Awesome Stories

Going to the Dentist is Finally Fun, Thanks to One Furry Assistant

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Williamsville, New York pediatric dentist, Dr. Paul Wiess wanted to share the calming love of his golden retriever, Brooke, with his patients. So, he enrolled her in boot camp and had her certified as a therapy dog.

With her new certification, Brooke became the newest member of Dr. Weiss’ dental practice! The 5 year old Golden visits his office every Thursday to play with the children and occasionally calm them down during their procedures.

Dan Miner, of Buffalo Business First interviewed Dr. Weiss:

“If a child is afraid of getting her teeth cleaned, Brooke can sit next to them in the chair and the kid can have their hand on the dog,” Weiss said.

He got into pediatric dentistry because he enjoys the relaxed vibe of working with children, and he said he likes the psychological transition of a job well done.

“The gratification of taking a nervous child and turning them into someone who’s comfortable at a dentist’s office is really something great,” he said.

Not to worry, Brooke’s presence doesn’t pose a health threat to patients! She is bathed before each visit and the office is cleaned thoroughly after she leaves. Patients and parents are told ahead of time that Brooke will be there, in case they object.

Dr. Weiss says the dog has been a hit, and patients look forward to coming in on Thursdays when Brooke will be there!

The photo and story gained viral popularity when they were posted on reddit last year.

Would you like to share your dentist chair with this sweet golden retriever?



  1. MM

    Aug 18, 2015 at 8:37 pm

    No, actually I’d like to put the Dentist I was taken to as a child for years and years. Then I’d love to inflict the same fear, fright and pain he inflicted on me. But, it’s to bad that he died many years ago. I hate Dentists….to the point that I love it when I lose another tooth because I know I’m getting closer to the point that I will NEVER have to go to one again. I’m waiting for another 6 months to see a “dentist” for the final time. At that time I will have enough saved to get all my teeth pulled and get dentures….then I NEVER HAVE TO SEE A DENTIST AGAIN….EVER.

  2. Mary J

    Aug 20, 2014 at 7:32 am

    Our Dental dog, Sam, the Maltese, who is 13, comes to our office every day! While not a therapy dog per se, he has his own office at the front desk and patients come in just to visit with him! He LOVES his job!

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  5. Stouffville Dental

    Jun 1, 2013 at 3:32 am

    If a child is afraid of getting his teeth cleaned then this will put effect on children.

  6. Christy

    May 22, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    Wish Brooke could come to the dentist with me!

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