Description The Irish Red and White Setter, also called as the Part-colored Setter, is a breed of strong, powerful dog that originated...
Description The Polish Lowland Sheepdog, also referred to as the Polish Owczarek Nizinny or simply PON, is a breed of medium-sized, shaggy...
Description The Lowchen, also known as the Little Lion Dog, is a breed of small, charming dog that originated in Germany. It...
Description The Swedish Vallhund, also referred to as Swedish Cattle Dog or simply Vallhund, is a breed of small, sturdy dog that...
Description The Kuvasz, also called as Hungarian Kuvasz or Kuvaszok (the plural term), is a breed of bold, massive dog that originated...
Description The Scottish Deerhound, also called simply as Deerhound, is a breed of tall, slender dog that originated in Scotland. It belongs...
Description The Bedlington Terrier is a breed of lamb-like dog that originated in England. It belongs to the terrier breed family which...
Description The German Pinscher, also known as the Standard Pinscher, is a rare breed of medium-sized dog that originated in Germany. It...
Description The Lakeland Terrier is a breed of small, sturdy dog that originated in England. It belongs to the terrier breed family...
Description The Affenpinscher, also called as Affen, is a breed of tiny, shaggy dog that originated in Germany. It belongs to the...
It’s not just the dogs making headlines for Westminster Kennel Club this year. This year’s WKC dog show is “dogged” by controversy...
Since domesticated dogs and training go together, you may wonder which are the easiest dog breeds to train? This top ten list...
Description The Black Russian Terrier, also known as the Black Terrier or simply Chornyi, is a breed of medium-sized, robust dog that...
Description The Plott Hound, also simply referred to as Plott, is a breed of medium-sized, muscular dog that originated in the United...
Description The Field Spaniel is a breed of medium-sized dog that originated in England. It belongs to the sporting breed family which...
Description The Miniature Bull Terrier, also known as the English Bull Terrier, is a breed of strong, muscular dog that originated in...
In eHarmony‘s Top 10 list of pickup lines, #3 is “What kind of dog is that?” Founded in 2000 by psychologist Neil...
Next week the dog world will be in New York’s Madison Square Garden for the the 2012 Westminster Kennel Club All Breed...
Only the very best dogs (by breed standards) from around the country gather each year to compete for ‘Best in Show’ at...
Among the best large dogs for apartment living are the Greyhound, Malamute, Mastiff, and St. Bernard. Just because you live in an apartment doesn’t...