Basic Training

Training To Come On Command

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All dog training, if it is to be successful, requires the dog understand YOU are the ALPHA dog in the family. If you have not taught this to the dog any training is going to be a waste of time so you absolutely must establish this “chain of command” so the dog knows where they fit into the family group. This does not mean you are mean to the dog. It is simply teaching the dog he or she does not run the show around your home, much as you would teach your children.

Start off the training by using a leash and giving the dog your chosen command word. If they do not respond, and they usually will not at first, use a gentle pull on the leash as you continue to give the command word. Once the dog is standing beside you praise them and slip a little treat their way. As the dog begins to associate the command word with the behavior you expect, lengthen the distance of the leash. You will need a retractable leash of at least twenty feet for this phase of the training.

Repetition is the key, and as the training progresses toss in a few distractions to see how well your dog is learning the command and desired behavior. Once they willingly come when commanded remove the leash and see how the dog does. Go back to the leash if they do not respond when off the leash.

Through simple command words, repetition and patience, you will find training a dog to come to you is not difficult.

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  2. Chloe

    Oct 13, 2013 at 10:09 am

    I strongly suggest that if you are interested in having your dog off-leash then you put the time and effort in learning “whistle” recalls. This is a technique used most often with hunting dogs and you will also find it more in the UK. There is an excellent book to help with the process: “Total Recall” by Pippa Mattinson published by Quiller.
    This technique recognizes that dogs operate fundamentally through their olfactory (nose)senses and it has nothing to do with alpha status or hierarchy. If your dog is distracted by the smell of XYZ (doesn’t matter what it is, could be a cat, squirrel, other dog) he will prefer that smell over your presence because catsquirreldognovelsmell is much more rewarding than you UNLESS you take the time to TEACH them that it is better to be with you. This will usually mean a higher value, small amount, treat on a variable schedule.
    If you know how to use the clicker then you can use the whistle the exact same way…it’s just used over a distance.

  3. Nancy Easterling

    Oct 12, 2013 at 11:04 pm

    My dog definitely will come on command—-except—-if she sees another dog, cat or animal. Then you are commanding in the wind. Do you have any ideas to train after this point. Thanks.

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