

    • Maris

      Feb 13, 2013 at 3:43 am

      Totally agree with you, Anthony. I buy the same brand and all of my 6 babies are worth it. You can’t compare the health or life of family members to any dollar amount. A little sacrifice goes a long way. Forget brand name shoes or clothes – as long as everybody in the family is healthy is what counts the most.

    • Lenora King

      Oct 2, 2013 at 3:11 pm

      Anthony, how big is the big bag?

    • Teresa Glidden

      Oct 2, 2013 at 4:02 pm

      The manufacturer of “Taste of the Wild” also packages it as Kirkland Dog Food…same stuff, but less expensive. Still very good quality – look it up on

    • AGirlNamedTex

      Oct 2, 2013 at 4:11 pm

      Amen! I used to feed my dog Purina Dog chow and he started acting funny and sluggish. I thought about it for a second: If you get 30lbs of dog food for less than $20, it probably isn’t going to be anything good or nutritious.
      So I switched to Dick Van Patten’s Natural Balance dog food and Blue Buffalo. Yeah, it’s $100 every time I go to buy it, but two giant bags last my pooch about 2 & 1/2 months and money put towards more snuggle and belly rub time is TOTALLY worth it!

  37. Julie Jo

    Feb 12, 2013 at 3:27 am

    They had the nuts to send me one of those tester cans of Beniful because they didn’t like the comment I left on their website. I have and will keep on boycotting everything that they own which includes Jack In The Box, Mrs Fields, and many more. That’s even including their food lines as well. I will post this and share it yet again on my Facebook all of the other sites I belong to. What I am hoping is, that if we can get the word out, they will cave.

    • Anthony

      Feb 12, 2013 at 12:16 pm

      Wow, so your telling me that not only do they feed bullshit to our dogs, but that they have it out for us too? Damn! I love fast food but limit myself to a max of twice a month.

      • Julie Jo

        Oct 3, 2013 at 12:36 am

        Anthony, don’t you think that if they don’t care anything about our pets dying that they even give a crap about what they sell us? I honestly think that they don’t. All they care about is the money coming in. Bottom line… if it is in the pet food supply, it’s in ours as well. We are already buying most of our chicken from China as of last month. I saw this coming a long time ago. To me it just makes me sad. My dogs eat Solid Gold and my cats are eating Premium Edge, but I think I may change the cats over to Solid Gold as well. I have had very good luck with that brand. It doesn’t matter to me how much it costs if my animals are healthy and happy.

        • Doing it Right!

          Oct 3, 2013 at 11:01 am

          I believe that looking into a RAW diet is something to consider too. It is overall healthier for your dog and cat. Here is someone who is an expert in dog and cat nutrition.

        • Nina

          Oct 3, 2013 at 1:57 pm

          Last month, the ban on imports of “processed poultry imports” from China was lifted. That is…WE(and Canada) send OUR raw chicken to China…they process it into wings, nuggets, etc., then send it back.
          “Poultry producers say almost all the chicken eaten in the U.S. will still be produced and processed domestically. The U.S. government currently allows Canada, Chile, France and Israel to export processed poultry to the U.S. ‘Ninety-nine percent of the chicken we consume here is hatched, raised and processed in the U.S.,’ Tom Super, a spokesman for the National Chicken Council, a Washington-based industry group, said in an e-mail. ‘We don’t expect that to change any time soon.’…
          …Tyson Foods Inc. (TSN), the largest U.S. meat processor, chicken producer Sanderson Farms Inc. (SAFM), and McDonald’s Corp. (MCD), the world’s largest restaurant chain, are among companies that don’t plan to import processed chicken from China, according to company officials. “

        • connie

          Feb 18, 2014 at 12:02 am

          I agree there dog food made one of my dogs close to death and killed the other one

  38. Beth

    Feb 12, 2013 at 2:06 am

    If only all dog owners would just do a modicum of research on canine nutrition, or at the very least visit a store that specializes in high quality food and let them explain it to them. But too many people have a dog and don’t care what it eats…wish those people didn’t have dogs to begin with.

