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It seems Cody and Murphy have no problem at all ratting out their sister, Maggie, when confronted about a mess!
Though, even without the pair pointing paws at Miss Maggie, the look on her face gave her away!
Does your dog have a “tell” when she’s guilty?

Oct 3, 2013 at 2:39 pm
I guessed wrong, I guessed the light apricot poodle until I watched the video! This is hilarious !!! Funny how our dogs can talk ! Thanx for the laugh.
Jane Nugen
Aug 15, 2013 at 11:58 pm
The guilty dog is referred to as Miss and she, but looks like a boy to me! Check out the 32 sec. frame!!!
I’ve never seen a girl with what looks like a penis.
Cute video though. My dogs act just like that.