A Texas veteran was so severely impacted by post-traumatic stress disorder that leading a normal life was all but impossible. But, everything...
A kindhearted, dog-loving UPS driver adopted a sweet pit bull she’d come to know and love along her delivery route after his...
A day of cruising the Florida coast in search of dolphins became a heroic act of dog rescue for one animal loving...
If you’re a pet parent and a smartphone user, you’ve probably browsed your app store for dog-centric apps, only to be overwhelmed...
A chocolate Lab was reunited with the family that missed him for two years – and it’s all thanks to his microchip! Mousse,...
A Georgia family were making a desperate plea for help finding their missing dog when TV crews captured the incredible moment he...
Did a dog sign the Declaration of Independence? Have scientists confirmed how the moon’s craters were formed? What’s the real reason everyone...
Dogs and other animals living in the Italian town of Collecchio will rest a little easier during city-wide celebrations as the local government...
Talk about an unforgettable performance! During an orchestra performance at a stunning outdoor festival, a stray dog casually wanders on stage –...
Archaeologists in England have found definitive proof for what parents of puppies have known all along… puppies have been destroying our stuff...
He’s known as ‘the best darn dog in professional baseball.’ And that description couldn’t be more accurate! Though he’s best known for his...
Winners have just been announced in ‘The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year’ competition, an annual dog photography contest organized by...
A Portland woman didn’t hesitate to smash a car window to save a dog trapped inside and showing signs of serious distress....
Martha, a 3-year-old Neopolitan Mastiff, won over the judges and the crowd for her drooling chops, excess skin and wrinkles in the...
For the fourth time in the tiny town of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky, citizens elected a dog as their mayor. But, for the...
The remarkable power of the human-dog connection was proven, once again, when a man in a coma was awaked the moment his...
A Louisiana UPS driver is delivering smiles to dog lovers around the country after being caught on tape posing for selfies with...
Are you a Floridian who’s also a fanatic for French bulldogs? Are you a Californian who’s cuckoo for Corgis? It’s true –...
Google Earth has been known to capture some unlikely, unusual, even hilarious photos while traveling the globe, snapping photos for their street...
A Chicago police officer, fresh out of the police academy, jumped into action to rescue a pit bull from drowning in Lake Michigan...