Celebrity Pets

Sarah Silverman Posts Touching Tribute to Her Senior Dog

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Sarah Silverman and Duck, best friends forever. Image courtesy of Sarah Silverman, WhoSay

Sarah Silverman fans will recognize the comedian’s best friend, Duck, a 19-year old rescue that she adopted many years ago and a common subject of the star’s Tweets. Sadly, the loyal pup has passed on, but he’ll never, ever, be forgotten.

In a beautiful tribute to her beloved dog, Silverman posted posted this sweet story on her WhoSay page in remembrance of her best friend.

Duck “Doug” Silverman came into my life about 14 years ago. He was picked up by the State running through South Central with no collar, tags or chip. Nobody claimed or adopted him so a no-kill shelter took him in. That’s where I found him — at that shelter, in Van Nuys. Since then we have slept most every night together (and many lazy afternoons.) When we first met, the vet approximated his age at 5½ so I’d say he was about 19 as of yesterday, September 3, 2013.

He was a happy dog, though serene. And stoic. And he loved love.

Over the past few years he became blind, deaf, and arthritic. But with a great vet, good meds, and a first rate seeing-eye person named me, he truly seemed comfortable.

Recently, however, he stopped eating or drinking. He was skin and bones and so weak. I couldn’t figure out this hunger strike. Duck had never been political before. And then, over the weekend, I knew. It was time to let him go.

My boyfriend Kyle flew in late last night and took the day off from work to be with us. We laid in bed and massaged his tiny body, as we love to do – hearing his little “I’m in heaven” breaths.

The doctor came and Kyle, my sister, Laura and I laid on the bed. I held him close – in our usual spoon position and stroked him. I told him how loved he was, and thanked him for giving me such happiness and for his unwavering companionship and love. The doctor gave him a shot and he fell asleep, and then another that was basically an overdose of sleeping meds. I held him and kissed him and whispered to him well passed his passing. I picked him up and his body was limp – you don’t think about the head – it just falls. I held him so tight. And then finally, when his body lost its heat, and I could sense the doctor thinking about the imminent rush hour traffic, I handed him over.

14 years.

My longest relationship.

My only experience of maternal love.

My constant companion.

My best friend.


Rest in peace, sweet Duck. You were loved by many.



  1. Barbee Joy Hall

    Oct 24, 2013 at 2:45 pm

    Dear Sarah,
    I am so very sorry for your loss. I cried very hard when I read your story. The worst part of life is loosing your loved one. Nobody can really explain the pain but we must be strong as life really does go on. Deep inside I will never get over the lost of my animals. After Scotty died my husband and I waited for a year and a 1/2 to adopt another Westie. His name is Shamus who brings lots of job to our home. He helped ease the pain from our previous looses. It is so hard to bear the thought of looking ahead and dealing with the same thing but unfortunately this is part of life. So enjoy what you can as life can be very cruel.

  2. fred kapp

    Sep 29, 2013 at 8:02 am

    Had to respond, all female responses. I’m sure many men feel like i do.Sad but great story Sarah when u have to let your best friend go whether it’s been less than 1 year or lucky enough to have over 15 yrs. The hardest part accepting when you have to let them go as they can’t quite communicate so they just stop eating.I tell you ladies this if there is reincarnation,I want to come back as your pooch. For when you give your friend this unconditional love the reciprocity is ten fold to you. I never understood the use of the word master,it makes us seem way too superior.

  3. Christina Donato

    Sep 7, 2013 at 9:28 pm

    Thank you. For helping me to shed tears again. And to remember. My special Karamel also was the child I never had and now never will have. You have helped me to remember. And even though the tears come, the joy lasts long after and our special animals give us the courage to rescue and love another…and another…and another. I have done adoptions and rescues all in honor and remembrance of my sweet, special, and most loyal soul I have ever known or will know. God gives us those once in a lifetime relationships to remind us that love of that kind has no words, needs no words and our words will never do justice to what God gave us in the way of animal love. God bless you and thank you for being vulnerable and for sharing Duck with me today!!!!

  4. Stacie

    Sep 7, 2013 at 12:24 pm

    So very sorry for your loss. I’ve read your tribute through tears streaming down my face and am trying to think of comforting words to say. The one thing is that Duck had a blessed life because of you and your life is forever blessed because of him. God sent him into your life for a reason and if it was for none other than for him to feel loved, then you fulfilled that reason. Dogs are so very intelligent and Duck knew when it was time for him ( and you) to be free of the suffering and pain. He loved you as much as you love him. You gave him a fitting tribute. May Duck rest easy now, and I pray God be with you and comfort you! Thank you for sharing your story. Btw, you should seriously consider writing a book about your and Duck’s life together. I for one would read it !!

