
RECALL ALERT: All Dog Food & Treats Ever Made in China

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The US Food and Drug Administration today announced a nationwide recall of any and all dog food and treats ever made in and imported from China due to potential health and safety hazards.

A new organization and the driving force behind the massive recall, The Coalition for the Recall of All Petfoods (also known as C.R.A.P.), along with the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that a vast majority of dog food and treats being imported from China contained high levels of potentially dangerous chemicals, were produced with poor quality ingredients, and were often mislabeled as “healthy” to feed. Investigators have still not determined a specific reason Chinese imported food and treats have been making thousands of pets sick, but decided to err on the side of caution and recall them after thousands of pet owning US citizens reported illnesses.

Dr. Ima Frodd, a research investigator working for the C.R.A.P. told Dogington Post, “Our government has been ignoring consumer complaints about the quality and safety of China-made food and treats for years, but can no longer continue sweeping consumer concerns under the rug.”

Frodd says social media has been vital in C.R.A.P.’s success. “We found that by repeatedly demanding better quality food and treats from manufacturers through various social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, that those companies that choose poor ingredients over the health and safety of our pets were so irritated and flustered by our online presence that they had no choice but to finally cave in to our demands.”

The massive recall is expected to improve the lives of the millions of household pets, though there will be a problem of supply and demand for big box stores, grocery chains, and the big pet retailers that have repeatedly chosen to stock their shelves with the low quality food.

More than a million tons of the tainted foods and treats will immediately be pulled from shelves and returned to China. An insider reports that the food will be fed to officials in the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture who still insist that the recalled products are perfectly safe for our pet’s consumption.

If you’re currently feeding any dog food or treats either made in China or made with ingredients sourced from China, you should immediately discontinue feeding them to your dog. Look for premium food and treats from manufacturers that are based in the US or Canada.

The Dogington Post is serious about dogs, but we like to have a little fun, too! This article has been fabricated by the editors of this site. Happy April Fool’s Day! But, since we’ve got your attention:

Only a fool would buy a puppy from a pet store! It’s a known fact that 99% of all pet store puppies came from puppy mills. National Mill Dog Rescue rescues, rehabilitates and re-homes retired commercial breeding dogs from puppy mills. NMDR gives these dogs a new beginning and a final chance to find happiness and comfort in a loving home. Run almost solely by volunteers, NMDR has pledged to put an end to the cruelty of the puppy mill industry. Through widespread informative efforts, National Mill Dog Rescue hopes to educate the public to acquire their companion animals through reputable breeders or better yet, from shelters and rescue groups across the country. Please support the efforts on NMDR, by volunteering or making a donation at



  1. tomimia 07

    Jul 20, 2013 at 7:57 am

    Why the people keep buying the chinese treat? dogs are getting ill day by day and fell to death! US made dog treats are really very healthy for the dog. To save some bugs people shouldn’t buy that chinese creep.

  2. tomimia 07

    Jul 20, 2013 at 7:07 am

    Coming from China and doing harm on our dog. Thats really a crap! The cheap food doing harm on our dog. What is the government doing? US made dog treat is far more better than the chinese treat.

  3. cathy miler

    Jul 17, 2013 at 8:58 am

    I had every intention of subscribing to your Dogington Post, but then I read this by one of your people:
    Pegi Dahl
    April 1, 2013 | 10:02 pm
    You obviously have no clue how much time and effort the DogingtonPost takes to spread the word about CRAP from China.
    How many man hours have YOU spent this month trying to get names on a petition for Congress – or writing a FREE eBook so the entire world can know?
    My guess is you’ve spent more time smearing the DogingtonPost than you’ve ever put into the effort of stopping imports from China. I am sorry for you.

    And then decided that ANY organization or site which cannot apologize for a very, very insensitive, unfunny (unless you dislike animals) and throws “I feel sorry for you” in that person’s face—welll……You may spend hours on your cause…but this person’s attitude just defeated your cause. What a horribly arrogant ego this Peggy has–as does, apparently, your Dogington Post.
    Trust broken…..

