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Last Monday, SiriusXM radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger was hosting a segment on her show entitled, “Ways to Fight Loneliness.” As dog lovers and pet parents, we all know that having a dog in your life provides love and companionship – and excellent way to fight loneliness. Dr. Laura may have been making the suggestion that people adopt a dog to fight loneliness when her suggestions took a terrible turn.
Dr. Laura discussed having made a recent trip to her local rescue shelter. She described her shock upon realizing that the shelter was full of Pit Bull type breeds. It was then that the host made a shocking and revolting statement.
According to The Examiner, Dr. Laura said “Pit Bulls are a waste of space and should all be put down.”
Any and all attempts to reach Dr. Laura for comment have been ignored or refused.
Dog lovers and Pit Bull supporters around the country are disgusted by Dr. Laura’s sentiment, and rightfully so. The Orange County Pit Bull Rescue said, “Shame on people like Dr. Laura, who spew ignorance about subjects they are not qualified to discuss. People like her are responsible for many, many deaths of wonderful, loving dogs.”
So what can we do to speak up for Pit Bulls and express our anger with Dr. Laura’s statement in a positive and constructive way?
The Examiner had an excellent solution:
Let’s join together and let Dr. Laura, Sirius and her sponsors know we disagree with her!
Some of the sponsors of the program can be found below. A sample message might read “Did you know one of the folks you sponsor on air just said all pit bulls should be killed? Dr. Laura just made that comment. Is that someone you want to sponsor, someone that advocates killing dogs?
[email protected]Stamps.com
twitter.com/stampscomThe popcorn factory
[email protected]Canvas world
www.canvasworld.com/about/contactSimply to impress
www.simplytoimpress.com/contactAlso Sirius can be reached at:
[email protected]
Please, use your own voice to speak up for the voiceless. Let SiriusXM and advertisers on the show know that you don’t support Dr. Laura’s reprehensible ideals and that you won’t support the companies that support her.
Since airing her grievances against this misunderstood breed on Monday, one advertiser, Kidsemail.org, has already pulled from her program. (Way to go, KidsEmail!) This is only the start!

Apr 19, 2016 at 11:47 am
Killing pit bulls off is not the way to tackle this problem.
We need to stop breeding pit bulls… which will solve the over population issue in the short term… and it will solve the safety issue over time.
Pit bulls are the most abused dog in the world as well as the most dangerous.
Why people want to own dogs that were created and selectively bred to kill in a pit is a mystery to me. I guess they like capable/dangerous pets.
We can not allow people to own pets that are consistently killing children, people, and other pets. This is common sense.
Ban breeding, importing, buying, selling of all pit bulls. People who own pit bulls now must have them sterilized.
The solution is not that hard. Nobody loses their pet… and we work towards a solution.
Apr 16, 2016 at 12:31 am
Shes stupid amd heartless and should be ashamed of her ugly self . My shitzue is more aggresive then my pitty its all in how the owner tranes them
Mary Bishop Olson
Feb 16, 2016 at 1:31 pm
Dennis Johnson…you need to do a little research…there are other breeds out there bred for fighting…all dogs have to be trained to do their job…no dog is born knowing their job! the VAST majority of pit bull type dogs and their mixes today are not bred to be anything other than the family pet …and millions of them are proving that daily…
Mary Bishop Olson
Feb 16, 2016 at 1:27 pm
and 5 days later she apologized for her ignorance…..
Dr. Laura sorry she said pit bull dogs at shelters ‘should all be put down’
Apr 16, 2016 at 11:48 am
The radio station should fire her or people should stop listening to the radio station until they do. I have had pitbulls over 30 years and I’ll have them till the day I die.my daughter cat is meaning then my pits
Senor Tropical
Feb 16, 2016 at 5:55 am
As the saying goes “You can’t fix stupid”
Anyone with half a brain can look at the horrendous statistics on the pitbull breed,
“Pit bulls make up 6 percent of the dog population in Canada and the US, but they are responsible for 68 percent of dog attacks and 52 percent of dog-related deaths from 1982 to 2009”
and make the benign choice for yourself, your neighbors, and your community, to opt out of a non-vicious breed of dog.
(And for the pidiots who try and compare bites of pitbulls and chihuahuas… Haha, pidiots (sigh and shake of the head.))
Dennis Johnson
Feb 16, 2016 at 2:56 am
All the characteristics that make this breed notorious were selected centuries ago. They were used in the sports of bull and bear baiting. They were bred to attack without provocation or warning (hence their “unpredictability”); clamp on to a vulnerable area of the victim’s body with a hold-and-shake grip to inflict major physical damage; and sustain tremendous pain in order to continue damaging the victim. They were not intended to be household pets. They do these things for the same reason pointers “point” – it’s bred into them. It has nothing to do with “irresponsible ownership.
Apr 15, 2016 at 10:49 pm
wrong sir. I have rescued and owned several “pit bull” breed dogs. The most loving and gentle souls. How do you account for the Michael Vick dogs that were saved and went on to homes and become great family pets. It is a combination of nature & nurture. Just like your kid, can be good or bad, depending on the environment and the influences or lack of.
Dennis Johnson
Feb 16, 2016 at 2:55 am
No other breed in America is currently bred for fighting, in such great numbers as the American Pit Bull Terrier. No other breed has instinctive behaviors that are so consistently catastrophic when they occur, regardless of how rarely they happen. The reality is that every English Pointer has the ability to point a bird. Every Cattle Dog has the ability to bite the heel of a cow and every Beagle has the ability to make an obnoxious bugling noise when it scents a rabbit or sees a cat walking on the back fence. Realistically, if your English Pointer suddenly and unpredictably points at a bird in the park, nobody cares. If my Heeler nips your ankle, I’m going to take care of your injuries and probably be fined for the incident. If your Beagle bugles too much, you’ll get a ticket for a noise violation. If your Pit Bull does what it’s bred to do…well, you fill in the blank.
Linda Mastropietro
Apr 15, 2016 at 3:24 pm
You don’t know anything about Pitbulls. Go to some shelters and hear some of the horror stories. My Pitbull doesn’t bite. She is so loving.
Al G
May 4, 2016 at 8:53 pm
Yeah, all pit bulls are mindless killing machines. Just like Rottweilers and Dobermans were in years gone past. All greyhounds are really really fast and love running around a track.If your going to have such a generalised way of thinking, why stop with dogs… All Thoroughbred horses must then of course be race horses. All cats hate water. All Americans love guns. Everyone from England loves drinking tea. All Australians will great you with ” G’day mate”, and of course all Muslims are terrorists!!! Dennis, the reason that these Bull breed dogs have such a bad name IS because of irresponsible owners and due to the fact that they are so loyal and protective of their pack. Take the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, like you mentioned were originally bred to bring down large beasts (Bulls, bears) but then became ‘Nanny Dogs’. A nanny dog was used as a babysitter for small children as they were extremely gentle with young within what they perceived to be their pack and protective. Any dog has the ability to attack and inflict harm, the same as any creature on this planet. And the one creature that has inflicted the most harm and done the most damage, is the first creature that looks to blame every other creature before taking responsibility for what they have caused and that is us humans!
Brenda Lee Alves
Nov 4, 2015 at 11:36 pm
Jul 4, 2015 at 2:19 am
The point is that ANY dog can bite someone….the worst thing you can do say is “I trust my dog. He wouldn’t hurt ayone”
I have a retriever sharpei mix. I was looking at his paw one day because he was limping. He turned out and bit my arm, let go then bit through my hand. I still have a scar. I couldn’t use my arm or hand for weeks because I had nerve damage. My dog was in obedience training and is raised in a loving home. And still he bit. J
I don’t trust him with anyone let alone children or us.
The apbt and other stubborn breeds such as rotties and the gsd and other bully breeds should be bred ONLY by people who know what they are doing. Aka registered breeders who breed for temperament and health. And who sell on spay and neuter contracts.
But let’s face it all dogs should be spayed or neutered. There really isn’t any need to breed them. Our shelters are full.
Never trust any dog…. not even your own.
The apbt is a terrier. . They will chase aything that moves.
But it’s true a pit shouldn’t have ay trace of human aggression. Have dog aggression is cmmon. Because that’s way they were bred to fight. Well correction bull dogs were bred to fight bulls then that became illegal to they started fighting other dogs Instead.
You can’t blame a breed for what it was bred to do. It’s like yelling at a lab because he got a duck.
All you can do is be realistic. If you take your dog anywhere make sure it has a leash on and or muzzle. If nessesary.
