Animal Advocates

Weigh In! Should Those Who Surrender Dogs Be Allowed to Adopt Again?

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Dog in cage
Dog in cage

A photograph that went viral on social media a few weeks ago showed dozens of dog owners, with their dogs ranging in size, age, shape, and breed, lined up outside the intake department of a South Florida kill shelter.

Each person standing in line was there to surrender their dog, despite being told their dogs would likely be euthanized as the overcrowded shelter simply couldn’t handle all the unwanted pets.

Still, person after person abandoned the dog they, at one point, had promised to love and provide for forever.

Perhaps some had convinced themselves that their dog was special and someone would adopt him/her right away. Perhaps others simply didn’t care. Truth is, special or not, a majority of the dogs dumped will never again know what it means to have a family, to play with a toy, to enjoy a treat. Most will be “put to sleep” – a gentle term we humans use as a way to avoid saying the truth out loud – within days of being left at the shelter.

This got us thinking… let’s discuss.

Do you think that someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should be able to one day adopt again?

Should future pet adoptions be conditional? (For example, after a length of time, say 5 years, has passed? 10 years?)

Should the names of those who surrender a pet be listed on a national “Do Not Adopt” registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference?

Weigh in with a comment below!



  1. adawdaw

    Sep 14, 2021 at 2:31 pm


  2. groogrux

    Aug 27, 2021 at 9:28 am

    I think your article is very skewed and fails to take into consideration the circumstances of the adopter. Life situations do change for humans you know. I feel that if an animal has been given a happy life even if for just a few months or years then that is a good thing. If a person adopts a pet and then is evicted from their home or loses their job then they may not be able to afford to take care of a pet anymore. There should not be any blacklisting of adopters unless they have returned a pet multiple times, or somehow abused a pet. Life situations can improve and allow for future adoption for people who truly love pets. Don’t deny them the opportunity.

  3. Summer A Galvan

    Dec 11, 2020 at 1:02 pm

    Yes… sometimes a particular animal is not a good fit for the home maybe the family needs a dog that doesn’t shed as much or doesn’t bark as much or is more friendly towards small children so they should be given an option to find a pet that is a better fit for them

  4. Sara Trembath

    Feb 4, 2020 at 7:24 pm

    I think it depends on the circumstances. I am a responsible dog owner of 2 dogs. I tried to adopt a 3rd but she didn’t adjust and developed severe behavior problems that I couldn’t handle. I chose to give her back to the foster parent so that she would have a better life. I don’t think that makes me a horrible person. Not everyone surrenders their dog because they are evil people. I feel badly enough about giving her back and you guys here make it sound like everyone who does this is evil. Giving a dog up to a kill shelter is a different story, we are not all the same.

  5. Izzy

    Oct 21, 2019 at 3:30 pm

    I had to make the hardest decision of my life when I surrendered my dog to then Humane Society. I took him to the vet twice when he got sick, each time shelling out $800+ only to find out that on top of the money I had already spent, he was going to require a $2500-$5000 surgery. Money we just didn’t have. I loved my dog dearly, he was our first “baby”. Even when we found out I was pregnant and we knew it would be a struggle financially, we couldn’t imagine giving him up to a shelter or friend/family. If it hadn’t been for the bowel obstruction and the huge expenses the whole thing would have been, we never would have made the decision we made. But his veterinarian told us that if we couldn’t pay for the surgery, the best thing we could do was take him to the Humane Society where they would do the surgery and adopt him out. I could have been selfish and kept him, had him suffer just to be able to say he spent his last days with us. But, really? He was only 2 years old; he has such a long happy life ahead of him. So I made the tough decision because I wanted him to live. I cried the whole way to the shelter, throughout the surrendering process, and on the drive back. I was depressed for weeks, didn’t eat for days. But I also had a baby to take care of, and as much as I loved my dog, my baby and our financial stability were a priority over putting ourselves into debt for such an expensive surgery (that had no real guarantee of succeeding, and even if it did he would most likely develop chronic problems as a result).
    So you know what? Making that decision was tough. And I hate when people judge me and call me heartless when they don’t have a clue of what I endured prior to his vet visits and after surrendering him. And for that I should be denied the possibility of adopting another animal? Even if I go with a cat instead of a dog? And I should be judged based on that? No, there should 100% be exceptions for a ban. I didn’t decide I was tired of my dog and get rid of him. If anyone should definitely be denied the ability to adopt a pet, it should be animal abusers and people who abandon their dogs in the street.

  6. K Kemp

    Apr 30, 2019 at 9:20 am

    I believe it should be left up to the discretion of the shelter that took the animal and understands the entire picture. There has to be some exceptions for some of the very reasons given.

    • Steph

      May 17, 2019 at 9:56 pm

      I agree I just had to give up my dog back to the humane society because I found out I am severely allergic to her . I’m still totally devastated, and would pay anything to make my allergies go away so I could have kept her .

      I still debate going back to get her and praying that my allergies dont get worse .
      Every situation is different.

  7. Kaylani

    Nov 9, 2018 at 1:41 pm

    I think that is a good idea.
    People’s circumstances can change.

    I know one shelter that wont adopt to people under 25, i think on the premise that they might be making a rush decision and not thinking about whether they want to travel, have babies or if they will have to move repeatedly (excessive house prices where I live). To which I say offer to foster as everyone wins and at least when you are 25yrs+ you will know if you want the ten to twenty year commitment or maybe you are just happy fostering a few months at a time.

    Surrender once 5 year ban.
    You would hope someone would sort out their finances or children or other issues after five years and its just a bit harsh for people with real reasons but hardly unfair.

    Surrender twice, 10 year ban.
    I’d hope someone would forget or decide not to bother after a 5yr and a 10 yr ban. They would be at least in their mid thirties. Humanity isn’t that failed yet is it?

    Three times, life ban.

    If it keeps a few more animals out of shelters, well its better than pet store or breeder purchases because the person is rejected by shelters. I see too many angry pet owners who declare because they couldnt meet the 45 hoops set by no kills (often for things like the couple both work fulltime according to the posters) so they just bought of a breeder.

    • Dani

      Feb 25, 2020 at 9:40 am

      I know this is an old post but I just wanted to rehash my own story as it’s such an open wound…

      My dogs escaped last July – I had a 10-year-old Husky and a 3-year-old Beagle. It was the hottest day of the day and they somehow got out in the middle of the night. Neighbors kept an eye out all day. This was two days after my husband left me and my kids high and dry. Unfortunately, the dogs were found (together) just outside of the neighborhood association’s radar. They’re both friendly, but two separate families took them in for the day. The one that took my Beagle ended up dropping him off with a neighbor who did doggie foster care, where he stayed for about three hours until I got off work. My older pup, however, was supervised by a woman whose husband didn’t like dogs- so around 2:30 p.m., not even an hour after I’d located the dogs, she texted me that she had to have the humane society pick him up. I rushed there to get my dog, having been in a meeting for work 45 minutes away, having begged my husband who worked nearby to do and him refusing because ‘it wasn’t his job anymore.’ I called the humane society and asked them to hold off, they said they couldn’t. That was on a Friday. The humane society I went to requires a hold on the dogs, and I had no money to get him out that day anyway because like I said, my husband had just left me with no warning.
      So my Beagle and I did our best and we prayed that our old man would be okay there. He’d been there before, after all. Monday morning, I got the call, “Dakota’s legs have given out. He can’t walk at all. If he stays here, we will have to put him down due to the low quality of life.” How is this possible? He was clearly fine when he escaped from my yard just a few days earlier? I called everyone I knew and asked what to do. They told me that it was true- a dog whose hips had given out had no life left to life. On Wednesday, I took the afternoon off and the kids and I spent the rest of Dakota’s remaining time at the shelter with him. I signed the release forms- giving my dog to the shelter so he could be put down, but I didn’t bring him there.
      For my Beagle, though, the problems were just beginning. The loss of his ‘brother’ caused such anxiety in my furry friend that, even though we had three cats also, he couldn’t stand to be alone at all. He tore up everything- my front and back doors, my carpet, every single hanger he found, as well as dishes, toys, trash and kitchen utensils. It was bad. The humane society suggested to me to get him a companion dog, so I did. A large black Lab puppy. He was scared in his new home for a while, but adjusted well- and my Beagle was over the moon about his new friend.
      But the destruction didn’t stop. And to make matters worse, the escape artistry was increasing. He’d move 30-pound cinder blocks to cut through holes he’d made in the fence. He broke a leash, escaped a heavy-duty chainlink lease… Almost every single day, he was leaving the house. It got to a point where I honestly stopped chasing him, and I prayed my neighbors didn’t know he was mine. He’d just run. He wanted to run, and that wasn’t that bad in my mind. But then he started barking at other dogs and at other people. He never bit anyone, but that kind of thing scares people, and rightfully so. I tried everything. People told me getting him fixed would help- and I applied for an income-based program, but the paperwork never came. I tried CBD. I tried treats. I clicker-trained him. I begged my ex-husband to take his dog, and he refused… instead buying a brand new puppy for several hundred dollars and volunteering to drive the Beagle somewhere far away. I posted him to multiple adoption sites, explaining the situation, to no avail. Every night, he had tears in his eyes, and I didn’t know why.
      I’m a single mom on a very tight income in a crowded neighborhood, working full-time, in a custody battle for my youngest son, attending school for my master’s degree. Last week, after 8 solid months of trying to convince my dog to be the good boy he used to be – he’d always been anxious but it had just gotten so much worse – I surrendered him to the shelter. I hoped they would help him- with his sadness, his anxiousness, his escaping, getting him fixed. Things I couldn’t do. Things my husband promised me we would do together for him when I agreed to let him keep the stray he found two years ago.
      Neither of my dogs were surrendered due to ill-will, and it took a LOT for me to give them up. An already anxious dog with an anxious owner was abandoned by his other owner and his old companion, and he couldn’t handle life at our home anymore.
      I checked the site today and found that he’s on the adoption registry finally.
      Based on your suggestions here, I should not be able to adopt another animal for 10 years. Until I am 38 years old, and my children are 22, 19 and 14. By that time, the new Lab puppy that I got because the shelter told me to, will have lived his entire life with no companion, but if I send him back to the shelter, I’ll be banned for life?
      Circumstances, really, truly matter.

  8. Radarada

    Jun 21, 2018 at 9:11 pm

    I guess I’m not a bleeding heart like some of the people one here, but if I’m having to $100-$1000 month after month to figure out why an animal I adopted, cared for, gave all my time and attention, is literally tearing my house apart, fighting my other animals, pissing on household furniture, clothing, other pets’ bedding, and the only thing I get is the same rigamarole from shelters and online sources. When is enough enough? Not every animal can be molded to fit into every family! One of my cats is super jealous and territorial and apparently hates kids (which we’re in the process of making more), we’re trying EVERYTHING, so if it doesn’t work, I should be punished because I wasn’t a good fit for this animal? Get off your high horse people. I’m not abusing my pet by rehiring her through a no kill shelter, i’m trying to do what’s best for her!

    • Betty Boop

      Jul 12, 2018 at 10:40 am

      I am as “bleeding heart” as it gets and I’m right there with you. I had return my rescue dog for unprovoked aggressiveness – even our vet called me to specifically urge me to return this dog and now I’m blacklisted. No rescue in the Washington, DC area will let me rescue a dog now. Want to know why there are so many dogs available for adoption…it’s the sit-on-the-throne-of-judgemental people running teh adoptions! No one is good enough for their dogs. Even after offering my vet’s contact info to affirm our story they still won’t adopt to us. So… what do we do…buy from a breeder. Have at it ridiculing public…go for my jugular.

      • Theresa

        Aug 28, 2018 at 7:15 am

        People are always quick to judge. There are so many dogs that will never get adopted because of all the requirements to adopt. Is it better that they’re so picky that dogs never get another chance simply because there’s a possibility they will be returned? Someone situation can change in an instant and judging someone based on that is ridiculous!

      • joe

        Mar 11, 2020 at 6:02 pm

        TO BETTY B .
        I AGREE WITH YOU 110% My wife and i just had the same unprovoked aggressiveness with our last rescue dog . We tried everything to find out what was wrong , we did 3 different trainers , also very pricey doggie shrink at $400.00 a hour and had to drive to a near by state to see her, after 5 trips she told us that she didn’t know what was going on with the dog. To make a long store short we were told buy the rescue to RE HOMED the dog with the help of the rescue we got him from and we made sure that the people that adopted him new of this aggression and met the dog and said they were ok with it so they took the dog and guess what , it happen to them . Still to this day do not no why they had us re homed him. WE FOUND OUT VERY QUICKLY THAT WE WERE BLACK LISTED FROM EVERY RESCUING ANOTHER DOG AFTER TRYING OVER 8 TIME TO ADOPT AT DIFFERENT SITES AND HAVE BEEN DECLINED BUT THEY WONT TELL YOU WHY . We have rescued 5 other dog with out every having to return one over our last 64 years on this earth.

    • Diane

      Aug 23, 2018 at 3:59 pm

      I had to surrender my do and it hurt like hell. He was from a dog fighting ring went I got him. He was a mess he was good to most humans but did not get along with Hispanics and dogs or cats. I put over $3000. In training for him in the course of 2 years I had him in doggie boot camp I had a private trainer my dog was still unpredictable when I lived in my apartment he attached a kid. Well he actually jumped on the kid well the kid starting screaming cops were called so my dog had a bite on his record. In Pa the law is 2 bites and they put them down and another time a small dog actually attacked my dog which I haven’t mention was a pitbull. My pitbull actually did the worst damage. I ended up moving to a 55 and above community in Delaware and of course because of him being a pit people judged him he was known as the killer dog which pissed me off then to make matters worse he broke loose and attacked a dog in that neighborhood so I tried like he’ll to keep this dog he was a sweetheart.But cops were called again and I was not going to let anybody take him from me and put him down. So I took him back to Pa where I got him where I new where he would be safe because everybody loved him there. Had this had been a different dog that attacked the other dog. This probably would of gone a different way. So how dare anybody tells me I should not adopt again.I grew up with dogs all my life.these dogs have a bad reputation because of humans. They should ban stupid people not pitbulls.

  9. Beau Peep

    Mar 10, 2018 at 5:40 am

    Ehm… why is this even a question? I mean “Duh!”, OF COURSE they should be (officially) denied to ever adopt another animal again, have their names blacklisted with every shelter nation-wide (and preferably be put on record -for life- on a [heartfelled wished] on-line register for animal abusers, just the same as with pedophile offenders, and/or rapists!), no ifs or buts about it!
    I accept that sometimes a situation unfolds that makes it practically impossible to continue taking care of your furbaby, whether you’re unable due to (I don’t really know tbh, I’d die before giving up mine and I’d even sell myself if need be, for its food, medical care, whatever; luckily I can depend on alternative skills to get money in)…, but if the worse come to the worst, you should spend every waking minute to find a good loving home with a friend/family member/someone you can vouch for, and continue to keep tabs on the new owners, BUT DO NOT DROP HIM/HER OFF AS IF THEY WERE RECYCLE GOODS!

    • Jeff

      Aug 1, 2019 at 3:06 pm

      eep’s attitude is an example of why so many people turn to Craigslist and just skip the rescue groups. You may deny them one of your rescue dogs, but if they still want a dog, they will still get one.

    • Élistariel

      Aug 24, 2019 at 3:33 am

      Be careful when you come off that high horse of your’s. It might kick you in the ass on the way down.

  10. Kay Brady

    Jul 5, 2017 at 12:23 pm

    Most reputable rescues/shelters want an adopter to surrender back to them versus just abandoning, giving away or surrendering to another organization. If adopters who surrender to legitimate organizations are penalized then they will just use other avenues, such as abandoning the animal, claiming it was a stray, or giving it away for free to any scumbag. And when/if they want to adopt again, they will find a way.

  11. Kaytay

    Apr 8, 2017 at 11:56 pm

    I disagree with this. I had a pit bull and I loved her and cared for her. Life happened I lost my job and had to move out of my apartment. A friend took me in but their HOA didn't allow any animals of any kind. So my options were for me and my dog to live in my car or have a place to stay. I tried everything Craigslist, adoption sites, flyers, you name it. I didn't ask for money or anything. One person responded and decided to not take her. So my only option was to surrender her to the Humae Society. It was better then her living in a car and she got adopted right away. So do I deserve to never be allowed to adopt a dog again? When by surrendering her was giving her a better life?

    • Kay

      Jun 4, 2019 at 11:21 am

      Your dog would have preferred living in a car with you. If she did get adopted, that’s really lucky- most pitbulls in shelters (the VAST majority) aren’t so lucky.

  12. Morgan Reagan

    Feb 13, 2017 at 3:18 pm

    It all depends on the circumstances, doesn't it?

    When my father-in-law passed away, I went to his home and took possession of his dog – no one wanted her and I feared she would be euthanized at a shelter. The dog was not socialized, not trained, high prey drive and had never been to a vet. I knew when I took possession of the dog that she was not going to be my family's new pet. I was trying to help her.

    I took her in to clean her up, get her vetted and to find a new home for her. My family was not a fit for this dog for various reasons (other pets, no yard and disabled child). I got her cleaned up and vetted. I worked on socialization and simple training, but was not able to find a new home. No one wanted her.

    In the end, I had to relinquish her to the Humane Society (no kill) as I figured this was her best chance to find a home. It was not easy. I felt for this dog and wanted to help her. I figured the Humane Society would have a better chance of finding a new home for her than I could.

    Should I be refused to adopt a dog in the future?

  13. natasha

    Nov 20, 2016 at 12:31 am

    I say a maybe depending on the situation. If someone finds a stay and turns it over does that mean they shouldn’t be allowed to adopt one later? I’ve turned over a litter of kittens that were wondering around the neighborhood. I brought them into my house for the weekend until the pound opened on Monday but I knew nothing about them including health. Turns out they gave my cats coccidia as my cats just had a yearly checkup and we’re fine before the kittens. I don’t think that means I should never be allowed to adopt. It think it depends on the reason and every person who surrenders should have to explain why they’re giving up the animal. Then that be evaluated to see if they should be able to adopt later. People go through hard times or try to do the best for an animal the only way they know how. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to have an animal again.

  14. Raven

    Jan 13, 2016 at 11:53 pm

    Yes, absolutely. People can get dogs from just about anywhere. Craigslist, newspaper, Facebook, Walmart parking lot. Why lessen a chance for a pound dog being rescued. I surrendered a dog I had for several years because he attacked my neighbors kid & ripped open his ankle, he snapped & bit my son twice & he killed my cats kitten & he would attack any dog that got near him. I do not regret taking him to the pound. He went mad for no reason, he was always spoiled & loved but he betrayed my trust. Do you think if a parent puts their baby up for adoption when they are in a bad situation should never be aloud to adopt in the future when things are better & stable? Of course not. That’s stupid. If people were not aloud to adopt after surrendering their pet, many many many more pets would not be adopted & this could even help the stupid puppy mills. So, yes. Absolutely.

    • Jane

      May 23, 2016 at 10:23 pm

      I completely agree. I had to return my dog to the shelter after almost 4 years of consistent aggression and biting, finally resulting in her grabbing and holding onto my wrist. A tetanus shot and a round of antibiotics later, the shelter laid it on reaaaaal thick, made me feel worse than I already did and handled it extremely poorly in general. There are many reasons people have to rehome. Shelters need to show the same compassion to humans that they claim to show yo animals.

      • Gina

        Jun 1, 2018 at 7:06 pm

        We got a dog from an old neighbor. He was going to the shelter and the rest of the family really wanted a dog so we took him. We were told he was a lab/boxer mix. We loved him. He had this bond with my youngest daughter. A protective dog is great! But, it was a problem for us. He was beyond protective of my youngest. One day we were in my bed and I was yelling at her to go to her room for kicking her sister. The dog webt straight for my throat. No marks were left but it scared me. I tried rehoming him to avoid a shelter. We had no luck. 2 weeks later my older daughter (8 years old) was yelling at my youngest (4) and walked away stomping her feet. As she stomped away the damn dog jumped up and bit her face by her eye. Broke skin and she had a black eye for almost a week. We are not looking to adopt any time soon, but because I took him to a shelter (to find out he was not a boxer mix, but a pit mix) explaining he is overall a great dog, just not for our home, I should never be able to adopt when my kids get a bit older? He wasn’t put down, he was adopted to a home with no kids and I’m sure he will be great there because overall he was a good dog but just too protective of one kid over the other making it unsafe for my kids.

