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Last week in this article, we told you about “Bark Mitzvahs”, the latest craze among Jewish American dog owners. Well, now it seems in New Jersey, reform Rabbis are against the lastest craze of bark mitzvahs, and asking Jewish dog owners to put an end to it! Here’s the latest, as reported by vosizneias.com:
Rabbis are Against the Latest Craze Of ‘Bark Mitzvahs’
New Jersey – The Associated Press released new footage of a New Jersey dog named Nicky, photographed wearing a kippah for a ceremony attended by his owner and friends.
“I perform Bark Mitzvahs because it’s a blessing for the animals,” said Lee Day, who performed the “Bark Mitzvah” for Nicky in New Jersey. “I really believe that the animals have a right to have a party and a religion.”
According to The Associated Press, the craze performed by members of the American Jewish community including the exchange of cards and invitations for the event, is a multi-million dollar business.
“It’s really part of a sacred tradition,” said Rabbi Daniel Satlow, referring to the human version of the ceremony. “To imagine that a dog could do anything like this is degrading.”
“This is nothing less than a desecration of a cherished Jewish tradition and degrades some of the central principles of Jewish life. I urge readers to reject such practices,” wrote Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff. “I enjoy a good time as much as the next person. But not at the expense of religious traditions that need strengthening, not desecrating.”
You can read the original article here. What’s your opinion? Do you agree with the Rabbis – are you against the latest craze of bark mitzvahs or do you think dogs have a right to a religion? Let us know in the comment box below.

Jan 28, 2012 at 4:58 am
im leeday the creator of the bark mitvha all you rabbi,s have to liten up first of all it is not wrong to bless adog or any animal in that fact you don,t mine useing them to help you if you disablyed in in a israli war but to bless them god made us all in fact they loved me so much in israil they just worte a four page story and photo shoot that will be coming out in the biggest paper in israil the rabbi,s there love it and think it beauiful i bless the animals and yes there are women who are rabbis so don,t even statrt with that you know what rabbi,s start learning how to be happy and care forr evryon and love all that means animals same on all of you god would be diapointed in all of yo leeday