Originating in the Siberian Arctic under the Chukchi people, the Siberian Huskies are well known for their thick coat that allows them...
Are you the type of owner who has too much “on your plate”, and is often too busy to spend enough time...
There is a big difference in the methods of communication that dogs use and that humans use. And since not all dogs...
Do you have a cat in the house but also want to have a dog? Then you have probably considered the question:...
If your dog is a show dog or working dog, or you plan for it to be one, then you should understand...
Everybody knows the Chihuahua is a small dog, but it has received a lot of publicity, Hollywood-wise. In fact, many commercials, TV...
Beagles Are Cute Singers, in my humble opinion. I personally get a laugh out of their distinctive bark, which maybe can be...
Here are some Facts About Chihuahua Shedding in case you are considering the breed for a pet and are concerned about possible...
If you’re looking for a good family dog, the Havanese is an affectionate breed and just might fit your wishes for the...
The Labrador Retriever is an ideal family dog for many reasons. It has been the most popular breed in the United States...
When you are looking to add a new dog to the family, it is essential that you find out first which dog...
A Maryland Court of Appeals decision regarding pit bulls has many dog owners and rescue groups outraged. The ruling states that pit...
If you have need to choose a hypoallergenic dog, then read these tips about what you should consider. There has been a...
Just in time for Cinco de Mayo, we’re celebrating two unique dog breeds that hail from Mexico! Put on your party hat...
Are dog shows creating unhealthy breeds, just so they will “look good” and win “Best in Show”? That question causes a lot...
When you’re in the market for a new dog, just a little research can help you pick the right dog breed that...
The Dogington Post took to the fairgrounds last weekend, for the Tampa Bay Pet Expo and Adoption Event. We met Shorty Rossi...
Labrador Retrievers, one of the most popular of all all dog breeds, have a unique temperament that set them apart from other...
Description The Dogo Argentino, also referred to as the Argentine Mastiff, is a breed of large, muscular dog that originated in Argentina....
Description The Cirneco Dell’Etna (plural Cinechi), also known as the Sicilian Hound, is a breed of medium-sized, slender dog that originated in...