For many dog owners, dogs have almost, if not already, taken the place of kids in our lives. In fact, as discovered...
Yes, like us, our dogs can see in color. However, their perception of various colors is not exactly the same as it...
I bet if you take a few minutes to think about this, you can remember a few of the really awful names...
Nothing can ruin a relaxing walk in the park like stepping in a fresh pile of doggie-doo. Except maybe losing your wireless...
When it comes to celebrating the first day of Fall, this spunky Husky knows how to do it right! Click PLAY below...
For dog lovers one never seems to be enough. But is owning two dogs better than one? I believe most people are...
Friends making fun of you for costuming your dog? Well, at the rate of growth in the pet costume industry, you won’t...
As we are unfortunately reminded from time to time, all living things can be destroyed by nature at will. This is why...
With their fierce loyalty and natural instincts to protect members of their “pack” (you and your family), selecting a dog for protection...
Small dogs are a popular choice among dog owners looking for all the unconditional love that bigger dogs provide, just wrapped up...
Traveling with your dog is an exciting and wonderful experience for you both – and can sometimes incur unexpected costs, especially when...
Ever thought of packing up and moving to the big city, but worried that your dog won’t enjoy the fast-paced lifestyle as...
Yes, I know it’s Labor Day here in the US of A, and it’s still hot as blazes in most areas of...
Throughout the year, there are days designated to celebrate mothers and fathers, grandparents, bosses, and secretaries. But today is our most favorite...
When thinking about the best time for your child to have a dog there are many questions you must honestly answer without...
Before you show up at the airport with your dog in tow it would be wise to do a bit of research...
Have you ever asked yourself if you are a responsible dog owner? This responsibility covers a wide range of areas from seeing...
It all started with a love of dogs, fueled by a passion for fashion. A Kansas City dog collar designer sat down...
Does your hound have a dog tag or ID chip, or better yet, both? If not you might want to get one...
Have you wondered about all the different expressions and contortions your dog goes through as a form of communication? Since Barney cannot...