  15. Raven

    Jan 13, 2016 at 11:39 pm

    Depends on the situation. I say yes. If someone wants a dog again they will find means to get one, either from the newspaper, Craigslist, Facebook…..why not the pound??? This would just keep thousands of animals without the chance to be adopted. I surrendered a dog a few years ago because he attacked my neighbors child, snapped at my baby & killed my cats kitten. He became aggressive for no apparent reason. It was sad but I did what’s right. This shouldnt mean I can’t adopt now. Just because my dog went mad doesn’t mean another dog will so just because I surrendered a dog doesn’t mean I would do it again. I have also adopted 9 cats & I still have them all. Like I said, it depends on the situation. Some people have no choice.

    • Raven

      Jan 14, 2016 at 11:40 pm

      Ooops I didn’t mean to comment twice! I just thought the 1st comment didn’t work.

      • Beau Peep

        Mar 10, 2018 at 8:09 am

        Oh, it worked just tickety-boo for me, no doubt (and by the way, it’s spelt “allowed”, not “aloud”).

        The fact your initial answer went from a sensible and reservedly
        “Depends on the situation.”, and a mere 14 minutes later to an ill-considered
        “Yes, absolutely.” speaks volumes.

        And the reported ‘misdemeanours’ of your “always spoiled & loved” dog (although you actually referred to him more often as “a dog” instead of “my dog”: smells like a Freudian slip, interesting too) simultaneously went from
        “he attacked my neighbors child, snapped at my baby & killed my cats kitten.”, to
        “he attacked my neighbor’s kid & ripped open his ankle, he snapped & bit my son twice & he killed my cat’s kitten & he would attack any dog that got near him.”.
        And you somehow got the idea to adopt not 1, not 2 not 3, but 9 cats?
        Whilst also being a single mother with a baby?
        (I’m guessing he’s more likely a toddler, cause his life-stage became somewhat vague too, going from “snapping at your baby” to “snapping & biting your son twice”, and I bet my entire savings had your dog bitten your baby, ie, new-born/infant, just the once(!), the dog consequently would’ve been euthanised within the hour without even a chance to do it a 2nd time: Reason for me to believe it’s actually a toddler).

        And sooo.. “he became aggressive for no apparent reason” did he? oO
        Well, at least you couldn’t think of any, which would be a tad more objective (and imo logical).

        Missy, you are full of Sierra Hotel India Tango, and think I can name double-digit numbers of reasons, that poor dog (not to mention those effing 9(!) cats)!

        But of course, unless you are indeed well off, with the appropriate housing to provide this menagerie with the necessary living-space, and don’t let your kid unattended with the animals (eg, prevent the little prince to pull on tails or stick fingers in eyes), I’m willing to adjust my opinion. Somewhat.
        I don’t believe for a minute that animal all of a sudden “became aggressive for no apparent reason”, just out of the blue, unless he had a brain tumour, 10 out of 10 times it’s due to the owner’s ignorant and neglectful keep, which usually ends by doubly victimizing the animal.

        Right, I suspect there’s a chance on a resentful entitled hissyfit with my name for its address?
        By all means: live your little heart out girl, but please don’t bank on affecting me, cause you wouldn’t succeed for a nano-second (I won’t hold my breath waiting)… Have a nice day.

        PS: And I DO believe you WOULD dump another dog at the shelter, cause you know F⚡ all of coaching or keeping a dog.

  16. Cale

    Jan 11, 2016 at 3:54 pm

    It all depends on the situation. If it a superficial reason, then no. Having a child, if my dog were to develop aggression toward her, and I had exhausted possible solutions via my vet and professional trainers, then I would have to give him up. Another would be if a major medical issue came up that required hospitalization, or extensive treatment so that I could not meet his needs. In this case any other possible avenue would be tried before taking to a shelter.

    • Anonymous

      Oct 2, 2019 at 4:48 pm

      I had to surrender my dog cause he start get
      Vicious with my daughter and one day he bit her in the face n because I surrender him no one won’t let me adopt again n I feel it’s on fair

  17. Pam Carr

    Jan 3, 2016 at 6:51 pm

    Anyone who surrenders a dog should never be allowed to adopt another dog, and should definitely be put on a national do not adopt list. The only exception I can think of is if the dog is aggressive and you fear for your safety and/or the safety of others, AND all medical possibilities have been eliminated and behavioral intervention has been unsuccessful. Any other issues CAN be resolved.

    • Nikki

      May 27, 2016 at 3:15 am

      I’m sorry, but I respectfully disagree. I’ve had to relinquish ownership of two cats that I had, because my living situation changed so fast, that I had no other options. I cried the entire time it took me to take them there, and cried the whole way home. I cry still, and this was almost 5 years ago. If I could have taken them with me, I would have. Every person has a different situation, and I personally believe that nobody has the right to judge with a blanket statement such as yours. I think it should be judged on a case by case basis.

  18. Kay Chorman

    Oct 20, 2015 at 5:44 am

    I have had to surrender a dog. Not because I didn’t love the dog, on the contrary. I had to surrender one because she, for no reason, before my eyes took down one of my other dogs, she at the last had him by the throat and was in for the kill. With much breaking of boards and other things what finally stopped her was lots of water…but she still did not let go until she flipped him into the crate with her. He was torn up and she was all bruised about the face. She was 75 lbs and the dog she tossed around like a rag doll was 125 lbs. The vet immediately said put her down. We could not take a chance she would do that to a child or anyone else. She had been on a farm where she had attacked a horse and they wanted to give her a chance. So we gave her a chance.

    • Colleen

      Jan 9, 2016 at 5:58 pm

      you are a horrible person.

  19. Pavla Williams

    Oct 15, 2015 at 3:20 am

    Should definitely be put on do not adopt list if pet turned in to a kill shelter. The others should be on a case by case basis. Example: Dog needs several thousands of dollars for cancer care. People live on very restricted budget. If turned in as last resort to get someone who will heal pet and then provide home. They are doing what is in the dog’s interest rather than selfishly keeping the dog out of their need and then watch the dog die. I have told my husband if I get a horribly expensive disease to get me pain meds and let me die. We have no money.

  20. nora coyle

    Oct 14, 2015 at 3:27 pm

    No way. Abandonment is what they’re doing, and that’s supposed to be a misdemeanor in California. Many just dump them at the shelter when they get old, sick, or aren’t the dog they had hope they’d be. They don’t deserve an animal if they can’t love them, respect them, and treat them as part of the family.

  21. Cheryl

    Oct 14, 2015 at 12:05 am

    As a dog trainer and dog rescuer I say , NO.

  22. Maria

    Oct 13, 2015 at 7:46 pm

    I would have to say anyone who surrenders a dog for what ever the reason should NEVER be allowed to adopt ever. I don’t care what the circumstances are. Unless its someone who is ill and can no longer care for their beloved pet or a soldier who might be deployed different story by all means surrender your pet but just make sure it’s a shelter that won’t euthanize it
    If it was your child would you turn it in? People who have the heartless wrenching guts to do something like this do not deserve the love of an animal. All circumstances can be worked out. And when they say the kid came along and the dog was jealous…so why aren’t they working with that dog to take care of the jealousy. They only become that way when they are ignored. If the baby is in danger then YES…rehome the dog but don’t just dump it in a shelter. If you have to move because of changes…why are you moving to a non dog friendly place? That to me is unacceptable. I would live in my car with my dog until I found a suitable place to live. And don’t give me any bull crap that you can’t afford the dog. They don’t cost that much to take care of unless they are sick and need medical attention. And so at that point I’m sure your vet would be willing to work with you on the cost. I just hear too many excuses when dogs are turned into a shelter. So….they should NEVER be allowed to adopt ever again. Case closed.

    • Pam Carr

      Jan 3, 2016 at 6:56 pm

      You are absolutely right!

  23. Meredith Berry

    Oct 13, 2015 at 6:49 pm

    No. No And no. Not ever. They’ve already shown their true character. Having a pet is a sacred privilege and a lifetime responsibility.

  24. Frances

    Oct 13, 2015 at 6:15 pm

    Depends on the reason for surrendering the dog.
    I worked Animal Control for several years and there are very few that should be allowed to adopt again, but there were a very few that I would have to say because of the circumstances, I would have to say yes.

  25. Christine

    Oct 13, 2015 at 3:04 pm

    My husband and I adopted an 8 week old Lab mix over 3 years ago, and I have always said that I would live in my car before I would part with that dog. I have even made arrangements with family that if something should happen to us, they will take her in for the rest of her days. Pet ownership is something that should be for the pet’s whole life. You owe it to them to make sure they are properly restrained, spayed or neutered, and loved unconditionally. If you can’t do at least that much, then don’t get one.

  26. CR

    Oct 13, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    People who abuse animals should be on a Do Not Adopt list. I used to delivery papers in early morning hours and I have found cats & dogs on the side of the road. I picked them up and took then to a NO KILL shelter. I wouldn’t want my name on any list for doing that.

  27. Denise Tanner Whitmore

    Sep 28, 2015 at 8:56 pm

    Different circumstances have been listed above and warrant different responses that are FAIR. If there is an incident, your dog bit your child or the neighbor and must be surrendered, no stigma. Your dog gets hit by a car and you can’t afford the medical bills so you surrender the pet to a shelter to be euthanized, no pet for you for 5 years minimum. Why was your dog hit be a car? In many counties, that is a citation with a court date. Do you really think the shelter operated on your dog and made that pet available for adoption? Please. You surrender 2 pets ever in a lifetime (at different occurrences), no adoption allowed EVER again…yes, ever again. Now, some of you think these standards are harsh, but walk on the other side of the road for a minute. Your dog/cat is now in a shelter that is loud and lit. Many animals are there. Food is limited servings. No cuddling or very little is available just from the shear magnitude of volume coming through shelters. 5500 dog are killed everyday in this country, so get out of your own selfish way and realize you are part of the problem. Not everyone is meant to be a parent and not everyone should be allowed to own pets. Without a very serious commitment that the pet is part of your family forever no matter what, then you are adoption material. The exception are very few and far between.

  28. Jessica Williams

    Aug 26, 2015 at 7:04 pm

    Absolutely not. I had to give my dog back after she was hit by a car and required surgery I simply couldn’t afford. It was either that or they wouldn’t do the surgery. I miss her like crazy and would love to have her back someday if I ever could.

  29. karen

    Aug 23, 2015 at 10:41 am

    some people have legitimate reasons that they have to do this. it is not fair to lump everyone into one category. i had to do this one time (it still eats at me) i lived out in the country and had 2 dogs, a st bernard and a shepard mix. i was forced out of my trailer and put into the city. the shepard mix i owned was very protective and only liked 3 people. i knew there would be children walking in my property to go to school. was it fair for one of them to be bitten? even if he was kenneled there are chances of it and i could not afford a lawsuite. i turned him into out local shelter who said they knew of a person who wanted a protection dog. i never called to see if he was adopted. that was almost 20 years ago and i have NEVER done that again.

  30. Regina sanchez

    Jul 20, 2015 at 3:04 am

    I don’t think anyone that surrenders a animal at a kill shelter should never be allowed to adopt again.Because who’s to say they wouldn’t do it again.Then another dog has to suffer the same fate.

    • Adam

      Aug 22, 2015 at 6:07 pm

      Sorry – that’s not close to fair.

      We got our first dog from the humane society when he was 16 weeks. We trained and cared for him for over 13 years and he was an important part of our family. A year after his death, when we were ready to welcome a new dog to the family, we went to a shelter and adopted a 16 week old puppy again.

      This time things didn’t go so well.

      He was a nervous dog and would bite without warning. We worked with him for over a year. Two trainers, two behaviorists, medication and a LOT of patience. During this time, every member of my family and quite a few of our friends were growled at and bitten. The last behaviorist we went to explained that there was no reliable way that we could change his behavior…he was “not a normal dog”.

      We decided that he was simply too much of a liability to have in a home where children were. With tears, my kids and wife said goodbye and I brought him to a no-kill shelter. I made a contribution to the shelter in an amount that covered his care for the rest of his life.

      Now, are you telling me that I’m not fit to adopt again?

    • Lisa

      Jan 18, 2017 at 1:50 pm

      that’s rather harsh. How do you know theyll do it again? Maybe they fell on hard times and couldnylon provide for the animal properly? I think it should be yes…under certain circumstances. If they’re a repeat surrenderer…then no. Or if they’re a known animal abuser then no. But don’t lump all surrenders in ther same category. It isn’t fair.

  31. HB

    Jun 25, 2015 at 8:35 pm

    repeat offenders no. But, I would much rather someone who cannot properly care for their beloved pet surrender them to a responsible shelter then leave them on a road somewhere or give them to someone who will not love and care for them. Unfortunately bad times hit folks and if no harm is done and people take every measure to ensure the animals well being, then yes, they should be given a second chance when they recover.

  32. Mellissa Hodge

    Jun 21, 2015 at 3:44 pm

    No they should not be able to adopt again. They will do it again. That’s just heartless.

  33. Reenie

    Jun 19, 2015 at 9:28 pm


  34. Laura Simonetti

    Jun 18, 2015 at 1:52 pm

    I consider pets family. People who betray that trust should not be given another chance to betray an animal.

  35. Tina rustman

    Jun 17, 2015 at 6:20 pm


  36. Carmel Capriola

    Jun 17, 2015 at 6:24 am

    I think this is a great idea just like sex offenders have to have their name on a list so should anyone who dumps their animal at a shelter.

  37. Linda J

    Jun 17, 2015 at 4:34 am

    no way should they be allowed another pet! Animals are like children, and under no circumstances should any responsible pet owners be allowed to adopt another animal! Pets are not disposible and no matter what hoops they have to jump through to take their pets with them, They must make the appropriate arrangements to take their pets with them. Upon acquiring a pet, one makes a lifelong commitment to care for that animal for the duration of its life!
    You would never leave a child behind when certain situations arise. This is no different.

    • Adam

      Aug 22, 2015 at 6:08 pm

      Sorry – that’s not close to fair.

      We got our first dog from the humane society when he was 16 weeks. We trained and cared for him for over 13 years and he was an important part of our family. A year after his death, when we were ready to welcome a new dog to the family, we went to a shelter and adopted a 16 week old puppy again.

      This time things didn’t go so well.

      He was a nervous dog and would bite without warning. We worked with him for over a year. Two trainers, two behaviorists, medication and a LOT of patience. During this time, every member of my family and quite a few of our friends were growled at and bitten. The last behaviorist we went to explained that there was no reliable way that we could change his behavior…he was “not a normal dog”.

      We decided that he was simply too much of a liability to have in a home where children were. With tears, my kids and wife said goodbye and I brought him to a no-kill shelter. I made a contribution to the shelter in an amount that covered his care for the rest of his life.

      Now, are you telling me that I’m not fit to adopt again?

  38. Benny Holdren

    Jun 17, 2015 at 12:24 am

    Never, it’s fair to the animal.

  39. Lori Bullio

    Jun 16, 2015 at 8:04 pm

    At first, my initial response was going to be no. But I would worry people would just dump there pets on the streets or give their pets away on Craigslist because they feared being branded for life. If they are a serial owner surrender, then yes! I think there are definitely situations that can’t be helped; medical crisis, job loss, or eviction from home–but I would like the owners to try to do their part at finding a safe loving home for their pet/rehoming versus dumping at a kill shelter. It’s not so black and white. I think as a pet owner we owe it to our loyal companions to treat them with love and respect and honor our commitment to them.❤️

  40. doge

    Jun 16, 2015 at 6:06 pm

    lol, so then by that thought people who divorce shouldnt be allowed to date or remarry?Oh ,i see a sainthood for

    • Pam Carr

      Jan 3, 2016 at 7:04 pm

      Well, in the Catholic church you can’t remarry after divorce, because the divorce isn’t recognized. You can remarry if you get the marriage annulled…But anyway, you are comparing apples to oranges. It would make more sense to compare it to never being allowed to have custody of a child because you abandoned another child in the past. Adults can take care of themselves; pups and children cannot – or not well without suffering.

  41. J bullock

    Jun 16, 2015 at 2:42 pm

    No they should not adopt. We were military and our dogs went with us overseas. Most Military families adopt while stateside them when deployed give up the dogs, should not happen.

  42. Shannon

    Jun 16, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    I am in the military and have had to give up a dog I absolutely loved for adoption. I hope to one day adopt another dog from a shelter or rescue. I did not give my dog up to a kill shelter. I took the time and made the effort to find a no kill shelter and then drove two hours to surrender him to that shelter. The owner of the shelter also kept me informed about his status and let me know when he was adopted to an amazing older couple who could be his forever family. There are literally hundreds of no kill shelters available to people if they only take the time and effort to find them. Many times these shelters will also help you find someone to adopt if you don’t feel comfortable leaving them there.

    • Linda

      Jun 16, 2015 at 8:57 pm

      I agree with Shannon. There are times that circumstances dictate that animals must be relocated to another homes. The owners could become so ill that they no longer can take good care of their beloved furbabies. Or, the owner dies, Like the previous owner of my beloved little Cindee, or a 4th of July runaway and got lost, like my Dirty Bill who, when found was so scared he wouldn’t come out from under a house to eat. Then there’s our foster dog, 12 years, Fully blind left on a busy street corner when someone picked her up and took her to the local “NO KILL” shelter. She is a Jack Russell, terrier mix. and so gratefull for a home, it’s unbelievable. It’s hard for me to believe that people would turn them in to a kill shelter. NO, they shouldn’t be allowed to adopt another animal, but there are pet shops, private sellers and give aways, so how are can it ever be controlled??

    • Criosaidh Macbain

      Jun 22, 2015 at 4:54 pm

      Do you know that owner surrenderer dogs are the ones that shelter kill first? They rarely get the chance to get out alive and live their last days stressed, lonely before dying in a horrible way? If you need to leave your dog, really leave him and have not other option go and board him till you find a new good home for him.

      Don’t trust my word. NYC ACC kill dogs every day. every night they give a public list of the dogs that will be murdered if not adopted next noon. A few get a more chances if reserved, but if the person that is supposed to pick them up doesn’t show next day they go back to the list. Healthy, trained, nice, highly adoptable dogs, even puppies. You can check it in Urgent Part 2 – Urgent Death Row Dogs in FB or their site. There you can see the Super Urgent, the urgent dogs, the folders with the dogs killed or saved by day and month. So far this month, they have killed 53 dogs till yesterday. Read their stories, and tell me if you think the persons that betrayed those dogs with an array of lame excuses are deserving to have another dog. I just wonder how can they sleep at night.

  43. IcePonyGirl

    Jun 16, 2015 at 12:57 pm

    NO !

  44. Brittney

    Jun 16, 2015 at 12:43 pm

    Originally, I thought No! But then I got to thinking: things change. And ideally, most loving pet owners would find any way to keep their animal. But there are just some circumstances that just can’t be helped: deployment, loss of job, deportation, couple breaks up, not educated enough about owning a dog, etc. I don’t think these make someone unfit to care for another pet later on in life. People make poor decisions, but I don’t think they should be branded for the rest of their lives when they could actually be saving one. But I do think returns should be recorded and filed nationally. If someone returned an animal once, then maybe a small red flag, and the interview/screening process should be more difficult for that individual, but if someone has 3+ cases of returning animals, then no. Clearly there is a pattern. I also think it’s important that the screening process be more difficult for people to get a dog. Shelters are basically giving dogs away just to make room for more, only to get them returned. I’m not saying that is the cause, so please don’t twist my words, but it would have been helpful if they quizzed me, and gave me situations on how to handle the dog before I just signed a line and took my baby home. Just to be clear I still have my lil beagle, but had I known then what I know now, I never would have adopted a dog.

