Disabled Army veteran Cheryl Buck had only been in New Mexico for a few days when a terrible accident nearly took her service...
It was a bit of “instant karma” for an alleged dog abuser when a Florida martial arts instructor witnessed him hitting and...
A guy who loves animals is always a plus. Which means People’s pet vet, Dr. Evan Antin, gets some major points. The...
Our resident pet experts, Brandy and Brooke Arnold with The Dogington Post and The Catington Post were given a wonderful opportunity as...
This latest parody had us howling! In a puppy parody of Kayne West’s iconic ‘Famous’ video, ten of Instagram’s best loved hounds...
It could be a first for the White House, whose staffers have seen everything from Beagles to Bouvier de Flandres and Great...
My rescue dog is not only a reminder of my recovery from alcoholism, but also an extension of it. -Christopher Dale In...
Police in Bellevue, Washington are seeking the public’s help in identifying the owners of a dog found alone in a park, dressed...
For the fourth year in a row, human and food-inspired dog names are among the year’s most popular, while names inspired by...
When Annie and volunteers from Rescue From the Hart received a call about a frightened, homeless dog living beneath a shopping cart,...
When one-month old Bengal tiger cubs, Peach and Pearl were rejected by their mother after birth, they found comfort in a compassionate...
Scrolling through my Facebook feed I saw a photo of a little white puppy that needed a home. The post said she...
When David de Muelles, a guide for Northstar Tours, led a group of tourists through Manitoba, Canada, he spotted a polar bear near a...
Last week, Mark Woods of Cornwall, England, shared a heartbreaking post on Facebook. On Saturday, his beloved Whippet, Walnut would be put to...
Two furry, four-legged heroes are credited with saving the life of Boise Police K9 Jardo after he was shot during an officer-involved shooting...
An Arizona family had all but given up hope of ever seeing their dog again. Nine years ago, little Brownie bolted out...
U.S. Army veteran and Sergeant 1st Class Luciano Yulfo was honored at a New York Knicks game when, after 18 long months...
Because dogs are part of the family, it’s not uncommon to see a canine ring bearer or a four-legged flower girl. But...
At a time when our nation is more divided than ever, many of us are wondering if there’s anything we can all...
Since the early 1900’s, guide dogs have assisted the blind and partially sighted in navigating the world around them with confidence, agility, and...