  4. Marcella Pitti

    May 8, 2013 at 3:26 pm

    I lost my beloved maltipoo baby Natasha on Feb 23, 2013. I am devastated and want to do something to end this problem of these treats from China. I feel so guilty for giving her these treats from Wagon Train and Milos. I need as much info as possible as I plan on taking this to some TV shows to expose. Please forward any info, petitions that I can use. You can go to my facebook page to get my story. I plan on creating a website soon.Thanks for your help. My email is [email protected]

  5. Ann

    Apr 20, 2013 at 8:59 am

    I just stumbled upon your site and this was the first article I’ve read here. I agree with others – this article wasn’t the least bit funny to me as I don’t consider the seriousness of the issue a joking matter. I’ve actually warned unknowing friends about the dangers of dog treats from China and almost reposted this. Makes me think the rest of your site is not worth wasting my time on!

  6. james kitty

    Apr 3, 2013 at 9:03 am


  7. Katherine Geldert

    Apr 2, 2013 at 11:54 pm

    I can not believe you would do something like this. You obviously haven’t gone through watching your furbaby die from this crap. I am done with you and your post and have passed the word to all my friends whether on facebook or not. You are indespicable.

  8. Rena

    Apr 2, 2013 at 11:10 pm

    This article was in poor taste. My Yorkie Fizzoli died 8/29/12 from tainted dog treats and I DO NOT find this amusing. I’m all for fun and games but not at the expense of his memory or his death.

    I’m sorry if someone does not agree with me…. but this article sucks!!!!

  9. Mia

    Apr 2, 2013 at 8:56 am

    Not Funny..lost respect for this site….

  10. ellen

    Apr 2, 2013 at 7:28 am

    Not nice!

  11. Gepe

    Apr 2, 2013 at 3:13 am

    I agree…what a dumb a$$ thing to joke about!!! It’s not funny when a poor animal gets sick from eating the crap which is sent from China over to the US.I’m taking all the Chinese treats back to the store!!

  12. Beth

    Apr 1, 2013 at 11:27 pm

    Well I knew it was fake for two reasons #1. Dogington Post has been posting fake April Fool’s day articles all day so, well duh!!! #2. It’s too good to be true. Our government would never care more about us or our pets than the almighty dollar to take such measures, and anyone who thinks otherwise is the real fool. For my part, I’ve personally banned any and all food, treats, and food dishes made in China a long time ago.

  13. Judith

    Apr 1, 2013 at 11:09 pm

    I knew it was an April Fool’s Joke. Because you wrote the word, “ever” bought, PLUS- Imagine, the FDA actually doing their job, actually caring about people and animals enough to ban all human/animal foods/treats from China. When I saw it posted on FB, and read the whole thing at your website- it just confirmed what I thought. And we’re using this as a springboard to remind everyone that since the US govt and it’s for hire agencies aren’t doing their job to protect us and our animals, we must be vigilent ourselves. So thanks!
    Your fake headline/article reminded me of The Yes Men

  14. Gila Todd

    Apr 1, 2013 at 10:50 pm

    There was absolutely NOTHING humorous about this article. It was posted is very poor taste about something thousands of us take very seriously. Looks like a big loss of credibility for you and you have lost a great many readers over it, me included.

  15. Ann

    Apr 1, 2013 at 10:42 pm

    This is NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!!!! With all the little animals dying from the food and all the recalls that many of us have to watch out for, this you should really be very ashamed of!!! Doginton Post, my trust in you is gone.

  16. Julee

    Apr 1, 2013 at 10:08 pm

    I do not think this was funny. Like a ton of others, I thought this was legit and posted it on my FB wall for allow my dog friends. Boo n you! Totally not funny!

  17. Pegi Dahl

    Apr 1, 2013 at 9:54 pm

    I agree with Curtis. It’s funny to the point of ridiculousness. Our government refuses to halt the import of carcinogen and noxious pet food/pet food ingredients even though it knows those ingredients are the source of death and destruction. The DogingtonPost writes articles, eBooks and more on the subject. In fact, it is one of the leading voices in the Nation speaking up to halt C.R.A.P. from China. If you think they’ve done anything wrong by creating an April 1 parody of the subject to give it even more exposure, you need to know you’re beating the wrong horse. Send your hate comments to one of the dozens of sites who sit around showing photos of cute little doggies and doing nothing worthwhile – sites who refuse to get their paws dirty with such controversial and time-laden (though invaluable) subjects. And while you’re at it, lighten up.