  5. Dorothy

    Sep 6, 2013 at 7:45 pm

    You have my sympathies. This is such a hard thing to do. I have had my cats cremated and keep them in small urns on the fireplace. When I die I want their ashes mixed with mine. I could not bear to part even with their deceased bodies.

  6. Monique Martinez

    Sep 6, 2013 at 3:27 pm

    My heart hurts so much! I too, have lost two labs, Ashley & Mia 13 year old sisters, this past year within months of each other. Your tribute to Duck was so touching and so full of love. Don’t wait too long share your love with another four legged baby ~ he/she is waiting for you!

  7. Les Cla

    Sep 6, 2013 at 2:57 pm

    Dearest Sarah, my deepest sympathy to you on the loss of your beloved ‘Duck’. My two are 8 years and 6 years. I can’t even begin to imagine what you must be feeling. I do know he was much loved and was a very lucky pup to have had you as his Mom. Much love and many licks, Les, Gizmo, and Pepe

  8. Debbie Sampson

    Sep 6, 2013 at 10:44 am

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve been watching the posts on all the networks. You did the right thing. I had to make the same decision for my dane mix of 14 years. They let you know when its time and it was the Duck’s. He is happy and can see the rainbow now. Tears for you, Sarah.

  9. Beverly Morganbesser

    Sep 6, 2013 at 2:46 am

    What a beautiful tribute to your beloved ”Duck.” Very sorry for your loss Sarah.

  10. Marybeth

    Sep 5, 2013 at 11:32 pm

    I’m sure Duck is waiting for you at the crossing to Rainbow Bridge. He can see all, hear a needle drop & he can jump high to the clouds. Most importantly he’ll be waiting for his beloved friend to join him no matter how long it takes… He will always be your guardian angel. Take care.

    Marybeth & Sadie (my rescue collie)

  11. Joan

    Sep 5, 2013 at 11:30 pm

    beautiful tribute by a unique person to a unique family member ~ only few lucky ones, with a doggie mom willing to give her all, reach that age. sounds like the perfect end to a great life snuggling in bed, surrounded by best friends, hearing comforting words of love..and going to sleep. may we all be so lucky. peace to you

  12. kath

    Sep 5, 2013 at 10:22 pm

    I am very sorry for your loss. Thank you for rescuing and giving Duck the great life he deserved.

  13. Rosemary Hoffman

    Sep 5, 2013 at 9:47 pm

    Many, many of us understand. Thank you for sharing a little bit of Duck with us. I really like this poem and hope it brings you some comfort. You were gifted with a piece of Duck’s heart 14 years ago.

    It seems to me that every time I lose a dog
    they take a piece of my heart with them
    And every new dog who comes into my life
    gifts me with a piece of their heart
    If I live long enough, all the components
    of my heart will be dog,
    And I will become as generous and loving as they are

    – Cheryl Zuccaro

  14. Cornelia

    Sep 5, 2013 at 9:46 pm

    Ditto what Deborah said…I love my boy beyond measure…in countless ways he rescued me.
    Deepest Sympathy

  15. Deborah Weiss

    Sep 5, 2013 at 8:52 pm

    I am crying my heart out for you. I have and old rescue dog myself and I am hopelessly telling myself to get ready for possibly his last season. I am so in love with him I am going to fall apart.

  16. Ellen Silverberg

    Sep 5, 2013 at 8:21 pm

    So very sorry Sarah! I know the pain!

  17. Judy Carlson

    Sep 5, 2013 at 7:43 pm

    So sorry for your loss, Sarah. Please read the poem The Rainbow Bridge. It’s helped me a little grieving the loss of 4 dogs so far. Hugs

  18. Steve

    Sep 5, 2013 at 7:22 pm

    That’s so sad. I know exactly how you feel. We had our last dog for 13 years before we had to finally have her put down. I’ve never really gotten over it. It was 10 years before my wife decided we needed another loving pet. I wasn’t too keen on the idea, but of course a sweet puppy is impossible to ignore. I’m glad we did for now, but I worry about that day will come again. We will enjoy her while we can and take every advantage of her love for us.

  19. Christine Craft

    Sep 5, 2013 at 6:27 pm

    Thank you Sarah for loving your boy so much and for using the gentle care of a housecalls vet with the smarts to administer compazine before the pheno..at home.surrounded by love!!!

  20. Sara

    Sep 5, 2013 at 6:15 pm

    I’m so very sorry for your loss. They come in and cozy up our homes and our hearts. Ir hurts horribly when they have to leave. I hope you find comfort in remembering the happy times and adopt another dog when you’re ready. Rest in peace, Duck.

