Dogs & Laws

Surveillance Video Films Abuse: Can You Identify This Man?

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When employees of a Ramona, California business found a puppy inside the fence which surrounds their business, Karen Tavares, V.P. of Investigative Science & Engineering, Inc., the site where the puppy was found, immediately began viewing surveillance video to find out how he got there.

What she saw shocked her. On August 28, 2014, at about 6:11pm, a surveillance camera at a business located on D Street in Ramona, California, captured the image of man who threw his own puppy away by tossing him over a high fence.

It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see this little puppy, following his owner around, even standing next to him and looking into the fenced yard, not because he was being forced to – he wasn’t even on a leash, but because he just wanted to be with his human. Even more heartbreaking is the confusion on his face when his owner picked him up and tossed him like trash over the fence and walked away.

The puppy was found the following day, late in the afternoon.

Tavares turned the dog, who appears to be a young pit bull, and the surveillance tapes over to the San Diego County Department of Animal Services. The puppy was seen by a veterinarian and is not suffering any injuries, though Tavares confirmed he did have a slight limp when he was found. However, an investigation to find the person responsible for tossing him away like garbage continues.

Now, Tavares is sharing the video in hopes of helping to locate the man responsible.

If you have any information about this man’s identity, contact San Diego County Animal Services at their Carlsbad office at 760-966-3224 or contact CrimeStoppers.

The puppy is currently available for adoption in Carlsbad.

Caution: This video may be difficult for some viewers to watch.



  1. piyo

    Sep 23, 2014 at 2:49 am

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  2. Mogilb

    Sep 22, 2014 at 6:14 pm

    Nothing but a cowardly piece of shit!

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