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When you dog barks or vocalizes, this is his way of saying (here I am) as well as a warning signal to other dogs and strangers. The real dog body language we should read is when the ears are laid back (fear and/or aggression signals), the hair along the spine is raise up is a sign the dog is about to get very aggressive, tail wagging quickly back and forth means happiness, staying constantly at your side and not letting you out of their sight means they are protective but also they could have an anxiety/fear issue of you leaving them. The tail between the legs means submission and a dog pawing you means they want something.
Some of the individual body languages or behaviors any particular dog may develop can be quite comical. We currently have a ShiPoo mix that will come up and lick the side of my right calf only — whether I’m wearing long pants or shorts — when she needs to potty! She never has licked my left calf. I have no idea where this behavior came from, other than she probably did it in desperation once long ago when I was otherwise distracted, and I responded correctly. So now it’s a habit.
We had a Golden Retriever a few years back who would dance in a circle on his hind legs near the door and whine until someone noticed that he had to potty.
These are but a very few of the many ways your dog’s body language is being used to speak to you. Pay attention and learn to listen and observe his language for a much happier doggy.
How does your dog communicate his feeling to you? Please tell our readers the interesting and funny ways your dog communicates with you.

Nov 23, 2013 at 12:04 pm
This is my best video Funny siberian husky playing in leaves