    • The FB group “Is BENEFUL by Purina Killing our Dogs? Post Your Story!” has received more than 100 joinees since this excellent article went up. Thank you guys!

      If you click my name you will be taken there.

      And the Beneful page is being swamped with angry consumers wanting answers.

      We have members with sickened or dead animals who have spoken to Purina and Purina has asked for food samples and ALL test results. It has also offered to pay ALL vets’ bills.. it is quite possible that the next stage would be an offer of compensation and the signing of a non-disclosure agreement in return. They were good at doing that with the jerky treats and the last recall, weren’t they! Once the company has that signature the victim cannot say another word about their case and are not able to enter into a class action law suit later on. The fact is that an offer like this is too much to resist for most people who may already have spent thousands of dollars on their pet.

      • M. Avery

        Feb 18, 2013 at 11:48 am

        To anyone reading this or if you know anyonewho has lost a paw child to the toxic, tainted Beneful dog foog please leave a message on the Beneful Angels FB page. FacesBehindTheStatistics Someone will get back to you very soon.

      • M. Avery

        Feb 18, 2013 at 12:10 pm

        The link to the Beneful Angels page is broken – use this:

      • barry conrad

        Oct 3, 2013 at 1:00 pm

        we had four dogs, three of them had bactearial infection in the last year, and one just died from liver cancer abaot five years before his time, i dont know whats going on, but something is!! beneful has been their mainstay food, but never again!!!!

    • Voice of Reason

      Jun 14, 2013 at 5:30 pm

      Your the idiot. Not the casual dog owner who trusts in products that are sold over the American counter are going to be of the quality in that is expected by all businesses selling a product. Instead you have to bash the owners instead of the creators who decided to pull shortcuts at the expense of our animals. While research should certainly be done, most people forget that when you are not aware of an issue, it is hard to have a “premonition” about it. Perhaps you could be so kind as to start a tour and go about the countryside and inform us ignorant dog owners in everything you possibly know about owning dogs, so that we may too be worthy to bask in your glow.

      Another ignorant dog owner

      • GrammarGirl

        Oct 2, 2013 at 7:03 pm

        You do realize the irony of the statement “your the idiot”, right? The correct word is “you’re” as in you are.

        • BJ X

          Oct 3, 2013 at 7:19 am

          YOU’RE missing the point. It’s not necessary to bash the owners. Many people believe Purina to hold itself to certain standards because it has been in existence for so long. It’s supposed to be one of those “Trusted” brands. And pointing out someone’s faulty grammar does nothing to help the situation, nor does name calling. Channel your energy towards fighting Purina and not the victims.

          • Doing it Right!

            Oct 3, 2013 at 10:51 am

            No, you are missing the point! As pet owners we are responsible as to what they eat just as much as you are responsible for what goes into your body. Even though this dog food has been in existence for a long time does not mean that they hold true to good quality as they did…say 20 years ago. Today these big businesses are all about money. How to make produce dog food cheaper to get more money out of the deal. They use chicken parts, chicken feathers, road kill, euthanized animals from zoo, vets, etc. Would you eat this? So why would you feed it to your dog? Do your research and become a responsible owner. Just because they say it is safe and good for your dog, does not mean it is. They will lie wholeheartedly just to make the big bucks.

    • connie

      Feb 18, 2014 at 12:00 am

      Hi I just read your article. I just lost a dog after feeding her purina beniful for anly about a week. 2 days after eating it she a seisure. 24 hrs later came out of it 3 days later had a nother one and pass away 20 min later. She was old in age but in health and body. Everyone that new her thought she was about 5 years old. She has never been sick. Desided to put her on a I thought better dog food. But no my dog ended up passing away. I fell something needs to be done. Then 1 mth earlier I borrows some dog food till I could get to the store. Ny other shepard ate it became very sick on fri night about 10pm,by monday about 11am she was so sick they didnt no if she would make it ate the vet. She is only 4 and very heathy if you can help me email me at [email protected]. thank-you

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