Mario Pitbull Owner
Jul 1, 2015 at 8:53 pm
Very unfortunate. We need more pit bull owners to educate the public on the misconceptions on this beed that still exist. They’re a great breed to own. However, proper socialization is essential starting from day 1.
ruth kessler
May 11, 2015 at 9:22 pm
U need to be put down doc how u like that. U r so rude & dirty for even saying that
ruth kessler
May 11, 2015 at 9:19 pm
How about we put u down doc BC u r one rude & dirty person
Apr 4, 2015 at 10:50 am
the o nly ones that need to be put down are the Dr Lauras and the Asshole Michael vicks of the world and all the assholes that agree with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Margaret McNamara
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:34 pm
I fully believe dogs are bred for certain things. Retrievers are bred to retrieve, Border Collies are bred to herd, German Shepards were bred to guard, toy breeds were bred as companion animals for the wealthy women of the day. The American Staffordshire Terrier as we know today as the Pitbull was bred to fight other dogs. Dogs aren’t just dogs. Dogs are and were bred to perform certain tasks. People say it’s the “owners” as far as all these pitbulls being out of control. I think the bottom line is people get these dogs (pitbulls) and don’t understand their power. They think my dog is so friendly, so nice and boom something terrible happens. Personally I love dogs and own several golden retrievers. I really wish people would stop being in denial of the power of these dogs. Pitbulls are very unpredictable and can be very dangerous. My dogs (retrievers) have been attacked by pits numerous times. I would never leave a small child alone with my goldens, much less a pit. I don’t agree with Dr. Laura that all pits should be put down, but I do think there should be strong laws about breeding them and having these dogs intact in metropolitan areas. People need to be responsible for their dogs, regardless of the bred, but especially for pits. Have you seen what type of dogs are available at most shelters. Chihuahuas and pitbulls. Now that’s irresponsible breeding right there!
Shiraz Qaddoumi
Jan 15, 2015 at 2:27 am
You are correct. Pitbulls are bred by dogfighters to fight dogs. Dogs. D-O-G-S. Human-aggressive dogs are culled, (i.e. tortured to death for fun) and if you knew anything about dogfighting you would know this. You “fully believe” nonsense. Use your head! Do you think the dogfighters care to get mauled when they are constantly breaking up hundreds of vicious bloody fights while training them? The sad irony is that the dogfighters are partly responsible for maintaining this breed’s sweet, loving nature. I am curious, where do you get this information of the “power” of pits? They are not the biggest dogs. They are not the strongest dogs. They do not have the strongest bite force. (I hope you are not going to say anything about “locking jaws,” that is beyond stupid. It is so stupid that until recently I thought it was a myth that people believed that myth.) Do you know why they use pitbulls to fight? Because pitbulls defend. Pitbulls will defend, battling through pain and mutilation and agony, until they draw their last breath. They use pitbulls because the pits think they are defending their person from the other dog – the person who beats and tortures them, who has never shown them any love. The dogs think the other dog is trying to get to their person and must be stopped. I am not making this up, I have seen plenty of documentaries about this – with these pathetic”men” who won’t even show their faces on camera. Afterwards, dogs with horrific, gaping wounds are put back in their filthy cages with no treatment; only the most valuable dogs get rudimentary homemade stitches and maybe an antibiotic shot. Watch a dogfighting raid and you will see dogs so badly injured they ultimately have to be put down, and they still wag their tails and are happy to get love from the first kind touch they’ve ever known. ALL FORTY-NINE of the dogs rescued from Michael Vick’s house of horrors became therapy dogs, a 50th stayed with a rescue as a breed ambassador. You know NOTHING. I wish I could sic my pit on you but alas, all that would happen is you would get kissed to death. Once while I was waiting at the vet someone like you made a comment about my dog as they were leaving and the vet, who happened to be out in the waiting room completely shut her down. After she left he said “this was their first visit and they had to wait a really long time. Hopefully they won’t come back.” You also “fully” have your dog hierarchy wrong in regards to safety around children, since pits score significantly higher than goldens (and almost all other dogs except labs) on the temperament test. Now for breed bans. Ha! Hahahahahaha! You are even more ridiculous than your comment first led me to believe! Fortunately, after years of these garbage rules, and entire mountain ranges of proof of their nonsense, breed bans are being repealed all over and entire states are making them illegal. Do you even know what a breed ban is? They ban “pitbull-type dogs.” What is THAT supposed to be?? It’s any dog that looks sort of like a pitbull. If you take a boxer and mix it with anything, including one of your goldens, the result is all but guaranteed to “look like” a pitbull. Shelters don’t know what those dogs are! I volunteered at one for two years, we don’t know what the heck these dogs are but people insist on having a breed, “mix” just won’t do, and we put our best guess. There are way too many pitbulls because of dogfighters, but not nearly so many as you think. No news story has to prove their claim at all, they can just put pitbull in the headline and that’s the end. Not too long ago the dailymail ran a story involving a “MONSTER 120 POUND PITBULL!” as the headline screamed. Except, pitbulls are max 55 pounds at absolute largest, most are much smaller. A huge amount of dog owners think they have a pit and their dog has no pit at all. There is a “find a pit” poster thing online, you should go look at it. One only has like 10 dogs and some of them are obviously not pits (although enough look like it to make the point) but the other has a couple dozen. That’s the one you should look at. Only one is a pitbull. Even I guessed wrong. Under your breed ban you “fully believe” in, all of them would be banned and even worse taken and destroyed and you better believe they would be pitbulls in the headline if one of them bit somebody. There are good stories too. There will always be stories of our dogs rescuing us and saving us, those are infinite and endless, but as I said, pits defend people from danger and in just the past couple years alone I can think of three stories that perfectly exemplify this. 1. a woman was in the park with her toddler son and she was being sexually assaulted. A stray pitbull came out of nowhere and attacked the man, saving her. She kept him and named him Angel. 2. a woman’s well-behaved pitbull suddenly exploded out of her front door and streaked down the street to where severe domestic violence was happening, the man had dragged the woman out into the street and was beating her, and the pit attacked the man, stopping him. Just weeks ago I saw a story about some kids playing outside I believe by a creek when they accidentally disturbed a ground hornet nest and the hornets gushed out, attacking them. Two of the kids got away, one was overcome by the stings and fell. Their pit heard the screams and came running, ran straight into all the hornets, dragged him away, stopped, let him half-climb onto her back and took him the rest of the way. THAT is why they use pits to fight. Would you like to know how all of this about pitbulls started? The dog that for 100 years was THE kid’s dog? The dog known as “America’s dog,” whose visage was used to sell war bonds? Look at the posters. Everybody knows the little rascals had a pitbull. That’s not just an “example” of a nice one, they chose a bull terrier because as I said, it was THE kid dog, far beyond any other. What happened was, in the late 80s a publication (may have been newsweek, I can’t recall) ran a cover with a cujo looking maniac dog with the headline “IS THIS THE MOST DANGEROUS DOG IN THE WORLD?” That’s it, that’s patient zero. I don’t think this cat will ever be put back into the bag, although things are getting better. It breaks my heart that this most loving and forgiving of all breeds is the one not just most maligned but brutally tortured. You have no idea what dogfighters do to the dogs, or the piles of dead and half-dead corpses after a fight, their faces ripped off, eyes gouged out. Losers who survive will be tortured to death. Michael Vick admitted to personally hanging, bodyslamming, shocking with cattle prods and electrocuting dogs, among other things. Once I was watching animal cops and this episode featured a dogfighting raid. One of the dogs was so badly injured he could not be saved, and I will never, never forget the sight of his broken, scarred body standing on the examining table, leaning with his whole body against the person with her arms around him, his eyes closed, content to get some love at last. Everyone was in tears, and I remember verbatim what the vet said, “this breed can go through abuse you…..[breaks down for a moment]….wouldn’t even want to think of and still come out on the other side being able to love and trust.” But you my friend, will never know the love of a pit.
Kellie Miller
Jan 17, 2015 at 4:53 pm
This is awesome, and you are well read. Thank you for sticking up for such a wonderful and loving breed of dog. I too am a pibble owner.
Feb 22, 2015 at 5:22 pm
The pit bull type dogs have hurt and killed way too many other animals and humans. Get rid of them all, asap so there will be no more bloodshed by them. While you are at it take any other dog that has killed over 25 people in the last 3 decades out as well. We don’t need any animals that can do that to us or our pets.
Apr 4, 2015 at 11:06 am
billy you sound like a 5 year old how old are you exactly
Senor Tropical
Feb 16, 2016 at 5:10 am
Well said.
Mar 16, 2015 at 9:29 pm
Name your sources for these so called savior pit bulls. I don’t believe any of your stories except for M. Vick. You write like your 12 years old. I don’t believe you.
Apr 4, 2015 at 11:05 am
read Shirazs comments then you might change your mind about Pit Bulls
Apr 4, 2015 at 11:04 am
thank you and god bless you this easter Shiraz at least someone who knows what they are taking about when it comes to Pitbulls!!!!!!!!!!!
Kellie Miller
Jan 17, 2015 at 5:04 pm
Hahaha “do not understand their power”? Really? You clearly have no clue what you’re talking about. I am a 35 year old woman who is a small build at 90 lbs and my very loving pit bull weighs about 60 lbs. Sure, he pulls a little because he’s a rescue and was not trained before I got him, but he came from a home that had a 4 year old girl and he slept in the same bed with her. His temper is so docile is unbelievable. I honestly believe and know in my heart when I look in my eyes as he’s licking me to death that he would not hurt a fly unless he was defending me against someone trying to hurt me. And THAT is the nature of pit bulls. He’s not a POWER dog like a Rottweiler or a German Shepard. He’s a short, stout doof of a lover face and I wish you could meet him.
