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Someone Threw This Puppy in the Trash – But Look at Him Now!

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Patrick was just a puppy when he was found, starved and barely clinging to life, wrapped in a garbage bag at the bottom of a trash chute. If he had not been found and rescued, he would surely have died having never known true love and happiness.

Luckily, for Patrick – and everyone that’s played a role in his miraculous transformation, whose lives are forever changed by his tenacity, his ability to forgive, and his capacity to love – he was found before it was too late.

Just scroll to see his story.

This is Patrick on the day that he was found.
Lots of people sent well-wishes and prayers for the sweet boy.
Lots of people sent well-wishes and prayers for the sweet boy.
An entire team of veterinarians, techs, nurses, and caregivers showed Patrick care and love, perhaps for the first time in his young life.
An entire team of veterinarians, techs, nurses, and caregivers showed Patrick care and love, perhaps for the first time in his young life.
Everyone rooted for him to get better. Patrick smelled the love!
Everyone rooted for him to get better. Patrick smelled the love!
He thanked his doctors for helping him to recover.
He thanked his doctors for helping him to recover.
He knew that even though this cone was weird, it was for his own good!
He knew that even though this cone was weird, it was for his own good!
He learned about toys!
He learned about toys!
He played outside. He learned to walk on a leash. And he learned to sit for TREATS!
He played outside. He learned to walk on a leash. And he learned to sit for TREATS!
Happy and healthy now, Patrick loves naps on the sofa.
Happy and healthy now, Patrick loves naps on the sofa.
... and sleeps in a real bed!
… and sleeps in a real bed!
Here's Patrick today. Handsome, happy, and LOVED!
Here’s Patrick today. Handsome, happy, and LOVED!

Learn more about Patrick and follow his story at his Facebook page, The Patrick Miracle.
Source: Imgur



  1. Ruth Ann

    Jun 16, 2014 at 9:41 am

    Thank goodness he got the love, attention and support that he needed. I can’t believe someone could be that cruel and heartless. I hope they don’t have any kids…..just saying.

  2. Happy Dog Naturals

    Jun 16, 2014 at 9:11 am

    What a horrible thing to do to a helpless animal. Thank goodness for good samaritans! On top of all the other injustices, it looks like Patrick had a nasty case of mange. The drugs that treat that can cause other problems that can interfere with immunity and long-term recovery. He’s been through enough; if it’s still a problem we’d be happy to help with some all natural mange cure product.

  3. Leslie wine

    Jun 12, 2014 at 12:04 am

    why are ppl so cruel glad he got to see what love is. hope he gets adopted soon.

  4. Esther

    Jun 11, 2014 at 8:33 pm

    Thank God to all the people who rescued and cared for Patrick..He truly deserves a loving home . May he get adopted soon…

  5. Diana Giraldo

    Jun 11, 2014 at 8:32 pm

    I was in tears at the beginning but to see is to believe the at other people make a difference

  6. Lisa

    Jun 11, 2014 at 4:56 pm

    What a horrible story, thank God for the rescuer who found this puppy. God Bless everyone who was involved in his recovery. No animal should have to experience what that puppy did. He looks Great!!

  7. Christine

    Jun 11, 2014 at 4:01 pm

    Patrick is a small percentage of the ones that are found and saved. How many actually are not found and die this way. Thank goodness someone cared and got Patrick to the help he needed. Please keep your eyes and ears open to the other Patricks or Patricias. They are out there asking for your help. These people who are cruel are your neighbors and/or family members.

    • William Whitler

      Jun 11, 2014 at 6:22 pm

      Sorry to hear that, but your right so much evil towards our 4legged family that sometimes I cant even speak! If I could just have afew minutes with one of them I know I would feel better!

  8. Cemorr

    Jun 11, 2014 at 3:40 pm

    The owner pleaded guilty and got probation and a fine. That’s it. She can still have animals!

  9. dawnbuchroeder

    Jun 11, 2014 at 2:42 pm

    I hope Patrick’s story attracted enough media attention , and that the monster who did this was reminded of what he did!! When I saw the first set of photos, I thought Patrick was an emaciated chocolate Labrador retriever….I was shocked when the picture a fully recuperated pitbull! They really did a wonderful turning him around!God bless the men and women if our country that sacrifice every inch of themselves……emotionally , physically , and financially!! 🙂

  10. Margit Wacha

    Jun 11, 2014 at 2:16 pm

    Wonderfull! Thank you!

  11. Lee

    Jun 11, 2014 at 1:56 pm


  12. Diana Ancell

    Jun 11, 2014 at 1:46 pm

    I am so glad that he was found and now knows the love he deserves.
    No animal should be treated like this they have feelings.

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