On May 1, Bucky, a 3-year old pug, was thrown from a seventh-floor balcony in Clearwater. This tragic incident happened when Bucky’s...
A Golden Retriever, named Fable, got trapped inside a drainage pipe in Falmouth, Maine a few days ago. Fable, according to her...
Partners with Paws owner Jacqueline Gori donates 50 copies of “I Love Labs – The Cooperslane Legacy” to mental health workers at...
A stray Saint Bernard, found in an interstate in Louisville, Kentucky, miraculously survives a 20-foot drop. On February 19, Griffin and Abigail...
On February 18, 2022, U.S. Food and Drug Administration alerted the public that Family Dollar, Inc. initiated a voluntary retail level product...
A dog was determined to find help after a serious crash. Now being called a hero, the smart, loyal pup led police...
In cooperation with Pet Brands Products, LLC, and out of an abundance of caution, ALDI is voluntarily recalling Pure Being Cat Advent...
The American Kennel Club is expanding its pack! This year 2 new breeds, the Mudi and Russian Toy, have received full recognition, and...
Like many of us, you may have a plan to live a healthier, happier life in 2022. To help you reach those...
Happy 14,154 (that’s 2022 in Dog Years)! If you’re having trouble deciding what New Year’s resolutions will make the year ahead your...
A duffel bag abandoned on a Tulsa gas station counter was found with five tiny puppies zipped inside. Four Tulsa Police officers...
Many dog parents don’t realize their dogs will be terrified of a thunderstorm, fireworks, or other loud noise until it happens. Unfortunately,...
As you’re reflecting on the 12 months behind you and anticipating a happier, healthier year ahead, it’s the perfect time to resolve...
The Walton County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s help in identifying a couple that abandoned a dog and eleven puppies...
The First Family has welcomed a new four-legged family member, a 3-month old German Shepherd, into the White House, while the Biden’s...
An 8-year old Boston Terrier is being hailed a hero after repeatedly breaking into his human baby sister’s nursery and alerting her...
The tree is decorated, the stockings are hung, cookies are baking, and holiday tunes are playing. Your home is officially filled with...
Costco has issued a recall for the Irish Rover 2021 Advent Treat Calendar for dogs, urging anyone who purchased it to stop feeding the...
A deployed soldier rescued two abandoned puppies while serving overseas. Now, this hero needs our help to pull off a Christmas miracle...
Government officials in Iran are proposing a nationwide ban on what they’re calling “harmful and dangerous animals.” Among the animals deemed harmful:...