Dog Law

Texas Man Mauled By Three Dogs Dies After A Week On Life Support

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Image from Fox 10 Phoenix via New York Post 

A man from Texas died a week later after being brutally attacked and partially eaten by three dogs. After spending a week on life support, 51-year-old Nicolas Vasquez passed away on June 9 from his injuries.

Before the incident, Vasquez was walking on his way home when his neighbor, Calvin Stoy, saw him. Immediately after, Stoy heard dogs barking and a human groaning. “I thought I heard a moan. I heard the dogs barking. So I went to the corner of my yard here, and I heard another moan,” Stoy said.

Stoy went over the ditch with a flashlight and saw that three dogs, each a pitbull mix, had mauled his neighbor. He stopped the dogs from attacking Vasquez further and called 911 for help. 

Stoy said, “Both legs were torn up bad, hands and arms. He had bites on his head. He was in really bad shape. He lost a lot of blood. His one leg was torn down to the bone.”

Vasquez suffered dog bites on nearly every part of his body, and his legs and arms needed to be amputated.

“I just want justice from the law. This shouldn’t have happened. He was a nice person to everybody. Everybody knew him,” says Maria Castillo, Nicolas Vasquez’s sister-in-law. 

Community residents of the Huffman neighborhood said that the dogs had been terrorizing them for weeks. It had already bitten Vasquez on his ankle less than two months ago and other community members in the past. Despite this, the dogs roam free.

“They’re constantly chasing people [who are] walking, on bicycles. When you know they’re barking, chasing people, you should do something about it. When you just sit in your air-conditioned house and do nothing, that’s negligence.” Stoy explained, saying he blames the owners for the horrific incident. 

Shortly after the incident, Harris County Animal Control seized the three dogs, still covered in blood. According to the Harris County Public Health’s Veterinary Public Health Division, as of June 10, the dogs are under quarantine, and it is still unclear if they will be euthanized.

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