Have you considered your dog’s teeth and how important dog dental care is to your best friend’s over all health? Unfortunately many...
There are many ways to give newborn pups a head start in life so they are able to grow into well-developed dogs....
Do you own a Golden Retriever or are you planning to get one? Then this article with grooming tips for your Golden...
Skunks are known for their notorious and awful smell, which probably none of us can stand for even a minute. I know...
Dog breeders are very astute when determining the stages of the heat cycle a female dog is in, but for the rest...
There are several causes and treatments for a dog’s weak bladder. Does your dog appear to have a weak bladder? First you...
Last week, we gave you Recognize, Treat & Prevent These Canine Parasites: Part 1, with a focus on fleas, ticks, and mites....
It is the middle of summer and for dogs this can be a very difficult time, especially considering the heat wave much...
Whether you are a first time dog owner or an old hand who has “parented” several dogs, there is one decision we...
The health of your dog is very dependent on you as his or her owner. They look to us for not only...
There are quite a large number of parasites that commonly plague dogs. Whether they live on your dog’s skin, beneath it, or...
Walking your dog is a very important part of his physical and daily routine – it keeps his bones stronger and keeps...
One of the most difficult things you will ever face in life is How and When to Deal With the Euthanasia of...
Every dog lover who has spent many years with his canine buddy will definitely feel a sense of loss when this buddy...
All living things are vulnerable to cancer, but now there is new hope when canine cancer strikes. When this happens, our natural...
Were you aware that there have been many heated past arguments about whether dogs feel pain? I wasn’t until some reading I...
Every canine has a natural concentration of bacteria and yeast growth in their ears. However, if this particular balance gets disrupted then...
Owning a dog is a big responsibility, and this responsibility starts with them being puppies – and getting them vaccinated to protect...
This is a true story about an amazing dog, her owners and the veterinarians who refused to give up. Zena is a...
Like humans, dogs also gradually lose their baby teeth. Puppies, like new-born babies, are born without teeth. Canines will not grow their...