Small Elderly Dog Saves Puppy Brother From Coyotes In California

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An 11-year-old dog with three remaining teeth proves he still got the dog in him by saving his brother from a pair of coyotes in Mission Viejo, California.

The encounter happened earlier in May, as per CBS News Los Angeles’ report, after owners David and Erin Macaluso returned home from a short walk.

The couple forgot to close the dog door and Harley, the couple’s puppy, ran out the door because of a noise he heard in the backyard. Soon enough, he came face-to-face with a pair of coyotes.

CCTV footage shows the wild animals chasing and grabbing Harley by the neck. And when the poor pup cried in pain, Vinny, the brave 11-year-old, 10-pound Maltese mix, came just in time to rescue his little brother.

The Macalusos said they are very proud of Vinny’s brave and heroic actions.

David Macaluso called Vinny a superhero and said, “He’s always been a scrapper. He’s just not afraid of anything.” He revealed, “He just chased them I think he had a low-level growl that shocked the coyote.”

Erin Macaluso also revealed that Vinny’s response gave Harley enough time to escape and avoid further injuries. She said, “I’m looking for a doggie cape cause I think he deserves one. I’d give him a steak but he has no teeth.”

The couple said Harley was brought to the vet after the incident and received 20 stitches, which took several weeks to heal.

Erin Macaluso recalled Harley getting bitten on each shoulder. “They think he was bitten three to four times is what the doctor said,” she said.

The Macalusos hope that their dogs’ story will remind other pet parents to be vigilant of coyotes creeping in their backyards.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. ANGEL G.

    Jun 10, 2023 at 9:07 am

    Vinny is one Cute little Thug! Glad both he & Harley are okay.

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