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Will Chinese Pet Food Production Ever Be Safe?

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According to Business Standard, today, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture are shutting down several poultry farms in the Shandong Province where excessive amounts of antibiotics are routinely given to live chickens before slaughter. Chickens are given these excessive amounts of antibiotic drugs, including amantadine and ribavirin, in order to survive unhealthy and overcrowded living conditions.

Bi Meijia, the chief economic engineer and spokesman for the Ministry of Agriculture, told reporters, “In the following steps, we will enhance supervision over the entire poultry raising industry, raise the quality of the industry and notably scale up the crackdown on those who feed animals excessive amounts of antibiotics and veterinary drugs.”

Time after time after time, Chinese manufacturing practices have proven to be unreliable, even unsafe – and now the health and safety of our pets is in question. What may appear on the surface as a series of isolated incidents, when viewed in the big picture, is actually an entire industry that is failing us.

The Chinese government makes claims of safety and quality, yet the farmers and manufacturers show us otherwise. Until the Chinese take preemptive action, stiffer laws, increased factory audits, and create an atmosphere in which farmers and factories are required to do the right thing, we will continue to choose American-made products for our families – including the furriest family members.

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  1. Tracy

    Apr 8, 2014 at 7:11 am

    No i dont think the chinese pet food production is a safe.

  2. Peggy E.

    Dec 16, 2013 at 12:28 am

    Chinese produced pet foods will not be safe in the near future. The corruption is too ingrained in their culture,and dogs are part of the diet in that country. In spite of all we have seen so far, the USDA will be allowing human chicken products to be processed in China, if the chickens were raised here. How would we know that the chickens really are from the U.S.A.? the same way we know about the actual safety of other imported foods…we won’t!

  3. Vivienne.....

    Oct 24, 2013 at 11:40 am

    The best best any only way to be safe is NOT to buy any food line that comes from China…..

  4. athena howell

    Jul 31, 2013 at 9:40 am

    I don’t understand why our government continues to let products from China flw into our country. They are clearly unsafe. How many people and pets need to die? Ridiculous….

  5. Carol Batten

    Jul 13, 2013 at 9:17 pm

    I would hope for the animals sake they give them better living conditions.There is nothing they can do that would ever get me to buy their treats.

  6. heather Blair

    Jul 11, 2013 at 11:32 pm

    VITALIFE Jerky treats poisoned my dog and she nearly died from these treats that say Made In Canada! They come from Thailand and Vitalife has yet to pay my bills for my dog and her sickness!

  7. Yvonne McGehee

    Jul 11, 2013 at 11:28 am

    It is established brands that supplied the tainted chicken strips that killed and made ill so many US pets. Brand has nothing to do with it, they import and put their label on Chinese products.

  8. Mary Williams

    Jul 11, 2013 at 6:00 am

    I think it is best to always buy from an established brand, they would have too much to lose if something is found that is not right, their brand would be tainted for years.

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