Jan 20, 2015 at 1:33 pm
I strongly disagree. Have you ever even had a Pitbull? I’m sorry, but you do not have the right to comment on this because you are obviously not educated on the subject. Saying that breeds were bred to do certain things is like saying that black people were bred to serve white people.
Feb 22, 2015 at 5:25 pm
What a comparison. You couldn’t come up with something any better than that? Pit Bulls have killed over 450 people, stop allowing them to be pets.
Senor Tropical
Feb 16, 2016 at 5:19 am
Amazing. Some of these pidiots think that because you have half a brain, and thus do NOT own a pitbull, you are not qualified to have an opinion of the mauler breed? I beg to differ… the best qualified to have an opinion are not the pidiot owners, but the hapless victims of pitbull attacks, both the human victims and the human owners of animal victims. Protect yourself, your neighbor, and your community… ban the breed!
Feb 4, 2015 at 11:27 am
You are obviously one very narrow minded person. I agree that there should be stricter breeding laws for dogs, but do not tell me my pit mix is unpredictable. The only unpredictable being here is you. My dog is affectionate, cuddly, loves everyone and it is scared of cats. She got attacked by lab, by many small dogs and she ran away. Originally pit bulls were nanny dogs and working farm dogs. Irresponsible people turned them into fighting dogs by putting them through hell. So please do not make statements if you do not know the background, And btw they make the best therapy dogs.
Mar 16, 2015 at 9:12 pm
Totally agree with Dr. Laura. They are genetically attack dogs. They are anti-social to other humans beyond their owners, most of the time. Google the top 5 dogs who are most responsible for killings of people, children especially. I did not realize this until I had children. Then it became a frightening reality how often these types attack and maim and kill babies and children. I lived in Napa, Ca. they had such a problem they had to pass laws in California back in the 1980’s. Every week their was a horrific accident with these types of animals. Now concerning the owners of such. There is basically no reason to have one of these in your back yard. The individuals I knew who had them were bikers, criminals or “professional” drug dealers, I wonder why. I get tired of “I know betters” who have told me they are lovable and are friendly. I grew up on a farm. There wasn’t anything that wouldn’t bite you, kick you, peck you, stomp you, butt you crush you and even eat you. Idiots. For a while I had a Chow, that a female I knew could no longer handle. She conveniently left this out upon giving me and my family her problem. After biting two people including my sons 10 yr old friend I had him euthanized. If I was living in the country the chow would have been shot. End of story I have no respect for people who keep a T-Rex miniature at their house.
Apr 4, 2015 at 11:00 am
oh boy what century did you come out of Brad
Apr 4, 2015 at 10:56 am
oh Margaret where do you get your info from a german shepherd , a rottie and a Doberman and yes even you sweet golden retriever has more power in their jaws than the average pitbull you have more attacks from these dogs than you do from pits and Im an Australian and im getting a pit as soon as I get a fence put up and get someone to train me and the pit so I can handle him/her and im a 55 year old white woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Ive owned sheps and labs before and they can attack as well if taught to.
Apr 4, 2015 at 10:58 am
this reply was to go into margarets section sorry Brad
Apr 4, 2015 at 11:02 am
hello Margaret my comment went into Brads for some reason so you will have to look there for it
Dec 27, 2014 at 2:47 pm
Growing up, I had littermates of a Chow / Shar-Pei mix. The sister we had from puppy, and the brother joined us later. I do not know what the brother’s previous life was like, but these 2 were complete opposites! The sister withdrawn, brother outgoing. We ended up having to put the brother down because he got too aggressive. The info I was told 25 years ago was that 50% of the Shar-Pei breed needs to be put down by age 2 because they turn on their owners. They were originally bred for fighting dogs. Does this mean we condemn the entire breed? No, we just change how we breed them. Instead of breeding for aggression, we breed for gentleness. WE made these breeds the way they are. We can also work with them. Not every dog of any breed will show the behaviour that people expect.
Dec 24, 2014 at 4:16 pm
Dec 22, 2014 at 12:22 am
Pitbulls are just animals with love that they are willing to share with everyone! People on death row are taking up space and are bad should we kill all them right away too? Atlease they deserve it if that is decided. Pitbulls do NOT!!!!!!!! maybe you should adopt a pitbull first then speak im sure you have a little dog or no animals and that is your lost that you are missing out on pitbull love. Would not want to be you.
Shauna Hester
Dec 21, 2014 at 5:42 pm
Why are you people so damn ignorant? Stop judging the actions of the dog and start looking at the other end of the leash. A pit bull is the exact same as any other type of dog. With your line of thinking, we should euthanize all dogs. It depends on how you treat and train the animal. If you are going to take a dog, any dog, not just a pit bull and stick it on a leash and leave it outside without any human interaction, love or training, yes this dog will become a mean dog. You could also say the same thing about a human being. Someone who was abused and abandoned are more likely to become unsocial and harmful than those who are loved. Your comment makes me sick to my stomach. I am a very proud owner of two beautiful pit bulls. They are more submissive and loving than my black lab. Stop judging the breed!!!!!
Dec 23, 2014 at 1:00 pm
Please consider the child victims of canine attacks. Pray for the children and the families. Thank you .
Dec 21, 2014 at 2:33 am
My dog should be able to go for a walk but after 2 close calls with pits I can not take her out any more she is a little blind shitzu .If they are so nice why do they want to kill her?
Linda Mussa
Dec 26, 2014 at 9:32 pm
Just read 12/26/14 about the man who was killed on ChristmasDay by his own sweet pitbull,,,his wife was gone visiting her relatives and when she got home the pit greated her with a mouthful of blood,she found her Husband dead in the next room,,,,maybe Dr Laura has the right idea!
David Lewis
Dec 20, 2014 at 11:59 pm
Whoever stands behind any form of large breed dog killing or BSL (breed specific legislation) is only fulfilling some personal sadism or hatred, since the facts clearly show the very breeds being demonized falsely to have the best temperaments under various tests and studies performed. But then those of us who have had these dogs already know this
Dec 20, 2014 at 4:28 pm
I’m with Dr. Laura. These dogs kill many of my cats in different areas. Even the ‘best’ owner cannot stop these dogs from killing or attacking once they are fixated on something. It’s innate. It can’t be changed. These dogs should NEVER be trusted alone with children or other pets. You can talk all you want about it’s the owner….but the truth is it is NOT the owner. It’s the breed.
Dec 24, 2014 at 9:11 pm
Why on earth are your cats outside? That’s irresponsible. Outdoor cats live short, brutal lives.
Amanda T.
Dec 26, 2014 at 9:17 pm
Any dog can fixate on something. Dogs and cats are enemies by nature. Once a dog gets blood in its mouth it cannot stop; they are carnivores and if they weren’t domesticated they would hunt their own food. It’s not just Pitts. This is any breed. Please inform yourself before you make ridiculous comments. This is coming from someone who has 4 different breeds and the most aggressive is the lab and the only one who chases cats is the lab. My Pitt plays with my cat. People like you are reasons there is hatred and racism; you classify by what you hear instead of researching first.
Jun 7, 2015 at 12:24 am
Hmm I had a small chi/terrier attack my cat while it was sleeping. No it didn’t kill him but would have if bigger. My neighbors chows killed one our cats. The new neighbors husky and shepherd chased some/killed several in the neighborhood. I have been chased and almost attacked by a huge shepherd. Luckily the owner came at the last moment. My sister was chased by 2 rotties. But the pit that sleeps in my bed for the last 11 years loves kids, and cats. In fact has mothered loads of kittens. She has mothered all my grandkids. I have rescued loads of pits from shelter over the years. Not one bad one. I have been bitten by dog before, guess what it wasn’t a pit. And that same dog attacked other animals. It was a Boston terrier mix. My son was attacked BT an 8 month old lab/boxer mix. But his breed of choice as his family dog, the pit. Yes a pit. So people check yourself. Pits aren’t the bad dog you all say. Any dog, any breed! I can sit on my porch with my pit and if any one walks up including strangers. She wiggings her butt, tail going 90 to nothing wondering why they haven’t petted her. But if I have the 17 lb wire terrier out there. He tries to eat everyone. Like I said quit judging the pit as bad.
Brittany newman
Dec 20, 2014 at 4:08 pm
This is my respond to her via email: So I’m asuming that you would like, bull dogs, mastiffs, and terriers put down too? Because that is what a pit bull is, it’s a crossbreed from those which a pit bull is maid out of, so you saying you would like all pit bulls to be put down then that means those 3 breeds of dogs would also have to be put down, you lady have no room to talk, maybe you should get your facts straight about pit bulls before you go judging on an animal you clearly no nothing about.
Dec 20, 2014 at 12:22 pm
I’m going to get a lot of criticism here, but I think she’s right. Pit bulls are more dangerous than any other dog. It’s not ignorance, the statistics bear this out.