  45. BK

    Jun 16, 2015 at 12:34 pm

    People make mistakes all the time and people can also change and become better people. I think putting an absolute on something isn’t fair. We don’t know what the case may have been: maybe it was a poverty issue, loss of job and could no longer take care of the dog, maybe the person was now deployed, deported, maybe the person wasn’t as educated as they originally thought on the idea of owning a dog, and the best option was to surrender the dog. There are just so many cases that have a back story to them. I also think more likely than not, someone adopted a dog, the dog didn’t fit their lifestyle, and now they are done with it. Those cases are not ok. I don’t think anyone on this site thinks that’s ok. But we need to do a better job educating people before they get a dog and do a better job screening people before dogs are adopted so that this DOESN’T happen. I know there isn’t much room in shelters but shelters basically give away dogs to make more room. But this continues the cycle.

  46. Belinda Baechlle

    Jun 16, 2015 at 12:32 pm

    No. If you can take an animal to a shelter and be told that there is a very good chance that he/she will be destroyed and you walk away, YOU should get no second chance. Anyone that can do this has little to no conscience or compassion and should not be considered for pet adoption. I know there may be some special cases….No, i take that back. There are no special cases. My family and I have been adopting from kill shelters for years and we have always adopted Seniors, sever abuse cases, etc. It take an animal a long time to fully trust after being abused. It’s a heartbreaking but rewarding process. We need to keep animals out of thee shelters, not create more going in because of immature irresponsible humans.

  47. Roger D

    Jun 16, 2015 at 11:42 am

    Surrendering a dog is better than dumping it off in the country. I live on a farm a deal with a dozen cats and 2 to 3 dogs a year. I have to call the Sheriff, show him proof that they are not my animals bu showing my vet records and than either myself or the Sheriff hauls them into the shelter. Now her comes a dose of reality, if the animals doesn’t make it to our house, it may end up a farm that uses 3s method of animal removal. SHOOT, SHOVEL and Shut UP method. So do I think they should get a second chance——I have no answer, maybe? If you the shelter is too hard on adoption requirements the person will just buy a pet from a pet store or from Craigslist. So I don’t have an answer, just don’t be so strict with surrender requirements that people will resort to more pet dumping in the country.

  48. Cheryl Cosky

    Jun 16, 2015 at 11:21 am

    Animals are not disposable or inconvenient , they have feelings and people that just feel that they can throw an animal away should never be able to adopt another pet

  49. Barbie

    Jun 16, 2015 at 11:04 am

    I know each person has their reason, and i’ve had to give up a few pets of mine in the past for specific reasons, but i NEVER take them to a kill shelter, and most of the time i find someone whom i trust to take them in as their own pets. so my answer would be, i think it depends on the situation and how the people go about doing it.

  50. janie

    Jun 16, 2015 at 10:37 am

    Every animal we have owned came from a shelter or was recued from a bad situation.
    Each of them became part of our family, and each left us grief-stricken upon their passing over the rainbow bridge.
    NO ONE who gives away a healthy, loving animal should be allowed to adopt a “newer model”!!!! Senior dogs are so gentle and loving; they’re still part of the family.

  51. Donna Bloom

    Jun 16, 2015 at 8:38 am

    I don’t care what the reason is for ‘surrender’. These people should NEVER be able to get another furbaby.

  52. Judy

    Jun 16, 2015 at 3:54 am

    NO…. no second chances with the life of a pet!

  53. Judy

    Jun 16, 2015 at 3:53 am

    NO…. only one chance at a lifetime with the pet!

  54. Heather

    Jun 16, 2015 at 3:01 am

    If the surrender is because of change of circumstances, like moving to where the landlord won’t allow dogs in their rental, yes, but what should be required is a letter from the landlord concerned stating no pets allowed, etc., or if people move from one country to another for work & can’t take their pets, that again can be provable, but not repeat offenders

  55. Venna davis

    Jun 16, 2015 at 2:26 am

    I don’t think so I guess it would be differant depending on the circumstances but pets are for life if your not willing to stick your neck out for them then you probably shouldn’t have one.. Something that makes me so mad is when people surrender dogs because they get to big it is like if you didn’t want a big dog then why did you get it.. People should really do their research before they get an animal.

  56. Katherine Snipes

    Jun 15, 2015 at 10:25 pm

    I don’t want the dogs abused, I’d rather they drop them off at a shelter. But they should not be allowed to take another animal. The holding time at a shelter needs to be extended. 30 days is not enough time to put them on the petfinder or in the newspaper. I foster dogs until they find a forever home, but our animal rescues check the home and makes sure there is room for the animal to run and play safely. I would never give up one of my dogs to these people, they find love, security and socialization at my house. I want this for them for the rest of their life.

  57. Cindy

    Jun 15, 2015 at 9:05 pm

    Yes! They need to be listed on a national “Do Not Adopt” registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference. I can’t imagine turning in my rescued Sibe. She was 2 1/1 when I rescued her and this July she will turn 9. She’s my ‘Nutella in a jar!’

  58. Kathy O

    Jun 15, 2015 at 8:00 pm

    No. Never. There are so many alternatives and help available now. If you say “surrender is only allowable for these reasons” what’s to stop these folks from using one of those reasons? People that would surrender their pet have no credibility as far as I’m concerned. We should have a DNA list. Its probably not a good idea to charge them or make it difficult to surrender because the will dump them. Just take the dog and put them on a DNA list. No lectures, fines or any other type of retribution. Just get the pet safely away from them.

  59. Victoria

    Jun 15, 2015 at 7:48 pm

    absolutely not. someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should not be allowed to adopt again. these are living creatures not old cars to be traded in for a newer model.

  60. Carol

    Jun 15, 2015 at 7:22 pm

    No way. They should also have to forfeit that right.

  61. Marge

    Jun 15, 2015 at 6:57 pm

    No. You turn in any animal to a shelter especially a high kill should be put on a no-adopt/buy/foster list. People who hoard animals, no-adopt/buy/foster list. People who mistreat, torture, neglect any animal, no-adopt/buy/foster.
    The list should be a nationwide database.

  62. darcel

    Jun 15, 2015 at 6:48 pm

    Totally agree people who surrendered any animal should be put on do not adopt list… You know how many animals will be saved due to this list.. gr8 idea

  63. Nicole

    Jun 15, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    I think that yes there should be some regulation, and a big roster with all the info; when, why, who, and maybe even the emotional state of the owners at the time of giving up the animal. Life is about love, learning, and things that make you happy. I know dogs bring me SO much joy and have taught me so much. I have adopted a dog and unfortunately had to give them up because I was not, could not, be the best caregiver for that dog. It literally broke my heart and I HATED doing it and hated myself for doing it, it was a painful lesson to learn that dogs need more than just love, and I have learned that lesson well. I know in the future when I CAN care for an animal to my best potential I WANT to adopt. I want to create a home for a dog that may have experienced what I did to my dog. And I would be heart-broken to find that I couldn’t give a wonderful life to MANY dogs because of one mistake when I was young. Hence why I think the above information would be good to document for possible future adoptions; I was visibally distraught, young, and couldn’t give the care it needed; all reasons that can be fixed with time and maturity. I don’t want to buy from a store, I don’t want to buy from a breeder, I want to give an amazing life to a heart that may not have had a 2nd chance.

  64. Tracy

    Jun 15, 2015 at 6:30 pm

    I think it should be conditional. When I found my first dog, Jackson, he was healthy and happy and wonderful…then he was seriously injured by baby coyotes when my mom let him run a little too far by himself. Then, from bad breeding, the little Pom was found to have congenital heart failure. The medications for him were over $500 a month for four years (he passed recently) and being a 22 year old student and no insurance companies willing to take him, I would have lost him if my mother didn’t decide to help. She luckily works from home and he needed around the clock care. I am in a better place finanically, and recently became an owner of a dog I was fostering, and I go above and beyond for him every day – I shouldn’t have been punished and not allowed to keep this dog just because of the problems with Jackson. If my mom wouldn’t have been there, I would have had to put him down (which the vet first suggested), or give him to someone who could afford and care for him.

  65. Nan Todd

    Jun 15, 2015 at 6:20 pm

    I would think that it needs to be on an individual situation. There are some where there is no question, such as fighting them, abuse, neglect, torture, etc. Not only should they not be allowed to adopt, or own a dog, they should all face jail time and never be allowed around animals. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and they have no choice, but to surrender a pet. If they simply could not afford to feed or care for that animal, I think there should be a way for them to be boarded at some shelters, and this person volunteer their time there to help cover the expenses. If a person simply does not want the bother of a pet at 25, then at 40, he still doesn’t want the bother. In this case, no adoption or pet for them ever. I don’t believe in kill shelters, how can it even be called a shelter? Shelters are to help, not terminate life. Maybe, instead there should be programs in communities to help such as prisoner/ pet training programs. How many elderly people could use a companion, but can’t afford one? How about some food for pet programs and maybe some vets who would give reduced prices so that people who really could enjoy the companionship, could have a pet. I know that there are way too many people who have no feelings and could care less about the animal and it’s feelings. I guess in that vain of thought. You surrender, not never have a 2nd chance for a pet.

  66. Edie

    Jun 15, 2015 at 6:07 pm


  67. vickie

    Jun 15, 2015 at 5:59 pm

    I feel that people who give up their pets just because they don’t want them anymore should not be able to adopt from any shelter. I have a dog and a cat I can’t imagine giving them up for any reason. I see them as one of my children and I wouldn’t think of giving my kids up because I did not want them anymore. But I have seen parents give up their kids because they can’t “afford” them anymore but yet they keep having kids.

  68. Jacqui

    Jun 15, 2015 at 5:51 pm

    Absolutely not. They will just do it again.

  69. Bette Gae Dart

    Jun 15, 2015 at 5:43 pm

    If they can’t keep a lifetime commitment, they should never be allowed to have ANY pet again.

  70. shawn symons

    Jun 15, 2015 at 4:59 pm

    If they surrender a pet that’s it no more pets for them cause they will do it again!

  71. Tanya LaRose

    Jun 15, 2015 at 1:55 pm

    Absolutely not!!


    Jun 15, 2015 at 10:54 am

    I hate to be judgmental and try to imagine being in such horrible circumstances I could turn a beloved pet over to be killed — if you can’t imagine doing this with a child how can you imagine it with another family member?

  73. Jane Eagle

    Jun 15, 2015 at 10:26 am

    I don’t understand the question “Should future pet adoptions be conditional?” What happens after the time? Otherwise, YES to all questions. We need to update our laws and policies to reflect our evolving understanding of our relationship with animals. For people who cannot afford vet care for elderly pets, there needs to be some help…although if I were in that situation, I would have my friend put down while I held them and loved them, rather than leaving them to die in a pound with strangers.
    Do you know that there are people who only like puppies? As soon as the pup gets to be 10-12 months old, them dump them and get a new puppy! These people should not be allowed to breathe, much less ruin animals lives.

  74. jen henderson

    Jun 15, 2015 at 9:51 am

    never! none of the excuses above are legitimate reasons for murder. “Just too old” is the most disgusting excuse ever. This dog spends it’s life with you thinking he is one of the family, and loved; then he is dumped like inanimate garbage.

  75. juscelia

    Jun 15, 2015 at 8:45 am

    Definitely not n they should pay to surrender any animal
    In fact when we adopt on all papers that we sign it should read
    If abandon surrender abuse or kill this animal you will be fine $2,000.00 or face jail time
    That would make the person more aware of the responsibilities to own a pet

  76. Joanna Chavarria

    Jun 15, 2015 at 8:34 am

    And absolutely not!! They should be getting fined for dropping off their pets and no sorry u are not allowed to back in the building EVER!!!!!!

  77. Bee Openshaw

    Jun 15, 2015 at 8:23 am

    I agree with Adriana somewhat. It depends on the circumstances. Have a database of people who adopt and if they return the pet, put the reason. I don’t know that a time limit would work but the guy who tortured Caitlyn – never is too soon.

  78. Dragonwych

    Jun 15, 2015 at 4:09 am


  79. Mirna van Zyl

    Jun 15, 2015 at 3:36 am

    No dog/animal should be given to a furever family that either going to give the dog/animal back at any time!!! If they are not been able to take care of the dog/animal, of course this will be special circumstances. If they do mistreat the dog/animal they should banned from adoption. Do they give the dog back they should be banned from adoption.

  80. Patricia Farley

    Jun 15, 2015 at 2:20 am

    I don’t think they should be able to adopt again. However, that probably would not keep them from owning a pet. It’s a very touchy situation, because in SOME few cases the owner might have no other alternative than giving up their pet. But I see no reason for them to surrender it to a kill shelter and would hope that they tried every other option available.

  81. Dawn D Petz

    Jun 14, 2015 at 11:13 pm

    No, they shouldn’t be allowed to EVER have another animal. My husband and I have had cats for the last 30 yrs or so. The first 3 all lived to be about 20 yrs old and died with me by their side ( my husband worked away from home, but is now retired). We currently have 2 girls who are 7 yrs old and they will be with us till the day they pass away. We don’t have children – our cats are our children. There is no way we could give our babies up and no one had better mess with them either. There is no excuse for surrendering or abandoning a cat, dog or any of God’s creatures.

  82. Ayana Baltrip

    Jun 14, 2015 at 10:17 pm

    No. They should go on DNA list.

  83. Ayana Baltrip

    Jun 14, 2015 at 10:15 pm

    No. They should go on a DNA list.

  84. Mary shockley

    Jun 14, 2015 at 9:53 pm

    No they shouldn’t ever be allowed to ever own another animal let alone adopt another one.Why so they can surrender them again to a kill shelter?POS

  85. Arianna Logan

    Jun 14, 2015 at 6:08 pm

    I think that if the dog is very aggressive or some other situation like that then it would be okay to adopt another animal without the behavior issues. We adopted a 10 month old pit bull and we had to rehome him because he was too energetic, but we weren’t allowed to return him and we didn’t drop him off at another shelter. But some people should not be allowed to adopt again like if they just don’t want it anymore, say it’s too old (without very expensive medical conditions), or like one guy I saw at my local shelter, didn’t want that particular gender. One person surrendered their dog to acct and I had been mad at him, but then we found out that he really loved her and couldn’t afford the surgery that she needed. We fostered her and after 6 weeks we found out she had cancer and she went back to her owner for another month. After she passed away he was looking to adopt but ended up getting a dog that his friend could no longer keep. He is one of the people that should be allowed to adopt after surrendering a dog, but it all depends on the circumstances.

    I definitely don’t think an amount of years should be put on it. Some people should definitely be allowed to adopt again, but others should not.

  86. Kytti

    Jun 14, 2015 at 4:52 pm

    I have to agree that someone who surrenders their pet to a shelter shouldn’t be able to adopt again but how would you distinguish that from someone who picks up a stray dog and takes it to the shelter and doesn’t know any better, or honestly has no way to house that stray?
    People in the know, know that shelters aren’t shelters but concentration camps where most of the animals die. But your average person that finds a stray probably doesn’t know that.

  87. Delcee

    Jun 14, 2015 at 4:08 pm

    No!!!! They should never ever be able to adopt nor own another pet, EVER!!!

  88. Nancy Tuliszewski

    Jun 14, 2015 at 2:14 pm

    ABSOLUTELY NOT. They should also be fingerprinted.

  89. rhonda

    Jun 14, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    Hell NO,,, if you can just dump a beating, breathing, living being then you don’t deserve another. Heartless humans!!!

  90. Elsie Foster

    Jun 14, 2015 at 11:17 am

    This dumping of pets at shelters sickens and infuriates me. When you take a pet then everything must be taken into account. Yes there is going to be a cost, food, pet insurance, perhaps spaying/neutering, a warm blanket and perhaps a dog coat, a shelter if your pet is to spend time outside, veterinary care such as annual booster vaccinations, per care if you want a holiday break. The dog (or cat) is a part of your family unit he/she will grow older just like you will yourself and may need extra veterinary care or mobility aids.
    So many pets are dumped to be euthanized for flimsy reasons such as ‘I cannot afford to have his broken leg set’, ‘I cannot afford to have her tumour removed’, ‘he/she is old and we want a new puppy’. Worse still is the person who says ‘I cannot be bothered to look after him/her any longer’
    I have two rescues and the oldest is 22 years of age. She has been on medication since I rescued her from the pound at 8-9 years of age and having been run over by a car. I have pet insurance but I have still had many expenses for her not covered or falling within the excess of the policy. She now has limited sight and hearing, she is frail and doddery but would I dump her NO WAY.
    It is just too easy as the shelters cannot refuse to take a pet. The worst scenario is where a pet has been abused and, because of the short stay duration, is euthanized before any action can be taken thus destroying evidence.

  91. sharon ann DeLuca

    Jun 14, 2015 at 10:57 am


  92. Lety

    Jun 14, 2015 at 10:50 am

    no, they shouldn’t be alowed to adopt again!!!

  93. Michelle

    Jun 14, 2015 at 10:29 am

    They should NEVER be allowed to adopt again! Animals are not disposable!!!

  94. Joyce Renninger

    Jun 14, 2015 at 9:26 am

    no way

  95. Cheryl Maynard

    Jun 14, 2015 at 9:16 am

    No they should not! Put them on a list!

  96. Mary

    Jun 14, 2015 at 8:44 am

    My first inclination is to say no, if you surrender a pet you have no business getting a new one. It’s not a possession, it’s a commitment to living, feeling creature and you should respect that and take it seriously. Surrendering often happens when an animal is too much work, or they don’t value the creature enough to keep it. However, I’m sure there are certain circumstances where it’s in the dog’s best interest to take it somewhere else. What if the person’s spouse is abusing the animal and they are taking it to the shelter to keep it safe? What if they can’t afford to get it the necessary shots, food, or medical attention that it needs to keep it healthy and they surrender it to a no kill shelter or rescue? There are a lot of circumstances that are unavoidable for people such as losing their jobs or their homes that would make it better for the dog to be in a different situation. I think if the people make every effort to put it into a new home or rescue, and take it to a no kill shelter as a last resort, there should be considerations made. People’s situations and lives can change and sometimes people need a second chance as much as the pets. But only if the surrender was justifiable should these people be given that second chance.

  97. Michelle -Maxwell

    Jun 14, 2015 at 7:40 am

    I think they should be put on a list be scrutinized before adoption. However some people simply aren’t ready for or aware of the responsibility,some people have extenuating circumstances that leave them no other choice. That doesn’t make them bad pet owners or heartless.What, I believe needs to happen is breeders need to be licensed,and have permits. Puppy mills need to be abolished. Absolutely, no pets should be sold on or around holidays. As well as people contemplating buying a pet, should maybe have to go through a waiting period, one week, or even a few days so there’s no chance of impulse buying. I think that the people who are selling or adopting the pet out have a responsibility to make sure the adopter is informed,financially equipped and ready for the responsibility.

  98. CJB

    Jun 14, 2015 at 7:09 am

    I would no sooner abandon my two legged children! My pets are my children-for as long as they’ll have me! Although the premise seems justified to have a ban on owning another pet, I agree with previous poster, Cyndy, in making it a case by case judgment. However, I can readily see ways for these low lifes to get away with it legally. Should a edict like this become law, I am sure the number of strays surrendered will double, at the very least.

  99. Susan Macklem-Richards

    Jun 14, 2015 at 3:05 am


  100. Sassygurl4ever

    Jun 14, 2015 at 3:01 am

    Absolutely NOT. Having a pet is a life long commitment. If you can no longer care for your pet then make the effort to find a good home. Once you surrender to a shelter that should end your opportunity to ever have another pet.

  101. Mamaw L

    Jun 14, 2015 at 12:57 am

    I absolutely think people that surrender an animal to a shelter should be put on a no adopt list, all breeder’s lists, any type of pet ownership list that they can be put on. I also think any person convicted of any type of neglect or abuse of ANY living being should be on all of those lists as well.
    We have 8 animals right now, they are all rescues or products of rescues. My husband and I both would love to run a no kill shelter, but know our limits, or else we would probably have an entire petting zoo.

