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Week in Review: Abandoned Pup, Rooftop Rescue, Divers Rescue Dog at Sea, Debarked Dogs and More!

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Catch up on all the dog news, stories, training, and lifestyle tips, tricks and advice you might have missed in this dog news week in review!

dog news

From inspiring stories, breaking news, advice for dog moms and dads, and tips for training your furriest family members, a lot happens in a week! Here are the top dog stories from this past week, all in one easy-to-read article!

Police Officer Pays Entire Veterinary Bill for Homeless Man’s Dog

tampa police

When a homeless man was found panhandling in downtown Tampa for money to provide medical care for his dog, instead of arresting the man, a generous Tampa Police officer paid his entire veterinary bill.…Continue reading

Puppy Abandoned with “Free” and “Good Home Only” Written Across Her Body

Image via Ross County Humane Society/Brittany May

A young puppy was found abandoned in an Ohio park with the words “FREE” and “GOOD HOME ONLY” written all over her body and face in permanent marker.…Continue reading

The Ultimate Guide to Camping With Your Dog


For pet parents that love the great outdoors, few things are more enjoyable than sleeping beneath the stars with your best furry friend by your side. That is, if you’re properly prepared for a fun, safe, and stress-free adventure!…Continue reading

Firefighters Rescue Dog Trapped on Family’s Roof


Firefighters in Wells, Maine came to the rescue of a curious pup that found his way onto the roof, but couldn’t quite figure out how to get down.…Continue reading

Pomeranian Found Stuffed into Backpack and Abandoned on the Street


A 9-pound, 9-year old Pomeranian was found stuffed inside a backpack and abandoned on a Boston street last week. Now, rescuers are hoping someone steps forward with information about who left her….Continue reading

Houston Animal Shelter Overwhelmed with Hundreds of Pets Surrendered over Memorial Day Weekend


The Harris County Animal Shelter in Houston, Texas put out a desperate plea for adopters when more than 200 dogs and cats were surrendered over the holiday weekend.…Continue reading

Five Ways To Prepare Your Pets For Hurricanes (& Other Disasters)


June 1st marks the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season, making no time better than the present the right time to prepare yourself and your pets for the storm season ahead.…Continue reading

Scuba Divers Rescue Dog Spotted Several Miles Offshore


There are countless reasons SCUBA divers gear up and head out into the open water. One of the most exhilarating among them is coming face-to-face with unique and unexpected sea life – sea turtles, sharks, dolphins, dogs – wait, what?…Continue reading

Breeder Illegally ‘Debarked’ Dogs by Shoving a Pipe Down Their Throats

Officers removed 10 puppies, including nine 4-week-old Doberman Pinschers and a 3-month-old Siberian husky. (Image via Pennsylvania SPCA)

The Pennsylvania SPCA rescued 15 puppies and dogs from an unlicensed breeder after receiving a tip that some of the dogs had been illegally and inhumanely debarked, a painful procedure that involved repeatedly shoving a pipe-like object down the dogs’ throats to damage their vocal chords.…Continue reading

Woman Sentenced to Prison for Leaving Dogs to Die in Hot Car

hot car
Ashley Roberts-Roach

A Nebraska woman was arrested, charged with animal cruelty, and sentenced to a year in prison after leaving two dogs to die in a hot car.…Continue reading

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