It is estimated that 4.5 million dog bites happen each year in the United States alone. That is a lot of bites....
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has announced its official dates for 2014’s National Dog Bite Prevention Week! Partnering up with the...
There are more than 700 plant species which have been discovered to be especially toxic to pets. That huge number almost seems...
Emergencies occur all the time and can happen to any of us. It’s difficult to imagine what the victims of disasters go...
What’s more fun that a dancing dog? A whole doggy dance party! You’ve got to check out this hilarious new website,
Taking pictures of your pooch is one of the most terrific ways to not only get wonderful photos of your furry friend...
The quickly growing Green Movement for a more eco-friendly way of life got The Dogington Post wondering what steps our readers can...
A very common misconception about being eco-friendly is that it tends to be more expensive than simply living a not-so sustainable life....
Your wedding day is one of the most memorable days of your life. You want all your friends and family – the...
Many Dogs tend to eat a lot of strange things that, for most of us, make no sense. However bizarre your dog’s...
When thinking about where to live, great dog owners most certainly consider their furkids in the big decision. You may want to...
Like in homeopathy, flower essences for dogs are among the most widespread natural remedies used in effectively treating various dog health problems...
Have you been considering having your dog bred? Many people like to breed their dogs for at least one litter of pups...
Who among us does not like to pamper your dog? Very few, I would suggest. They are like members of our families...
In a scientific statement published yin the American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation, it was revealed that owning a dog can reduce a...
What are the essential dog supplies a dog owner should always have on hand? For those who already own a dog or...
As a responsible pet owner, knowing your dog’s age can be a vital factor in maintaining and improving his health and quality...
The title to this article might not make sense to many, but let me explain why there is a good time to...
What dog owner can resist taking pictures of their pooch? I am amazed at the number of people who post pictures of...
There is a lot of enjoyment for dog owners and their dogs when going for a hike in the forests. I love...