  102. Mamaw L

    Jun 14, 2015 at 12:57 am

    I absolutely think people that surrender an animal to a shelter should be put on a no adopt list, all breeder’s lists, any type of pet ownership list that they can be put on. I also think any person convicted of any type of neglect or abuse of ANY living being should be on all of those lists as well.
    We have 8 animals right now, they are all rescues or products of rescues. My husband and I both would love to run a no kill shelter, but know our limits, or else we would probably have an entire petting zoo.

  103. Kathy Terry

    Jun 14, 2015 at 12:23 am

    There should be a national DNA list.
    I dealt with a woman who dumped her old dog and walked out with a puppy at this self-same shelter – MIAMI-DADE. She wanted to also adopt one of our transport dogs… in no uncertain terms and in very clear Spanish I made it understood that she will one day be treated as she treated her dog and to not complain about it.

  104. Shelby

    Jun 13, 2015 at 11:52 pm

    I think if you couldn’t handle or didn’t want the first pet you shouldn’t ever be allowed to adopt more. If you surrender it knowing it will more than likely be euthanized then you don’t deserve a pet rock let alone another live animal. I think there should be a rule about this. Ban all those who surrender a pet from adopting again so it doesn’t happen to more animals.

  105. Carol Becker

    Jun 13, 2015 at 11:23 pm

    I think this is a hard call, only because I think you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. Think about it: where do you suppose all these people got their dogs in the first place? I highly doubt they adopted from a shelter or rescue organization. They got them off Craigslist, or backyard breeders, or their neighbor/friend whose dog had a litter of puppies because they were too ignorant/irresponsible to spay/neuter. Anybody who adopts from a shelter/rescue is most likely well aware of the plight of the majority of shelter animals, and would be hard-pressed to relinquish a dog to the same shitty situation it came from, if they have a smidgeon of a conscience. If you ban them from adopting from a shelter (which they probably never did anyway) you’re not making any headway regarding this problem. They will just go seek out a dog for free somewhere, and we all know how easy that is to do. I think a registry is a fantastic idea that just will not work unfortunately.

  106. John Schoenfeld

    Jun 13, 2015 at 9:32 pm

    Of course they should not be allowed to adopt again.

  107. Jennifer

    Jun 13, 2015 at 7:25 pm

    No they shouldn’t but it will deter people from dropping them at a “shelter” and they will find another way to get rid of them like dropping them on the side of the road.

  108. Rosalie Aho

    Jun 13, 2015 at 7:11 pm

    Absolutely not!!! Adopting an animal is not a temporary thing but a lifetime commitment. If unforseen circumstances force the adopter to give up the animal, every effort should be made to secure a new safe home for the pet. He/she is after all a member of the family.

  109. Heike

    Jun 13, 2015 at 6:33 pm

    No, I think you should not be allowed to adopt again. Making the decision to have a pet means a responsibility that last many years. There are alternatives and often it takes time to rehome.

  110. Lisa

    Jun 13, 2015 at 5:40 pm

    We need to fix the underlying problem first, too many companion animals, not enough homes. When dogs and cats are valued more, not just a throw away thing, then the horrible turn over rate will decline. Then, in a perfect world, I’d be all for not surrenderers re-adopt, but it isn’t a perfect world and things happen. A few years later, people’s lives may have stabilized and they can care for a pet for a lifetime. So I guess there needs to a database to track why people are surrendering the animals in the first place. And anyone surrendering an old dog should be flogged straight out.

  111. claudia jones

    Jun 13, 2015 at 5:07 pm

    I have had dogs all my life .I am now 71 and have two dogs . I have never surrendered a dog and would never do that. I think if you do that to a dog or cat you should never be allowed to own a pet again, until you get some compassion in your life for the animals. These people that surrender dogs and cats to be killed have no heart , there is just a black mussel that is pumping bad blood there. NO WAY SHOULD THEY BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT AGAIN.

  112. Jolene Podgorski

    Jun 13, 2015 at 5:01 pm

    I was on a thread the other night and we were talking about exactly this. There should MOST DEFINITELY be a national registry database that requires all adopters to register online using a license or legal I.D. as part of the process in order to adopt, and make that available to ALL rescues, shelters and Veterinarians. Also make every person that surrenders register, and give any and all medical, social history of the animal, including REASON for surrender, and inform them that they will not be allowed to adopt for a period of 10 yrs -or ever again if surrendering a Sr dog. This doesn’t need to be a law if every shelter or rescue requires it as part of the process, like the adoption application. Make it a “surrender application”. These people need to be red-flagged as high-risk for future adoption privaledges. Yes- most definitely Yes.

  113. gwen

    Jun 13, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    No they should not. i’m hearing about too many people dumping older dogs and turning right around and adopting a puppy! How is this allowed? Their name should go down on a national registry. Of course you’ll get all kinds of false names and people dumping their dogs anonymously at night but at least we could try to make them stop and think about what they’re doing.

  114. Amanda Whately

    Jun 13, 2015 at 4:32 pm

    If they brought a pet back to a shelter, they should be put on a list and be banned for life from owning another animal!

  115. Roxane

    Jun 13, 2015 at 4:29 pm

    No I don’t think think they should get to adopt any dog eve they threw that one away, piece of carp pplr

  116. Dawn

    Jun 13, 2015 at 4:21 pm

    Never ever! Their names AND faces should be added to a national database of animal abusers!


    Jun 13, 2015 at 4:03 pm

    People who abuse or surrender should NEVER be allowed to adopt or buy another animal again. A registry sounds like a good idea too!

  118. Donna

    Jun 13, 2015 at 3:30 pm


  119. Deena Esposito

    Jun 13, 2015 at 2:44 pm

    I personally feel it depends on the situation and it should be a case by case basis. Also sometimes some shelters arent completely honest about the animals history and because they are trying to make a goal or have a contest they dont disclose all the accurate details they have. But if someone just keeps adopting and returning then they should be put on a list.

  120. Marni Montanez

    Jun 13, 2015 at 2:38 pm

    If a person abandons an animal whether through no fault of their own or because they don’t care it still shows they are unable to care for another pet. Especially if they are just dumping their dog off for convenience or some heartless reason like they want a younger dog, they should not be able to adopt at all. An animal is for life. They are betrayed and abandoned far too often.

  121. sandra

    Jun 13, 2015 at 1:36 pm

    Just becausr you had to surrender a pet doesnt mean your a horrible person…learn the circumstances before judging people and situations and banning them from things…

  122. April Oldham

    Jun 13, 2015 at 12:45 pm

    Absolutely not, they should never be allowed to adopt again!! I just read a story this morning where an A** hole surrendered his 6 year old dog and then adopted a puppy. WTH was wrong with the people running that shelter, it just doesn’t make any sense!!!

  123. Jennifer Norman

    Jun 13, 2015 at 12:27 pm

    Absolutely not. All of my dogs came from shelters and I can’t imagine life without them. If they surrender a pet their names should go on a “do not adopt” registry permantly. They’re clearly not capable of caring for a pet. They’re a lifetime commitment, their lifetime.

  124. Cyndy Groves

    Jun 13, 2015 at 12:02 pm

    I think people who surrender pets, especially to high-risk shelters, should have their names and reason for surrender kept in a statewide (nationwide would be great) database. If they try to adopt again, their name will be flagged, but the reason for previous surrender could be considered on a case by case basis. Of course, there are ways around that, such as having a friend or family member adopt the pet. And ultimately, it could drive the less than responsible pet owners to pet stores and backyard breeders. Then in several years, those dogs could end up at the shelter, too. Maybe education is a better answer – requiring folks to attend a 2 or 4 hour course or something before adopting. But where does the money come for that when so many shelters are already strapped for funds? Hmmm…

  125. K

    Jun 13, 2015 at 11:13 am

    No, they should absolutely loose their privilege.

  126. Cindy Witt

    Jun 13, 2015 at 10:34 am

    my gut reaction is no even though I know that there are sometimes extenuating circumstances. However, those who truly don’t have a choice are far fewer than those that do. All my dogs have been rescued, this last one has struggled with some issue but that only makes me love her more. She’s 18 now and I wouldn’t trade one moment with her for anything. My philosophy is that once you’ve made the decision to adopt that pet, they are then family.

  127. David

    Jun 13, 2015 at 10:01 am

    You are all heartless. There are plenty of valid circumstances for surrendering a pet. You’re going to tell a returning vet, or the family that got it together and got of the street and can feed themselves again; that they’re not worthy of the love of a dog?
    Abuse. Abuse is the only qualifier we are fit to judge someone else of. If an animal is surrendered and it’s been abused, then the owner goes on the do not adopt list.
    Otherwise you’re trying to remove a spec from someone’s eye without removing the plank from your own first.

  128. Donna Darnell

    Jun 13, 2015 at 9:06 am

    Yes they should be put on a(No Adopt List). To me unless it’s a matter of death or serious illness there should be no reason for them to take them to a shelter knowing they are going to be put to sleep. To me that is the same as animas cruelty. They should ever be able to adopt another dog.

  129. Anne

    Jun 13, 2015 at 8:11 am

    Unequivocally NO!

  130. Sue

    Jun 13, 2015 at 8:08 am

    Surrendering a pet to a shelter is a very serious offense, especially a kill shelter. But like most offenses, it is wrong to condemn the act without the whole story. I think it has to be handled on a case-by-case basis. You have to get all the details before judging. Most of us, (thankfully) have never been in a truly desperate situation. If you were, you might be surprised to know what you are capable of doing.

  131. Nora M. Edgeworth

    Jun 13, 2015 at 6:55 am

    Absolutely not, they are irresponsible….

  132. misty d schlotzhauer

    Jun 13, 2015 at 3:46 am

    if have dunped an animal at a shelter than no u should not be able to adopt an animal. animals are like kids

  133. Susan Van Booven

    Jun 13, 2015 at 1:46 am

    I don’t think so. Sure as s*** they’ll dump the next dog too.

  134. Zig Pope

    Jun 13, 2015 at 1:12 am

    No. Absolutely not. If they cannot follow through with the one they have, they have no business getting another.

    We are seeing far too many Sr dogs being dumped because they are too cheap and lazy to do right by their companion.

    Real need surrenders are few and far between.

  135. Debbie Panter

    Jun 13, 2015 at 1:09 am

    IF in time they want to adopt again there must be strict conditions that are followed up on to ensure they are followed! I would like to just say, NO but there are one or two reasons that they surrendered for the best of the dog and didn’t just dump them or worse.
    The Elderly is one exception that I’ve seen that I wouldn’t tell no to if in the future things were secure enough for another devoted companion. This is an easy NO for most and a maybe for a couple situations. Tough call that must be based individually for sure.

  136. Olivia Huffstickler

    Jun 13, 2015 at 12:38 am

    In no way should a person who surrenders a pet be allowed to adopt pet! And their names should be added to a registered no adopt list!

  137. Pati

    Jun 12, 2015 at 11:53 pm

    I think it depends…sometimes folks do stupid things when they are ignorant. Perhaps they are young and not knowledgeable at the time and of course the shelters don’t educate them.
    They may regret what they did once they learn more. I know many folks who unknowingly bought a dog from a pet store not knowing about puppy mills and were aghast after they found out.
    I know I was young and ignorant once…..and I’ll bet a lot of other folks were too.

  138. Laura

    Jun 12, 2015 at 11:23 pm


  139. Janelle Fisher

    Jun 12, 2015 at 10:47 pm

    Why should they be able to adopt again? To just turn around and surrender them to be euthanized? It’s called the pound, not the shelter. If you are not sure you can handle an animal, get a stuffed one. Each and every animal deserves to have a home. But we refuse to neuter/spay and continue to do this to animals. One lady dumped her cat at the pound because she got a new couch. What the heck is wrong with people? No compassion. Please let’s start doing something so that animals are given to families that will keep them forever!!!! So sad to give your animal away to be killed.

  140. S. Lawrence

    Jun 12, 2015 at 10:42 pm

    there’s a big difference between someone who is distraught over having to surrender a dog, someone who has to relocate and has to surrender their animal, and people who KNOWINGLY understand that surrendering their animal will be an action that directly results in the animal’s death…no, I do not believe that individuals with such shallow hearts and a superficial take on companion animals should have anything that breathes in their possession…it reminds me of the “suicide” dogs, as a friend of mine called them, who were usually hounds that people would dump off in the country because they didn’t retrieve good, hunt good, look as good as the neighbor’s dog, whatever…these dogs would pace the road for days until finally, as if it had gotten up the nerve to end its own suffering, wound up dead in the road…it made me terribly sad to see one, but at the time, I had no way of helping…those people who would dump their hounds share the same foul soul with those people in Florida, and all I can say is, I can smell them all the way up here near Canada….

  141. Janie

    Jun 12, 2015 at 10:41 pm


  142. Terri

    Jun 12, 2015 at 10:05 pm

    “Why not” says HSUS, ASPCA and PetSmart Charities –

  143. Kitty Lathum

    Jun 12, 2015 at 9:40 pm

    Absolutely not, moving is not a good reason to surrender your pet. One wouldn’t do that with a human child (or maybe they would). Adopting a fur baby is a life long commitment and one should really think about this seriously. This is not a casual decision, it’s life and life happens. Now if the owner passes away and they have no next of kin, than that is another story. I wish I could have just one more day with my Sydney Girl, my rescued Black Lab, I would give anything for that to happen. I had her for 13 wonderful years, and she passed with Mast Cell Cancer. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent, so think really hard before taking on this big responsibility.

  144. Barb Bristol

    Jun 12, 2015 at 7:46 pm

    Conditionally, yes they should. People can and do change – I remember as a child, riding with my mom to surrender our cat and her litter of kittens to our local pound. It wasn’t even called a “shelter” and I’m sure those poor cats were all killed within a few minutes of our driving away. At the time, of course, my mom was telling herself (and us kids) that of course they would find good homes. Some people just don’t know any better, or don’t know of any other options. I grew into someone who has 20+ years of experience doing Rescue. I still think about those poor cats, but I’m proof that people can change, and children can learn to do better than their parents.

  145. Lynn Jenkinson, RN-BC

    Jun 12, 2015 at 6:49 pm

    No. Absolutely not. These poor animals go through so much anyway…how cruel to put them back into a shelter only to die. Some people should not have pets OR children.

  146. Donna Lysingrer

    Jun 12, 2015 at 5:40 pm

    These people that turn over there dog’s to the kill shelter should never be aloud to adopt again & never own one again & the whistle blower be rewarded if they find out & report it

  147. Joyce Wyatt

    Jun 12, 2015 at 4:28 pm


  148. Leona Ebert

    Jun 12, 2015 at 4:20 pm

    NO they should not adopt another pet it should go nation wide on a register that they brought their animal to a shelter and they should be banned from ever owning another animal.

  149. Carol Sollenberger

    Jun 12, 2015 at 3:42 pm

    No no no no.

  150. Maria Mersman

    Jun 12, 2015 at 3:37 pm

    No they should not be allowed to adopt again, and yes their names should be added to a registry.

  151. Pam

    Jun 12, 2015 at 3:35 pm

    I don’t like the fact that former adopters surrender their pets – for any reason (even though some may be justified). I feel past surrender history – if available – is sufficient to deny adoption of another pet unless the cost of that adoption is higher. Unfortunately, adoption into a safe and secure home is an unknown for the pet. Maybe a better screening process is needed. On the other hand, it is important to keep adoption initially affordable enable to get pets into homes.

  152. maureen boag

    Jun 12, 2015 at 2:58 pm


  153. cls

    Jun 12, 2015 at 2:54 pm

    No, they shouldn’t. A lack of commitment to a pretty dies not a suitable future adopter make.

  154. Ralph Matacchieri

    Jun 12, 2015 at 2:54 pm

    I suppose it really depends on the circumstances. I have had 9 dogs so far, all except 2 from rescue or shelters, not a single one has ever been returned and I kept them till they passed and I miss them all.

  155. Jaclyn

    Jun 12, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    Absolutely not! If they choose to dump an animal, they are undeserving of any pets! Either care for an animal for life, or get a pet rock.

  156. Kari Jones

    Jun 12, 2015 at 2:14 pm

    I think it should be made that they can’t adopt any more pets for a certain amount of years, like 5. Because people change it would be awful to punish someone for life, i adopted a puppy and two cats from the shelter and i think it is awful when people don’t want there pets anymore, better the shelter than the street though.

  157. Michelle Dempsey

    Jun 12, 2015 at 2:13 pm

    NO! You should not be allowed to get another dog if you have surrendered yours. So many people surrender their dog because they are old, they can’t potty train them, they are moving (where to? the moon? what country doesn’t allow dogs/cats?). Most animals travel in packs or families and when you abandon them, they know it and they don’t ever fully recover. And there is a trend here…I wouldn’t be SURPRISED at all, if the people that surrender their animals have probably abanodned their children in some fashion, like not paying child support or agreeing to give up their rights…there’s something wrong w/you if you are like that…if you don’t care about living things, animals, humans, etc. then you are a bad person in my book and the FBI agrees w/me.

  158. Nanci Gomes

    Jun 12, 2015 at 1:46 pm

    I think all pet owners should have a plan (in writing such as a living will) in order for when they are no longer able/capable to care for their pet due to illness/death, etc. Those that surrender an animal just because (whatever excuse) should not be able to ever own any animal. Just like animal abusers, they should go on a worldwide animal abuse registry (during and after their prison time). Those that surrender their animals should be on a separate registry. Animals’ safety and well being should always be priority!

    • DeeDee Neely

      Jun 13, 2015 at 7:07 pm

      I am simply amazed at how judgmental people are when it comes to things they know absolutely nothing about. There ARE situations that leave no other choice than to leave an animal. What about the kill shelters that KILL them??!! How about taking your outrage out on them?! God is not dead and is still in charge of EVERYTHING. There are SO many variables in peoples lives that no-one has the right to to say “NO! They can never adopt again!” Landlords, required moves, developed allergies, finances, time requirement changes, no space, other health issues, and on and on…. I agree they are family and for me, they come first. People grow, they change and being positive is always better than critical. Oh and by the way, is everyone that is so staunch about never adopting an animal again also equally against ABORTION?

  159. Lea

    Jun 12, 2015 at 1:29 pm

    Absolutely not! People who surrender an animal, knowing full well that it could be killed, should NEVER be able to adopt again.

  160. Carolyn Faulhaber

    Jun 12, 2015 at 1:22 pm

    I believe their names should be listed on a “do not adopt” list. They should not be allowed to adopt without certain rules & special classes, at a cost to the prospective adopter. If they don’t want to pay for the class, no adoption

  161. loretta

    Jun 12, 2015 at 1:10 pm


  162. Cristen McConville

    Jun 12, 2015 at 12:38 pm

    Unfortunately, it should be based on each individual case. There are many who will only surrender their as a last resort, due to homelessness or illness. They should be allowed to if their circumstances change for the better. All others – NO!

  163. Debbie Henderson

    Jun 12, 2015 at 12:08 pm

    I can not imagine ever doing this to any animal, but to say you love an animal and it will most likely die if you leave it is really something I struggle with understanding, my heart breaks for these baby’s, I think anyone leaving an animal in a kill shelter should have to watch a video of how the animals are put down before they are allowed to surrender their animals , I think they should have to pay a fee which would get them a card like a drivers license with their photo animal they gave up, and all other information like drivers license number, home address phone numbers ect, I think that information should be kept in a computer data base just like criminals and NO they should never get the chance to do that to another animal !!!
    We need to be harsher with people there are millions of life lost in these shelters!!!

  164. Rita R.

    Jun 12, 2015 at 11:31 am

    I think if they surrender their dog then it should go state wide or farther that they cant adopt any more pets. We have rescued 4 dogs and we already had our own and when we find someone who wants them I question them and tell them I want to see where they live.

  165. Charlene

    Jun 12, 2015 at 11:20 am

    I absolutely think this is unacceptable, they should be banned from having pets. I know some people who do this a lot and it makes me so angry. When someone gets a pet they need to treat it as part of the family. Would you take your child to a kill shelter? To me there is no difference.

