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Vietnam Veteran Granted Final Wish to Say Goodbye to Beloved Dog

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When a Vietnam veteran was admitted to hospice care last week, he had only a single wish—to say goodbye to his beloved dog, Patch.

beloved dog
Image |Albuquerque Animal Welfare

Vietnam Veteran, John Vincent was admitted last week to the Hospice Center at the Raymond G. Murphy Veterans Affairs Medical Center. With no family in New Mexico, he made the difficult decision to surrender his beloved dog, Patch to Albuquerque Animal Welfare.

Knowing he may not have much time left, the Marine had only one request—the opportunity to say goodbye to his beloved dog, a 6-year old Yorkshire Terrier named Patch.

Albuquerque Animal Welfare staff took Patch down to the Hospice Center for the reunion. They said on a heartwarming Facebook post, “It was such a heart warming moment! They were so happy to see each other and to say their good byes. It was an honor to make this veterans final wish come true.”

When the story or John Vincent and Patch went viral, several people stepped up with offers to adopt the dog. He is now settling in with a loving new family.

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