Pit bulls make up 6 percent of the dog population in Canada and the US, but they are responsible for 68 percent of dog attacks and 52 percent of dog-related deaths from 1982 to 2009, TIME Magazine reported. Link: boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2014/06/24/but-pitbull-would-never-attack-may-wishful-thinking/ptsvtZc0DhiFbonPuCL1cI/story.html
Yes, I know the responses coming– My pit bull is really sweet and would never hurt a fly, but anecdotes are not good arguments.
Kellie Miller
Jan 17, 2015 at 5:30 pm
Statistically speaking, chihuahuas are more aggressive than pit bulls. There just happens to be a lot of pit bull owners, and accidents DO happen. If an irresponsible owner gives a puppy a chew toy that looks like a fluffy foo foo dog or a bird, yeah unfortunately that’s what the dog will go after. If the dog is teased, it won’t like it….would you? To single out ANY breed and say they should be put down is just wrong, but to pick out a breed that naturally defends and is generally VERY mild mannered and at worst will LICK YOU TO DEATH, is ignorant. Pick on Akitas for once, they’re far more aggressive than pit bulls.
Jason Hall
Dec 20, 2014 at 11:14 am
If I put a picture of 9 dogs. I bet this bitch can’t pick of these pics which one is a true APBT. I’m 37yrs old and have had 4 APBT. Neither one has ever came at me the wrong way. This breed is the most loyal and I wouldn’t trade my boy Blèu for shit.
Joe Cook
Dec 20, 2014 at 10:28 am
I say Dr. Laura is the waste of space and maybe SHE needs to be eradicated. I know it would make millions of people who believe she is a self serving, sanctimonious idiot with a very inflated view of her own self worth. GO AWAY LAURA!
Dec 20, 2014 at 6:10 am
YOU should be put down.
Fucking ignorant bitch.
Dec 20, 2014 at 1:02 am
Dec 19, 2014 at 10:48 pm
Shame on you former counselor Laura! Perhaps you should start doing more research on marriage, single mother, gays and non humans animals, before spewing your uneducated views. I am the proud owner of an American Pit Bull Terrier! For you to say all “pit bulls” should be euthanized makes me sick! My dog, yes just a dog, saved me from the darkest moment in my life when I was ready to end it all. Contrary to popular belief, there are many responsible “pit bull” owners and luckily for me I live in a city where those beliefs are upheld. How very sad when my dog shows more empathy for me then you do for human and non-human animals. Perhaps you should be more concerned about cleaning up the communities that give “pit bulls” a bad rap, instead of being overly judgmental, just to get good ratings and stay in the limelight.
Dec 19, 2014 at 10:34 pm
She is an IGORANT UNEDUCATED FEAR SPREADING MORNON !!! People will always fear what they don’t understand or take time to educate themselves in learning about. She’s a liberal big mouthed idiot, thinks she knows something about a subject and actually knows NOTHING !!! SHAMEFUL
Christina Bryan
Dec 19, 2014 at 10:13 pm
So called Dr laura!! If all pit bulls are a waste of space! People like u who don’t know anything about the breed and are quick judge because of what they are u are the waste of space! If u look it up a pit bull saved soldiers in war!!! A pit bull stared in little rascals! But despite this and much more u want to kill them all for their breed! SHAME ON YOU!! Do u research before u speak!! It’s never been the breed just sorry owners!!
Lakisha Forrester
Dec 19, 2014 at 9:52 pm
You know what, that is sad a dog is a dog it does not need to be put down for being a pit bull and there are many pit bulls who have saved the life of it owner are you saing there life is not worth having that dog around and another thing the pit bull was once called the nanny dog because it was protective of its family and children expecially and stayed that way until people started fighting them and making them vicious so if any one or thing needs to be put down its the people who are doing the mean and unspeakable things to these poor dogs.
Dec 19, 2014 at 5:18 pm
I have always loved dogs and the breed has really been of no consequence to me. When I got married as we were getting ready to increase our family, with children. We decided with my husband that we needed to get a dog so that when baby came the family pet would be ready. We bought a boxer and then another boxer came along. But they weren’t enough and so we wanted another boxer and we got a beautiful puppy. At that time I didn’t know that she was a mix (boxer and pitbull), but she was beautiful. She had such a great personality and I have never regretted having her in our lives. She loved me and my husband, but I could tell she had a special connection with my husband and my husband’s niece. When my in-laws had a break in, we decided that they needed a dog for safety and we ended up giving them the mix breed. They loved her and had to put her down recently because she had cancer and could not be saved but I know they got to love her very much and she changed their lives as she did mine. I feel bad when people talk about a certain breed without knowing anything about them.
[email protected]
Dec 19, 2014 at 3:45 pm
Laura, I’m sorry I can’t call you a Dr because you don’t have the brains to be a doctor. You made a remark that all pit bulls should be killed & that they were a waste of space. I owned 2 pit bulls and they were the sweetest babies you ever seen they were killed in a house fire about 6 months ago and I miss them so much !!! It’s not the dogs that are the problem it’s the owners and how they are brought up . So you can go to Hell !!!!
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:16 am
The word is officially “out” now that Dogington is PRO death regarding pit bull attacks. Your one sided “article” and refusal to post dissenting opinions is now know WORLDWIDE. You make me laugh and you make me sick at the exact same time. You, like most pibble pushers, make me want to HURL.
Dec 19, 2014 at 3:10 pm
This women and others that have a problem with this breed needs to be educated!! People are so stupid and it goes to show it when they make these kind of statements! She does not deserve any air time! May be she need to be more educated before she speaks!
What are these dogs guilty of love, kissing your face off or being loyal! You raise a child to fight they will fight you raise a child to be kind and understanding they will be understanding same goes for any breed of dogs
Keith Kovatch
Dec 19, 2014 at 3:05 pm
My letter to Sirius and all sponsors listed:
My name is Keith Kovatch and I am writing to express my opinion on the comments of Dr. Laura regarding the treatment of pitbulls indicating “they are a waste of space and should all be put down”. I am sure that I am one of many who have written to you thus far but the topic at hand does strike two nerves with me. In addition to being the adoptive parent of my own pitbull Tank, I also hold two masters in clinical psychology with specialization in marriage and family therapy, and I am one year away from completing my doctorate in clinical psychology with a specialization in forensic assessment and treatment.
First let me say as an employer or sponsor I understand that you have to have faith that the person you are choosing to represent is competent and rational in what they are saying. Once the contract is signed however there is little predicting what that person may say or do. However, if a person does engage in inappropriate behavior that demonstrates incompetence or irrationallity, the companies supporting that person are now faced with a question: Do we want to continue to support this person?
With regard to the competence of Dr. Laura let me first say that I do not agree with a doctor of physiology providing psychological advice on air and acting as if her primary academic focus was in this field. Albeit Dr. Laura does have some training in marriage and couples counseling. If this is true she should understand that one of the primary and necessary characteristics of any mental health professional is empathy. A lack or absence of empathy is often the trademark of those diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, a disorder in which people often manipulate and harm others, while demonstrating a severe disregard for rules, consequences of breaking rules, or feeling remorse for those they harm. Many times these behaviors are exhibited to achieve personal gains or power, and may be exacerbated once these gains have been achieved. Also of note, animal cruelty is an additional trademark behavior of those diagnosed with this disorder.
Am I saying that Dr. Laura has antisocial personality disorder? No. I do not have the adequate information to propose any diagnosis. I simply wish to make your companies aware of certain correlations that have come to my attention. However, Dr. Laura’s comments suggesting that an entire breed of a species should be exterminated is certainly representative of a severe lack of empathy.
I’m sure many others have written about how amazing, and loving pitbulls are as family members and companions, and I whole heartedly agree. However, the purpose of this email is not to put focus on the animals, it is to be mindful of what humans are saying. The statements Dr. Laura has made are clearly beyond her realm of competency (unless of course she studied canine physiology and behavior), and appear to be coming from a position of personal bias and lack of accurate information. I implore you to truly consider whether Dr. Laura possess the competency, characteristics, and personal qualities that your companies wish to endorse and be viewed in the public eye.
All the best,
Keith Kovatch, M.S., M.A.
Dec 20, 2014 at 1:27 am
Very well written! Thank you for keeping the focus on Dr. Laura and her statements that were greatly inaccurate and completely irrational.
Dec 20, 2014 at 10:31 am
Excellent! I love your letter. That doctor is an ignorant.
Addie Holland
Dec 20, 2014 at 10:53 pm
Perfect. Just perfect.
Dec 24, 2014 at 9:13 pm
Well said.
ann l wilson
Jan 5, 2015 at 6:29 pm
BRAVO, Mr. Keith Kovatch!
Dr. Laura should stick to what she knows about… and it AIN’T dogs!
Dec 19, 2014 at 2:53 pm
Ignorance is just ignorance, no matter how many people you have access too! Just because you are in the public eye, or in their ears, doesn’t make you intelligent, it makes you responsible for everything you do and say! So educate yourself before you open your mouth!
Shauna Hester
Dec 21, 2014 at 5:45 pm
I agree a million with your comment. with great power comes great responsibility. and the greater chance of abuse. this is how I feel Dr. Laura has used her power. in a harmful, ignorant way.