  166. Karen murray

    Jun 12, 2015 at 10:37 am

    Hell no

  167. DJ HIXSON

    Jun 12, 2015 at 10:01 am

    hell no!!!

  168. Sandra Durand

    Jun 12, 2015 at 9:37 am

    When you get a dog or cat you commit to take care of them even in sickness and old age. I have my baby since she was a pup she is now 12 and I would never think of giving her up because she’s old, she also is diabetic and I give her two shots of insulin a day every 12 hours and that means that there are times that I could not go someplace because I need to be home to make sure I give her, her shot and that’s okay because she is my baby and I love her more than I could ever express. When you get a dog or cat they become family. A person who gives up their dog or cat should not be able to adopt again because they will only do it again when the animal becomes too much work for them.

  169. Melanie Waggett

    Jun 12, 2015 at 8:15 am

    Absolutely not! A Zebra doesn’t change its stripes. For some it’s an addiction getting a dog, getting rid of it, and then getting a new dog. This is a no brainer! I think the names of all of those who surrender a pet be listed on a national “Do Not Adopt” registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference!!!

  170. Majela U

    Jun 12, 2015 at 7:40 am

    Absolutely No!

  171. Dorothy Pipher

    Jun 12, 2015 at 7:35 am

    When you adopt an animal it is a lifetime commitment. If you cannot live up to that then you have no business adopting another one. To “dump” an elderly pet in a shelter is one of the most cold hearted things a person can do and you do not deserve the pleasure of adopting another while the one you dumped will most likely be killed.

  172. sheridazz

    Jun 12, 2015 at 7:33 am

    Sometimes an adopted dog exhibits behaviors not mentioned when adopted…for example, my son adopted a “boxer mix” and found it to be food aggressive and it went after family members with a vengeance. Because of this biting tendency, it had to be given back to the rescue group. Not the fault of my son, so why should he be blocked from trying to adopt again.

  173. debbie

    Jun 12, 2015 at 7:11 am

    YES!! I believe if you cannot do it the first time and get it right ,there should be no second time,if yes there is a ligitament reason,the owner died,2 strikes you are out,people think animals are so disposable today, some get rid of them for the stupidest reason,they eat to much,there old ,they want a puppy ,it should be a privalige to own an animal ,just like having a liscense,people should actually be screened to have an animal its to easy today,and to many are being abused,i believe the same with children,

  174. freddie

    Jun 12, 2015 at 6:46 am

    NO! You do not abandon your animals. They are your family.

  175. jockey

    Jun 12, 2015 at 6:00 am

    yes they should all be adopted and given to good homes

  176. Kecia Pettey

    Jun 12, 2015 at 4:51 am

    If you dump an animal, ( and that is what it is) you should not be allowed to adopt or buy another animal. Sadly there is always some greedy puppy mill breeder that will sell anyone a dog. Until the day that they are out of business… I would live in my car before gave one of my rescues back….

  177. Katsgg

    Jun 12, 2015 at 3:54 am

    I think each situation is different BUT, there are many no-kill shelters out there and if you feel the need to dump off someone you promised to care for at least see to it that you bring that poor creature to a no-kill shelter. The idea that people think of pets as disposable property makes me ill. I understand there are some circumstances that may make some people feel they can no longer care for or afford their 4-legged family member but for goodness sake, if you must throw away a family member, at least bring it somewhere it has a chance. I don’t think everyone that chooses to give up their pets should never be allowed to adopt again, just as there are reasons that some people give up their own children for adoption and that doesn’t mean they will never be able to have children of their own, but I think the vast majority who give up their pets, especially those who bring them to kill shelters, SHOULD be on a forbidden list. It would have to be a very dire emergency reason that prompted them to give up their animal, in my opinion, to stop them from being on the list because, if you’d do it once you’d do it again. These animals depend on their owners for everything and the feelings of abandonment, fear and confusion that must run through them when their person, their reason for being, just drops them off somewhere has to be terrifying. How can a caring person, knowing that the odds of that animal ever leaving that place are slim to none, do that?

  178. jenelle stinnitt

    Jun 12, 2015 at 1:15 am

    Hell no

  179. Beverly

    Jun 12, 2015 at 12:21 am

    I think there is a legitimate reason for giving up a dog: sometimes a person who lives alone becomes very sick with a chronic condition and can no longer take care of their dog, and no one in the family will step up and take the dog. That, to me, is the only reason to give up your dog.

  180. Louisa thurston

    Jun 12, 2015 at 12:04 am

    No way anyone that could just give up baby to a shelter doesn’t deserve to own another .

  181. JFA

    Jun 11, 2015 at 11:16 pm

    I have 5 shelter dogs and before had 3 that I purchased from breeders. I will always get a pet from a shelter from now on because the personality of the pet shows in that they are happy to have a home. I am very upset that the South still does not enforce spay and neuter laws better than they are doing. The reason there is so many dogs and cats is because people never get their pets fixed. It is cruel and unjust what these people are doing and what if they were the pet and their owner did what they are doing and taking them to their death. If you are going to do this take them to a No Kill Shelter there is at least one in every city. People get pets and after the newness has worn off or they find out it will cost a fortune to groom the dog or cat they either throw it outside and let it fin for itself or take it to the pound. Also, if a dog gets older they feel like they can’t afford the vet bills so they just get rid of it and get another one. What is dogs and cats did that to their owners.

  182. Joyce Jensen

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:51 pm

    I think they should be put on a National do not adopt list forever. I had a sister in-law keep doing this with her pets (cats and dogs) when she would be tired of them. The only thing that stopped her was when the local humane society started charging a pretty good fee for drop-offs.

  183. Irene Sysak

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:47 pm

    Definitely NOT!!! They would do it again!

  184. Artfloozy1

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:45 pm

    If I were to Judge it would all have to do with the cicrcmstances. However If I had to make that
    terrible choice I would take my dog to a NO KILL shelter.
    These owners were willing to stand in a line to leave their pets.
    Some one that did not care would just let it fend for itself and dump it anywhere.
    In Florids we have hurricanes and Anyone could become homeless at any moment and have to stay at a relative or friend’s home perhaps dog could not stay there and owner would have to take him to a No kill shelter and hope that he would get a good home.
    It’s a case by case thing. Thx for Listening ….

  185. Artfloozy1

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:36 pm

    My thought is that it should be a case by case basis. Perhaps someone is ill or just cannot take care of dog on a temporary basis.
    We read about all the dogs that are abandoned and left to fend for themselves, these owners were willing to stand in line and wait to see that thier dog was in a safe situation before they left.
    I realize that a percentage will be euthanized, God forbid that I should ever have to give up my Freeway but it could happen where there was a fire or a hurricane here in Florida and I would be homeless or had to move in with a friend that would not allow dog . I would take him to a shelter that was a NO KILL shelter we have them where I live and I support them completely. So one cannot make a judgement just because they are giving dog to shelter,
    I would have to know the circumstances. I love Freeway like he was my child and this is the first dog I ever had. Thanks for listening… Artfloozy

  186. Irene Tuzzolino

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:21 pm

    No way! ….they had their chance and they blew it. Animals are not toys to be discarded when they get old or you want a new toy.

  187. Bullock Baker

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:17 pm

    Maybe I’m a bit opinionated, but if we allow people to just “dump : their animals at the shelter, they will do it again, as they obviously do not consider animals part of the family and I don’t think there are too many people who would “dump” their children just anywhere, they would want to protect them, keep them save. What is the difference with dumping in the country or in a shelter, as SHELTERS ARE CONSTANTLY OVERCROWDED, and in order to make room for more incoming animals they must sacrifice the oldest, the sickest, the ones who have been there the longest, or they have something against the breed, etc!!!! Any type of abandonment is heartless and cruel!!! Animals get attached to their family and would rather be homeless on the streets with their humans than to be dumped. I don’t care what excuse is given, except maybe illness or death, NOBODY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EVER HAVE ANOTHER ANIMAL EVER AGAIN, AS who knows, they may have a great life today, but what about tomorrow, and how important a member of the family is to them. I think a limit of time before they can adopt may be good, at least the first time around, but if they dump that second baby, NEVER EVER AGAIN BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT AN ANIMAL AND THERE SHOULD BE A REGISTRY LIKE SEX OFFENDERS FOR ANIMAL DUMPERS/ABANDONMENT!!!!!!!

  188. Emily

    Jun 11, 2015 at 9:48 pm

    It completely depends on the circumstances. When I worked at a kill shelter, we had a military family being sent to Japan surrender their VERY touchy dachshund. That dog would not have made it through the 6 month rabies quarantine required to go to Japan with them, and at the time, the advertising for our shelter made it sound like we were no-kill (at the time, our live exit rate was 50% or less). The dachshund got lucky, we found a foster that day and he became a foster failure.

    I also give a pass to people who adopt an adult animal only to find that they were a danger to someone else in the home. Some dogs show radically different behavior in a meet & greet than in a home. If the dog you just adopted keeps trying to attack one of your other pets, or a family member, sometimes your only options are surrender or taking to the vet for euthanasia.

    On the flip side, a lady applied to adopt from a rescue I’m affiliated with…not knowing that I worked at the city shelter when she had surrendered her two senior cats several years before, because her husband said she had to get rid of them. But she said the shelter told her they had homes waiting for them and they would leave immediately. Um, no. Those cats barely made it out for adoption, and it took months of hard work to get both out alive – the female was in danger the whole time she was there and just barely made it out. The kicker? I still had photos of her cats on my phone…but she didn’t. If I cared more about her former pets than she did, no way would I endorse her for another.

  189. SC

    Jun 11, 2015 at 9:26 pm

    I totally understand that there are all kinds of circumstances, but I have to go with a NO because these people take an animal to a known Kill facility knowing that their dog or cat do not have the best chances of being adopted is just as bad as abuse. To purposely throw away a life when there are other choices out there.

  190. Rae Owen

    Jun 11, 2015 at 8:53 pm

    Absolutely NO!!

  191. Pamela Arnold

    Jun 11, 2015 at 8:51 pm

    I think there should be a national registry accessible for every shelter and breeder..anyone to look up to see if there is the name of a person who abused or dumped a dog to a kill shelter. When a dog is surrendered they should have to give name and drivers license which is entered into the registry. There are way too many dogs with Heartworm not horrible condition and that is abuse…spay/neuter does work but the ones that aren’t are in the hands of irresponsible people and the only way to curtail this epidemic of unwanted dogs is to keep them out of the hands of people who continue to dump them.

  192. Amy Swist

    Jun 11, 2015 at 8:44 pm

    My first reaction, no, no more chances. Then I think again, behavior issues etc… I work rescue, 24/7 for nearly 20 years. My house is a mess, but the lives I know I’m saving. I took on a boy recently who is considered a “bite case” these owners stressed and agonized about giving him up. The HOA made it impossible to return. Surrendering to a shelter, he’d be dead, period. I’m happy that I was able to take him, so many aren’t as lucky. Shelters yes, are serving a purpose, but humans need to use their brains. As was mentioned, most will NOT make it out alive. People need to realize that BEFORE getting the cute kitten or puppy. Spay and neuter need to become something done routinely if you can’t afford it maybe getting that pet should wait. Sadly, there aren’t enough foster homes to save every animal and those faces haunt my dreams, actually they haunt ALL rescuer’s dreams. Think before you leap, it should be forever.

  193. Deborah Lima

    Jun 11, 2015 at 7:55 pm

    It certainly would depend on the circumstance. After moving to GA the house I was renting went into foreclosure. I had no idea until I was handed papers by a sheriff to leave premises in 30 days. Well 30 days go by fast. Luckily I only had my chi…we had to sleep in my car in different parking lots for about 3 weeks. IF I had a bigger dog,or my 3 rescue girls now….I don’t know.

    But no. It’s not acceptable for more than 1/2 the reasons these poor innocents are dumped for.

  194. Cecilia Rivera

    Jun 11, 2015 at 6:07 pm

    NO THEY SHOULDN’T! A person that surrenders their dog just to adopt another, is doing the surrendered dog a great disservice! Having a pet, is a commitment that requires feeding, training, walking them, taking them to the vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations, among other things. If a person doesn’t want that responsibility, don’t get a pet in the first place to begin with!

  195. Mary ballard

    Jun 11, 2015 at 5:33 pm

    Depends on circumstances. If it’s the “too old, too fat, too expensive, takes too much time, ate my shoes, messed in the house, barked (what did you expect it to do, yodel ?) Then a resounding no, with placement on a nationwide list of do not adopt forever. I’m sure I left out some of the classic excuses, but you get my drift. Perhaps the FBI list starting in 07/16 will have some effect, at least with the abusers.

  196. kathy gallant

    Jun 11, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    No I feel they should not be aloud to adopt again even though there were extended circumstances as for the lady who after all the love. And work for the poor kitty he gets dumped again that cat would have been fine how many homes do these poor creatures have to go through we have to understand animals feel love and pain think people think

  197. Christina

    Jun 11, 2015 at 5:01 pm

    I want to say, no, but I am learning that sometimes it really depends on the situation. Now, would I ever surrender my dog no matter what the circumstances were and I respond, “NO WAY!”
    The lame excuses of: I can’t handle him, there too expensive, I don’t have time, I’m moving and my new place can’t take animals don’t fly. That’s the chickens way out and those types of individuals should not be allowed to adopt again because they will do the same thing again. Dogs are family, they are not some piece of furniture or trash that you can get rid of when you feel like it.
    Then I came across an article a couple of weeks ago that talked about a homeless person that had to turn their dog in to the shelter because they had no where to live BUT you know what, they also took a bus for two hours and visited their dog every week until they were able to get back into a home so they could bring the dog home again. That person should be allowed to adopt again.

  198. Kim Cofer

    Jun 11, 2015 at 4:57 pm

    NO they should NEVER be allowed to adopt ANY OTHER pets, EVER !!!

  199. RG

    Jun 11, 2015 at 4:56 pm

    I had an answer, but then thought a little more about this; if the person did not drop the animal at the shelter would they otherwise try to dispose of the animal like garbage, or worse? I live in a 4 season state and there were cases of animals that were dumped in rural areas and left to freeze to death, think that would be much worse than turning a dog in if the owner was not going to keep the dog either way. I also think maybe consideration should be given whether the person drops the dog at a “kill” or “no kill” shelter. There seems to be no easy answer, for me, whether they should be allowed to adopt again. My husband and I have had many dogs during out lives, some rescues and some from puppies all with different issues or not. We know ourselves that we would do without before having to give up our critters for any reason. I understand that some people, due to circumstances, don’t believe there is any other choice. There is no easy answer for the this and consideration may need to be given on both sides. I definitely think animal abusers should go on a registry and shared with all to avoid repeats in those circumstances, also if people have habitual pet turn ins that should be considered for a registry.

  200. Genevieve

    Jun 11, 2015 at 3:56 pm

    No never if you caused the death of one of your pets by putting them in a kill shelter you shouldnt be allowed another one. People with good reason can find a no kill shelter a rescue organization or a family member. There is no excuse for dumping you dog in a kill shelter.

  201. Pam Johnson

    Jun 11, 2015 at 3:49 pm

    No do not let them adopt ever again! Getting a pet is a lifetime commitment, through thick & thin, illnesses, surgeries, etc. turning pets in to any shelter should have circumstances of release documented thoroughly and placed on a State-wide list that all shelters would have access to. Puppy mills should be shut down and should be a federal offense! My only fear is if people can’t get another shelter animal then they may result in killing the pet themselves. Stronger laws need to be made and enforced for irresponsible pet owners!

  202. Anne Opinionated Person

    Jun 11, 2015 at 3:02 pm

    It depends; if the person has to surrender the animal for reasons beyond their control, they should be allowed to adopt again when they are stable and are completely sure they can take on the pet. There was once a lady that was being evicted from her home and couldn’t take the dog with her to the homeless shelter. Her being the good person she is, she gave the dog to a rescue that had the resources to care for the dog. In the end, when she was in a stable home with a stable job, she got the dog back.

    Before you jump to conclusions, think about the circumstances. If you were in a scenario where you tried to keep the animal, but couldn’t, the best thing to do would be surrender the animal to a no-kill shelter or a rescue organization. And sometimes, people get animals when they have the time to love and care for them, but something unfortunate and unforeseeable happens and they no longer can care for the animal. Life is unpredictable, people die, people get hurt, things happen. Stop trying to act like you can fully predict what is going to happen in a month or so after getting a pet.

  203. Susan Dimick

    Jun 11, 2015 at 2:59 pm

    No, they should not be able to adopt again. They pick a dog, sometimes a little one that has not had any training at all. He/She does one thing and they are ready to get rid of. They all need training, especially in a new home and if you do not have the time, do not get an animal. They do not know dogs at all and are just stupid people.

  204. Dixie

    Jun 11, 2015 at 2:53 pm

    So, all of you who say not only no, but hell no….
    tell me what you would have done in this situation:
    I live in the country – in an area where the city folks seem to frequently dump unwanted pets.
    I have a small senior dog – who came to me via a rescue group. She is an inside-only dog, because my personal opinion is that pets should not be allowed to run free, ever.
    Some months back I noticed very skinny cat passing by my birdfeeder. After seeing feathers on the ground the next day I decided to get some cat food and put it out. When I did, the cat would have nothing to do with me, but wolfed down the food. After about two months of feeding and talking to the cat every day it finally let me pet it. Another few weeks and it let me pick it up. Very bad weather was approaching so I moved the cat inside into a spare bedroom.
    My dog was fine with the idea of a cat joining the family. The cat however was totally, 101% terrified of the dog (who was about the same size as the cat). I spent the next 3-4 weeks supervising visits between the cat and the dog, trying to help them be friends. It simply did not work.
    Meantime, I had taken the cat to the vet, made sure it had all the necessary shots, made sure it was in good health, etc.
    Because I did not want the cat to have to spend the rest of her life alone in one room with minimal human contact, I finally gave up and arranged to take her to the local NO-KILL animal shelter. I “sponsored” her so that her adoption fee would already be paid when the right family for her came in. (Which has already happened.)
    So – to all of those of you who think I should NEVER, EVER, EVER be allowed to adopt another pet, ever during the rest of my life – think about your opinion, and try not to bruise your mind when you jump down off your high horse…..

    • Any

      Jun 11, 2015 at 6:48 pm

      I have five dogs. All are rescues. After about a year and a half of everyone coexisting peacefully the one and a half-year-old boxer border collie mix decided she was going to not only attack but also try to attack and kill my Tibetan terrier mix. everyone else gets along fine with each other. We rotate the dogs each of the two dogs do not get along spend quiet time in an upstairs bedroom. They each get human interaction time and they each get animal interaction time, as well as outdoor time. I believe that your situation was a little different since the cat was not technically yours you did a good deed by taking the cat in.
      Not that no kill shelters are bad but I prefer rescue groups that bring the animal into their home so it never have to sit in a kennel or a cage.
      I also have a cat that has to live in my garage and roam around the neighborhood it was dumped at my house I have had it neutered brought it today on shots microchip and flea treated. I don’t like the fact that he can’t come in the house I too don’t like animals that are allowed to roam free. But I refused to put him in a shelter, if a rescue group was able to take him in and he could go into a home I would do that.
      But as far as surrendering your own animals or a rescue animal that you have personally rescued out of a shelter that is a big no for me. Then I feel those folks should not be allowed to adopt again

  205. SG

    Jun 11, 2015 at 2:52 pm

    Each circumstance must be considered on its own merits. For example, what if you are an abuse victim, have to get out, and the abuse shelter won’t take your pet yet you don’t dare leave your pet with your abuser for fear of what might be done to them. Not everyone who leaves a pet at an animal shelter is a horrible person.

    Another thing-we have shelters so people have a place to take animals. Would you rather people dump them in the country or leave them to starve in a backyard. It gets rather tiresome to hear people vilified for doing the right thing and taking a pet to a shelter when they can’t (yes, or won’t) care for an animal any longer. Do I like that people take their pets to shelters? No but it is better than dumping, starving or Craigslist.