  18. Daisy

    Apr 1, 2013 at 9:43 pm

    Dogington Post- up until today I had respected your post, but after today YOU HAVE LOST ALL RESPECT OF ME AND FELLOW DOG LOVERS.

    I went and posted all over Facebook and posted in several dog groups. I have thus far hit about 7,000 dogs telling them to BOYCOT you after this very tasteless joke. You owe all your loyal follwers a HUGE APOLOGY FOR THIS.


    • Pegi Dahl

      Apr 1, 2013 at 10:02 pm

      You obviously have no clue how much time and effort the DogingtonPost takes to spread the word about CRAP from China.

      How many man hours have YOU spent this month trying to get names on a petition for Congress – or writing a FREE eBook so the entire world can know?

      My guess is you’ve spent more time smearing the DogingtonPost than you’ve ever put into the effort of stopping imports from China. I am sorry for you.

      • Daisy

        Apr 2, 2013 at 4:25 pm

        Oh, I have read several of their articles and referred people to this paper many times, but this was done in VERY POOR TASTE.

        You are talking to someone who just had a horrible experience with the EVO recall- as in sick dogs and humans in the house. One of my dogs has a compromise health issue and that caused a severe problem with her and a mild one with my other dog plus my husband and I. We just did not know at the time what was causing it.

        I have ever right to be furious over this poor taste in jokes. Some things you joke about, but recalls that are health issues is NOT one of them.

  19. Curtis

    Apr 1, 2013 at 9:24 pm

    I’m going to go against the tide and say I thought it WAS funny. The second paragraph gave it away. As a dog owner, I consider it my responsibility to research before feeding them anything. I have been known to call the manufacturer from the store to verify their product was not made in China if it was not clear on the packaging. I wish they WOULD recall some of these products to protect pets whose owners aren’t aware of the dangers.

  20. Cory Webb

    Apr 1, 2013 at 8:58 pm

    This is despicable. Nothing funny about this at all. Dogington Post, you should be ashamed for this. If you were a dog I’d rub your nose in this sh*t you left on the floor.

  21. Brooke Arnold

    Apr 1, 2013 at 8:07 pm

    We wish it was true… Even though there’s no real recall, we encourage everyone to stop feeding their dogs food and treats from China! Yes, dogs are getting sick from imported foods and our country doesn’t seem to be doing anything to stop it. That was the point. Unfortunately that point was missed by many.


      Apr 2, 2013 at 11:19 am


  22. cassy leversedget

    Apr 1, 2013 at 7:31 pm

    not funny if you consider all the poison crap from china that ends up on our shelves?dogs have died eating this crap,how can this be classed as a ‘JOKE’

  23. George Chase

    Apr 1, 2013 at 7:29 pm

    Cool down, I knew it was April Fools when the Dr was “I’ma Fraud”. However the Innova scares me, don’t know about the pig ears, my pug doesn’t like cops. Waggin train has been on the list a long time. Have a good day, don’t do anything serious!

  24. jdk

    Apr 1, 2013 at 6:47 pm

    some things are funny. this posting WAS NOT FUNNY. Don’t joke about something as serious as our pets’ foods. Especially considering the fact that there have been issues with petfoods coming out of china in the recent past.

    • Richard Stone

      Apr 2, 2013 at 1:57 pm

      I get it. The information is presented with humor(due to the day)And the point is very real. We can only hope that with our efforts, this becomes real. That quality in our pets food and quality in our pets lives becomes an everyday reality.

      • Daisy

        Apr 2, 2013 at 4:29 pm

        The problem is Richard if such a story would ever really come true- we would never believe this sourse. It shows if we hear about it from the doginton we need to check other sources before we ever share it. As I posted below we just had a very big scare with our dogs who got sick from a recall.
        Most dogs I know do not, but when you have a dog with an illness- some are alot more acceptable to health issues from it.

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