[email protected]
Dec 19, 2014 at 2:27 pm
Did you know one of the folks you sponsor on air just said all pit bulls should be killed? Dr. Laura just made that comment. Is that someone you want to sponsor, someone that advocates killing dogs?
Her comments about pitbulls just turns my stomach around. She has no clue at all about this breed and what a wonderful animal they are. I will never patronize any of those companies associated with her. Who does she think she is to say these things?
[email protected]
Dec 19, 2014 at 2:24 pm
She don’t know pit bulls! They are like anyother dog it depend on how they are raised! We have a pit bull terrior and she could not be a more kind, loving dog!! She wouldn’t hurt a flea!
Jennifer Scott
Dec 19, 2014 at 2:22 pm
I refuse to sink to the level of insults and immaturity, however I will state my opinion and utter disappointment.
For a public figure to state that “Pit Bulls are a waste of space and should all be put down.” is nothing but pure ignorance.
It is due to this ignorance that wonderful, loving dogs are in fact being killed and mis-treated.
I know there are case where people, and children, have been attacked and possibly killed to to one animal. HOWEVER this % is less that 1% of all the breed. It is like comparing the likely hood of a person becoming an actor – the chances are minimal. It is the PEOPLE who do not train the dogs. The people who do not socialize the dog. The people who do not treat the dog as a family member. People who do not want to the RESPONSIBILITY that is required to CARE for a life!
As a trainer I have worked with Pit bulls and they are one of my favorite breeds and all deserve a healthy, happy home!
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 10:25 am
Thank you, doctor. I realize you will be cursed at and threatened because of this comment, something BSL supporters have already experienced without let up from sociopathic pit owners, but I DID want to thank you for realizing that his breed should NEVER be adopted out. Euthanization is NOT painful to dogs. They simply go to sleep forever. Euthanizing a dog that very well may maim or kill a human being is NOT an evil thing. The “pit bull” breeds were created by disgusting dog men for pit fighting over 200 years ago in England. This breed should never have been created in the first place and should NOT be allowed to continue NOW. BSL saves lives and limbs.
Dec 23, 2014 at 1:02 pm
Thank you Dr. Laura . Everyone kindly consider the child victims. There have been at least 40 human victims this year . Thank you.youtu.be/vK1hanKs7Js?list=UUdlQKAvImN7AgofV7X6E1PQ
ann l wilson
Jan 5, 2015 at 6:37 pm
tsk, tsk, tsk, Mary Ann Redfern…… BSL has been proven, over and over, to NOT be useful, helpful or in any other way successful when it comes to trying to control dog bites/attacks. Check the latest stats on which cities/counties/states have recently rescended their BSL restrictions! WOW, i bet you believe that pits’ jaws lock too. What do i know though, I’m just another “sociopathic pit owner” who’s deliriously happy sharing my home with american pit bull terriers. *EDUCATE, DON’T HATE*
Dec 19, 2014 at 1:46 pm
Laura you should be ashamed of your self!. Think you need to make a VERY LARGE DONATION TO THE SHELTER!
Dec 19, 2014 at 1:22 pm
My girlfriend has a pittie who’s the best car dog I’ve ever come across. He also makes it a point to get us ALL on the couch together @ least 3-4 times a week in his own cute way….. & he has lymphatic cancer but is still going although the failing signs are there as each day goes by.
If Dr (hah!) Laura did say pitties are a waste of time & should be put down, SHAME ON U!!!!!!!
Dec 19, 2014 at 1:16 pm
I absolutely disagree with her and love my pit bulls with all my heart – that being said, she has the right to her opinion and we all have the right not to listen to her spew her hatred. Change the station if you don’t like what she has to say. She still has the right to her opinion & the right to share it with whomever is willing to listen.
ann l wilson
Jan 5, 2015 at 6:49 pm
Dr. Laura DOES have a right to express her opinion but she should NOT dispense that opinion, based on incorrect information about a subject that she knows very little about, to a public that hangs on her every word. Fear and ignorance and bias fan the flames of any subject. When Dr. Laura has completed her studies in canine physiology and behavior, then i MIGHT listen to her radio program again. She has ceased to impress me.
Dec 19, 2014 at 12:48 pm
People claim it’s not the breed, it’s the people, but this breed has innate aggressive, high-prey-drive tendencies. It may be the people, but it is ALSO the breed. As a long-time peds ICU nurse, I can attest to the fact that I saw more terrible injuries to children caused by pit bulls than by all the other breeds of dogs combined. By perpetrating the “it’s the people” meme, people believe this absolutely untrue statement, get pit bulls, and then find their baby missing a foot, chewed off by their beloved pet. Feel free to google that one.
Dec 20, 2014 at 2:43 am
So as an ICU nurse you feel confident enough in your knowledge of dogs and canine psychology to make a completely false statement like that? Did you consider that the breed attracts a certain bad element just as a higher percentage of serious car crashes involve a red sports car? Is that the car’s fault? I have owned Pit Bulls for over 30 years, spent time with many more, and worked with shelters, rescue services and adopters for many years… and I can say from experience that a well-trained Pit Bull is one of the safest animals around people. They are not prone to snapping (either mentally or physically) and are some of the most loyal, intelligent and loving companions. Every one of my dogs would stop immediately when commanded, even if something fuzzy was running right by them. High-prey-drive my lily white butt!
Dec 20, 2014 at 11:30 am
You are as bad as her
Dec 21, 2014 at 1:16 am
Educate yourself. You’re VERY incorrect on your statements. This is coming from a professional in the dog training field. You’re wrong. Most cases of dog attacks on humans, especially when it comes to children, are the parents not paying attention or over looking the obvious signs the dog is giving. Guess what… that’s ANY breed. Pit bulls are people loving and very sweet dogs.
Feb 15, 2015 at 3:00 am
I’m a dog professional too, and I’ve watched these dogs attack children with no provocation. They are bred to attack animals, and they are very good at it. People are animals. Perhaps you are thinking that they are not dogs? Dogs are not hunan, they do not have the though processes we do.
People should not be breeding these dogs. There is no place for these weaponized animals in our society.
There is a human element though, in this. I think this man might be spot on about the blind spot people have for their dangerous dogs.
I hope you dogs never attack or kill you, anyone’s beloved pet, a child, or anyone else.
Dec 22, 2014 at 12:23 pm
You as a nurse would see dog bites but did you actually see the dog that bit that person/child? no of course not! you only go by what people say what kind of dog it was! Do you know that most of the dogs involved in bites that were claimed to be pit bull just because people thought they looked like one were actually proven to not be pit bulls by DNA! Sp please before you say negative nasty things about pitbulls please know your facts and not just what people tell you!
Lisa Arturo
Dec 19, 2014 at 12:15 pm
This is OUTRAGEOUS! Clearly, Dr Laura has never spent a minute with the breed. They are loyal, loving, gentle and beautiful animals. Our organization works tirelessly at saving unwanted dogs off of the streets and pit bulls are one of the breeds we fight for. Please take a moment to watch the video of Buddha’s rescue. I hope you agree Dr Laura is clearly insane after watching it.
Lisa Arturo
Hope For Paws
Dec 20, 2014 at 11:36 am
Thank you for that! That was beautiful..
M. Zeman
Dec 19, 2014 at 11:57 am
Totally disgusting. It’s not the dogs fault. It’s the cruel selfish creeps you use them yor ill!!
Dec 19, 2014 at 4:39 pm
Not the dog’s fault? You know nothing about genetics….. What were Border Collies bred/designed to do? Irish Setters? German Short Hair Pointers? Etc, etc, etc…. What were Pitbull type dogs bred to do? Come on think about it?
So when a Border Collie gets into it’s “eye”, stalks, and herds its not at fault? When the Irish Setter freezes and points it’s not its fault? Therefore, this year alone, when the 34 pitbull type dogs triggered and went into gripper mode and killed their human victims, it’s not their fault? Really? Some of those killer dogs came from upper middle class loving homes. Let’s put the blame were it squarely goes…. The genetics and the breeders. Period. Quit blaming the victims. No one deserves to get mauled. I have handled dogs that have come out of horrendous condition and never went on to attack anyone. Just keep in mind what your dog has been bred to do because they are what they are no matter the environment and nurturing provided by you.
Dec 19, 2014 at 11:47 am
First of all Dr Laura
You dont know what your talking about!
You are going to sit on your f n radio show and demand all pitbulls need ban! Excuse me why dont you as a dr understand the truth, its the people who fight, abuse, abandoned, beat kill and mistreat these dogs that need banned! They are born just like a baby, with no hate. We the people create the hate in them. Get a grip lady. Because until you have owned loved or been in the same house as one you haven’t a clue…..
Dec 19, 2014 at 11:24 am
If in fact Dr. Laura said “Pit Bulls are a waste of space and should all be put down.” then she has lost points with me- I used to listen to her and take her advice with a grain of salt. She can be quite brusque- actually downright rude in my opinion but then again people ARE calling her and asking her opinion on how to run their lives, which is after all what she’s giving – her opinion. Everyone has the right to their opinion. I believe her opinion regarding pit bulls is WRONG. Listeners have the responsibility to pick and choose what they take to heart when listening to anyone in the public eye or ear.