    • John E Thomas

      Jun 11, 2015 at 6:21 pm

      It really depends on the circumstance I’m sure there good people that really had no choice but they should really b checked out and make sure it was the only choice they had. Personally icould never give mine up to a shelter they r family, I just never could give them up and we’ve had lots of dogs and loved them all !!!

  206. Sherry Goodyear

    Jun 11, 2015 at 1:58 pm

    NO! NEVER allow them to have another dog they can abandon when they don’t want it anymore for WHATEVER reason.

  207. Ginger Turnbull

    Jun 11, 2015 at 1:56 pm


  208. Ginger Turnbull

    Jun 11, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    Not just no but HELL no!!!!!! Absolutely not!!!! There should also be a list of animal abusers as well!!!!!

  209. Ginger Turnbull

    Jun 11, 2015 at 1:40 pm

    No just no but HELL no!!!!! Absolutely not! There should also be a list for those who abuse animals as well!!!

  210. Ginger Turnbull

    Jun 11, 2015 at 1:39 pm

    not just no but HELL no!!!! Absolutely not!!!! There should also be a list for animal abusers too!!!

  211. Debra Murphy

    Jun 11, 2015 at 12:53 pm

    I would hate to see anyone not have the love of an animal in their life. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances beyond anyone’s control. I wish there was a way to flag the names of individuals who harmed their pet before giving them up. These people rate right up there with child abusers and should definitely not be allowed to adopt ever again. It would be nice if it could be determined on a case by case basis. This however is unrealistic. A side note for anyone thinking of giving up their pet due to exorbitant vet fees. Please call around. Check with your local humane society/animal shelter. Call the no kill shelters. Someone out there knows a vet who is not in business “just for the money”.


    Jun 11, 2015 at 12:41 pm

    NO WAY !

  213. Michael Van

    Jun 11, 2015 at 12:10 pm

    Always depends. Many people who bring in animals are relinquishing them when they found them as strays, but many shelters do not accept strays. So to bring them to that shelter, they must claim that its their animal (very, very common. Even Petsmart Charities’ Tom Cramer has done this, and he is one of the forerunners in animal sheltering).

    What if they relinquished a cat because their newborn is allergic to cats, but not dogs? Now they’re forced to buy from a breeder, because nobody will allow them to adopt a dog.

    Maybe under extreme circumstances they lose their job and have children to feed. So they are forced to relinquish their dog after spending days trying to find a new home for the animal themselves, but are unable to. Then six months later, they found a job that provides them a strong income again. They choose to adopt, but the shelter won’t let them, so they are forced to go to the pet store.

    I could list several more reasons, but the whole point is to show that if somebody relinquishes their animal, they will always need to go and support the pet store instead of their local animal shelter because they refuse to adopt to them. The majority of people who relinquish their animals do it because they have expended all other options. Many of them don’t even know about all the other options, because they’re afraid they will be condemned by the public if they ask. Instead of hating these people, we need to work with them. If we decided to work with them, we could drastically lower relinquishment rates, and save lives. Animal welfare needs to become a more professional and less judgmental field if we want to save them all. People who condemn and judge the people who relinquish only hurt animal welfare and give animal shelters a bad name. Never judge a person until you’ve lived a day in their shoes. Then we can begin working with them to save more lives.

    • Patricia Curry

      Jun 11, 2015 at 1:19 pm

      I agree with you, Michael. It would depend on why they are surrendering the pet. If they are facing financial and/or health issues, then they should be able to adopt when they get back on their feet.

    • Rhoda UpshurDunn

      Jun 11, 2015 at 3:03 pm

      I so agree with you. Well said.

  214. Meridyth Gilhuly

    Jun 11, 2015 at 11:49 am

    Definitely NO!!! Especially when they are dropping off an older dog to pick up a younger one!! A dog is forever and unfortunately they don’t live as long as us but I sure wish they did!! People should treasure the time they have left with their dog as they get older!

  215. Mary Beaver

    Jun 11, 2015 at 11:33 am

    No,they should never be able to adopt again.Nina Peralta,you have a great idea,only wish they would put it to use.

  216. Susan Schifferdecker

    Jun 11, 2015 at 11:01 am

    Do you think that someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should be able to one day adopt again?
    Absolutely NOT!!! Pets are family, and family is furever!!!!
    And I am sorry, but still surrendering after knowing that your dog WILL be put down is MURDER, people, simply MURDER!!!! These people do NOT deserve to adopt again, as I am sure they will surrender again… 🙁
    Should future pet adoptions be conditional? (For example, after a length of time, say 5 years, has passed? 10 years?)
    Again, Absolutely NOT!!! Pets are family and family is furever!!!!
    Should the names of those who surrender a pet be listed on a national “Do Not Adopt” registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference?
    Absolutely, YES!! Totally put them on the “Do Not Adopt” registry, for sure!!!

  217. Katherine Lugenbeel

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:49 am

    I believe NO…unfortunately there are people who have no choice…but that being said…I have health issues and worry about my old girl Ethel, a beagle that I adopted from a rescue group…when I went into the hospital, more then once, I have asked friends if they could take her on…she is not a dog most people would want because she is old, becoming deaf, and does not play or walk much…but one of my friends said she would take her, other friends said they would make sure she would not go to a “shelter”…I also learned that the rescue group would take her back if anything happened to me, most of them do…so if you can’t keep your pet try to make arrangements for them or make sure to adopt from a rescue group…Excuses like getting a new dog, having a baby, the dog is getting old, or t he myriad of excuses I’ve heard are NOT acceptable…we adopt our pets for LIFE!

  218. Diana

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:47 am

    ABSOLUTELY NO! They should be completely banned from ever owning a pet. All should be registered, vets should have access to a database and if they bring in an animal for services, they should be heavily fined. There should be licensing requirements and if an abandoner tries to obtain a license, heavily fined. Jail time for repeat offenders.

  219. Trish

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:45 am

    Majority of dogs will be put to sleep? That’s BS. Who did the research for this article? Many, many shelters these days have rescue and foster programs to give them more time to find homes for the dogs. Shelters in rural areas can connect with programs like the Rescue Waggin to move some of their kennel population to shelters in areas where adoption rates are higher, or they can screen rescues and connect with transport coordinators/teams to help them move those dogs to foster-based rescues. They can use sites like VolunteerMatch or AdoptAPet to list volunteer positions/needs and attract help. They can start a Facebook group and link it to their website to encourage residents to follow what’s going on and help them promote the animals available for adoption or those in need of donations for medical care.

    Adoptions are on the rise too as it’s now becoming more and more cool to adopt a rescued dog rather than buying an unhealthy, inbred dog from a backyard breeder/puppy mill. There’s still a ways to go, but the tide is beginning to turn as more people realize the horrors they are supporting financially by buying a puppy from a pet store. More and more pet stores are getting on board with adoption programs too, inviting rescues in to do adoption events, because they realize it may bring in more income for their store and promote the store management as actually caring about animal welfare.

    I’ve been involved in rescue since 2001 and during that time, annual estimates of dogs killed by shelters in the US has dropped from 12 million to currently 3 to 4 million. If your local shelter is high kill, then approach them and offer to start a foster or rescue program. If your shelter is still high kill today, then their current director isn’t doing their job very well. Even former high kill shelters in rural areas are getting on board with rescue and foster programs. Wake them up and get them to change or hire someone else who can do the job better.

    For those dealing with military deployment, check with Dogs On Deployment to find a long-term caretaker for your dog while you’re deployed. You don’t need to dump them in a shelter when you leave town any more.

    And while I’m on this rant, rural shelters need to stop hiring someone’s cousin or brother or sister who has zero shelter management experience and start hiring people who actually like animals, know how to care for them properly, how to use a computer/internet to promote them properly, and how to develop foster and rescue/transport programs.

    All of that being said, if someone brings in a dog or cat to dump in a shelter and then wants to adopt within the next six months, definitely not. Sometimes there are cases where people can’t keep their animals for financial or health reasons and they aren’t always able to find a spot in rescue, with a family member, or afford long-term boarding until their situation improves. So I think each adopter needs to be considered on an individual basis. I know there are some shelters in rural areas (poorly run shelters, in my opinion) where locals bring in their healthy older dog (or even young adult dog), surrender it, then walk into the kennel and pick up a puppy. Those are the idiots who should not be allowed to adopt ever again, and whoever’s managing that shelter needs to go for allowing such a practice.

  220. Fernanda Gomes Rosa

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:44 am

    No, never!!

  221. Betty Harris

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:38 am

    Never, never!!! When you get a pet, it is for life, period. No excuse, no sad story, no reason on earth!! I will live in a tent or under a bridge before I would ever part with my fur children…and they would be right there with me. They would never know that there was any kind of a hardship, because they would be cared for just like always. Period. You throw one away, then you don’t deserve another!!

  222. April

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:34 am

    Never…I help with rescue everyday I see so many animals in shelters..I rescued my corgi he is with me for life..

  223. Jamie

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:29 am

    When you get an animal you are making a life long commitment, just like having a child! That animal is your responsibility! You don’t move somewhere that doesn’t accept your child, you don’t give your child up because a new baby is born, you don’t give your child up because you bought a new piece of furniture. If you do this you are a worthless human being and do not deserve the unconditional love of a pet. Anyone who gives up their animal should never be allowed to adopt again!

  224. Donna Ham

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:28 am

    NO! NEVER AGAIN! If they are too lazy or stingy to take care of one dog/cat, common sense tells you they are not going to take care of the next one!

  225. Liza Conway

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:27 am

    No they should not be able to get another dog.
    These people do not get it. A dog is for the life of your dog.
    My dog is 13. It would never cross my mind to dump her at a shelter.

    When she dies, I will mourn. I will in time get another dog.

  226. TERRI

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:21 am

    Absolutely NO!

  227. Jutta

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:12 am

    Nope they need no pets , peoples like that should be on data warn all the shelters from them
    A pet is a Family member nothing less !!!!!!!!

  228. thomas m murphy

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:01 am

    no but then we would be violating their rights – politicians can kiss my a$$

  229. Marsha Normab

    Jun 11, 2015 at 10:01 am

    There are so many variables here. Some people are older and see no other way. Others see their dogs as untrainable they should simply be worked with. I recently did an unthinkable thing an d good vet counseled me. I am under severe stress wth a husband who has cancer. I was so devastated. My dog became ill twice and, with the stress and expense, I decided to put him to sleep. The veterinarian I went to was wonderful and gave me options. I simply could not deal with him being fostered out so I brought him home. How glad I am! I love this dog so dearly. I am so grateful to the God and vet.

  230. Karen Lewis

    Jun 11, 2015 at 9:18 am

    absolutely not!

  231. Marcia Smith

    Jun 11, 2015 at 9:10 am

    I’d want to leave a little bit of leeway. Sometimes people who would be good pet owners have family emergencies they have no control over, death and major illnesses, or the pet might have a medical problem that the new owner just can’t handle.

  232. Janie Carabello

    Jun 11, 2015 at 6:56 am

    No they should not be able to adopt again. A pet of any kind is a forever pet.

  233. Lisa Hill

    Jun 11, 2015 at 6:19 am

    no and there should be a world list that bans all of them

  234. Laurie Johnson

    Jun 11, 2015 at 5:19 am

    hell no!!!!

  235. Patricia Shea

    Jun 11, 2015 at 4:54 am

    No, I don’t think they should be allowed to adopt again. Some care & are homeless or ill or whatever, but even they obviously are unable to make better arrangements when tragedy strikes. We should do our best to protect animals by not allowing the same person to abandon another in the future.

  236. Dawn Beattie

    Jun 11, 2015 at 3:25 am

    Working in rescue I have seen it all. In general I too suggest people dumping their pets should not adopt another. But they will find a pet elsewhere. The other big part of the problem I see is the amount of dogs being dumped due to the inability to pay the exorbitant price of dentals. If they could afford dental care periodically they would keep a significant number that are now relinquished. The smell, infection, inability to eat, pain and other factors test the normal family’s patience. This is not a justifiable excuse at all. We need to get the price down or offer affordable dental care clinics. Of the dogs we rescue over 4-5 years old up to the serious seniors all need dental work that costs rescue about $1000 each. Horrendous

  237. Lyneane Lewis

    Jun 11, 2015 at 2:52 am

    Definitely NO.

  238. Jacqui Foster

    Jun 11, 2015 at 1:46 am

    I say yes they should because we don’t know the particular circumstances that led to their giving their pet up. Maybe they had become homeless, maybe they are dying of cancer, maybe they had tried everything to rehome their pet but were still unsuccessful, maybe they were about to do prison time. We don’t know the circumstance. But if they had abused or neglected their pet then NO of course they should NEVER be allowed to adopt again.

  239. Wendy Decker

    Jun 11, 2015 at 1:25 am

    No no no they should not ever be allowed to have any pets!!

  240. Sandy

    Jun 11, 2015 at 1:03 am

    Nope! They should be red flagged! If they did it once they will do it again! I don’t how people could just get rid of their pet like yesterday’s garbage. It just breaks my heart for these animals! Keep them from having anymore pets!

  241. Sharon McGriff

    Jun 11, 2015 at 12:59 am

    If a person adopts a dog and then surrenders it, they should not be allowed to adopt again.
    Their actions are saying that even though the dog will most likely be euthanized, that they don’t
    care. A dog only wants to love you and in return be loved. They are loyal, wonderful, loving
    animals and deserve better than this.

  242. Cheryln Kurz

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:52 pm

    Absolutely NOT!!!!! They voluntarily gave up their pets to a kill shelter and then think they can just adopt another one? Hell no! That person just proved they are heartless and have no problem killing a living creature. They don’t deserve the love of another animal. Why let them adopt again? So they can get tired of another innocent animal and yet another animal is murdered?! They should be put on a national “Do Not Adopt To” list. Just like TSA has a no fly list. Anyone who gives up a loving pet has no business having another pet. Hell, they do t deserve to have a house plant let alone an animal.

  243. rosie diaz

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:19 pm

    No i feel they shouldnt be able to adopt again if they gave up their pet once they will do it again.they were aware about their pet goung to be put down and they still didnt care,so “NO”they shouldnt be able to adopt

  244. Nina Peralta

    Jun 10, 2015 at 10:58 pm

    I strongly beleave that for every person surrending their fur baby just because they no longer love them and don’t have a written & notarized letter stating the ergency for the surrender should definetly be put on every adoption & rescue site / company roster so if in the near future they decide to get a pet again their name , licsence number , and social security number should be the main factor to ” RED FLAG ” these so called animal lovers of gods animal children . These animals only ask for our love and in return they give us 100 % protection , loyalty , companionship , & ” LOVE ” …

  245. Candace Springstead

    Jun 10, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    Absolutely NOT! There are millions of dogs killed every year in this county and the ones that dump their dogs are a part of those millions.

  246. Robin M

    Jun 10, 2015 at 9:47 pm

    NO! I think also there should be some database they have to be in so if they do try and adopt again you know their history about being a responsible owner or not. So if they surrendered their fur baby to a shelter, no-kill or not, because they decided they didn’t want the responsibility of pet anymore then they shouldn’t be allowed to adopt again. It would have to be some SUPER good reason for me to ever give up my babies and that would only be after I exhausted every other option and then some!

  247. Sue

    Jun 10, 2015 at 9:46 pm

    Absolutely No!! If you don’t take full responsibility for owning a pet and decide to dump it at a high kill shelter then you should be banned from ever owning another pet for the rest of your life.

  248. cheryl cardran

    Jun 10, 2015 at 9:40 pm

    Ot isn’t black and white. There truly are times when peoplecare desperate and cannot find another way. That said, there needs to be a means of recordkeeping so when people want to adopt an animal, shelters can see whether they hsve a history of neglect, abuse, or surrendering animals.

  249. Linda

    Jun 10, 2015 at 9:36 pm

    No. Taking on a pet is a life long commitment, like a child.

  250. Jypscee

    Jun 10, 2015 at 8:17 pm

    If they know they are surrendering their dog and they can die in a kill shelter those pet owners should be banned from adopting any pet. Children should be included in this, some people are selling their kids and I don’t think many people are aware of this. If they really cared about their pets the pet owner would actually look for a no kill shelter and place their dog their. There is a place here in NJ that people surrendered their pets because of economy and struggling to make ends meet. The difference is once they get back on their feet they can get their pet back.

    It is a home that someone made a shelter for those who are having hard time in this economy and it’s a remarkable thing that their are good people out there still in this world that are able to help those in need.

    So I say no to those who don’t care that their pets will be killed or not.

  251. Dirk Rogers

    Jun 10, 2015 at 7:07 pm

    If they would take a responsible owner class,be inspected,and show financial security.

  252. Annamarie Sebastiano

    Jun 10, 2015 at 7:01 pm

    I absolutely am against people getting another pet once they have surrendered an animal. I think there should be a law against it. And if the owners were there surrendering their dogs, I think they should have euthanized them at the same time. People get cute little puppies, don’t research the breed and they want to get rid of them when the dog gets too big.

  253. howard deese

    Jun 10, 2015 at 6:53 pm

    No if you dump a dog at a shelter. You better have a very good reason! Your information should be on file somewhere.

  254. Kyla

    Jun 10, 2015 at 6:34 pm

    Absolutely not! I am involved with several rescue groups, & have learned of hundreds of heartbreaking stories. The saddest was of a 10 year old service dog surrendered to a kill shelter because he was getting too old for his ‘job’! Really? A dog who cared for his charge for years then was thrown away! I believe that person shouldn’t even be eligible to purchase another service dog! I’ve adopted many of the most unadoptable pets to provide them the love and attention they should have received all along! And THOSE are the best pets in the world! In changing their lives, my life has been enriched dramatically. Although I am aware of the shortage of homes for shelter dogs, they are better off never having a family than to have one to discard them.

  255. jean

    Jun 10, 2015 at 6:31 pm


  256. MJ Kenney

    Jun 10, 2015 at 6:22 pm

    I have been the “shelter shepherd” for a non-profit, no-kill sanctuary for 10 years. I have some of the dogs that were there the day I started… I KNOW my pack. When you look into a dogs eyes as their human is driving away, you lose faith in humanity. When you see the connection between a new human and an old dog, your faith is restored. The registry is a good idea but you have to judge on an individual basis – it can’t be black and white.

  257. mila sepulveda

    Jun 10, 2015 at 6:11 pm

    No!!!!! Anyone who knowingly leaves their dog at a kill shelter is not a person who can be trusted to take care of any pet now or in the future. People don’t change. There are always other alternatives if one needs to surrender their pet. Problem : it is easier to send to a kill shelter rather than search for other alternatives.
    I hv 3 dogs..all rescue. I knew what I was getting myself into taking those dogs into my home and hv no regrets….I love them dearly and wd do it all over again as they hv become an essential part of my life.

  258. mitzi frank

    Jun 10, 2015 at 6:11 pm

    I don’t think they should ever be allowed to adopt or own a dog again. Unless there are catastrophic medical issues – there is no reason to not keep your dog forever…..Unfortunately, this would be near impossible to enforce.

  259. Cindy Dean

    Jun 10, 2015 at 6:03 pm

    No they shouldn’t a dog or cat is for a lifetime not for what is convienant for the person
    Especially since they were told the pet would probably be euthanized

  260. Sharon Howard

    Jun 10, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    While there are legitimate reasons to surrender at times, what we find is that most surrenders are because the dog has become an inconvenience in some way. A girlfriend doesn’t like it, a move, the apartment doesn’t allow dogs, getting married, having a baby, can’t afford yearly vet care, can’t afford to feed it, it’s too big, never spayed so now there is a litter, behavioral issues because the puppy was never trained or fixed, the dog has a medical condition, the dog is old, it’s taking too much time or no time to give.

    Colorado 2013 stats show there were 101,911 dogs in the rescue/shelter system that year. Of that number 37,178 were strays with only 23,678 being returned to owners. 52,564 were adopted but 22,925 were owner surrender and adoption returns.

