Dog Abuse

The Headlines That Broke Our Hearts: Where Are These Dogs & Their Abusers Now?

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With his owner arrested on felony animal cruelty charges and booked into the Solano County jail, Humane Animal Services took possession of Benny the Pug.

He will remain in their care pending the result of the case against Chin, after which a decision will be made on whether to place him for adoption or return him to his owner.

Humane Animal Services’ Officer Francisco Piedra says that despite all he’s been through, Benny is still a very happy little Pug, friendly and in good spirits.

Up NEXT, Katherine Lemansky, also known as Katie Brown, the woman who duct taped her dog’s mouth shut and bragged about it on Facebook.

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  1. Avatar Of Cory Ferguson

    Cory Ferguson


    Thank you very much for following up on these stories. Too many times abuse stories are posted, but we never know the outcome.

  2. Avatar Of Tia Wilke Tia Wilke says:

    RE: deputy Brett Berry and K9 Officer Boone:

    Deputy sentenced to probation in Carlton County K-9 abuse case
    By Tom Olsen on Feb 17, 2016 at 8:27 p.m.

    CARLTON — Longtime attorneys Thom Pertler and Kevin Short have handled high-profile cases involving cold-blooded murder, child abuse, sexual assault and other crimes that can only be described as heinous.

    On Wednesday, they could agree on one thing: No case has drawn the level of public ire like that of Brett Berry, the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office deputy who was captured on video repeatedly striking his K-9 partner outside a Carlton County hotel last summer.

    “In all the years I’ve done this, of all the types of cases I’ve handled — from child abuse to first-degree murder — I haven’t ever received this many emails and letters,” said Pertler, the Carlton County attorney since 2005, who hoisted up a stack of a stack of papers easily six inches thick.

    Short, whose legal career began in 1978, told 6th Judicial District Judge Leslie Beiers that he’s “never seen anything that even amounts to a fraction” of the estimated 500 to 600 letters he said he received ahead of Berry’s sentencing.

    Berry, 48, was placed on one year of probation in lieu of a 90-day jail sentence for his animal cruelty conviction. Both attorneys — perhaps addressing protesters in the audience as much as they were the judge — stressed that the sentence is typical in a misdemeanor case for someone with no criminal history.

    Berry admitted in January that he was “blackout drunk” when he was seen striking his partner, Boone, while attending a training event at Black Bear Casino Resort on June 15.

    Surveillance video of the incident was released and has been widely circulated, sparking public outrage and inspiring multiple online pages and petitions in support of Boone, who was not injured.

    Short said he doesn’t blame animal rights activists for wanting a harsh sentence, but asked Beiers to sentence Berry in accordance with guidelines, not the sentiment of the community.

    “This kind of lightning rod, this gross overreaction, is understandable to me because many of the people who write these letters have no idea how the criminal justice system works,” Short said. “They’re just angry and upset, and I have no problem with that.”

    Pertler, who also supported the probationary sentence recommended by Arrowhead Regional Corrections, made it clear that he was bound by state laws, which he said prohibited him from bringing any charge more serious than a misdemeanor.

    Pertler said he considers Boone a victim, but said the dog is considered property in the eyes of the law.

    “They own the dog. They have put a lot of money into Boone, and they have an interest in his well-being,” Pertler said, adding that he was never contacted by any county representatives seeking to influence the sentencing.

    About 10 activists were in the courtroom and were clearly disappointed in the probationary sentence.

    As Berry and Short left the courthouse, they were confronted by two protesters. Berry quickly got in his car and left, but Short spent about 15 minutes having a spirited conversation with one woman in the parking lot.

    Mary Nelson, who volunteers for the Friends of Animals shelter in Cloquet and has been to all of Berry’s court appearances, said the case demonstrates the need for reform in animal abuse laws.

    “As the public, I feel that our job is just getting started,” she said. “We need to go to our legislators and demand that change. Otherwise, this just happens again. This should’ve been an officer-on-officer offense, not an officer-on-property offense.”

    Short suggested that his client has already paid a severe price for actions, citing the extensive outpouring of criticism that he has faced. He drew comparisons to last summer’s killing of Cecil, a famous Zimbabwean lion, by a Minnesota dentist.

    “I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that there has probably never been someone in the history of Minnesota who has paid such consequences for a first-offense misdemeanor,” Short said of Berry’s case.

    Given a chance to speak before receiving his sentence, Berry simply stated: “I made a mistake, judge.”

    In addition to probation, Beiers ordered Berry to pay a $500 fine and reimburse Ramsey County for a $742 veterinarian bill, which Short said was already paid. While on probation, he must refrain from the use of alcohol and cannot own any pets, the judge said.

    In handing down the sentence, Beiers said she was satisfied that Berry is receiving the help he needs for alcohol abuse, but said she views the case as a serious one.

    “As a police officer sworn to protect and serve, which you have done for many years, you have the privilege of being a K-9 officer,” she said. “It’s those circumstances that make it an even more serious offense.”

    Berry’s status as a law enforcement officer remains uncertain. Boone was taken from his custody shortly after the incident, and Berry was reassigned to the agency’s detention unit.

    Sgt. John Eastham, a spokesman for the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, said Wednesday that an internal investigation is still ongoing.

    If you wish to weigh in on the Ramsey County Internal Affairs process, go to

  3. Avatar Of Sharylla




  4. Avatar Of Debra Richards

    debra richards


    IT was really good to read the ‘where are they know” update – this is the only report i have seen of this nature – we all get affected by seeing animal cruelty – except those who perform these viscious violent acts – i love to hear they have been given a huge fine and prison sentence – it eases the sould because unless we go out and become these animals revengers they usually get away scot free – with the message it is ok – give me one and close the door i would love to mete out a sentence

  5. Avatar Of Sharon Crump Sharon Crump says:

    I love animals and my heart breaks for each and every poor animal taken down in any manner by some unethical, immoral, unthinking, uncaring, mean, deplorable, sick, despicable, and think of your own adjective, person who claims to be part of humanity. They are truly INHUMAN with no compassion. Maybe if they felt the pain they’re inflicting, it would open up some understanding. Well, probably not since they really don’t care. What a pity.

  6. Avatar Of Rose528



    another murdering cop be a human or an animal they still are murderers

  7. Avatar Of Rose528



    of coarse the cop will get off for murdering a family pet, they get away with murdering children and adults.

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