RALPH Speaks


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Hey everyone, it’s Ralph reporting in from Orlando, Florida.

It’s the NBA all star game and I’ve been hanging out with my new friend, Jeremy Lin.

In case you’ve been living in a cave, Jeremy is the newest surprise star in the NBA.

He was picked up off waivers by the New York Knicks.

I can relate to waivers. It’s where you put players you don’t want anymore.

It’s kind of like a dog pound for basketball players.

Well, ever since Jeremy joined the Knicks, his career has taken off.

He is everything that most basketball players are not.

He is clean cut.

He doesn’t do drugs.

And he believes in dog. (Hey, the letters are the same. Don’t blame me for reversing them!)

Me and my new buddy Jeremy Lin. Courtesy of Wikipedia.

So Jeremy was added to the NBA all star team because he is the hottest star right now.

Naturally, he gravitated to me and we’ve been together all weekend long.

I had no idea what a big fan he was.

So me and Jeremy are talking about his idea to trademark the term “Linsanity.”

So every time someone sells a “t-shirt” with Linsanity on it, he gets a cut.

I thought that was a great idea.

Jeremy hooked me up with his lawyer and I’ll be filing a trademark for “Ralphsanity” next week.

Think it will be a big seller?

I don’t know how much playing time I’ll be getting in the game but be on the lookout for me.

And root for my new friend Jeremy Lin.

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