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Tips For Buying a Purebred Pomeranian

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Buying a purebred dog is expensive, so it pays to educate yourself about the breed and dog breeder before making the purchase. This is especially true if you are planning on buying a purebred Pomeranian. Why is this true for this breed you ask? Because the prices for these dogs are high as is the popularity of the breed. This means many people are breeding these dogs, and not all of them are producing true purebred dogs with proven bloodlines. You are going to expect a true Pom as they are sometimes referred to, so doing your homework before buying a purebred Pomeranian ensures you get what you pay for.

When buying a purebred Pomeranian the better educated you are makes a difference so learn all you can about the breed and what characteristics to look for in the puppies. Pay close attention to the parent dogs to see how they react to strangers coming around them and the puppies. If they are aggressive forget that breeder and look for another.

Look at the environment the adult’s dogs and the puppies are living in. If it is dirty and the kennel or home is not up to clean standards then continue your search. Buying a puppy from aggressive parents of one who has been raised in a filthy environment is a clear red flag the breeder is just out to make a buck and has little concern for the dogs. If they hesitate or flat out refuse to let you visit with the parent dogs wave bye-bye and move on.

A quality dog breeder will be happy to give you references, show you around the kennels, allows you meet the parent dogs, provide proof of the purity of the bloodlines going back at least four generations, and have several questions they will want to ask you.

Quality dog breeders of purebred dogs ask many questions of prospective buyers because they really love their dogs and want to know the puppy is going to a good home where he or she will receive plenty of love and the best care as well as living environment.

For initial information about Pom breeders ask your vet and people who already own a Pom who they recommend. Start with a list of at least five breeders, and narrow the list down as you visit each breeder until you meet the best one.

Buying a purebred Pomeranian can be a fun and rewarding experience if you do your homework BEFORE making the purchase.

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  1. Hillary

    Jan 23, 2014 at 11:55 am

    I agree on adoption. I have a Pomeranian who was a rescue and for the past four-and-a-half years, he has been loving, affectionate, and loyal. Never snaps, never bites and shows no signs of aggression. There are SO many dogs, pomeranian or other, who match the above qualities and are on the brink of being put down, abandoned or worse. I still vote rescue is the way to go.

  2. Melissa

    Aug 30, 2013 at 7:39 pm

    Well I have mixed feelings about purchasing a purebred dog. If someone is looking for a companion house dog, by all means adopt. The only time I would be for purchase a purebred dog would be for a specific job. That being said there are many breed specific rescues that occasionally have younger dogs/puppies that can be raised to do the job.
    The points that the article mentions is a basic starting point for any breed imo. Personally I would start looking for a breeder from the breed clubs. I would want to know the showing and/or working history of the parents and several generations back even though I am only looking for a pet/working and I have no intention of breeding. I would also educate myself as much as possible about health concerns for my breed of interest and question the breeder about them. I would also independently verify the breeding stocks hip ratings etc. I would want to know why the breeder chose that particular mating, what traits did the parents show that earned them the right to pass on their genetics to future dogs? Just because the dog has a nice temper or looks good is not reason to breed. What nutrition is provided for the dam? What food are the pups weaned onto? The list goes on and on. Clean and appropriate tempered parents should be a given. Most ethical breeders go into debt, lose a lot of sleep planning the breeding then hovering over the dam and the whelping box, give themselves grey hair for every litter produced weather the mating takes place in a back yard or in a vets office with a thawed contribution from the sire. When that kind of care and devotion goes into planning a litter for the betterment of the breed and the breeders high price tag is just an attempt to offset what they have put into it I don’t have a problem paying the high price. Frequently you will be on a waiting list for those pups too. That breeder will be checking you out as close as you should be checking them out.
    Since a Pom’s job is to be a companion and make you smile, ADOPT.

  3. Kathryn DeLongchamp

    Aug 30, 2013 at 3:47 pm

    It disturbs me that the Dogington Post would run a story like this that gives people the OK to shop for a dog,even from backyard breeders in certain circumstances. What about pet stores? How about online? Is that Ok in your book, too, DP? Buying online or from pet stores supports puppy mills. As an advocate for adoption of shelter and rescue animals, I am opposed to the notion of “shopping” for a pet. There are many beautiful, adoptable animals killed in shelters each year in the U.S. Millions die annually. Please push the “Adopt Don’t Shop” message to people looking to add a pet to their household. Thank you.

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