Animal Advocates

United Airlines Takes a (Deserved?) Beating from Dog Lovers After Leaving Dog Alone on Rainy Tarmac

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United Airlines passenger Barbara Gattetly was shocked when she looked out through the window and spotted a dog, inside a crate, sitting alone on the tarmac in the rain.

Despite alerting United Airlines, the dog remained unmoved for at least 30 minutes, while temperatures hovered around 40-degrees and rain poured down all around him. Disturbed by the airline’s lack of action, Barbara took to social media to share the story:

The post immediately went viral, with some celebrity dog lovers, including Keith Olbermann and Australian pop singer Sia taking to Twitter in defense of the dog, too.

About an hour after first reporting the dog to United Airlines personnel, Gattetly said an employee finally picked up the crate and took the dog into the cargo hold area.

United Airlines’ Twitter responded to multiple complaints, saying ““Thanks for telling us. The weather can change & may have been clear when PetSafe dropped off. They’re the ones to call too.”

However, their unapologetic response, which shirks responsibility for the incident, instead placing blame onto their PetSafe program that handles transporting animals that don’t travel onboard their planes with owners, but must travel in the plane’s cargo hold.



  1. miss Jackie

    Jan 1, 2015 at 2:43 pm

    Let me say this. If ANY airline treats a lil animal like this, then they’ll most likely treat me & my family like this too. I’m not cool with leaving NOBODY in the inclement weather! Let alone a doggie whom can’t speak for himself. So, that being said. If I EVER have to/need to do some traveling again, hell then I’d rather catch the bus, a train, or drive. Cause I world rather be late & sit for hours sweating, & tired, then be treated like this poor lil animal was. I hope the animal owner of this poor dog, stuck it to this airlines!!

  2. miss Jackie

    Jan 1, 2015 at 2:30 pm

    Oooh bless your heart. I luv my four legged babies too!! I hope that your new lil dog will luv & take care of you like sweet Molly did. God luvs ALL OF HIS BABIES. 2 legged, & 4 legged as well. God bless.

  3. Tammy Orndorff

    Dec 31, 2014 at 2:18 pm

    United isn’t the only airline to do this. I picked up 2dead Sugar Gliders in July because they were left on the Tarmac in the heat. Delta never agknowledged my claim nor did the USDA.

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