Knowing how to provide your puppy proper nutrition is key to having a happy, healthy dog. Eukanuba gives us some excellent puppy feeding...
Dogs, just like humans, gain excess body weight for a number of different reasons. If your dog is active, eats a healthy...
With so many varieties of pet foods available, all claiming to be nutritionally correct for your dog, it’s hard to know which...
Many are moving toward natural food for dogs, but Lucy Postins is actually Disrupting the Dog Food Market with the human-grade whole-food dog...
Just like people, as dogs age so does the need to adjust their diet. They aren’t as active, their digestive track slows...
If you’re considering feeding your dog a raw diet but are still on the fence, these facts and tips might help make...
Staring down the extensive pet food aisle in your local grocery or pet supply store can be a bit overwhelming… how do...
Dog owners with their pet’s best interest in mind have certainly asked themselves at some point, should my dog be on a...
Chicken jerky dog treats imported from China continue to cause health problems for some dogs who eat them. The FDA has issued...
The aflatoxin mold outbreak which caused several brands of dog food to be recently recalled is continuing to be a problem for...
Two popular brands are involved in a new dog food recall: Iams and Cargill. While these products have already been pulled from...