Awesome Stories

WATCH! Dog Adopts Orphaned Opossums, Carries Them Around on Her Back, Just Like Their Mom Would Have Done!

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When their mother was killed by a dog in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a litter of 7 baby opposums were left orphaned. The babies were so young that they hadn’t even opened their eyes yet when dog trainer and rescuer, Stephanie Maldonado found them.

Knowing they had no chance of surviving on their own, Maldonado scooped up the tiny babies and prepared to care for them until an animal care center opened the following morning. She bottle-fed the tiny jills every two hours, keeping them warm with a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel.

Slowly, the babies showed signs of improving.

Maldonado’s own dog, Pretinha, must have sensed that the babies needed help. Her motherly instincts kicked in and she began caring for the babies as if they were her own.

They snuggled in Pretinha’s warm fur. And, eventually, just as they would have done with their own mother, the babies climbed atop Pretinha’s back and went for piggy-back rides!

Just check out the amazing photos Maldonado took of the amazing bond between a dog and an orphaned family of opposums!

The tiny babies hadn’t even opened their eyes yet when their mother was killed.

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But, Pretinha immediately took on the role of caring for them.

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And, when they regained their strength, she gave them piggy-back rides, just like their own mother would have done!

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If only humans had the same love and compassion for animals that dogs do…

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