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VIDEO: Dogs Just Chill on Sofa During Home Invasion

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Some people get dogs, not only for love and companionship, but as an added layer of protection at home… if that was the case for this North Carolina family, it might be time to retire these two from their post as guard dogs!

The Durham County Sheriff’s Department is looking for two burglars caught on tape during a home invasion in Durham, North Carolina. The two men entered the home, one wielding a shovel while the other grabbed the family’s big screen tv. The pair were in and out of the house in a mere 23-seconds.

And all the while, the family’s two dogs just chilled on the sofa and watched.

The Durham County Sheriff’s Office posted the surveillance video to YouTube, in hopes of identifying the suspects.

Help us ID these break-in suspects! The two men seen in this video broke into a home in the 800-block of S Mineral Springs Road on June 16 at 10:50 a.m. The men stole a TV and other valuables. While the family dogs were clearly frightened, they thankfully were not harmed. Anyone with information is asked to call sheriff’s investigators at 919-560-0880 or Durham CrimeStoppers at 919-683-1200.

Thankfully, the burglars refrained from harming the dogs, most likely due to the fact that they just stayed put on the couch. And, while the video doesn’t have any sound, it would appear that the dogs gave a few warning barks to the unidentified intruders.



  1. R

    Jul 3, 2014 at 7:20 am

    This is a miss for the support that this site should’ve offered to the victims and this caption is terribly insensitive…. A different headline; “Two dogs threatened by shovel-wielding burglar” – would have, in my opinion, generated the same amount of views.

    We are on this site, The Dogington Post, because this community cares about all things pups…

  2. Bailey Katts

    Jul 3, 2014 at 12:41 am

    Maybe some of these people who find this humorous, would like to be threatened with a shovel. The writer is obviously preparing to receive a Pulitzer for her works.

  3. Tara Gabe

    Jul 2, 2014 at 6:28 pm

    Thank God it was robbers taking the tv. If it had been the cops, their dogs would be dead.

    • Julie James

      Jul 3, 2014 at 7:57 am

      I’ve seen that happen to dogs who we’re doing nothing but got shot by a <<<<>> behind a badge!!!!!!Tough COP what happens to those idiots?????THEY SHOUlD BE PROSECUTED

  4. Marcia

    Jul 2, 2014 at 5:04 pm

    When my home was burglarized, not only did they take all my jewelry & electronics, but they took my dog! He was in his crate, so they didn’t even have to handle him, just picked up the crate. Luckily, he must have pitched a fit at some point, because they let him go & a very nice lady found him on the sidewalk. I got him back the next day thanks to the local animal shelter & their networking.

  5. sylvia

    Jul 2, 2014 at 4:09 pm

    It is very irresponsible of the writer of this story, Brandy Arnold, to write the “dogs just chilled on the sofa” and that the owners should “retire these two from their post as guard dogs!” There is no need to spin this in a humorous way against the poor dogs as they clearly look frightened. Its a good thing they were not hurt and that they behaved the way that they did to not get hurt. How ridiculous for you to put these dogs in a different light with your stupid remarks about them and even adding the exclamation marks. Hopefully, the owners or others reading this won’t take seriously the disparaging remarks about you implying that they are worthless guard dogs or that they are just chilling. Dogs have a sense to dangerous situations and this was proper for dogs in fear.
    I usually read this site’s articles and like this site on Facebook, but this writer is simply out of line and I’m just disgusted that you spun this against the dogs with the choice of words and message. I don’t think anyone subscribing to this site wants to hear this. We are on this site for the compassion, help, alerts, information, etc for the pets we love, not to hear them being trashed by one of the writers who is supposed to advocate for them.

    • Thad Castle

      Jul 2, 2014 at 4:15 pm

      You do not understand humor. I’m sure your friends love you.

      • Bailey Katts

        Jul 3, 2014 at 12:35 am

        What exactly is humorous about this story. Next you’ll be giving the thieves a pat on the back. Some things are just not humorous! Maybe if you are ever burglarized, we can all have giggles and laughs about it!

      • Sylvia

        Jul 3, 2014 at 4:50 pm

        CASTING THE DOGS IN A BAD LIGHT is not humor. What I don’t understand is as I said before, I don’t understand why the writer had to cast the dogs in a bad light with the choice of words or style used. He/she could’ve written differently to say “although it LOOKS LIKE OR APPEARS THE DOG ARE CHILLING BECAUSE WE CAN’T HEAR ANYTHING ON THE VIDEO, THEY WERE IN FEAR”, etc. There are plenty of other ways for it to be written, even if it is intended to be humorous, which judging by the responses most didn’t take it that way. I understand that was probably the intent, but it didn’t come out that way.
        Thad, if don’t agree with my comments you can simply state so instead of making personal jabs about friends loving me or about me not understanding humor? Of course they love me and I understand humor. And on a separate note, judging from the responses, statistics show I have far more friends than you do, so clearly I have more friends that like me instead of you. 🙂

    • Gary A Clark

      Jul 2, 2014 at 4:17 pm

      Thank you. My thoughts exactly.

    • patti

      Jul 2, 2014 at 4:23 pm

      I agree with Sylvia.

      • nancy

        Jul 2, 2014 at 4:33 pm

        I also agree with Sylvia. I don’t think it’s funny at all.

        • Beth

          Jul 2, 2014 at 7:12 pm

          I agree with Sylvia also, the dogs were not “chilling” at all, they’d been threatened with the shovel and were clearly scared. But your headline induced more clicks I’m sure, which is what you were after anyway. Tacky tactics DP.

  6. Marie atherton

    Jul 2, 2014 at 3:59 pm

    Aww so glad the dogs weren’t stolen or hurt they are more important than materalistic items xx

  7. Valerie Tower

    Jul 2, 2014 at 3:54 pm

    Thankfully the dogs were not injured. I don’t think the dogs were chilling at all. They were afraid of them and that damn shovel. Let’s catch these two losers.

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