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Rescuing Bethany: A Sick, Homeless Dog’s Inspirational Journey

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Bethany must have known immediately that she was safe in the arms of Eldad Hagar, founder of Hope for Paws and her rescuer along with Annie Hart of Bill Foundation. Photo courtesy of Bill Foundation.

“If ever there was rescue that could remind us not to judge a book by it’s cover, this is it. Bethany’s story reminds us all that sometimes books are damaged, or ill cared for, or simply show wear from their owner treating them poorly. It does not mean that the pages within are not inciteful, poignant and full of magic. And these books, like an innocent life, should never be thrown away because they are not beautiful to the eye.” – Annie Hart, Bill Foundation

Two months ago, we shared the photo to the right, of Eldad Hagar, from Hope for Paws, on the day that he and Annie Hart, of Bill Foundation, rescued a very sick, homeless little girl from the streets of Los Angeles. Since her photo was posted, the little girl whom they named Bethany, has touched the hearts of millions with her remarkable perserverance, her enduring spirit, and her will to survive despite all the odds stacked against her.

It was through hard work and dedication of Hope for Paws and Bill Foundation that this inspirational little girl has transformed into the beautiful, healthy, and strong companion that she is today.

Just try to watch the video below of her amazing transformation without tears in your eyes:

Bethany is now healthy and happy and looking for her perfect forever home and the long, loved life that she deserves.

Hope For Paws and Bill Foundation teamed up to make this very special rescue possible. Please visit and LIKE their Facebook pages at the links below, and consider a donation to support their efforts in saving the lives of Bethany and the thousands of homeless and abused animals just like her.

Bill Foundation:

Hope For Paws:



  1. Amanda

    Jun 11, 2013 at 9:02 pm

    Absolutely beautiful.
    I was recently in Thailand and saw many dogs in sever conditions like Bethany was… it is heartbreaking. I am in school for holistic natural nutrition although my passion lies within animal welfare and it is my goal to turn my family property into a rescue centre for neglected, stray and abused animals as well as injured wildlife.
    Taking care of animals, children and the environment is what it’s all about for me 🙂
    Much love!

  2. Dianna Mitchell

    Jun 5, 2013 at 4:49 am

    If I had a way to get her to my house in Texas I would love her and be so good to her. I have two teacups, one poodle and one yorkie. She would have 3 acres to run and play in, and all the love and hugs she can handle. Thanks to all of you that do what you do to help these poor animals.

  3. Alan Smith

    Jun 4, 2013 at 2:49 am

    The story of how Hope for Paws rescued Bethany is truly inspiring. Action speaks more than words, as is evident from the video of the entire operation. These people are real animal/dog lovers. Hats off to them!

  4. LINDA

    Jun 3, 2013 at 5:58 pm


  5. Julie Carrasco

    Jun 3, 2013 at 5:36 pm

    God bless all the rescuers that help give second chances at life for these animals.

  6. Kyle Stearnes

    Jun 3, 2013 at 4:57 pm

    Wish I had room for another dog, or I would LOVE to have her and give her the life she deserves. Good luck finding her forever home. And also, thank you for what you do helping these animals.

  7. nancy sterken

    Jun 3, 2013 at 4:02 pm

    i haven’t watched the video yet but i am sure i’ll be crying. i just want to put out the fact that the first ad that popped up by google was for maltese puppies for sale! so inappropriate! i don’t know if you have a choice about whose ads to accept but this was just in very poor taste (on google’s part anyway) i still love your site!
    ok i watched it, you should’ve warned me i’d need a box of tissues. god bless all the rescuer’s and people who care enough to give these animals a chance for a fulfilling life.

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