    Our thought is simply that perspective dog purchasers should be required to take a class before they can own. They should be asked the tough questions first, have a waiting period first of a few days. It this happened at the beginning there would be less dogs in shelters and rescues. Certainly less would die every year.

  261. kay murphy

    Jun 10, 2015 at 5:25 pm

    not in a million years would like to put them in a kill shelter world would be a better place without them

    • carol budro

      Jun 10, 2015 at 5:50 pm

      It is strange that someone who no longer could keep a dog would stand in line to kill it.
      There are many other options. So this story is missing something. Most of these ‘’groups’’ are money makers ‘’humane society’’ the dog rescues and dog story sites. What we need is people and this is something the kids can do and just bring the parents when it is ‘authority time’.
      Monitor the books of all non profit ‘’rescues’’ monitor the number of dogs in and where they go.
      And don’t just trade tears take action go to rescue places tell them you are monitoring and you want to see their ‘books’ all non profits must make their books and facilities open to public inspection.
      For your kids this is a great learning exercise and if these groups know the public is watching they might just make real effort to help dogs and not just beg for donations with photos of long dead dogs. And NO it is not any town state or federal job…….. public inspection is public if it were any officials job they would not do it in any case.

  262. Samantha

    Jun 10, 2015 at 5:18 pm

    Yes and no. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances and the owner doesn’t have a choice but to surrender. If the owner dies and the kids can’t keep it or take it or whatever. But as far as a person just getting rid of an old dog because they don’t want the hassle anymore or so they can get a puppy, no. They should not be allowed to adopt again because it’s just allowing people to continue the cycle. It’s not fair to a dog who’s dedicated their life and love to a family/owner. If you can’t do it to a child you shouldn’t be allowed to do it to a dog.

    • jeritta

      Jun 10, 2015 at 6:36 pm

      I agree with the thought of sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that cause people to have to surrender their pets. In those cases I think those people should be allowed to adopt again someday. But I think that
      1-Every person that surrenders should have to fill out papers as to why they are surrendering.
      2-In the event that they are saying that it is an emergency surrender they should provide proof that there is a reason for the surrender.
      3-Anyone who is caught surrendering just to get rid of a sick or elderly animal or animal that is seized or any other reason that seems the animal is “too much trouble” or “we can’t take it with us” then those people will have the no adoption restrictions.
      So basically it should be based on why there was a previous surrender. For example; if someone had a large breed dog who had always been very gentle. The family’s children had slept on the dog, ate with the dog, been guarded by the dog, played all kinds of games with the dog. He was so gentle that even toddlers could take food from his mouth and he would just stop and walk away. One day the dog was outside with his children and owner (who had him since he was 5 weeks) The youngest child was 26 months and playing with a bug while oldest kid gave dog a bath with hose and middle child was on the porch. Suddenly the dog lunges away from his bath and runs at the baby. He snaps at the baby’s face and cuts the baby’s face and shoulder. The owner who has had the dog for 15 years knows that once a dog attacks a child even his own he will do it again. So that owner surrenders the dog to be put down. I think that owner should be able to adopt again in the future.

  263. sheila hall

    Jun 10, 2015 at 4:53 pm

    I have 2 rescued fur dogs ,I was thrown away or she ran away but shes mine for life ,I rescued a chweenie 2 weeks ago from petmart ,I have a chawawa who will be 7 in oct., I don’t know what I would do if anyone who them or they got lost which would neve happen for they are leashed or in fenced back yard with me with them anyway , as for being able to adopt again, there are many reasons that a person would give up there animal ,sickness in the family ,elderly people and family don’t want them, I read a week or so ago someone adopted a dog and it was to hyper for them ,so they wanted to trade after months , to me ,in this I would say no., this isn’t a game ,this is an animals life ,for better or worse , good or bad, its like a child ,when you have 1 you cant shove it back in and say im not ready for you ,to bad ,tough shit ,sorry, when you are given ,buy, or adopt any animal its your for there rest of there lives ,there should be in a computer your information ,to keep take of you and the animals you adopt ,I feel that there should be no kill shelters , I feel each state should help be responsible for shelters , vetting ,feeding ,no person or animal ask to be born ,but , they all deserve a chance at a life ,,, to many animals these days get adopted for all the wrong reasons ,there should be a check up list of sorts ,to many are adopted as bait dogs ,for evil people to fight then against each other ., there should be a good reason why any one gives up an animal and a wait list for 1 yr or more before they can adopt again ,,,,,,,,

  264. Vanessa

    Jun 10, 2015 at 4:20 pm

    My first inclination is to say no but it isn’t always black & white. I would have to say it depends greatly on the circumstances and where/to who the pet was surrendered. Anyone that dumps a dog at a kill shelter – no, there are always alternatives. Someone who surrenders a pet to a rescue or no-kill shelter because there are circumstances that force them to give up their pet, yes.

  265. Gloria H.

    Jun 10, 2015 at 4:13 pm

    I don’t believe they should be allowed to adopt anymore dogs. I guess it is better than dumping them on the roadside or beating them to death , but I read too often that it’s too time taking, they have children, they are moving. These are all things to take into consideration when you adopt an animal, it’s a lifetime commitment ! Too many lame excuses. Do your homework when checking out a breed, every dog is different. If it’s foreclosure, please try and find a Rescue if possible. Nowadays, too many people are totally irresponsible animal owners .

  266. Donna

    Jun 10, 2015 at 4:06 pm

    Of course, a person who has had to give up a dog should be allowed to adopt another one at a later time. An analogy can be drawn from pregnancy and abortion. If a woman gets pregnant and has an abortion, should she be allowed to get pregnant at some future time? I feel that the big picture should be examined. Circumstances can change at a drop of a hat. I watched a movie a while ago called Wendy and Lucy. Wendy ended up being homeless and while she cared very much for her dog, Lucy, she felt that she couldn’t give Lucy the kind of life she deserved. It was really hard for Wendy to give up Lucy. While I think that Wendy and Lucy could have gotten along living on the streets, Wendy did what she thought was best for Lucy, even though it was a very difficult decision for her to make.

    The movie ended with Wendy continuing without Lucy. If Wendy’s situation improves and her life becomes more stable, then I would be the first to encourage her to look for another dog to adopt. I recognize the fact that Wendy is a very caring individual that has had to deal with some difficult choices in life.

    On the other hand, if somebody has a dog taken away due to abusive treatment, that person should not be allowed to adopt again.

  267. Sharon

    Jun 10, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    Hell no! Adopting an animal is not a trial run! If you are not ready or unsure, then move on! Adoption is serious and responsible people only should be pet owners! As I have said many times, make sure your life is in order before you take on the responsibility of being a pet parent! Think about a job that might change, a child that might be born or a move that might happen. All these are reasons I have heard from people trying to re-home a pet. These babies are forever, not just until something in yoiur life changes!!! This infuriates me to no end!! My fur babies are family, you don’t give family away! These people should not be allowed to have an animal, ever!!

  268. Rachel T.

    Jun 10, 2015 at 3:31 pm

    No….must sign a paper stating they will keep the dog…its a trust comittment…do not go back on your word. As your word is your honor!


    Jun 10, 2015 at 3:26 pm

    OVER MY DEAD BODY AND GLOCK 45 ! ANYONE who has touched a hair on any animal, should be banned forever from having Pets. These are my Children, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH.

    Perhaps we should ask the vermin dumping their Dogs at a kill shelter to add their kids too.

    • kay murphy

      Jun 10, 2015 at 5:23 pm

      could not agree more they should never be allowed to get a pet of any sort ever cruel and sick

  270. sandy

    Jun 10, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    In general, no, a person giving up a dog or cat should not be allowed to adopt again. However, there are some legitimate reasons such as a pet that has become terminally ill or extremely aggressive, or a person who loses all sources of income for an extended period of time and can no longer care for the pet. A national list would be helpful, but it may be difficult for people to agree on what is legitimate and what is not. Or people may lie to stay off the list. In the case of abusers, or puppy mill owners, yes, there should be a national list, but not for this.

  271. Rita Stassi

    Jun 10, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    There can be many reasons that people have to give up their pets, some have no choice. That being said, if they give them up to a Kill Shelter, they should NOT be allowed to adopt. They could at least research and locate a No Kill Shelter for their pet. I don’t see how they can be stopped from adopting again other than a National Registry. Our animals are NOT just property, they are a part of the family. They love and trust us to be there for them just as they are there for us. I must say that I have come to love all animals better than most humans.

  272. sandy

    Jun 10, 2015 at 3:16 pm

    No, in general, they should not be permitted to adopt again. I understand there may be some extenuating circumstances, such as a sudden terminal illness of the dog, or even of a family member, or a sudden loss of income that continues to the point of not being able to care for the animal. There are legitimate reasons for giving up a beloved pet. But, in so many cases, the just tired of taking care of the animal. In those cases, they should not be allowed to adopt again. But keeping a list might be difficiult. What one person feels is a legitimate reason, might not seem so to another.

  273. mike millsap

    Jun 10, 2015 at 3:05 pm

    No why wouldyou surrender a 2 yr old simply because it has four legs

  274. Alverna Howlett

    Jun 10, 2015 at 3:05 pm

    No way!!! A fur kid is for life!!!! Anyone who will surrender their pet and not care if it gets killed or not should never be able to even own another pet!!!

  275. Tina Marie

    Jun 10, 2015 at 3:03 pm

    I definitely do not believe that people who’ve surrendered dogs should ever be allowed to adopt again. They obviously don’t have the patience, means, commitment or heart it takes to have a dog in their life. Too many people dump dogs for such horrible reasons, it’s sickening. Even if the circumstances of the person have changed, you dump your dog at a kill shelter. So you lost your job? Find someone who’ll take them if need be. To sentence them to death for reasons beyond their control disturbs me to my core. I have had the honor of loving a few dogs in my lifetime. Each one has taught me different things, and I’ve adored each one for their own special traits, personalities, and the unconditional love they show everyday. I also think that people who adopt too many dogs too frequently should be tracked as well. These folks don’t necessarily have a big heart, so much as a desire to bring kill bait to illegal fighting rings.

  276. Rachel T.

    Jun 10, 2015 at 2:50 pm

    Animals are precious and depend on us for love and care. The dog is GOD spelled backwards….the dog is the most trusting innocent living breathing animal….as are all animals that depend on us for love and care! Do not mistreat animals….or anyone for that matter!

  277. Renee Florsheim

    Jun 10, 2015 at 2:49 pm

    I don’t think you can make an absolute rule about this, because people surrender dogs for a variety of reasons. No, I wouldn’t let someone turn in a dog because it was too old and adopt a puppy, but there are people who people who, because of illness or homelessness, feel they can’t care for a dog properly and therefore are taking the best of several bad choices. What you don’t want to do is to discourage surrenders to the point where people just abandon their dogs to die, or where they take them out and shoot them so that they won’t have that stigma of surrender attached to them. Maybe make it like a bankruptcy, so that for 3 or 5 years you can’t adopt again, but if at that time you seem to be stable, you can. And maybe add to that that a second surrender would lead to a permanent blacklisting from adoption.

  278. Loni

    Jun 10, 2015 at 2:41 pm

    No way. Being a Pet Parent comes with tons of responsibility and anyone who thinks that they can just turn a family member in, does not deserve the chance to do it to another animal. All animals are living crreatures that depend on us for the simple basics of life. No one should take that responsibility lightly. Per ownership is one that comes with many trials and tribulations but the joy that they bring to your life is so worth it.

  279. Carol

    Jun 10, 2015 at 2:34 pm

    I don’t think they should be allowed to adopt again if they “dump their pet at a kill shelter”. Not ever. Things happen and people are sometimes forced to give up their pets, but just dumping them anywhere is just not acceptable. There are shelters that do not euthanize animals. Take the time to find one like that. Or find someone to give the pet to. I can’t understand how anyone can just throw away a pet.

  280. Tina

    Jun 10, 2015 at 2:33 pm

    NO. BUT, there are extenuating circumstances at times in peoples’ lives..and I think based on just THIS story we are all judging these people. For ME personally, I would go to every effort to find somewhere for my dog. Social media, rescues and then as a last resort, a no kill center..even if I had to drive miles away and lie about my residence to do so. But that’s ME..and as of this time in my life (50’s), My pets have all been with me till death.

  281. earthchild70

    Jun 10, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    I had to give my boxer back to AABR because he bit my 3 day old daughter while she was in my arms. We thought we did everything right, but he just couldn’t handle the stress. It broke my heart and I think of him every day. I just couldn’t trust him after that. I was one of those judgemental people until it happened to me. He was re-adopted and I pray he’s happy and treated well.

  282. Vicki Tittle

    Jun 10, 2015 at 2:00 pm

    No way should they EVER be allowed to adopt again and yes, I
    am all for a registry!!!

  283. Candice

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:59 pm

    I think there is a simple answer to this, “No.” They should never be allowed to have another pet. People that just stop wanting one dog and will turn it into a shelter, even knowing it will probably be euthanized, will likely do it to another. There usually is never a good excuse to do it, the dog is to young and to much trouble, I moved, can’t take it with me, he’s to old and isn’t any fun anymore and don’t want to take care of it, etc., etc., etc., there are a million excuses and that’s all they are, excuses and nothing to do with the love or welfare of the dog. Dogs are not trash, they are not disposable, they are a family member and they are a commitment. Unless you are ready for that, don’t put an animal through what that lack of commitment can mean for them.

  284. Eileen

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:57 pm

    Having been through some trying times, I am a little more sympathetic to those who surrender a dog (with good reason). I am in no way supportive of allowing a person who adopted a puppy because it was all cuddly and cute, then surrendered the pet because it “grew” into a dog, to adopt another one. However, if they had to surrender the dog due to sickness, homelessness or other extremely trying circumstances, I would consider it if they can prove to me that their lives are under control. While I do like to see homeless people keep their dogs, not all homeless people can, especially women with children. In short, it really depends upon the reason they surrendered their dog AND if they surrendered their dog to a ‘No-kill” shelter.

  285. Juan Salazar

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:52 pm

    No. They should not be allow to adopt again, dumping a baby in a kill shelter is not acceptable. My self I will never give up my two babys they are part of me and they are the ones to have keep me alive till this day they the ones I live for. When we adopt a dog or a cat we make the comminment to love them and care for them till the day they day. Those humans who do that they sould be put on a list and never give them the oportunity to have a dog or cat or other pet in their selfish life.

  286. Barbara Morgenstern

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:21 pm

    People who surrender dogs to a shelter should be put on a list and never allowed to adopt again. These people do not deserve the companionship of animals who would put their owner’s life before their own in a dangerous situation.

  287. H Mueller

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:20 pm

    I don’t think they should be allowed to adopt again. They are advised that the animal will most likely be PTS, and they still turn them in. That is unforgivable in my book. As someone who has only had rescues all of my life, I cannot imagine someone doing this intentionally, knowing the outcome. I think there should be a registry for this, just as there should be a registry for animal abuse. This is animal abuse, in my opinion. Would they dump their children somewhere and leave them?? People who don’t take responsibility, should not have the opportunity to do this act of cruelty twice.

  288. Florence L Tipp

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:14 pm

    It depends on the reason they had to surrender the animal. I recently found myself adopted by a
    stray cat. Became very attached then found out she was pregnant. Got her through the pregnancy and she had 4 beautiful kittens. Everything, I thought, was going as planned. I was going to have her
    spayed and find homes for her kittens. At five weeks old they were all over my home, which was manageable, however, I have a five year Chawinnie who became annoyed that they were getting into
    her food and growled at one of her kittens and she viciously attacked my dog. I attempted to monitor
    this more closely. Remi, the cat continued to viciously attack Abbey and did not want Abbey in the house. I was forced to take Remi and her kittens to the Animal Protective Association. Remi has now been adopted and I believe her four kittens have been adopted.

  289. Barbara Chalmers

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:13 pm

    No, they should not be allowed to adopt again. If their response to a difficult situation is to surrender their dog, what will keep them from doing it again if things get rough? A dog or cat is a lifelong commitment. Those adopting should know that, you can’t line up and have your child put down if they are an inconvenience, why should a pet be any different. There should be a national registry and all owner surrenders should be compiled, so shelters and rescues have access to that information. No amount of time would make me trust them again.

  290. Daniel Davis

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:09 pm

    That decision should be made on an case by case basis. There are people who, through no fault of their own, have lost their residences and, thusly, lost their ability to reach out or even search for a no-kill shelter.

    I do agree that there should be a national registry. However this should be utilized to ONLY list the abusers (and I include those that surrender their dogs “because he sheds” and other such nonsense reasons.

  291. J.C.

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:05 pm

    There are many reasons why a person may take a pet to a shelter. During my many visits to the local Humane Society, I have seen intake reasons such as, “Owner died and family couldn’t keep dog,” “Dog was not good with children in the home,” “Family lost house and cannot keep dog.” I think it’s an entitled position to take to assume that everyone who is forced to take a dog to a shelter is doing so because they don’t care about the pet and deem them unworthy of adopting in the future. Circumstances change; people lose their jobs and can no longer afford to care for a pet properly; people have children and find out their dog is a danger to those children. What else are they supposed to do besides give that dog a chance to find a better home? My family has adopted half a dozen dogs throughout my lifetime and all of them have been incredible. However, this year I adopted a dog who ended up being a danger to my adopted cat and my dad’s adopted chihuahua because she had very strong prey drive. The shelter had told us she was good with dogs and would probably be fine with cats, but this was not the case. If I had kept her, it would’ve been a death sentence for one of the other animals in my home. She very nearly killed my dad’s dog and would’ve killed my cat if I ever made any mistake in separating them in different areas of the house. My cat lived in constant fear, unwilling to move from the kitchen counter most of the time. I loved that dog and I will always love her, but I couldn’t force my cat to live in fear for the rest of her life and put her safety at risk, knowing it was only a matter of time before she’d be killed. I wanted to find the dog a new home myself, but our contract with the shelter specified that we had to return her if we couldn’t keep her ourselves. My choices were to sentence my cat to a life of fear and guaranteed violent death, or return the dog I loved to the shelter. Should I never be able to adopt again because I made the heart-wrenching choice to protect the life of my cat by returning my dog to the shelter, where she had a chance to be adopted by a family who didn’t have a cat and would be able to love her without putting another animal’s life at risk? Passing judgment on people without any comprehension of their actual circumstances is extremely cruel. You don’t know if the people waiting at this shelter were on the verge of homelessness due to economic circumstances or couldn’t keep the dog because of situations like the one I was in. Yes, there are horrible people who dump their dogs for horrible reasons. Nobody would deny that. I am as outraged as anyone by some of the reasons people give for abandoning their pets. My point is that saying someone who is forced to give up a dog they love due to difficult circumstances is from that point on unworthy of the companionship of an adopted pet seems both classist and callous, and all it would accomplish to actually institute such a policy would be that the people who were turned away from adopting would go to breeders and puppy mills instead.

  292. Kristie Wood

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:03 pm

    I think it should be a case by case basis. It really depends on the reason for surrendering. None of us knows the reasons people surrender their pets from a picture in the media. Some people are heartless and don’t want to be bothered with the responsibility, but an overwhelming number of people do it because they don’t know what else to do. If you’re losing your home, lose your job, your infant has life threatening allergies, you become too ill or injured (with months/years of rehab with no one else to care for your pet) to physically be able to care for your pet…believe it or not, there ARE heart wrenching reasons that cause this to happen. And don’t say “I’d live in my car before I’d rehome my animals”, because seriously, trying to force a large or energetic dog to live in a vehicle is just insane. And also makes you sound holier than thou.

    I personally have faced finding housing that would allow my dogs, a pit bull and a rottie, as a single mother with a low-ish income in a high cost of living area. I managed to make it happen, but it was HARD, and I was not sure I’d be able to pull it off either time.

    Don’t judge. Instead of condemning people who had to make a heartbreaking choice, try educating people about their options. Work with people to help them place their animals. Not everyone knows there’s another alternative.

  293. Kym Smither

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:03 pm

    HELL NO!!!

