Awesome Stories

PAW-SOME VIDEO: Pitbull and Deer Become Fast Friends

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Meet Zeke, a Pitbull, and his newest running buddy – a deer!

This unlikely pair became fast friends, apparently bonding over their love for speed!

Zeke’s mom, Margaret says the deer came back to the fence two more times that day to play!

Simply awesome.



  1. Janice

    Jun 2, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    I have pitbulls. Neither are partiers, both preferring to call it quits by 8ish at night. Both are addicted to love. Great dogs.

  2. Denise

    Jun 2, 2014 at 12:02 pm

    I have two male pit bull mixes an they are so loveable and very funny! They love to cuddle.

  3. Sheila

    Jun 2, 2014 at 11:13 am

    LOVE IT! I think Pit Bulls get such a bad rap! I’ve had 3 in my lifetime and the ONLY reason I don’t have one at this time is because of the bad reps they have and I just can’t take the chance of having problems with others which is very cowardly of me but it’s the truth.

    • Jon D

      Jun 2, 2014 at 11:24 am

      I’m not trying to be a dick, but by saying you dont have a pit because of their bad rep is sorta perpetuating the belief that their bad rep is rightly deserved because in my eyes you’re sort of agreeing that there is some actual reason for their bad rep. There is no such thing as an aggressive dog breed.

      “Q) Aren’t certain breeds of dogs more likely to injure or bite than others?

      A)No. There is no scientific evidence that one kind of dog is more likely than any other to injure a human being.[1] In fact, there is evidence to the contrary.[2] A recent survey of the controlled study of dog bites covering 40 years and two continents concluded that no group of dogs should be considered disproportionately dangerous.[3]
      – See more at:

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