A U.S. soldier serving overseas rescued a severely ill puppy he found abandoned near his base. With the help of Paws of...
A deployed soldier rescued two abandoned puppies while serving overseas. Now, this hero needs our help to pull off a Christmas miracle...
Three soldiers stationed overseas rescued a trio of scared and hungry puppies they found dumped near their base. Now, they’re trying to...
As the world was focused on the events unfolding in Afghanistan, troops in the region were called into action getting new deployments...
Stationed in the Middle East, Army Specialist Taylor has bonded with a dog she found near death, and is on a mission...
While serving overseas, a U.S. soldier stumbled upon several dogs being sold for dogfighting. With just one look at an emaciated, injured...
May is Military Appreciation Month. What better way to wrap up the month, then by helping our heroes overseas? Morale can be...
A US Soldier stationed in Afghanistan is desperately hoping to bring a puppy he bonded with after rescuing her from abuse. NESCONSET,...
While U.S. Army missions may be the stuff of top secret details, there is no hiding what is going on with the...
May is National Military Appreciation Month, making it a great time to do something for those who help protect the nation. There’s...
U.S. Army veteran and Sergeant 1st Class Luciano Yulfo was honored at a New York Knicks game when, after 18 long months...