Perhaps you already know that fleas are tiny, brown, wingless creatures that can jump 100 times their own height. One female flea...
I’ve been studying Homeopathy and Heilkunst (a more advanced system of medicine) for over two decades and I’m still in utter awe...
With winter weather in full swing for many parts of the country, there are a couple very important poisoning dangers for pet...
Flea and tick control is always a hot topic for pet parents. Causing a whole slew of problems ranging from a mild...
Has your pooch been scratching and itching? Does he seem to have poor coat quality and recurring ear infections? It’s very likely...
All dogs tend to have a natural amount of yeast and bacteria that grow in their ears. But, without regular cleanings and...
Just like us, dogs can also get an upset stomach. Some of the most common symptoms that you should watch out for...
Arlington, Virginia pet parents are on high alert after what is being described as raw sausages stuffed with pills have been found...
Growing up I always viewed walking the dog as a chore. It wasn’t something I enjoyed and only did it because my...
Today, NRDC filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) challenging the agency’s decision to allow the continued...
Diet rotation is mostly frowned upon by most veterinarians. And for good reason, because making drastic changes to your furry pal’s diet...
Most pet parents know that Poinsettias are dangerous for dogs, but did you know that Mistletoe and Holly are also potential poisons?...
An investigative reporting team has discovered that the number of complaints filed with the Food and Drug Administration claiming that the popular...
Parenting a dog requires a great deal of commitment – and expense. Not only does your pooch need your time and attention,...
Knowing how to perform CPR in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death. But, CPR on puppies is quite...
Hi Dr.Chris, I have a almost 8 yr old cockapoo, Abby She HATES to be groomed HATES it!! I had been giving...
We recently published an infographic that illustrated the importance of choosing healthy treats for your dog, and describes what exactly makes a...
It seems that every day we’re hearing another news story about the spread of Ebola, either in West Africa or now here...
Dogs are great at providing strong motivation to maintain their owner’s exercise program – who can resist a happy dog, panting with...
There are many kinds of food that humans eat which are unsafe for dogs. Onions are not an exception. Feeding your pooch...