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Tips for a Stress-Free Move With Your Dog

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Moving is considered by many to be one of life’s most stressful events. Now, imagine being a dog and having no idea what’s going on. All they see are boxes and empty spaces, and everyone in their environment, acting differently. Then suddenly they are in a new, unfamiliar place altogether.

It’s easy to see how anxious moving could make your dog feel. It’s quite possible that when your pet is agitated, you will become more agitated as well, which in turn will only add more stress to your move. However, there are ways that you can make moving easier on your pet, which makes things easier for everyone. 

Get Them Used To It

Dogs are creatures of routine and habit. When something happens that disrupts either of those things, they will notice. In many cases, they won’t like it. You can get them used to the idea of moving by introducing the different elements of it well before the actual move. Bring in moving boxes so they can get used to the sight and smell of them. You can also tape the boxes up so that they hear the sound and understand that it doesn’t predict certain doom. If your dog tends to be especially anxious about change, you can give them a treat every time they get close to the boxes to create a positive association. 

Don’t Disrupt Their Routine

It can be busy going through a move. Schedules get altered, social time gets cancelled, and you can often find yourself running around trying to meet deadlines. However, just because your routine is ruined, it doesn’t mean your dog’s has to be. Just like you want them to be used to moving supplies, you also don’t want them to feel like too much is changing. Keep their same routine, which includes walking, pee times, and play times. This will keep them comfortable and feeling safe, which is exactly the state of mind you need them in. 

Be Relaxed

Your dog will take their cues from you. If you are calm, relaxed, and confident, it will give them comfort and security. You may be stressed from the move, or concerned about moving during Covid 19 for example, but you should try your best not to show this in front of your dog. By acting as if everything is normal, and that there is nothing to worry about, you will make your dog feel better about any changes that are coming. 

Pack Your Dog’s Things Last

One of the best ways you can aggravate your pooch is to take away all of their stuff before it is time to move. It’s best to wait until the very last minute. Of course, if there are some rarely used toys lying around the house you can discreetly throw them away. However, leave the crate, bowls, and anything else in place until you can’t wait any longer. 

Show Them the New neighborhood

You probably won’t be able to bring your dog into your new home before you officially take possession, but you can get your dog acclimated to the surrounding neighborhood. If your new home is close to your old one, take your dog around for walks in the new area several times a week. That way they will get used to the sights and sounds. Then, on moving day, before they even go into your new home, you can walk them around to get them comfortable, and then bring them inside when they are tuckered out and content. 

Give Them a Day Away From Home on Moving Day

On moving day, there will be a lot going on. You will be rushing around taking care of any last-minute tasks, and there will be many people in your home moving things out. The last thing you need to worry about is your dog barking at the movers, being constantly underfoot, or escaping out of an open door. This would be a good time to give them a day off somewhere familiar. You can go with them if you are not needed at your home, or leave them with a well-known friend or family member. You won’t have to worry about them, and they may have a great day away. 

As you can see, the key is to make sure that your dog is comfortable and feels safe in the days and weeks leading up to moving day, and on the day itself. By eliminating things that might aggravate your dog, you can have a stress-free move for everyone involved.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Afton Jackson

    Jan 24, 2021 at 8:17 pm

    I definitely agree that showing the dog the new neighborhood is a good idea to make the process easier. My dog has always been very anxious and aggressive towards strangers and new places, so letting him get used to the new house early will make a lot of things easier to deal with. I’ll make sure to do this as soon as I find a residential moving company that can help me out with the move.

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