  294. Janet G Heinle

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:02 pm

    NO , ABSOLUTELY NOT! There are serial dumpers love them as puppies then not after they grow, people are cruel and should not be allowed to do this!

  295. Derinda nilsson

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:01 pm

    I feel no one that gives up there pet should be able to adopt again for at least 15 yrs. For the time that there previous pet would have lived. How could anyone do this? I would move heaven and earth to keep my pet under any reason. It would show that I’m not responseable enough to care for pet or a child. To me it is the same neglect.

  296. Susan Jones

    Jun 10, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    I volunteer by networking dogs at a high kill facility in South Carolina. Dogs have been surrendered because of the following: moving, can’t take the dog; can’t take care of the dog; dog is too old; dog has too many health problems; dog is pregnant; dog just had puppies with the puppies; hunting dogs that are no longer needed; dog has grown up and is no longer cute–they haven’t provided any structure or training, so now they don’t want to be bothered; etc., etc., etc. So, I say if you surrender a dog, YOU SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT ANOTHER DOG EVER! Some of these dogs make it out, they are rescued, fostered or adopted. However, many sweet, loving dogs that have done nothing wrong, are euthanized daily. My heart breaks every week, and I cry over the dogs who don’t make it out. To me, they at least deserve someone to mourn their death.

  297. Christina Whiting

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:56 pm

    I believe that if an individual surrenders a pet to a kill shelter they should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. A sentient being should not be tossed away like garbage. To paraphrase Gandhi, the morals of a people or nation can be be measured by the way its animals are treated.

  298. Jason

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:54 pm

    Depends on the circumstance. But, barring some extreme (temporary) hardship that prompted the surrender in the first place, they should go on a list so that future shelters can consider if they wish to let them adopt again. The restriction should be broader though and encompass dog breeders and puppy retailers. If there is a “surrenderer list” that shelters have to look at before they can let someone adopt, breeders should have to look at the same list. And they should have some liability for selling puppies to persistent surrender offenders!

  299. Christine Eustaquio

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:52 pm

    People who surrender their pets to a kill shelter should be blacklisted! They should never be allowed to own a pet again.

  300. Jordan Neff

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:50 pm

    I agree with you ladies and gentlemen up there at top, but what about those who have not been able to keep their homes or apartments? What would you do if you had to downsize just to have a roof over your heads and that place didn’t allow you to have a pet of any kind? Then what do you do if you try to find that cat or dog a new home and you are unable to do so? Then what? Should you just say oh because you did this now you can’t have another dog through addoption!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about it. I hate people who do it don’t get me wrong. But I try to see the whole picture and not parts of it.

  301. Mary W

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:48 pm

    We have a year and half old Beagle who has stolen our hearts. At this point in my life I can’t imagine anything which would force me to give her up. However, sometimes our circumstances change in ways we couldn’t have foreseen. While the majority of those who surrender pets do so for selfish reasons, if a national registry is put into place I do think there should be an appeal process for extenuating circumstances. Loss of a job, income and/or home, a beloved dog being a danger to a new baby, severe illness where the owner can’t care for their beloved pet, are a few examples which might force a heartbroken owner to give up their beloved pet. While circumstances such as these, and others, may be overcome by many, for a few they will be unsurmountable.

  302. Valerie Miller

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:42 pm

    Absolutely not! I have three dogs and they are my family. I do not feel that anyone who dumps their dog or cat at a animal shelter should ever be allowed to adopt again. Far too many excuses for dumping their animals, no time, had a baby, new boyfriend or husband doesn’t like the animal. When you have an animal it is for life, and maybe you should rethink a few times before you want to adopt an animal. Think of the responsibility you have to undertake. The caring,loving, feeding, vet visits. An animal be it cat or dog is not disposable at your convience, it is a lifetime commitment to that dog or cat. They gives us their love unconditionally, and their loyalty. A pet is a family member and you don’t discard family members. So, NO I do not feel they should be able to adopt again.

  303. Stacey

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    Back in 2008 I adopted an eight-month-old English Bulldog/Spaniel mix who came from an abusive home. In mine and my husband’s eyes, she was the most adorable thing in the world. She was with us for six years. In those six years, she bit all my neighbors who came in my house or near it, she ruined anything in her path and started peeing in the house. We loved her anyway and tried everything to get her to be “normal”. Nothing worked. When we walked her and there was someone coming in the opposite direction, we crossed the street because she attacked that person or dog (but never a cat – go figure). We loved her every second we had her. Until she started attacking me. She suddenly became very protective of my husband and not even I was allowed near him. She bit me so bad one time that it went to the bone. I forgave her because I blamed it on everybody else. Then one day she was sitting on my lap and was trying to get my husband’s attention. He didn’t feel like playing with her (there was a death in his family that day) and so she stood up on my lap and started growling and showing her teeth at me. I couldn’t get up and the more my husband told her to stop and tried to bring her attention to something else, the more agitated she got. She lunged at my face, but I grabbed her collar in the front and held her at arm’s distance. She kept trying to attack me. When I finally got up from the chair, she was coming after me. I kept turning my back toward her and she was also going in circles, jumping on me, trying to bite me. She finally stopped when, the only thing that would grab her attention away from me was string beans (she liked them). She ate the string beans and went on the couch and just looked at me as if to say “Yeah, and?” I told my husband that when I come home from work the next day I don’t want to see her here. I made arrangements for him to bring her to a no-kill shelter the next day. I never saw her again. Like I said, we tried everything to rehabilitate her, but nothing worked. We are not bad dog parents.
    So, to say we should never be allowed to adopt again, is not fair at all. People have different reasons for doing things and nobody loves dogs more than we do.

  304. Jennifer

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:37 pm

    No way a dog is a life long commitment

  305. Jeannie Taylor

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:36 pm

    If they surrender their pet they should never be allowed to own a pet again. Put them on a do not own list.

  306. Leslie

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:32 pm

    Such an irresponsible act should prohibit them from ever adopting a dog from the shelter system EVER again. There are people there that even drop their dogs off for vacations rather than paying a dog sitter or boarding and just hope the dogs will be there when they get back and if not they adopt a new one. Never knowing if their dog was killed or adopted. This is a system that needs new rules and the dogs are suffering by the irresponsible weak laws we have to protect them.

  307. Pam Hensley

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    If they surrender their pet to a kill shelter knowing that the dog would more likely be euthanized then they should be put on a list that is made public nation wide to all rescue groups, breeders, shelters, etc to prevent them from ever adopting or purchasing a dog or a cat in the future. If they did it once, they will do it again. These same people would probably surrender their own children if they could legally get away with it.

  308. Sharon M

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    No. There are rescues out there for every type of dog. If you can’t take the time to find a good home and know that will be put down. You should not be able to get more pets.

  309. Susan

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:26 pm

    Never say never… Sometimes people actually “grow up” and understand and regret what they have done in the past. Many people develop empathy and compassion as they mature and would be wonderful pet parents after being irresponsible previously.

    I know that it would be difficult to sort though applications to determine if a second chance is warranted, but I think back to how easily I accepted my ex giving away a dog many years ago (to an acquaintance) and know how devastated I would be now… If I could not adopt, then the alternative is worse- to have a dog in my life I would have to turn to back yard breeders or pet shops- thus encouraging more irresponsible breeding.

  310. teressa kirk

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    no thay should not.

  311. Trisha Herbert

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:16 pm

    No, any one who can part with a Dog and no matter what reason, dose’nt deserve to have another, I for one would never trust them,
    A dog is not a part time toy,mits part of your home and part of your life, you would not take you Kiddy to a Shelter, so why take your Dog, if you are poor and I have been , you can still find enought to feed your Dog, I did,
    So no never again to have a Dog

  312. Marnie Schwartz

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:15 pm

    I have had to do this twice. Both times an a cat who was already living with me couldn’t deal with the new animal(s). The first time I worked for two years to get the two cats to get along and the spraying, fighting, etc. was too much. The second time my cat wouldn’t come into the house at all and I had to feed her outside. I probably should have thought better the second time; I really believed my cat would be OK with a dog as she had before. I am fortunate to have no-kill shelters in my area where I could take the animals. Both times it was a painful and heart breaking situation. I believe surrendering a pet for a valid reason should not bar someone from having the opportunity to adopt again when conditions change. I have not gotten a new dog since I have a cat now and I don’t know how he’d react although he loved Tov, who passed five years ago.

  313. Oscar Madison

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:12 pm

    I think it depends on the circumstance that made them surrender the pet in the first place. Not all people that do that have malice in their heart and they may really in truly love their animals. Give em a break for heaven’s sake.

  314. Ronni Gee

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    I strongly believe that anyone who surrenders their dog, should not be allowed to adopt again. Even though there may be extenuating circumstances, those who surrender a pet should be barred from having the chance to adopt again. I would rather sell my home than give up either of my two dogs. They are both rescues and suffered terribly prior to me giving them a home. Dogs once adopted should have the assurance that they have found their ‘forever’ home. Their unconditional love for me demands the same in return.

  315. Kathy

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:08 pm

    I would love to see a national “DO NOT ADOPT TO” registry! It should include anyone convicted of animal abuse as well as anyone who turns in a dog at a kill shelter. Most cities offer other options, and national rescue groups try to help out as well. If anyone can nonchalantly leave a family pet to die in a kill shelter, then a public list to identify them so that rescue groups, breeders and other shelters will know that this is NOT a person that should have another dog.

  316. teressa kirk

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:08 pm

    no they should not be able to ever adopt again, they did it once they will do it again. my dog is shelter dog she was a year old and had been beaten and abused and i new it but she came to me right away and we have had her now 15yrs. she came out of her being scared and untrusting in about 2 months she is so loved.

  317. Sandi

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:06 pm

    They absolutely should NOT be able to adopt again. I have a dog from that south Fl shelter. She was left there by her firmer owner to die. She is a German Shepherd at least 10 years old. They left her after using her to breed puppies. She had mamory cancer, heart worms, and a thyroid problem. None of which they wanted to deal with or heal. People who walk into a shelter and hand over the leash and dump their famly members should NEVER be able to do that to another living being again. I can’t begin to imagine the fear those animals feel being left behind like that. Shameful and sad.

  318. Aideen

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    Education and access to resources are always so important when it comes to everything and anything including adopting a pet. I understand that life brings hurdles and can get very tough and can be made tougher when you care for animal. I do not believe that someone who gives up a pet should not be allowed to adopt another pet, nor purchase from a breeder (back yard, pet store what have you, but these are only in it for the money so a lot harder to condemn) However, I strongly feel that rescues and shelters should be able to provide assistance when it comes to tough times. For example providing a temporary home until the owner gets back on their feet, know as many positive reinforcement trainers that provide services at a discount rate if there is a behavioral issue, connect adopters with a variety of vets that can also adjust pricing etc. These are the types of incentives that people need in order to adopt and remain committed. There is also the issue of if an adopter sells or gives away their dog to another individual, claims their pet died then adopts another one. Or there is also the worry that if people are in the habit of “trading” their dog in for a new one, if rules are put in place these people might do the unthinkable when they get “fed up” of their dog. There are so many pros and cons and a lot of it depends on the honesty of others which isn’t always present. How can you regulate the “unregulateable”?

  319. dee

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    I do not think people should be allowed to adopt again if they surrender their animals to a shelter! That being said I think we should put more effort into getting people to spay and neuter your animals . This might help somewhat with pet overpopulation! It makes me sick to think that people could just throw away a member of their family like that! I have two dogs and two cats and I made a commitment to these fur babies that I would love and care for them always!

  320. Paula Faria

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    No they should never be allowed to adopt again! Animals are not toys, or accessories that one gets tired and turns them in or dumps them out in the wild to get killed by other animals. The people that turn in pets into shelters, their names need to put on a registry so that when they try to adopt again, their names are flagged and the application is denied.

  321. Susan

    Jun 10, 2015 at 12:02 pm

    Never should they be allowed to adopt! If they make the effort to te-home the pet with people they have vetted then by all means. I found myself in a spot many years ago of having to find a home for my dog. And I did, the loss of her still hurts today and it never occurred to me to take her to a shelter. Don’t want to hear any excuses about working full time, I was and yet I loved her so much I had to do the best I could for her. And I never got another dog until I could make this a forever home….valuable and painful lesson learned! And so I still say no!

  322. Quwanda Tukes

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:59 am

    I have mix feelings. If the human is a firstfirst-time pet owner I believe they should take a class, especially if the breed of dog need extra care. I believe all out going dogs should be microchiped. So that any adopted dogs are abandoned it could be traced back to the human. As for as dogs that do not go through the shelter system, animal control should go door to door to record the dog population (like a census for animals) this could prevent unknown owners abandoned their pets. Too many cases of the act comes a ban of being a pet owner.

    I got a dog not knowing the extra care it needed but is it hard but I would never give her up. She is part of my family and the choice was mine to make without researching to make the dog is the right fit for me.

  323. Jen

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:54 am

    A registry would create more dumped at roadside and “free to good home” posts. Both are more dangerous than being kindly euthanized.

    I need to really consider this, I don’t want people to dump at shelters either. I would prefer stronger laws restricting breeding, enforcing spay/neuter, and stronger community support for shelters. If we could donate time and money to our local shelters then we can enact positive change.

  324. Lilibet

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:53 am

    I think it depends on the circumstances. My husband and I were separated, and I lived in an apartment (no pets rule) and he had our dog; when he was killed in a car accident. I spent over a month looking for a home for my girl, to no avail. You see, she was a senior, and no one wanted an older dog. So I had to surrender her to my local SPCA. It broke my heart. When I moved to a house but worked full time, I adopted cats. Now retired after 35+ years, I have adopted a dog (setter) I have always wanted, and will keep until she or I die. Having surrendered many years ago and not lying on my applications, I was not “approved”. If I go first, I have made arrangements for her safekeeping.

  325. Linda B

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:53 am

    No they should not be allowed to get another pet. I volunteer with a rescue and it’s heartbreaking to hear the reasoning behind a surrender… “the dog is too big” … “too much trouble” … “no time” … etc etc…
    A pet is a commitment, the life of the animal commitment. Thick n thin… you see it thru or don’t get one to begin with.

  326. Lynn

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:50 am

    Absolutely not! An animal is not a disposable object. It speaks volumes about a person’s character if they are not capable of making a commitment to an animal. I imagine that the way they treat other people can only be marginally better. Animals depend on us for love, shelter, protection and food. If a person cannot provide all of these requirements, they need to find a safe place that will. Not a killing shelter as a way to solve the person’s problems. I would no more bring my dogs and cat to a shelter than I would have my children.

  327. Joyce Braun

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:49 am

    I love animals. People who just throw them away should not be allowed to adopt again, UNLESS there were extraordinary circumstances. I see the neglect dogs face daily, even those from what looks like wonderful families… dogs serve their purpose; you would think the least they could do is care for them, brush, bathe and get their teeth cleaned! The greatest horror is that of aging dogs, that breaks my heart when they are neglected and murdered, ’cause they are no longer serving a purpose for owners. Just so sad.

  328. Jean Burkhardt

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:47 am

    I do believe that these should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. I do know that a very small number of people cannot keep their dogs BUT they are the minority. As it was said above-when you adopt-it’s for LIFE. If you’re not familiar with the breed you are adopting-research them first. Try and find out also when the dog was surrendered-did they give any useful information at all such as age-are the gentle with children and/or other dogs and cats? Some people adopt with the idea that-“If we don’t like it-bring it back”. How horrible is that? I know when we adopted our husky mix Bradley in May 2013-8 weeks after losing our Dobie/GSD mix Macy-I looked into his cage-he leaned into my hand and looked at me with those beautiful eyes-I was in LOVE! I’m not saying it was perfect at the beginning but together we learned and now he is the sweetest boy on earth. Sorry for the long post but NO-NO MORE ADOPTIONS AFTER SURRENDERING A DOG!!!

  329. Diane Jacobson

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:47 am

    There is absolutely no way any person be allowed to adopt again!!! Our dog and cat are part of our family and nothing less.

  330. joyce cahill

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:43 am

    No,no and no. These irresponsible pet owners make me sick.

  331. Linda Escobedo

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:42 am

    No, they should not be able to adopt again. It’s like using abortion as a form of birth control. There should be a National Registry for these poor animals. You don’t get a dog unless you are prepared to be a parent, because that’s what you signed up for. Except they don’t talk back and love you unconditionally!!! Even when you are grouchy!!!

  332. Alain

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:42 am

    Not only do I think they should never be allowed to adopt another animal as long as they’re alive, I think that they should be euthanized as well! You dump your furbaby at a kill shelter, knowing they are likely to be killed immediately, you don’t deserve to take another breath, either! My heart broke at that picture knowing what was going to happen to those animals. I would have loved to have taken a 2×4 to each of them for their heinous disregard for life! I truly hope that each and every one of them gets their payback–in as inhumane a means as what those poor babies were going to be subjected to! Effing b@stards, all of those people!

  333. joyce cahill

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:41 am

    No,no and no. These irresponsible pet owners make me sick

  334. Judy Jacobs

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:41 am

    Surrendering a pet arises from many situations. Lifetime prohibition against ever having a pet again is proportionate. People take jobs and lose jobs but are expected to find work again. People marry and divorce, but can marry again. Even people who are convicted of killing another human being often get another chance in society, and someone who, for whatever reason, brings an animal to a shelter should not have a stricter lifetime future.

  335. Janet

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:39 am

    What about those people who would love to be able to keep their dog but due to current unfortunate circumstances (loss of job, home, illness), can no longer care for the dog? Are they to be forever banned from having a pet to love and care for again if and when circumstances turn around? Not everyone who surrenders a pet is doing so because they simply want to or the pet has become a burden. Yes, most people in these situations would likely at least try non-kill shelter options first but, what if they can’t find a solution that way. You’d rather they not surrender the dog but let it suffer from lack of veterinary care, food, or attention or let it “fend for itself.” Let’s not put everyone in the same barrel, here, folks.

  336. lora j batson

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:38 am

    No in her again!!! Done it once probably do it again!

  337. Mary Dziedzinski

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:37 am

    No. They are not disposable-should not be able to adopt again.

  338. Josephine Hill

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:35 am


  339. Carla Smith

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:35 am

    NO NO NO but how do you enforce that? They would only throw them out in the field, parks, highways to fend for themselves. There needs to be a national DO NOT ADOPT list for every state.

  340. lora j batson

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:35 am

    Never allowed again! If they gave it up before who can say that they would not do it again!

  341. Josephine Hill

    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:34 am



    Jun 10, 2015 at 11:32 am


  343. Angela

    Jun 10, 2015 at 10:44 am

    I don’t think they should be allowed to adopt again, no. There should definitely be something in place to prevent it. When you adopt a dog, you make a commitment to that dog; a commitment to love and to cherish it, to give it the life it deserves and to overcome any issues that dog may have… issues undoubtedly caused by other humans. I adopted my dog back in September 2014. He had already had two homes by the time we found each other. He was only 18 months old (approximately… his ex-humans didn’t even care to make a note of the day he was born). When he came to me, life was made complete. After a few weeks, I discovered he had “man issues” where he had obviously been hurt by a man in one (or both) of his previous homes. I called the rescue centre as they had not informed me about this issue, they said I could return him (they do not euthanise there). I replied that I could never do that, I had committed to him and I would see it through and help him to learn to trust again. He is mine for life. There should be maybe more discussion between the rescue centre and the humans wishing to adopt, about how they would deal with any issues which could arise. Some humans just do not do the research and do not have the patience. Many humans go for an aesthetically pleasing dog, regardless of its character, they do not find out about what their particular dog needs. A dog should not have to suffer, have to die, because of idiot humans. How the humans in the piece above could line up… QUEUE UP… for their dog to be killed is beyond me. I don’t know how they can sleep at night.

  344. Connie DiBiase

    Jun 10, 2015 at 10:41 am

    Yes if they surrender a pet to a kill shelter they should never be allowed to adopt another pet. Its terrible the dog or cat grow to love you and then you just throw them away like trash it breaks my heart. I look at those pictures with them at a shelter or in a cage instead of their homes, people who do that make me sick…….

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