
Stray Dog Found Chasing A Pup Bus Finds Forever Home

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A forever home and a permanent seat on the pup bus he was chasing months ago – this is now the life Waylon the Yellow Labrador lives after he was found as an abandoned dog chasing a pup bus on July.

Waylon was first discovered by the Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming, a dog care services in Carnesville, Georgia, who were collecting their canine clients for doggy daycare.

Nobody knows how long Waylon has been on the streets before the dog care services found him.

In a Facebook post, the Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming posted about the encounter with Waylon. They wrote, “He was on our bus route this morning on Brown Rd in Carnesville trying to get on the bus. He followed us all the way down the road. We are worried he may get hit by another vehicle.”

The dog care services even posted a video of Waylon chasing the pup bus. But who would’ve thought that the video would become Waylon’s permanent ticket to the pup bus along with a forever home?

The video reportedly caught the attention of a Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming client named Saide Peace.

Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming revealed in a follow-up update, “One of our clients reached out to us this morning about him and decided he would make a perfect addition to their home.”

Peace already owned a Yellow Lab named Neli and she tells 11Alive, “I was doing my daily check of the Keller Creek Facebook because I send Neli (Waylon’s sister) there, and I saw where they posted about a lab that was chasing the bus, so I reached out.”

Apparently, Waylon wasn’t entirely a stray and was staying at a place where neighbors are able to feed him.

Stray dog chasing pup bus finally gets seat on bus and a forever home
Credit: Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming

“I reached out to the girl and told her that I was interested in getting him so that night my boyfriend and I took Nelli to go meet him and I knew once we got there and saw him that I was taking him home with me,” Peace explained. 

Peace reveals that she took Waylon to the vet to get checked out and to get him vaccinated.

And a few weeks after getting adopted, Keller Creek Boarding and Grooming revealed that Waylon is finally starting his first official day in daycare, therefore earning him a permanent seat on the pup bus.

Peace reveals, “I knew I would be taking him to Keller Creek since his sister absolutely loves going there, and he made it very clear that he wanted to get on that bus that day he was chasing them.”

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