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Woman Saves Two Dogs, Posts This Perfect Ad on Craigslist

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Sadly, a vast majority of Craigslist postings in the “Pets” category are people who either don’t know any better or simply don’t care that rehoming or selling animals on the popular classified ads website very often puts the dogs in dangerous homes.

But, every once in a while, someone comes along and posts something that’s simply perfect.

This is one of those times.

A good samaritan happened upon two filthy, rambunctious dogs wandering alone, without microchips or tags, near Atlanta, Georgia (and Atlanta’s busy highways). In fear for their lives, she rescued the pair. Because of their appearance and behavior, she knew that taking them to a shelter or animal control would likely result in them being euthanized. So, she took them into her home, cleaned them up, and taught them how to be good dogs – and it didn’t take her long at all!

Then, she took to Craigslist, in hopes of reaching the scum that dumped these poor dogs on the streets.

Here is a screenshot of her ad:



  1. BMH

    Jun 9, 2018 at 11:05 am

    But unfortunately what she did is VERY illegal. Pets are considered personal property and must be reported to local authorities in case someone IS looking for them. If the pair had been on the loose in the elements for awhile it would be easy for them to be matted, depending on their coat. As far as bad manners? Come on. Not everyone teaches their dogs good manners.

    Don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t go against laws set up for a purpose or you may find yourself in jail for attempting a good deed.

  2. Doreen Sevilla

    Oct 8, 2014 at 2:52 am

    You’re the best.. may The Lord shower you with all the blessings aside from the 2 dogs Lord gave you..

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