  21. Carole Sanek

    Sep 5, 2013 at 5:21 pm

    My eyes needed cleansing thank you for that and on a serious loving note you are an amazing woman. More people should follow your lead in adopting a rescue pet, We have 3, and one is not doing well. In fact just today I had to touch him to see if he was still with us, he is. Like the question asks “who rescued whom?” Our oldest boy has issues with his trachea collapsing and he has lost more weight than we think is normal (the vet recommended it) so now we have this cachexic looking little boy who gets high protein, high calorie food and snacks (human food) along with his dog food in an effort to build him up a little. You know you did the right thing by allowing Duck to cross over at home. You “hospiced” him well. Blessings of peace and happy memories are my sincerest wish for you.

  22. Beverly

    Sep 5, 2013 at 5:19 pm

    sorry for your loss.we had to do the same thing with our beloved comet over 3 years ago. it was not a pretty sight.I wish you well and healing !

  23. Susan Jones

    Sep 5, 2013 at 5:03 pm

    Dear Sarah: I am deeply saddened by the passing of your beloved Duck. Please be comforted by the fact that you saved him from the streets and gave him a loving home. He, in turn, gave you the love and devotion that comes from these precious beings. My beloved Pepper, whom I have had since 2002 (the vet estimated her age between 3 and 5 years of age), has bad arthritis (we purchased a doggy wheelchair for her), and now she has cancer. They said it was small cell, fast growing and fast moving. She has been my steadfast friend and companion … and my heart is breaking. However, each day I enjoy her, tell her what a wonderful girl she is and how much I love her. When it is her time, I hope I can be as brave as you. With deepest sympathy, Susan

  24. Anna Biebl

    Sep 5, 2013 at 4:32 pm

    R. I. P. DUCK. You would have been seen as the lucky one but your human was truly the one blessed. Her tribute to you made me cry like I knew it would. But I would have read it anyway. Let her rest assure that animal lovers around the world thank her for being a beautiful part of your life. For loving you as a true member of her family.

  25. Dayna Fowler

    Sep 5, 2013 at 4:24 pm

    Just went through the same thing with my 17 year old, Gunner. My heart breaks for you, Sarah. The house will feel empty for awhile & there will be a hole in your heart. But, wow, what a blessing that you two found each other and had such a wonderful life together! I’ll bet you wouldn’t change a thing!

    Sending up prayers & positive thoughts for you today.

    Dayna Fowler

  26. Gayle

    Sep 5, 2013 at 4:10 pm

    Bless your heart. Having been in that position many times myself over the years, I know first hand all the emotions you are going through. So sorry for your pain. He lived a good long life, and you were responsible for that. I hope that soon you will be able to think of him and have it bring a smile to your face instead of a tear to your eye.

  27. Tammy

    Sep 5, 2013 at 4:05 pm

    I awoke last night and reached for my Rubyann, as I often do in the middle of my sleep. She has been gone over a year now. I miss her and think of her every day. But, I did get a new puppy and she has filled that unending void to some extent, a little fluff ball of unending and healing joy. I recommend after some time that you rescue another, or as in most cases, allow herself to be rescued. After all, they are sent to us to save us, to teach us about the most intense aspects of humanity. I have never been more human than when I was lucky enough to be loved by a dog. I am sure Duck and Ruby are sharing some milkbones as we speak.

  28. Rhonda P

    Sep 5, 2013 at 3:47 pm

    I wasnt sure I wanted to read this story because I just knew it was going to be sad and I only know of Sarah as being funny and sarcastic. I forged ahead and the tears started before the second paragraph. Then it happened, Sarah being Sarah yet showing us her real side as well. I dread the day I have to write my ode to Lucy and Vivy but until then, they will get all the massages and treats their hearts desire. Thank you Sarah for sharing another side of yourself and I’m so sorry for your loss.

  29. Abbi Cruse

    Sep 5, 2013 at 3:42 pm

    We are so sorry for your lost we lost our Magoo three year and we think about him every day I known your pain there noing no one can say are do for you. But think about the good time they will get you to a good place I know this.My heart is sad for you.

  30. Stacey

    Sep 5, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    That was a wonderful and “sniffle” touching tribute. R.I.P Duck, and Sarah please give another lucky doggy a home, you were a great mommy. Now I have to go hug my fur baby. sorry for your loss.

  31. Cheryl

    Sep 5, 2013 at 3:26 pm

    What a beautiful tribute. He knows how much he was loved and it though it is hard you did the best thing you could for him. Don’t wait too long to give another a forever home – he would want it that way.

  32. Donna Sievers

    Sep 5, 2013 at 2:57 pm

    Tears…..R.I.P precious Duck and thank you Sarah for being a loving, kind, and sounds like truly wonderful companion. I have a 16 year old now deaf and blind Doxie who came to me at nine full of tumors. Though she still eats like I big pig, I am now her seeing eye person, among many other things, that I am quite sure she gets a kick out of having me do for her!!~!

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