Dec 19, 2014 at 11:24 am
It’s a good thing no one listens to Dr. Laura. That fact is probably why she said what she did. Need an audience for her hateful thoughts. She, once again, displayed her ignorance about a topic and hopefully she won’t gain from this, only lose. These dogs are the most maligned animals on the planet. Sick of ignorant people spouting generalities. Ignore her. Cut off her support and funding.
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:51 pm
You are 100% wrong and honestly you need research the breed before speaking for it. Because right now iam shaking my head on your education of pitbulls. So once again ignorance shame…
Gail Burkett
Dec 19, 2014 at 11:19 am
I just sent the following to all sites (except Twitter, which I don’t do) listed above:
“Are you aware that the host of a program you sponsor commented “Pit Bulls are a waste of space and should all be put down.” ? Dr. Laura made that comment, as reported by Brandy Arnold 12/18/2014 of the Dogington Post Animal Advocates,? Is that someone you want to sponsor, someone that advocates killing an entire breed of dog because of their ignorance of the true nature and history? The Orange County Pit Bull Rescue said, “Shame on people like Dr. Laura, who spew ignorance about subjects they are not qualified to discuss. People like her are responsible for many, many deaths of wonderful, loving dogs.”
R. Harris
Dec 19, 2014 at 10:37 am
Dr. Laura is a waste of air time and space. Only an idiot would be sucked in by her moronic opinions. She’ll say whatever it takes to get more money for herself, the more ignorant and controversial the better. She is undeserving of any respect or consideration whatsoever.
Since Dr. Laura is fine making blanket judgements about things she knows nothing about, I’m sure she’s fine being subjected to them. People earn the faces they deserve, and clearly she is as grotesquely ugly on the outside as she is on the inside, so it’s easy to judge that book by it’s cover as well.
I hope her show gets canceled so it clears up air space for programming with some value – but even silence would be a vast improvement.
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:18 am
Hallmark of most pit lovers: vulgar insults and threats. You make your “dogs” look even worse by your vile attitude toward victims of their attacks. I seriously doubt Dr. Laura cares what sociopaths thinks of her or her opinion.
Dec 23, 2014 at 1:04 pm
thanks Mary Ann. Good to see that someone cares about the victims of large dog attacks. Prayers for the children and all the families.youtu.be/vK1hanKs7Js?list=UUdlQKAvImN7AgofV7X6E1PQ
Dec 19, 2014 at 10:27 am
For claiming to be such an educated woman Dr. Laura you are extremely ignorant
Sue Wilson
Dec 19, 2014 at 10:25 am
Thank you for posting all of Dr. Laura’s sponsors. I will be emailing them all in support of her. She tells it like it is. cincinnati.com/story/opinion/contributors/2014/06/29/doctor-says-ban-pit-bulls/11709481/
Bill Jay
Dec 20, 2014 at 2:02 am
So you’re just as ignorant as she? Knock yourself out.
Dec 20, 2014 at 11:44 am
So you are just as ignorant then. Your lonely support letter will be lost in the vast amounts of letters writing of her cruel ignorance.
brittanyjustin wilburn
Dec 19, 2014 at 9:50 am
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:19 am
More insults. Way to advocate for your “dogs”….insult and threaten. Makes your “dogs” look even worse, but, hey, works for ME.
Susan Schachinger
Dec 19, 2014 at 9:30 am
Did anyone ever think for one minute, that so many Pitbulls are in the shelters because of BSL? Either it scares the crap out of people because of the bad rep they are given, or they are no longer allowed to have them.
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:22 am
Close to one million pit bulls (YOU call them this, why should not we call them this?) are euthanized each year in the USA. This is the fault of their advocates themselves refusing to spay/neuter their dogs, giving up dog litters that turn out to be unsaleable, letting their “dogs” run loose in the streets (because they looooove their pibbles) and be picked up by animal control or sent for euthanization when their dog mauls/kills a pet or human. Put the blame where it belongs….right on YOUR own sociopathic shoulders.
Susan Schachinger
Dec 19, 2014 at 9:27 am
Did anyone ever think for one minute, that so many Pitbulls are in the shelters because of BSL? Either it scares the crap out of people because of the bad rep they are given, or they are no longer allowed to have them.
This woman needs to stick to her sex talk!
Dec 19, 2014 at 9:22 am
How about we put her down? The world could use one less ignorant person.
Dec 20, 2014 at 11:46 am
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:23 am
Sociopathic comment indicative of the type of person who owns this “breed” in the first place. You would rather kill those who object than do something constructive for the reputation of your “breed”. Well, that makes sense….NOT.
Jacque Gilmore
Dec 19, 2014 at 9:09 am
Dr. Laura you are an idol.All Animals including Pit bulls have more compassion & common since then you !!! Crawl back under the rock you came from.
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:24 am
More insults. Yeah, that helps your “breed’s” image greatly. NOT.
Dec 19, 2014 at 9:04 am
This is what I used…
Did you know one of the folks you sponsor on air just said “Pit Bulls are a waste of space and should all be put down.”
Dr. Laura just made that comment.
Is that someone you want to sponsor, someone that advocates the complete genocide of a dog species?
Bonnie Douglas
Dec 19, 2014 at 9:01 am
As a pitbull owner who just recently had to put down my baby girl, I am appalled at her comments. Pitbulls are the most loyal of all the dogs. They have nothing but love to give and no matter how mean a person is to them they just want love. I am sickened at her comment.
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:27 am
Some pit bulls’ “love” is killing pets, people and livestock animals. And WHY are you not sickened by the victims of pit bulls, both the maimed and the dead and both the animal and the human victims????
Dec 19, 2014 at 8:52 am
My son rescued an all white Pit about 14 years ago. He is deaf, which is often the case for white Pits. He was raised using sign language. We named him ice.
Ice has grown up playing dress up w/ for granddaughters. They painted his nails, dressed him in their clothes, they used him as a pillow during nap time. He is now ill w/ cancer the vet said but he is still the most loving, gentle dog ever.
He’s family! !!
Dec 19, 2014 at 8:41 am
Seriously Dr Laura. You should know better… What kind of psychologist says shit like that… I have been a longtime fan and supporter… I will forever bash your name and ignorance every chance I get… You should be ashamed of yourself and your ignorance.
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:28 am
Yes, bashing is a hallmark of pit bull owners. Bash away, woman. There are millions of BSL supporters who take your bashing as just another sign of the dangerousness of the “breed” and of their owners.
Debbie wilds
Dec 19, 2014 at 8:04 am
Hi I also left an email. I plan on sending an email to each one listed below.
How horrible. Pitbulls are the best. It’s unfortunate the bad rap they have. They are the most loyal, loving, one of the most forgiving dog of any breed. The are a WONDERFUL LOVING COMPANION! ..
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:29 am
See, Darla Napora, see what your advocacy of this “breed” has led to? I just wish you could SEE.
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:55 am
There are more bad humans than there are bad Pits (our prisons prove that)! Pits have been given a bad rap due to stupid, money hungry, idiotic, barbaric humans who have used the dogs to do horrible things. The dogs are the ones who get euthanized instead of the whacked humans? Not right! Put the label where the label should be; not on the dog but on the low-life who made them mean!! Thing is, probably 99% of the Pits rescued from dog fights are actually very loving dogs once they are given the chance!
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:31 am
More sociopathy…this poster would rather humans be killed than mauling/maiming/killing pit bulls. Scary people is what you are. As scary as your unpredictable “dogs”.
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:45 am
Apparently she had never owned a PitBull, SO too she owns one or two she Needs to keep her mouth shut.
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:33 am
There are literally millions of us who feel that this breed should be abolished. You will NEVER shut us all up, much as you would love to. Good luck with your pit pushing agenda and the millions of BSL supporters you are trying to “hush”. NOT.
Gwen Dodson
Dec 19, 2014 at 6:57 am
Dr Laura how could you say such a thing that was horrible. These dogs are very loving and kind hearted I have two its not the dog its the owners if you mistreat the animal any animal not just pitbulls all breeds they can come aggressive so what you said was wrong and uncalled for. Clearly you are not an animal lover and I will never support your show the thought of you has made me sick to my stomach. You are a disgrace to society and need your head checked clearly your no Dr you are sorry as hell !! I hope god punishes you for saying such a thing!
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:33 am
God wants no part of pit bulls. Do NOT drag God into your sociopathic, one sided discussion.
Dec 19, 2014 at 6:37 am
It is the owner but its commonly known that certain breeds,are more dangerous,like pit bulls,rotweillers and a couple others,if they have attacked people as much as I love animals then they should be put down. It should also be mandatory that everyone gets there animal spayed or neutured,and a license should be required for any animal that isn’t so people have a source to go to if there is a problem and they pull that license and they are no longer allowed to breed dogs.
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:34 am
I agree.
