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A San Diego man is heartbroken, lost, after police, responding to a domestic disturbance call, came to his home and shot his beloved dog, killing him.
Police were called to the area near Ian Anderson’s home just before 5:30am on Sunday. Although Anderson was not involved, police knocked on the man’s door, prompting his 6-year old, 60-pound pit bull therapy dog, Burberry, to begin barking.
Anderson opened his door and began talking to police. Burberry, a therapy dog trained to work with children with Downs Syndrome, stepped outside.
Ian says one of the two officers even bent down and petted his dog.
Moments later, the other officer, spooked by Burberry approaching him, raised his gun and fired a single round, hitting the dog in the head, killing him.
The San Diego Police Department issued the following statement: “The preservation of life is our top priority and this includes the lives of animals. This incident is currently being investigated as any Officer Involved Shooting would be to assure proper procedures were followed. Any further comments prior to the completion of the investigation would simply be premature.”
No arrests were made in the domestic disturbance incident that brought police to Anderson’s neighborhood in the first place.

Laura S.
Jan 14, 2016 at 12:30 pm
Never let the cops on your property without a search warrant.
Mar 20, 2015 at 1:01 am
I am so sick of SDPD. They are either trigger happy or sexually harass women. The cops, they are not your friend.
Mar 19, 2015 at 4:29 pm
just shows you have to be constantly pro-active in protecting your dog(s) from the police. leash them whenever the police come around, keep them behind you, better yet, locked in another room. nothing will happen to th epolice than shot this dog. nothing ever does.