A family from Tennessee spent a memorable New Year’s Eve traveling for 11 hours to New Jersey where they finally reunited with...
More than a year ago, Sandra O’Neil from West Sacramento, lost her beloved dog named Zeppelin. After the dog’s usual visit to...
A man in South Wales has been reunited with his two dogs, which were stolen three years ago. The beagles were discovered...
A pet owner in South Florida is happy that both of her beloved pets, Angel and Sparkle, were located safely after they...
After nearly five long years, a family in Texas finally got their German shepherd back. According to CBS, the dog, Sheba, was...
After being separated from her owner for nearly three weeks, an American bulldog puppy kidnapped from her Toronto home earlier this month...
Her family may never know what she endured for the last 5 years, but they’re overjoyed to be reunited with their now...