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:35 am
But, with fighting breed dogs, it is NOT the owner. They simply are doing what they were BRED to do over 200 years ago in England by dog men who wanted a better pit fighting dog than the bull dog alone could provide.
Dec 19, 2014 at 6:29 am
This from the same person that believes in lecturing parents about being at home with your kids yet she herself works and leaves her kids ti be watched by others. Hypocrite!!!
Dec 19, 2014 at 5:41 am
I have 8 pit bulls and they are the most loving dogs you could ever have.
Mary Ann Redfern
Dec 21, 2014 at 11:36 am
Famous last words of a fool!
Dec 19, 2014 at 2:44 am
She deserves no dogs in her life Ruth less lady thats the devil speaking for her it doesn’t matter what animal it is its God’s creation that lady needs a good ass whooping
Dec 19, 2014 at 1:42 am
WTF is DR Laura???? What freaking authoritydoes she have? Mmmmm none!!!!!!!! Just some bitch on radio, pushing her agenda…….huff said
Dec 19, 2014 at 12:20 am
Dr.Laura needs a real good beating for real I am really mad and angry right about now pitbulls are real sweet kind and lovable I love pitbulls I haven’t seen any of them being aggressive or attack other people or anything she needs to be put down how dare u bitch talk shit and saying that they need to be put down Fuck u bitch u do Dr.Laura
Dec 19, 2014 at 12:10 am
You are a heartless person! You call yourself a doctor…..you are an ignorant person! You shouldn’t be allowed to say such disgusting things on the radio. I agree with you Sara she is a total waste of air space.
jenny doncaster
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:56 pm
i agree with these comments there r some REAL humans in the world
jenny doncaster
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:55 pm
this woman is a low life its her should be put down thats why we have wars and deserted animals all animals deserve a chance to live and in the right hand pitt bulls a lovely animaals she needs to keep her opinion to herself
Anne Reed
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:51 pm
Dr. Laura, Listen lady you pathetic excuse for a person, people like you should be euthanized. you are a waste of space and you also have no knowledge of the Pitbull which served in our military wars as messenger dogs, also they are great companion to people with PTSD like myself. so since you feel you can tell people these people to put down a living being you should look deep and hard into your self absorb mirror and take a good look at yourself and see the real danger is people like you. cause lady you by far are a incomprehensible malicious Idiot…I cannot believe you would have a person like this on your radio . OMG I have never been so offended in my life!!!!
lisha boles
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:46 pm
Our 1 year old pit is part of our family he sleeps with myself or 1 of our 4 children , he is a best buddy to our toy shit Zou , our rottweiler and even our Tabby Cat we also have a bird . He has never shown anything but love he is friendly with guest . We’ve raised him like a child and he hugs us sits in our laps . This lady is ignorant to the breed should we put down all teen agers because many of them are brought up with out guidance and hurt people etc ?
Greg M Otero
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:42 pm
I also sent emails, tweets, and messages to all of the different sites that you posted here. This is totally outrageous. For someone apparently so well educated and as smart as Laura (she doesn’t deserve the Dr. title) supposedly is, she sure sounds pretty damn stupid in making that comment. I am a pit owner myself and I am not sorry because it needs to be said. LAURA SCHLESINGER NEEDS TO BE PUT TO SLEEP, PUT DOWN, EUTHANIZED OR IF YOU WANT TO CALL IT WHAT IT REALLY IS, KILLED OR MURDERED. I WILL NOT USE ANY OF HER SPONSORS UNLESS AND UNTIL THEY DISCONTINUE THEIR BUSINESS WITH HER AND I URGE ALL ANIMAL LOVERS TO DO THE SAME. THANK YOU
Angelo R. Nieve Jr.
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:34 pm
Dr. (My Ass) Laura is not even a”Doctor” is an Ignorent Moronick Idiot!
wanda strunk
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:26 pm
All dog breeds are good it the way you raise them that determines how they turn out. The owners are the ones to blame. I have owned a pit bull and he was one of the sweetest dogs i have ever owned.
Vicki Brats
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:21 pm
Dr. Laura – I think YOU are a waste of space and YOU need to be put down!!!
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:13 pm
Suppose to be an intelligent women, clearly NOT! Educate yourself “DR”
Helga Joubert
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:59 pm
Anyone who truly loves animals should be repulsed by the mayhem pit bulls are responsible for.
Every day pit bulls rip apart people’s pets and livestock. They grab, hold, and shake until the other animal is dead, usually from blood loss. No domestic animal should die this way, but it’s perfectly fine with some people as long as pit bulls are the ones doing it. You see, your dog isn’t really a dog unless it’s a pit, and cats? Pshhh… not even worthy of breathing the same air as a majestic pit bull, according to their owners. Even your children don’t matter to many of these people.
Pit bulls were created by sick people for a blood sport that is now a felony in all 50 states. It’s past time to stop trying to find redeeming qualities in this breed. The only thing they’re really good at is killing, period. There is NO reason to keep them around. The hundreds of people dead and the thousands of people with serious, life-changing injuries isn’t enough to convince the pit bull advocacy that their little experiment of pushing these creatures as mainstream pets has been an abysmal failure. It’s up to ordinary people to speak out and say enough. Until people wise up and demand that these dangerous dogs be spayed/neutered out of existence, the bloodbath will continue to get worse every year.
Good for you, Dr. Laura. We need more sensible, respected people like you to speak up.
Dec 20, 2014 at 11:58 am
You are just as ignorant and you should also be put down along with that ignorant ass wipe.. You both are a waste if space in GOD’S WORLD!!!
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:47 pm
I’ve emailed every one on the list. If people would take the time to know these dogs, they would see who they really are. Not the monsters the media makes them out to be. And no matter how someone feels, it’s not one persons job to be judge and jury to these dogs. However she does show a lot of what kind of person SHE really is.
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:46 pm
Dr. Laura is an ill advised idiot. She should check into #PatchO’PittsThearpyDogs #Elle thePitBull, #AmericanHeroDogaward2014 And do a Lil research ,..,…….. Or stay an idiot, drop the Dr., and spread bad rumors.
Amanda ott
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:32 pm
Dr.Laura needs to be shut down. Pit bulls are no different then any other dog. Each dog has there own personalities and its how they are raised. How would Dr.Laura feel if she was the pit bull and she was being put down? A dogs breed does not give a bad name the owners who raise them bad are the ones who are to blame. Mabey Dr.Laura needs to switch things around and start talking about the people who raise dogs bad. Dr.Laura you are a discrase to human kind and you should be shut down for even thinking about putting down a loving dog.
Audrey Propp
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:29 pm
I can’t believe that Dr. Laura would say something like this. Has she ever owned a Pit Bull?? Some are very loving just like other breeds there are good and bad in every breed just like there are in people. She should be made to take back that statement. What a stupid dame or whatever she is to say such a thing.
erin chambers
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:26 pm
lets all send her pics of our beautifiul babies!
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:23 pm
As a radio host you have to be tactful while stating opinions that many may and will disagree with. When a person states that an entire breed should be exterminated, I just can’t take that person serious. It is beyond my comprehension that a grown** woman who physically went to a rescue shelter could make such rash statements, judgements on a BREED of dog. Humans like her are to blame for the fear mongering bullshit that constantly gets perpetuated about pit bulls. When you take a puppy and teach it to fight, growl, and attack, guess what thats not the dogs doing, thats the stupid humans doing. When a breed has been pigeonholed by HUMANS to be the “best” at killing or fighting it is not because the breed genetically is inclined towards it, but because HUMANS HAVE CONDITIONED THE DOGS THEY CHOOSE TO BE SO… unfortunately the pitbull has been targeted by the stupidity, ignorance, and miseducation of worthless, should have been aborted humans. You Laura, if you ever read this, are part of the problem, please educate yourself, read a book, speak with dog behaviorists, do something because you sound extremely unintelligent, and biased. You may not like pitbulls, but that does not mean they should be exterminated because you somehow feel you or other breeds are superior.
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:14 pm
Obviously she has never owned one! Speaking out of ignorance, how sad. They are amazing, loving, loyal animals and the best snugglers to boot!
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:01 pm
Go ahead and try to pull her sponsors, she’ll just get new ones. Pitbulls are worthless and the fact shelters are full of them proves thie.
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:58 pm
She say killing dogs was ok. Just pitbulls.
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:58 pm
Didn’t say*
Dec 20, 2014 at 12:03 pm
Just the pitt breed is what she said
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:52 pm
Dr. Laura should give up being a doctor, she is a horrible person with no compassion. It is not the breed it is stupid humans!!!
Tony Solesky
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:50 pm
All these people talk about looking into the eyes of a Pit Bull. How many of you have ever been to a funeral for someone a Pit bull Killed? How many to a hospital for someone a Pit Bull but in a Level 1 trauma Center? How many of you have looked into the eyes of a Pet owner that had their pet killed or maimed by a Pit Bull or a farmer that had his livestock destroyed by a Pit Bull. And how many Golden Retrievers or Poodles have been attributed to the same statements by DR Laura. Pit Bulls are a scourge on the dog owning and general public. Ban the Breed and end the DEED! BRAVO DR LAURA, BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 20, 2014 at 12:06 pm
YOU are another ignorant waste of space in GOD’S WORLD
Wayne Webb
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:15 pm
“People like her are responsible for many, many deaths of wonderful, loving dogs.”
Really? Actually, pit bulls are responsible for many, many deaths of humans. Actually, no, the humans who own them are. My hat is off to this sensible lady for having the guts to speak up about a very real danger. Yes they should be euthanized in the interest of public safety and as to how we “haters” treat our animals, mine are all treated very, very well; all 97 of them. But none of them can bite my leg off or rip my throat out either, Go ahead, Flame away.
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:11 pm
I agree with her 100 percent I will,be renewing my subscription to Sirius radio
Pag Lammers
Dec 18, 2014 at 8:58 pm
Please do not keep this (for a lack of nicer word) bitch off the air. She is judgmental and needs to education herself on the breed of pit bulls and all bullies breeds.Their history is worth studying. Gentle, protective and caring. Some are even called the nanny dogs. If she has never met one she should. The only one some people read about are the ones that are trained to fight. If that’s so read up on how their are treated during their training to fight. If she was treated that way she might turn meaner that she is too. I am a shame of her.
Dec 18, 2014 at 8:50 pm
I feel that letting SiriusXM know how we feel is VERY important. My letter has been sent.
Dear Ms. Bowman,
I got your name from a Facebook post.
I am deeply concerned by Dr. Laura’s blatant comments, on Monday, December 16, 2014, about Pit bulls – a “breed” of dog that is very misunderstood. I am not a Pit bull owner, but have adopted several German Shepherds – a breed which also often receives a bad rap. And I know several “Pit bull” owners who own stable, loveable dogs – my own Grandmother was one of these people.
“The “Pit Bull” isn’t an actual breed at all, but a slang term that current american culture uses to describe any dog that has a big head, cropped ears, brindle coat or eye patch usually a large/stocky dog. The true breeds most commonly labeled as Pit Bulls are: American Pitbull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Unfortunately the Pit Bull has become popular with the gang-subculture who have exploited this breed by forcing them into dog fighting rings, and breeding and training them to be aggressive. Today, many people automatically associate the Pit Bull with crime, gangs, and poverty when, in fact, most Pit Bulls are owned by your average upstanding citizens. With the explosion of Pit Bull breeders, thousands of Pit Bulls are ending up in shelters across the country, topping the list of the most euthanized pet. The fact is, millions of Pit Bulls are living peacefully in homes throughout the country.” (beachpetpals.org/info/display?PageID=5124)
It saddens me that in 2014, we are so backward-thinking that we would blame the wrong end of the leash. It is humans who should be punished/fined/penalized for anything their dog does under their care. It is the human who should be “jailed” for a “Pittie” acting in an aggressive manner due to it’s human’s “training” methods. Your Dr. Laura has said,”. . . pit bulls were a waste of space and should all be put down.” How utterly cruel and completely ignorant of her to utter such hateful words. How irresponsible of her to promote such hate towards a misunderstood, perhaps the most misunderstood, breed of dog. It is ignorance such as hers that has prompted attacks on Pit bulls by humans! Shame on Dr. Laura; and shame on Sirius XM for allowing her such a long leash.
I will be contacting her sponsors and will be encouraging every dog lover I know to write letters as well.
Dec 18, 2014 at 7:39 pm
Dr. Laura exactly where did you get your degree? Did you put a dime in the bubble gum machine and you hit the right gumball?
Please stop spreading stupidity and ignorance. I think you are not feeling the love so therefore you feel the need to draw attention. It’s ok you got your 15 minutes of fame but it’s representation of just how stupid and just how much you know very little about dogs. They are smarter than you are. They are better conversationalist than you are and they know how to treat a human unless the human is like you and stupid. Notice the theme here? Stupid, lack of knowledge and dog ignorance = You.
Dec 18, 2014 at 6:45 pm
Do you know what they call a Female dog…well that’s what Dr. Laura Schlessinger is. I rescued a beautiful girl Pit bull…Trained her to be my Son’s Therapy dog to help him with his Disability.Now thinking of getting another Pit bull…They are the best dogs for kids. My #1 breed now!!!!
Dec 18, 2014 at 6:34 pm
For being a Dr,she is not very smart,I had 4 Pitbull,They were very good dogs,just like there are good people and bad people,If the dogs are train right ,they make good pets
Fran C
Dec 18, 2014 at 5:49 pm
I hope no one approved an adoption for her. She is obviously totally clueless when it comes to companion animals.
Dec 18, 2014 at 4:55 pm
Dr. Laura? A waste of talent and certainly a profound lack of knowledge. To comment in such a manner: pit bulls are a waste and should all be put down. Sad that you would lower yourself to such a low standard. A doctorate you may posses, however a doctorate you do not honor, with such mindless, baseless commentary. I have the distinct honor of being the pack leader of 3 wonderful bullies, a finer, more loyal breed you will never know; sadly especially someone like you who won’t take the time to find out first hand.
Dec 18, 2014 at 4:36 pm
She should be ashamed of herself. Of all the dogs I deal with in my normal day to day the pitbull is pretty low on the list of troublesome dogs. The worst in fact are the very small breeds, Danes, and St. Bernards. I would never even consider breed a reason to euthanize a pet. It is the way they are raised, not exercised and treated that cause them to become bad.
Marla frantz
Dec 18, 2014 at 4:25 pm
has this story been verified?
Dec 18, 2014 at 12:52 pm
its not the breed it’s the humans !!
Wayne Webb
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:18 pm
You are so right. Humans developed them, propagate them, and worship them. The dogs would be no danger at all without humans.
Tony Solesky
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:51 pm
Nonsense, unless you mean the breed of people that own them.
Wayne Webb
Dec 19, 2014 at 6:43 pm
Yes. Wasn’t that what I said? Let me clarify: if your pit bull comes near to bite me, and I destroy it to protect myself, is my problem over? No, because I then have to deal with the human who is going to pitch a hissy fit because I put their dog down. So I will reiterate: the dogs are no danger without the humans (the owners) who continue to propagate them and advocate for their existence within society.
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:26 pm
U should be a shame of yrself for saying that about the loving pitbulls. I myself have one and shes awesome dog. I think u need to be put down since u r a waste of society tomes. Smh
Wayne Webb
Dec 19, 2014 at 6:51 pm
…and therein lies the mentality; our society has devalued human life below that of dogs. Being a farmer, I likely own many more animals than you do and am very fond of them all and I take good care of them all. But every animal I own is not worth as much as the life of even my worst enemy. Pit bulls are killing adults, small children, toddlers, even infants. If an animal, a predator by nature is a risk to the life of other people, is it worth the risk?
Helga Joubert
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:33 pm
^I thought pit bulls weren’t a breed? You people need to make up your minds.
Greg M Otero
Dec 18, 2014 at 11:45 pm
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:56 am
Exactly, Nicole!!
Dec 19, 2014 at 1:16 pm
So true!
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:58 am
I just emailed every sponsor + siriusxm with my disgust. I encourage you all to do the same. She doesn’t deserve air time to spew such hatred. I’m so angry over that. All the work that goes into bringing these beautiful animals up and above the stigma that has been placed on them over the last few years… she’s a waste of air space and SHE needs to be put OUT to pasture.
Barbara Carrino
Dec 18, 2014 at 5:51 pm
Dump Her! Let’s get rid of her…..I viewed my opinion and she should be dumped!!!!!
Wayne Webb
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:45 pm
I did too. Way to go Dr. Laura!
Marian Bonanno
Dec 18, 2014 at 10:47 am
Did she look into their eyes? I guarantee they did here, praying for a loving home. I feel sorry for any animal she owns. Her cold heart makes me think she owns no animals which is good.
Dec 18, 2014 at 4:21 pm
Oh, but she does. 2 or 3 Rhodesian Ridgebacks and a miniature Poodle. I didn’t hear this particular comment, but she has made similar ones in the past.
Wayne Webb
Dec 18, 2014 at 9:53 pm
I like all my 66 sheep, three horses, a donkey, a llama, 18 koi, and three small dogs and I treat them all very well. But I think the safety of people comes first. So, in light of the great numbers of maulings and deaths, the sensible thing to do is to humanely euthanize pit bulls and stop breeding them.
Shauna Hester
Dec 21, 2014 at 5:42 pm
Why are you people so damn ignorant? Stop judging the actions of the dog and start looking at the other end of the leash. A pit bull is the exact same as any other type of dog. With your line of thinking, we should euthanize all dogs. It depends on how you treat and train the animal. If you are going to take a dog, any dog, not just a pit bull and stick it on a leash and leave it outside without any human interaction, love or training, yes this dog will become a mean dog. You could also say the same thing about a human being. Someone who was abused and abandoned are more likely to become unsocial and harmful than those who are loved. Your comment makes me sick to my stomach. I am a very proud owner of two beautiful pit bulls. They are more submissive and loving than my black lab. Stop judging the breed!!!!!